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Justin Highbarger
Grade Literature

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Highbarger, 2

Have you ever met a self-obsessed, funny kid? If you have, hes no Tom Sawyer. Tom
Sawyer, the main character in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is a perfect example of a dynamic
character. In the beginning of the book, Tom is a selfish, manipulating boy. One example of
that is when he goaded Ben into white-washing the fence that Tom was supposed to white-wash.
Another one was when he traded tickets for a Bible with kids using cheap toys. During the book,
he does quite a few things that change him from a selfish boy to a sometimes-caring boy.
In the beginning of the book, Tom changes into a person that has a conscience by witnessing
a murder. Witnessing a murder can change a person in any way imaginable. Huck and Tom see
Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson in the town graveyard. However, Injun Joe makes it look as
though his colleague, Muff Potter did the deed. Tom does not speak up for Muff. Since Tom
does not speak up, his conscience disturbs him in his sleep. Tom's fearful secret and gnawing
conscience disturbed his sleep for as much as a week after this
This proves that Tom does
have a conscience, and does care for others.
In the middle of the book, Tom worries for Aunt Polly after he decides to become a pirate
with Huck and Joe. Then, Huck and Joe admit to being homesick. Tom goads them into staying.
Then, "He flew along unfrequented alleys, and shortly found himself at his aunt's back fence."

It seems Tom is the one homesick, but he intends to leave a note saying that he and the others are
alive. This proves that he doesnt want people to worry. He is caring for someone else, which is
the opposite from selfishness.
In the end of the book, Tom worries for someone else when he is in a cave with Becky. After
walking a while, Tom and Becky start realizing that theyre lost. Becky starts to lose hope. She
thinks she will never be with her mother again, never see her friends again, etc. etc. Then, Tom
does something surprising. Every time Tom made an examination, Becky would watch his face
for an encouraging sign, and he would say cheerily---Oh, it's all right. This ain't the one, but
we'll come to it right away!"
Amazing! Tom is trying to cheer Becky up, and make her think
that they will get out of the cave! This proves that Tom has a heart for others, and will
encourage people in need.
All three of these examples prove that Tom has changed from a self-obsessed, snotty boy, to a
caring, loving boy. People really can change, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer proves that.

Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (New York: Modern Library Paperback Edition, 2001), 89.

Ibid., 114.

Ibid., 222.
Highbarger, 3

Tom started from a selfish boy, and changed into a caring, sometimes kind, respectable man.
Hes not entirely selfless now, but change is gradual. In conclusion, you dont have to witness a
murder to change, but you can change into a caring person.

Highbarger, 4

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. New York: Modern Library Paperback Edition,

Highbarger, 5

Outline 1 First Draft
I. Introduction
A. Have you ever met a self-obsessed, funny kid?
B. If you have, hes no Tom Sawyer.
C. Tom Sawyer, the main character in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is a perfect example of a dynamic
D. In the beginning of the book, Tom is a selfish, manipulating boy.
E. He goaded Ben into white-washing the fence that Tom was supposed to white-wash.
F. He also traded tickets for a Bible with kids using cheap toys.
G. During the book, he does quite a few things that change him from a selfish boy to a sometimes-caring boy.
II. Body paragraph 1
A. In the first third of the book, Tom witnesses a murder.
B. Witnessing a murder can change a person in any way imaginable.
C. Tom and Huck see Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson in the town graveyard.
D. However, Injun Joe makes it look as though his colleague, Muff Potter did the deed.
E. Tom does not speak up for Muff.
F. Toms conscience disturbs him in his sleep.
G. From page 89: Tom's fearful secret and gnawing conscience disturbed his sleep for as much as a week after
H. This proves that Tom does have a conscience, and does care for others.
III. Body paragraph 2
A. A few weeks later, Tom decides to become a pirate with Huck Finn and Joe Harper.
B. Then, Huck and Joe admit to being homesick.
C. Tom goads them into staying.
D. But then, on page 114, "He flew along unfrequented alleys, and shortly found himself at his aunt's back
E. It seems Tom is the one homesick, but he intends to leave a note saying that he and the others are alive.
F. This proves that he doesnt want people to worry.
G. He is caring for someone else, which is the opposite from selfishness.
IV. Body paragraph 3
A. Near the end of the book, Tom goes into a cave with Becky, his girlfriend, and ends up losing his way.
B. Deep down in the cave, Becky starts to lose hope.
C. She thinks she will never be with her mother again, never see her friends again, etc. etc.
Highbarger, 6

D. But, on page 222 it says, Every time Tom made an examination, Becky would watch his face for an
encouraging sign, and he would say cheerily---Oh, it's all right. This ain't the one, but we'll come to it right
E. Amazing!
F. Tom is trying to cheer Becky up, and make her think that they will get out of the cave!
G. Tom is actually caring for Becky that he lies and encourages her.
H. This proves that Tom has a heart for others, and will encourage people in need.
V. Conclusion
A. All three of these examples prove that Tom has changed from a self-obsessed, snotty boy, to a caring, loving
B. People really can change, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer proves that.
C. Tom started from a selfish boy, and changed into a caring, sometimes kind respectable man.
D. In conclusion, you dont have to witness a murder to change, but you can change into a caring person.

Highbarger, 7

Outline 2 Sentence Length

Highbarger, 8

Highbarger, 9

Outline 3 Transitions and Variety of Sentence Starters

Highbarger, 10

Outline 4 Content of Body and Mechanics

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