8082 God Is Love....

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... through Bertha Dudde

God is love....
Everything arose from God's strength of love.... e imself is
the !rimary sour"e of strength# is fundamental element is love#
thus e is love imself.... $nd yet e is a Being Whi"h %or&s
and "reates %ith %ise 'udgment.... e is a Being Whi"h !uts (ts
thoughts into effe"t# Whi"h "onstantly )rings forth ne% "reations
that radiate is strength of love into infinity. *his# ho%ever#
al%ays serves its !ur!ose# it is not ar)itrarily effe"tive )ut its
result is determined )y God's %isdom and might....
God is love.... +ou humans %ill not understand this
statement as long as you are una)le to "om!rehend the nature
of love# %hi"h ne"essitates sha!ing yourselves into love.
For you %ill al%ays loo& at love as a "hara"teristi" %hi"h you
"onfer to the highest and most !erfe"t )eing. But that this Being
is love Itself %ill remain in"om!rehensi)le to you as long as
you live on earth as a human )eing. $nd you all emerged from
this love# you are emanated strength# you yourselves are love in
your fundamental nature.... )ut li&e%ise you are )eings %ith the
a)ility of thought and will.... the eviden"e of an ,entity'....
en"e# nothing arose and %ill "ontinue to arise
ha!ha-ardly.... Everything is very %isely "onsidered. all things
are the thoughts of a su!remely !erfe"t Being Whi"h you
humans "all ,God'.... $nd this Being re!rodu"ed (tself.... (t
)rought forth the same )eings from %ithin (tself# (t emanated (ts
strength of love and gave it forms.... (t "reated....
Everything "reated )y God is and remains love in its
fundamental su)stan"e. (t is and remains strength %hi"h shall
)e"ome effe"tive in a""ordan"e %ith divine %ill.... (f# ho%ever# it
is !revented from )eing effe"tive then divine order %ill )e
*he !rin"i!le of love %ill )e turned into the o!!osite. *he
Being Whi"h is love# %isdom and might (tself.... thus ,God'....
%ill )e resisted# %hi"h the )eings e had )rought to life "ould
indeed a""om!lish )e"ause e had also endo%ed them %ith free
%ill as is images....
But in that "ase the )eing %ill leave its la%ful order.... it %ill
turn itself into the o!!osite.... it %ill "ertainly "arry on e/isting#
)ut it %ill no longer allo% the strength of love to )e"ome
effe"tive and that %ill signify solidifi"ation# it %ill signify a
standstill# it %ill signify the death of %hat on"e radiated as ,life'
from God....
*he human )eing's fundamental su)stan"e is love# yet on the
%hole he is still in o!!osition to the One Who had emanated him
as a )eing.... $nd therefore he does not re"ognise what love
is.... For this reason the nature of God# Who is love Himself#
is also in"om!rehensi)le to him. For love is simultaneously light#
Whi"h# ho%ever# !rovides little enlightenment for the human
)eing %hile his love is still fee)le.
en"e he is also unable to re"ognise God's nature# he "an
only )elieve the information he re"eives regarding it# )ut as soon
as su"h re!orts a""ord to the truth they %ill also enlighten him#
for then he %ill endeavour to "hange his nature into love# and he
%ill also turn to the Being Whi"h is su!remely !erfe"t and )egin
to re"ognise (t as the ,Eternal 0ove'....
But he %ill never )e a)le to fathom God's nature# for e is
the eternal centre of strength# %hereas all "reated )eings are
emanated )ut very tiny sparks of strength %hi"h %ould never )e
a)le to )ehold the !rimal fire %ithout "easing to e/ist....
$ !erson %ould )e a)le to !er"eive the love# %isdom and
might of a !er"e!ti)le God on earth already if he is of good %ill
and o!ens his heart for the illumination of love again )y the
Being he originated from.... For this su!remely !erfe"t Being
reveals (tself to is living "reations....
$nd the greatest eviden"e of love of the One# Who is love
imself# is that e reveals imself# that e !rovides is "reated
)eings %ith information a)out imself as far as they are a)le to
gras! it.... and that e there)y %ants to re1ignite their love to
ma&e it effe"tive again in line %ith the fundamental element....
so that is living "reations %ill re1enter the eternal order in order
to "reate and %or& as it %as in the )eginning....
2u)lished )y friends of ne% revelations of God 3(nformation#
do%nload of all translated revelations# theme1)oo&lets at4
3 htt!455en.)ertha1dudde.org5.

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