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“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, Says the Lord of hosts”.


Chapter #462
October 2009

From the Heart

Important Dates
of your President
October 2009
3rd Chapter Mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast
Chapter Elections
@ 8:00 a.m.) then Ride to Tony Packo’s As we prepare for the election of our Chapter
Officers, I thought it important to go back to the CMA
Handbook and refresh all of us on the opportunity at
10th Cookout @ Wulpi’s
Chapter elections are an important part of the function
21-25th CMA National Event at Iron
of a chapter. Those who are nominated for an office
Mountain ,Hatfield, AK
should be willing to take the office, not forced into it
Contact-Missy Parmenter
because they are the only ones who will do the job.
870.389.6196 Remember to pray for God’s direction as we prepare
for nominations and the upcoming election.
November 2009 If there are any questions about any of the
7th Chapter Mtg. @ 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast nomination/election guidelines, please feel free to
@ 8:00 a.m.) contact myself, or Glenn Artley (CMA Area Rep), Glenn
can be reached at 574.320.4036. We will be happy to
assist you in any way we can.
Chapter Constitution: Article 9. Election of Officers
For more information on the events,
please contact: Jack Lorence or Ben Hun- Nominations will be made by secret ballot one month
sicker before the elections (October)
Members may only make one nomination per office per
• Persons nominated for office are to be notified and
can accept or decline.
Pastors of churches are not permitted to hold an office other than Chaplain.
Elections will take place at the November regularly scheduled chapter meeting.
Terms of office will be for one year from January to December. Office is not limited to one
Active chapter members must be chapter members for at least six months before they are
eligible for nominations and voting.
• Active means:
ο Having taken part in at least three chapter meetings in the previous six months.
Having worn only the CMA back patch or logo for a period of six months prior to an election.
Sign in sheets from chapter meetings may be used to determine eligibility.
The minimum age for nominating, voting, or holding a chapter office is defined as the age at
which a member is old enough to hold a license to operate a motor vehicle in their state.
Anyone wearing any back patch (Christian or secular) other than the official CMA back patch
is considered to be a guest of the local chapter.
ο Guests are welcome, but have no chapter membership privileges (i.e. nominating, voting,
holding office, or any position).
ο Votes shall be cast by secret written ballot. A simple majority vote shall be necessary to
fill any office.
Vacancies in any office shall be filled by nominations, and elections from the chapter. This
term will be until the end of the current year.
Chapter officers are elected by the chapter to help lead and coordinate the chapters’
involvement in various activities. Chapter officers are a reflection of the CMA Ministry and
represent the quality of the chapter because of their visible spiritual leadership and their
dedication to the ministry. They should work together as a team and promote unity
throughout the chapter.
As chapter leaders, they should wear their back patch or CMA logo at all times when
representing CMA, realizing the honor and integrity that it represents.
Chapter officers should take the lead in setting the example for chapter members in
attendance at secular events and CMA sponsored events. They should also set an example of
consistent financial giving to the chapter and CMA National.

The qualities of a chapter officer are:

Godliness, Respected among their peers, Proven worker, One who makes the Ministry of CMA a
priority, Active in the CMA vision of evangelism and Christian growth, Involved in both secular
and CMA events, Teachable spirit, Positive influence, Full of faith, Full of wisdom, Good
reputation, Strong desire to be led by the Spirit of God, Responsible, Leads by positive
influence, and Does the best job possible.

Being a Chapter Officer is an awesome responsibility bestowed upon those willing to “serve”,
by both God & the Chapter membership. I ask that as a chapter member you prayerfully
consider any nomination, and if nominated you prayerfully examine the expectations of the
Office before accepting.

Pray for your Officers, as we pray for each of you..

Jackson Lorence


Last month we had a chapter ride to Joe’s Gizzard City. The ride was fun. We left Fort
Wayne about 11:00am and headed up Lima Rd to rt. 8 and then to 69. We met up with our area
representative, little G, and his son-in -law up the highway. It was a refreshing 2 hour ride to
Potterville, MI. and was worth it. There were a lot of gizzards but for me the best thing was
the deep fried hamburger (the whole hamburger). There was dessert too, and yes it was deep
fried! A couple were deep fried cheesecake, Twinkies and chocolate chip cookie dough. When I
was done I couldn’t even think of consuming anymore grease. I should mention that not
everything on the menu was deep fried, I just chose to go with it. We headed back using back
roads and enjoying Gods creation. There were 9 of us 7 bikes in all. You know you can be a
witness of Jesus just by wearing the back patch and having fun. When a group of people are
together, especially on motorcycles, it draws attention. What a joy to know that as people see
us having fun they are seeing that Christians do have fun and it’s not all rules and regulations
telling you to do this and don’t do that. I liked to see the faces of the people on 69 when they
saw this bike group and then saw the back patch and knew that we weren’t outlaws. As this
season ends I look back on the times I worked at secular functions and I do feel called to go
to the Boogie, bike blessings, fund raising poker runs and wherever else we are led. I also
enjoy the times we have together as a chapter to fellowship and ride together. Hopefully we
will have more chances to have fun together before the weather turns against us, but for sure
next year we will have many rides together enjoying each other’s fellowship and Gods creation.
We will have a chance to show the people that you can have fun without being an outlaw.

Yours in Christ,

Phil Brown

The importance of the CMA ministry, again, manifested itself last night. Hollywood received a
phone call from someone in AZ regarding a critically injured man here in Fort Wayne. They
needed someone to go to the hospital and pray for the injured man and with his family. The
connection was we are all motorcycle riders and she thought we could reach them. There is so
much need for our type of ministry. Therefore, I am asking all of you, please do whatever it
takes to come to meetings, go on rides, both secular and our fellowship rides, and keep our
back patch out there so people will know us – so they we will know “here when you need us.”
We all have different ministries, just like each of our body parts have different uses and it all
works better when each and every part is doing its job. See you at the October meeting.

Paula Rae Lorence


Well... it's that time again, so let's review: Nominations will be held on Saturday. The cutoff
for eligibility for officers and voting is OCTOBER!!!! Per the official CMA handbook, eligible
cma'ers must be at 3 meetings in the previous 6 months... I have been checking and double
checking the sign in sheets from May to present for those who have met the requirements or
who are close. There are some of you who with attendance at the October meeting will be
eligible... If however, you plan to attend October's meeting and make November your 3rd
meeting you are out of luck because the CUTOFF TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IS
OCTOBER!!! I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the October meeting. PLEASE be in
prayer for those who will be nominated as well as those who will decide to accept or decline
the nomination... This is very important for the future of our chapter. If you have any
questions please do not hesitate to call me. If you want to check your status please call me or
you can wait for the meeting. I will have a list! God bless and see you on Saturday

Miriam Hunsicker


Well, here we are… Harvest time is upon us. Some of the beans are already harvested. Soon
we’ll have cornpickers surrounding our house. The riding season for most is rapidly winding
down. For Kristina and I, the last air show of the season is on Oct. 3rd.
This is a bittersweet time for us. By this time of the year, we are pretty well exhausted from
the schedule we have carried since the last part of April. We look forward to some weekends
at home and getting reacquainted with the good folks at our church. At the same time, we
miss those sunny, warm, blue skies; those long day light hours. And yet, there are still a
number of days left that will be great riding days. We don’t know how many. There seems to
be an urgency to get the bikes out and ride as much as possible in these fleeting days of the
harvest season.

And so goes our time on this earth. I Cor. 3:7 tells us: “So then neither he who plants is
anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” Sometimes we forget that.
Sometimes we try to take on the responsibility for the increase. This is a) not our job and b)
something we cannot do anyway. Just like the farmer who plants seed in the spring and
irrigates (waters) his fields through the summer, he can’t do a thing about the harvest. Sure
he can plant good seed. He can use the best fertilizer. Ultimately, he is totally dependent on
God for his harvest. Some of the greatest and most successful farmers I have ever known
have the best understanding of this and pray diligently over their fields.

So God faithfully provides a harvest. What good is it if the farmer doesn’t go out and reap
the harvest? It’s silly to think a farmer would stand on his porch and talk about a bountiful
harvest and never take the combine or cornpicker to the field. There is an urgency to get the
crop in. It has to stay in the field until it is ripe but then the farmer must work hard and
painstakingly to get the crop in before it is too late and the crop rots in the field.

Then Jesus tells us in Matt. 9:37 "A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few
We in CMA are those few workers. We don’t know how long this harvest season will last. Let’s
ask God where those ripened fields are and get that crop in before it is too late!

Blessed Beyond All Reason,

Our new members being recognized this month are David
and Pam Kirvan. David and Pam have been attending the
chapter meetings since January, 2009. They earned their
back patches in April going through the CMA’s dvd’s on
their own. They chose the servant ministry as their minis-
try team because they both have a servant’s heart. They
have been married for 27 years and have two daughters
Melissa and Courtney, a son-in-law Wesley (married to
Melissa) and one granddaughter, Paige. As well as being
active members in our chapter they lead a motorcycle rid-
ing group at their church.

What: Chapter cookout

Where: Tom and Laura Wulpi’s
5016 West Wallen Road
When: October 10th @ 6:00 (rain date is Oct 11th same time)
Meet @ 5:00 in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Columbia City for a ride prior
to the cookout. If you want to ride with other chapter members to
Wal-Mart meet @ Jack’s house @ 4:00. His address is 6117 Chapel Pines
Run, Fort Wayne
What to Bring: A dish to share, lawn chairs (stuff can be dropped off prior to ride)
Meat, beverages and paper products will be provided
Questions: Tom 414-1354 or Laura 414-1201
What is CMA?
C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclist Association) is a nonprofit organization that has more than 950
chapters chartered in the U.S. and is in 25 other countries around the world. The main purpose
of C.M.A. is to share the love of Jesus with other motorcyclists. This happens by attending
motorcycle rallies, races, and rides, etc., where the gospel is shared.
Once a year CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association) on the first Saturday of May, all across
the USA and Mexico have a fund raiser. Each chapter plans a 100 mile motorcycle ride and all
the money raised goes to Missionary Ventures, Open Doors, the Jesus Film Project and
ministry to motorcyclists right here in the U.S.A. CMA is not a Christian Club or riding group
designed to segregate Christians from the influence of the world, but rather to help send each
person into the world by spreading the light of Jesus in dark places

For more information about CMA you can contact a chapter near you by locating them on the
CMA web site at

Son Rise Rider Event Form

The CMA National requests that members let them know what ministry they are performing
each month. Each Chapter secretary compiles the information and forwards it on to CMA
National. This helps the CMA to retain its status as a not for profit organization. So your
cooperation in recording your ministry activities is greatly appreciated. You can copy and paste
the following link into your computer browsers address line and fill out the information there
or print out the form and manually fill it out and turn it in at our monthly Chapter meeting, or
send it to our chapter secretary.
This link is for Son Rise Riders only invented by our very own Ben H.


Please feel free to take along your camera to our many upcoming events and

7-Phil Brown
9-Barbara Stevens
15-Sue Elston
20-David Pyard
23-Maggie Troyer
27-Tom Buckmaster
-Emilie Krone

Meeting Dates
October 3rd
November 7th December 5th

Chapter meetings are held at Don Hall’s Guesthouse @ 1313 W Washington Ctr Road.,
#260.489.2524, Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m. Meeting @ 9:00 a.m.

Continue to check our web site for current and upcoming events @

.Newsletter Editor: Pam, #260.450.2901

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