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Ghid de conversatie roman-englez, lectia: "La cumparaturi" "Shopping"

un vanzator= a salesman
o vanzatoare= a saleslady
Ce scump= How expensive!
Nu imi pot permite asta.= I can't afford it.
Nu am bani.= I'm short of money.
bani lichizi= cash
Platesc cu bani lichizi.= I pay cash.
a cumpara pe credit= to buy on credit
un cec= a cheque, a check (US)
o carte de credit= a credit card
o bancnota de o lira= a pound note [paund n?ut]
un obiect la mana a doua= a second-hand article
a livra marfuri= to deliver goods
competitie, concurenta= competition
a vinde cu profit= to sell at a profit [profit]
a vinde in pierdere= to sell at a loss
a vinde cu reducere= to sell at a discount
o afacere buna= a (good) bargain
Costa 20 de lire= It costs 20 (twenty pounds).
Exercitii, traduceti in romana, traduceti in engleza, ghid roman-englez
Traduceti in romana:
1. I can't afford this car.
Nu-mi pot permite aceasta masina.
2. He wants to be paid in cash, he refuses cheques.
El vrea sa fie platit cu bani lichizi, el nu accepta cecuri.
3. It's too expensive.
Este prea scumpa.
4. He's gone shopping and he has forgotten his cheque-book.
El a plecat la cumparaturi si si-a uitat carnetul de cecuri.
5. Can i pay by cheque?
Pot plati cu cec?
6. I think i can pay cash.
Cred ca pot plati cu bani lichizi.
7. I'd like to get change for ? 5.
As dori sa-mi schimbati in bani marunti 5 lire.
8. If you are short of money, buy it on credit.
Daca nu ai bani, cumpara pe credit.

Traduceti in romana:
1. There's too much competition.

I've bought is second hand.

When do you go shopping?
I haven't got any change.
If you pay cash, you'll have a discount.

Lectia: "La hotel si la restaurant" "Hotel and restaurant"
sedere, sejur = stay;
fara locuri libere/plin= no vacancy/ full;
receptie= reception;
cazare= accomodation;
camera pentru o persoana= single room;
camera pentru doua persoane= double room;
camera pentru o noapte= room for the night;
camera disponibila= room available;
paturi identice (alaturate)= twin beds;
robinet= tap (GB), faucet (US);
a rezerva/a face o rezervare= to reserve/ to book, to make a reservation;
a cara bagajele= to carry the luggage;
a comanda= to order;
a plati in avans= to pay in advance;
a da un acont= to pay a deposit;
a pleca (a parasi hotelul)= to check out;
meniu= menu ['menju];
aperitive= hors d'oeuvre;
desert= dessert/ sweet;
nota de plata= bill;
servetel= napkin;
ospatar, chelner/ ospatarita= waiter/ waitress;
serviciu inclus= service included;
bacsis= tip;
(friptura) in sange= rare;
(friptura) potrivita= medium;
(friptura) bine facuta= well done;
Exercitii, completati frazele, traduceti in engleza,
Completati frazele urmatoare cu unul dintre raspunsurile (a), (b), (c) sau
(d), apoi traduceti in romana:
1. I'd like to have my steak...
(a) tap (b) rare (c) check (d) tip
2. We usually give a 10%...
(a) tip (b) curtain (c) bill (d) stay
3. We only have .... beds.
(a) room (b) luggage (c) twin (d) deposit
4. Are you ready to....sir?
(a) carry b) well done (c) order (d) bed
5. May i have the...., please?
(a) hot (b) bill (c) cold (d) rare
1. (b) rare As dori friptura in sange.
2. (a) tip De obicei noi dam 10% bacsis.
3. (c) twin Noi nu avem decat paturi alaturate.
4. (c) order Vreti sa comandati acum, domnule?
5. (b) bill Imi puteti aduce nota de plata, va rog?

Traduceti in engleza:
1. Imi puteti da meniul, va rog?

2. Televizorul nu functioneaza.

3. Imi puteti aduce nota de plata, va rog?

4. Vom sosi luni noapte si vom sta doua zile.

5. Vom pleca/ parasi hotelul maine.
6. .
7. As dori sa rezerv o camera pentru doua persoane.

8. Ma puteti trezi la ora sapte?

9. As dori sa telefonez in Moscova.

Ghid de conversatie roman-englez, lectia: "Vremea" "The weather"
clima, climatul= the climate ['klaimit];
cerul= the sky [skai];
soarele= the sun;
vantul= the wind;
ploaia= (the) rain [rein];
norul= the cloud [klaud];
furtuna= the storm;
zapada= (the) snow;
grindina= (the) hail [heil];
ceata= (the) fog;
ceata, pacla= (the) mist;
insorit= sunny;
ploios= rainy ['reini];
noros= cloudy ['klaudi];
uscat= dry [drai];
umed= wet [wet], humid (US) ['hju:mid];
frig= cold;
cald (fierbinte)= warm (hot);
a ingheta= to freeze, froze, frozen [fri:z] [frauz] [frauzan];
a straluci= to shine, shone, shone;
a sufla= to blow, blew, blown [blu:];
a cadea= to fall;
ploua= it's raining (acum), it rains (in general);
ninge= it's snowing (acum), it snows (in general);
cum este vremea?= what's the weather like?;
o iarna grea= a hard/harsh winter;
inundatie= flood;
Exercitii, traduceti in engleza, completati,
1. Water ... at zero degree
Water freezes at zero degree
2. There are many ... in the sky.
There are many clouds in the
3. The wind is...
The wind is blowing/cold.
4. Snow often ... in winter.
Snow often falls in winter.
Traduceti in engleza:
1. Uite! Ploua.
Look! It's raining.
2. Este foarte frig.
It is very cold.
3. Toamna ploua.
It rains in autumn.
4. Este prea cald.
It is too hot.
5. Cerul este innorat.
The sky is cloudy.
6. Imi este frig.
I'm cold.
7. Este multa ceata.
There is a lot of fog.
8. Vremea este foarte frumoasa.
The weather is very fine.
9. A plouat toata ziua.
It rained all day.
10. Nu-mi place ploaia.
I don't like rain.
Spuneti opusul lui:
1. dry
2. cold
3. fine weather
4. clear sky
1. wet, humid 2. warm 3. bad weaher
4. cloudy sky
Formati adjectivele corespunzatoare:
1. sun
2. rain
3. cloud
4. wind
1. sunny 2. rainy 3. cloudy 4. windy

Ghid de conversatie roman-englez, lectia: "Orasul" "The town"
bulevard= boulevard;
sosea de centura= ringroad;
strada, alee= avenue;
primarie= town hall, city hall;
scoala= school;
gara= station;
garaj= garage;
sectie de politie= police station;
trafic, circulatie= traffic ['trafik];
blocare a circulatiei= traffic-jam;
statie de autobuz= bus stop metrou underground tube [tju:b] subway (US);
pieton= pedestrian;
trecere de pietoni= zebra crossing ['zi:bra];
intersectie= crossroads sens giratoriu roundabout;
strada cu sens unic= one-way street;
lucrari= works;
trotuar= pavement sidewalk (US);
semafor= traffic lights;
a parca= to park;
amenda, contraventie= fine [fain];
contor de parcare= parking meter;
zona de remorcare= tow away zone;
Exercitii, traduceti in romana, traduceti in engleza,
Traduceti in romana:
1. How far is the station?
Cat de departe este gara?
2. Where is the nearest post office?
Unde este cel mai apropiat oficiu postal?
3. Can you drive me/take me to 72 Wilkins Avenue?
Poti sa ma duci cu masina pe strada Wilkins nr. 72 ?
4. I am late because of the traffic-jams.
Am intarziat din cauza blocarilor de circulatie.
5. Is it possible to walk there, or is it too far?
Se poate merge pe joc pana acolo sau este prea departe?
6. What's your home address?
Care este adresa ta de acasa?
7. Can we get there by bus?
Putem ajunge acolo cu autobuzul?
8. We live in the suburbs.
Noi locuim la periferie.
9. Can you call a taxi for us, please?
Poti sa ne chemi un taxi, te rog?
Traduceti in engleza:
1. Unde este gara?
Where is the station?
2. Astept autobuzul.
I'm waiting for the bus.
3. Unde este cel mai apropiat oficiu postal?
Where is the nearest post office?
4. Ia-o la dreapta.
Turn right.
5. Sunt multe blocari ale circulatiei.
There are many traffic-jams.
6. Mergi drept inainte pana la semafor.
Drive straight on to the traffic lights.
7. Iata adresa si numarul meu de telefon.
Here are my address and my phone number.
8. Unde putem (pot) parca? (Unde se poate parca?)
Where can we (can I) park? (Where is it possible to park?)
imi este foame I am hungry
imi este sete I am thirsty
o farfurie (continut) a dish
o bautura a drink
o mancare (masa) a meal
mic dejun breakfast
pranz lunch
cina dinner
o masa a table
un scaun a chair
o farfurie a plate
un pahar a glass
un cutit a knife [naif]
o furculita a fork
o lingura a spoon
un servetel a napkin
o sticla a bottle ['botl]
carne meat [mi:t]
de vaca beef [bi:f]
de oaie mutton
de vitel veal [vi:l]
de porc pork [po:k]
sunca (jambon) ham [ham]
carnati sausages
o vaca a cow
o oaie a sheep
un vitel a calf
un porc a pig
peste fish
leguma(e) vegetable(s)
cartof(i) potato(es)
cartofi prajiti chips
morcovi carrots
fasole beans [bi:nz]
mazare peas [pi:z]
salata salad
ulei oil [ oil]
otet vinegar
sare salt [so:lt]
piper pepper
mustar mustard
branza cheese
lapte milk [milk]
frisca cream [kri:m]
oua eggs [egz]
unt butter
dulceata jam
zahar sugar
piersici peaches
fruct fruit [fru:t]
mere apples ['aplz]
pere pears
apa water
bere beer
ceai tea [ti :]
cafea coffee ['kofi]
vin wine [wain]
Cereti sau oferiti in engleza:
1. As dori niste salata la carne.
I'd like some salad with the meat.
2. Ce preferi, vin sau bere?
What do you prefer, wine or beer?
3. As putea avea/ Mi-ai putea da/
aduce niste otet?
Could i have some vinegar?
4. Cine vrea cafea?
Who wants coffe?
5. Ai niste mustar?
Do you have/ Have you got some
6. Mai vrei niste cartofi prajiti?
Do you want some more chips?
Inlocuiti prea mult/ multi (too
much, too many) cu nu sufficient
(not enough) si invers:
1. There are too many chips.
There are not enough
2. You have too many beans.
You have not enough
3. There is too much coffee.
There is not enough coffee.
4. She has not enough carrots.
She has too many carrots.
5. There is not enough tea.
There is too much tea.
Traduceti in engleza:
1. Stiti un restaurant bun?
Do you know a good restaurant?
2. Aveti carne de vitel? - Nu, dar
cred ca avem sunca.
Is there any veal? - No, (there is
not) but i think there is some ham.
3. Stiti la ce ora se serveste pranzul?
Do you know at what time lunch
is served?
4. Cat costa o cina in acest
How much does a dinner in this
restaurant cost?
5. Unde se afla acest restaurant?
Where is this restaurant?
Traduceti in engleza:
1. As dori sa iau micul dejun
la ora 8.
I'd like to have breakfast at
2. El/ ea ar vrea niste sunca.
He/ She would like some
3. As vrea niste apa; as vrea
sa bem.
I'd like some water; I'd like
to drink.
4. Mai vrei un pahar?
Would you have another
Propuneri/ Preferinte:
1. Ce-ar fi sa mancam (carne de)
What about eating veal?
2. Mai bine ai lua niste carne
(friptura) de vaca.
You'd better take some beef.
3. Ar fi mai bine sa luam cina aici.
We'd better have dinner here.
Gasiti pentru fiecare fel de carne
animalul corespunzator:
1. beef a. calf
2. mutton b. pig
3. veal c. sheep
4. pork d. cow
1.d 2. c 3. a 4. b
A-i placea/ A nu-i placea:
Imi place carnea./ Nu-mi place pestele.
I like meat. / I don't like fish.
Iti place carnea de vitel? - Da, imi place.
Do you like veal? - Yes, I do.

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