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IT-223 - Assignment #3

All questions in this assignment should be saved into a Microsoft Word document or any
doc or RTF compatible file.
Question #1 (20): Use the dataset callcenter80.sav for this question, it can be found
on the class checklist for module 3. It records the duration in seconds of telephone
calls to a customer support line for a company over a certain period of days.
Graph the histogram for this dataset. (You can use the SPSS primer in the
Resources part of the class web page for a quick-and-easy explanation of how
to do it in SPSS).

Report the mean and standard deviation. How many calls lasted longer than 5
minutes (300 seconds)? Generous Hint: This is a bit of a trick question.
Question #2 (20): Use the 68-95-99.7 rule to answer the all but the last problem in
this question. The ACT standardized test has an approximately Normal distribution of
scores: N(18, 6), i.e. a mean of 18 and a standard deviation of 6.
One student scores a 24. What percentile is she in?
What is meant by a percentile?
The term percentile means that a certain group falls under.
Find the percentage of students who score between 12 and 24.
What percentage of students score between 12 and 30?
Do not use the 68-95-99.7 rule for this problem.
One student is determined to achieve a score that puts her in the 99
or better! What score must she achieve in order to achieve her goal?
The student has to pass the exam by 100%

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