H&H TOEFL Test Assistant-Listening (Practice Test)

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Part A Diccons: Fach ten inthis parti comprised af short conversation betwen two. speakers. Alter Re ganerstion, a third speaker wit ask a question. You wll bear eath comeseten en ee ‘question only once. They will not be writen eu ‘ety hve heard a question, read the foe asswer choices and ile the eter ofthe beat. ans ai Your eos won whats ciety stated oe canbe infered cm the cernorstis Now sari the audio progeain. 6 et en (A) She hasn't asked her parents about © Sa Bile ther and Teduce the : Sener (B) She and ber parents have oifferent (O) She's looking at fewer figures than opinions on it ‘the man. sre osama en a tttaaraerann = Scene (C) Avold the ride ‘ind for a long time. (8) Ata sporting yoods store «© ALs bank () Ata bus station ]elelelelele] (A) She's hopingto study the polar resins. (8) She thinks Professor Webster's chassis worth walg fa, (Cl Professor Whebser'scass ised in cold room, (0) She has no intention o taking the plysice clas AL (A) Tescher and stent (B) Doctor aod patent (C) Salesman and customer (0) Judge and amr 4 (A) She doesn't knw shellbe working (B) She was hoping she'd work. but she sn going to (C) Soe working but is unhappy about (0) Ste does think there be any work until spring, UL (A) Hic homework ince esearch on swamps. (8) Het rathe tell oes than do is bomewar, (0) He cant go because be has to sch bomewark (0) #1 be oiningher es soon ashe fishes his homework 11 (A) Repairing walkway (B) Planting a garden (C) Painting a house (0) Building a fence 12. (A) Look athe bruised nee (B) Go back to gym class (©) See a nurse or doctor (Dy Act more Hike him i. (8) Lend him scene texts (B) Cancel classes because othe snow storm (© Gotothe brary (0) Return same banks to Professor Hata (0) Amechanie B) Aconductar (©) Anaccountant (D) Adoetor (2) He doesn’ really imend 0 go hot air alloonieg (B) lewon'telng efor he goes hot air tallooning, (€) He doesnt have much tosay about otal ballooning. (0) He shoud’ talk bout ot ir badooning. (A) He can go tothe Grand Canyon, (8) He doesn’ think plans are necessary (©) He bas already organized the rp (D) He wants the woman ta make al the arrangements. (2) He wishes other students would ike him moe (B) He wants the woman tas hime more questions (©) He tks mare students should loo the woman, (D) He'd like morestudents asked questions (A) Chagall was not American (@) The manalso wanted townie abot Chagall (© The woman it aking the same ‘las as the man, (©) Chagall wast a god aris. 19, (A) Study rt is trends 24. (A) Uthe man had taken the woman's (8) Stayt home suggestion to lave early. be would 0) Join the lub have found a parking spaceat the 0) improves grades beach, 2%. (A) The team be divided (@) tithe man had listened to what the {@) The team has made some money. woman tl i, he would have {C) The team hasn't been practicing gone to the beach. ouch. (©) Wieman hadlet the beach (0) The team has been playing wel et eco ave end the woman's speech 21, (A) Ifshe had auctioned, she would (0) them bad parted clserio the have gt the lead, iach becoddlte (©) She auditioned but wasnt chasen Sale have seen forthe lead a (C) Shestarted te austin but was 25. (A) Why Peters telinghis secret to interrupted. others (D) She wanted to auction but would (8) What reason Peter ad to say what have had tocut clas, © No aun 5 ere Peter got his information 2 (A) He only wears the jacket io (D) What Peter meant when he ade (@) He thes te jacket sommuen that he ‘estas ‘wants to wearitfarthe rest of his 2% (A) Alte all his studying, he would he assis final ncalcuis. ©) He might cateh a cold and die in (B) He was going tohaveto drop that jacket ssleulus. 1) He doesn't ke te ache and wll (€ Me would fll is final exam in ever ear o ak 3. (A) Not oget ber milk bocause she's want gang to tak his final going tothe supermarket berate ed decided to repeat (©) Not to bother goingto the supermarket because she has 2. (A) Travel agent ‘etough mil, (@) Flight attendant (©) Tobuy some milk for her at the (©) Hotel desk clerk supermarket (@) Airine checkin host (©) Toclean up some milk she spied at he supermarket 95

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