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Bahria University (Karachi Campus)

Job Analysis and Design

Respondents Name: ________________________________________
Organization : _______________________________________
Position/Designation: _______________________________________
Date : ________________________
a. Please fill-out the questionnaire and kindly check the appropriate box where deemed
b. In advance we are highly indebted for your full cooperation and professional support in
filling-out this questionnaire.

Q1: Could you please give some historic perspective on your organization, both parent and
subsidiary in Pakistan

Rocket Internet is a German Venture Capitalist Company that invests in e-commerce and is one of their leading ventures in Pakistan baaki Goooooooooooogleeee

Q2: Kindly tell us how many HRM functions are being performed in your organization

Recruitment and Selection
o Direct hiring (through references)
o Job portals
Training and Development
o New hired training
o Refreshers
o Product specific training
Performance Management
o Yearly appraisals & promotions

Q3:Do you have Job Analysis System?

Yes, there is yearly job appraisal in which the performance over the past year is analyzed and
accordingly the appraisal is done. Besides that semiannually evaluation of the employees is
carried out.

Q4: The importance of Job Analysis Program cannot be over emphasized, and the power of Job
Analysis System is used for strategic purpose namely
For the Human Capital Life Cycle
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4.1) Recruitment
4.2) Screening
4.3) Final Selection
4.4) Job Orientation
4.5) Training and development

All the above practices are carried out at our organization

Q5: Job Analysis has critical role in Performance Management System. Please check the
appropriate box

Yes it plays a critical role in performance management as it is a source of motivation and timely
incentives. Besides that its a win-win situation for both the employer and employee.

Q6: Typically Job Analysis has four components:

Following process are followed in drafting the Job Description at our organization:

Description of Work Activities
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) or Competencies necessary to perform the job
Data on the range of Job Performance

Q7: There are various methods used in conducting job analysis. Please check the appropriate
box which one of the below methods is being used in your organization.

Direct Observation

Q8: Are you satisfied with the data and/or information solicited by these methods?

Yes, through these methods the performance can be gauged more accurately as there is
transparency and there is no biasness.

Q9: Every job is performed in a workplace and thus the characteristics of that workplace are
critical elements to be identified in defining and understanding that job. Do you give
consideration that pose clear danger to workers such as firefighting, dealing with
hazardous or toxic material? Please check the appropriate Box
Yes general safety is considered as our office is located in a place where all these
elements are strictly taken care of and employee safety is a primary concern.

Q10: Organization culture and climate is critical to understand the nature of workplace. Give us
your perspective on the organization culture which your organization is following. This
cultural system may be defined as OPEN SYSTEM or CLOSED SYSTEM.

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We have open system at our work place employees feel free to go to their managers and
even the CEO to discuss their issues.

Q11: Last but not the least, tell us how often your organizations conducts Job Analysis. Please
check the appropriate box

0 1 year

Q12: Finally, before we depart, if you have any observation and/or comments you like to share
with us which you think will assist us in completing this assignment. Please provide such

Once again,we extend our sincere thanks for enlightening us with your tremendous insights and


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Bahria University (Karachi Campus )

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