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Core Arts, Kindergarten Common Core Integration

Writing Standards

W1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell
the reader the topic or name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or book (e.g. My favorite book)
W6 With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish
writing, including collaboration with peers.
W 8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question.

Visual Arts Standard

1.3 Identify the elements of art (line, color, shape/form, texture, value, space) in the environment
and in works of art, emphasizing line, color, and shape/form.
2.1 Use lines, shapes/forms, and colors to make patterns.
2.2 Demonstrate beginning skill in the use of tools and processes, such as the use of scissors, glue,
and paper in creating a three-dimensional construction.
2. 6 Use geometric shapes/forms (circle, triangle, square) in a work of art.
2.7 Create a three-dimensional form such as real or imaginary animals.
4.1 Discuss their own works of art, using appropriate art vocabulary (e.g. color, shape/form, texture)
4.2 Describe what is seen (including both literal and expressive content) in selected works of art.
5.1 Draw geometric shapes/forms (e.g. circles, squares, triangles) and repeat them.
5.2 Look at and draw something used every day (e.g. scissors, toothbrush, fork) and describe how the
object is used.
Idea Starter

Visual Analysis

Students learn tools to analyze and discuss the visual
elements seen in illustrations. With these strategies,
students will be able to compose a drawing/writing
piece that tells the reader about the book they read
and their opinion. Students can use a variety of tools to
produce their opinions. Have a discussion with
students where they can recall information from book.
Adjective Monster

Read Go Away Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley.
Identify shapes and elements of art by using adjectives.
Students can create a book where they state their
opinion and create a monster using shapes drawn from
worksheet or teacher desired. Have a discussion with
students where they can recall information from book.

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