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Mara Jos Jaramillo

Dr. Marrone
Grade 9
I. Introduction
World war one broke out in 1914 and the U.S only came into the war three years later in 1917.
Many events had occurred during the first three years of the war: trench warfare, the battles of the
western and eastern fronts, and the English blockade. America had remained neutral in the war due to
all of these events. Americans couldnt believe the horror of the war across Europe and how many lives
were being lost every day. The U.S had decided to stick to isolation and not having to take part in any
part of the war. Until the two following events happened: unrestricted submarine warfare and the
Zimmermann telegram.
II. Background
The officially date the U.S entered the war supporting the side of the allies was April 6
but the thought of change in the position of the great war had first started out in 1915. A German
submarine had sunken the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania. The attack killed 128 Americans on board,
along with another 1, 198 victims of the attack. The U.S was furious with the assault because of their
citizens lives were taken by a war they didnt even partake in. After the incident Germany had
apologized to the U.S for the loss of lives on the ship and had agreed to not use their submarine warfare
on only neutral ship not carrying contraband. Especially American ships, so even though the U.S had not
declared war on Germany at the time, the country was not as neutral as they were at the beginning of
the war.
III. Analysis Part one
It was only until January 1917 when the Zimmermann telegram was sent to Mexico and
intercepted by the British. The coded information was deciphered and the information was passed on to
the U.S. The telegram was letter from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German
Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the
German cause. It was also stating that Germany was prepared to begin unrestricted warfare, in spite of
trying to keep the U.S neutral. The British had decided to withhold the information from Woodrow
Wilson just until they were one hundred percent that the telegram was correctly deciphered so only on
only in early April the information reached the president and on April 4
he had asked congress to
declare war on Germany. Two days later the U.S had joined the Allies around the same time Russia had
left the war, because of politic changes being evolved in the country.

IV. Analysis Part two
Germany was stunned that Mexico had declined the offer of regaining territories back from the U.S that
used to belong to Mexico. Also they considered that Mexico would be motivated to take the initiative to
invite Japan for immediate adherence and at the same time to mediate between Japan and Germany. In
Germanys mind the deal was set. With the help of a bordering country of the U.S and the possibility of
having Japan on their side as well, without having to negotiate with the country themselves.
Unfortunately for Germany, Mexico had no interest for their ex-territories and werent willing to declare
war on the U.S. The relationship built between the two countries was too strong to break apart with
land and a great financial support. This was an intelligent move from Mexico because America had come
out of the war successfully unlike most of the European that were divested, including Germany.
V. Conclusion
The reason why Germany had thought the Zimmermann telegram would cause Mexico to declare war
on the U.S was because of the offerings Germany was proposing. Mexican territory that was now part of
America was being offered to be regained. Germany had also proposed to make war together, make
peace together, and a generous financial support along with reconquering their lost territories in Texas,
New Mexico, and Arizona. Not only do they ask Mexico to inform their president and to get involved
quickly but they encouraged them to personally take initiative of inviting Japan to immediate adherence.
Germany was sure that with the alliance of a bordering country of the U.S they would have strong odds
against America when they would leave the neutral zone due to the unrestricted submarine warfare.

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