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Forensic Psychiatrist with a vested interest should not be allowed to testify.

Dr. Parker has committed more that 1475 patients to the mental institutions thereby
contributing $500 million a year to the prosperity of the mental institutions.
Dr. Parker is on the Board of Directors of most mental institutions. How can he
claim to be a disinterested party?

I n 2004 my wife Kay Kim was arrested for trespassing on her own property.
While in court she requested the change of Judges twice – because the first judge
was arrogant and rude to her. Under the law she is supposed to get a new judge
randomly. Instead the Court of mental Illness Judge Collins was appointed. My
wife was mad and asked for the change of judge again. Meanwhile Judge Collins
asked Dr. George Parker and Dr. Olive a psychologist to evaluate her. In this report
Dr. Parker with medical certainty said she was suffering from a mental illness that
has no cure and medications will not help also. He also advised the court not to
commit her to a mental institution as required by law. However he certified with
medical certainty that she can understand the court procedure and is capable of
representing herself. Kay Kim was able to go to the City County Law library and
pick up the necessary forms and motions to be used in the court. She learned the
rules and procedure of the Indiana Criminal Courts within minutes.

A few weeks later Dr. Parker talked to a judge while he was in court for
other matters and was told that Kay Kim should not be allowed to represent
herself. Kay Kim was sent to Dr. Parker again. This time he concluded with
medical certainty that Kay Kim is not capable of representing herself and cannot
assist counsel in the case. However he stated there is no possible cure for her
illness and advised the court not to commit her to a mental institution as required
by law. Kay Kim challenged Dr. Parker and Dr. Olive in the competency hearing
and was allowed to continue to represent herself.

When Kay Kim was in court this year she complained to the Judge for not
dismissing the three cases with statue of limitations that has expired thereby
violating her rights to due process. She also complained when the Judge decided to
take the 2005 case first that the case is out of any logical chronological sequence.
(Either FILO or LIFO) The judge didn’t stop her but instead ordered her to see Dr.
Parker. Dr. Parker was told in the judge letter to evaluate if Kay Kim can represent
herself or counsel. If not when can she be restored?

Kay Kim brought a tape recorder and was allowed to tape the entire one
hour session. In the tape Dr. Parker mentioned that he is not aware of the statue of
limitation and stated in his report that Kay Kim is under the illusion that the court
has statue of limitations. When the taping ran out of tape Dr. Parker suddenly
Forensic Psychiatrist with vested interest
changed his posture and tone of voice. He shouted loudly “You were violent”
(referring to the 2005 case.) Dr. Parker casually asked “….why the Police lie?
…..Police doesn’t lie…..” Kay Kim couldn’t believe what she heard and wanted to
record over the tape and asked Dr. Parker to repeat what he had just said. He didn’t
and on the way out he overheard heard Kay Kim telling me that he is “a piece of
shit.” Dr. Parker was obviously upset. In his evaluation report he mentioned and
produced documents which Kay Kim provided to the psychologist. His report is
identical to that of the psychologist and his previous report except he added
maliciously that “if the court concurred Kay Kim should be committed to a mental
institution because she is a risk to the community.” The last remark was exactly
what the judge requested from him. With his report the judge illegally revoked
Kay Kim rights to self representations and ordered a court date to commit her to
the Indiana Department of mental Health without a competency hearing.

Kay Kim then filed a Federal law suit against the judge, Indiana University
and Dr. Parker. She asked the court for oral argument against Dr. Parker and a
public forum to discuss Dr. Parker’s malicious evaluations. The Indiana Supreme
Court stopped the hearing on July 10, 2009. Kay Kim was committed based solely
on Dr. Parker’s report by another special judge.

I have a copy of the tape of the evaluations. Kay Kim is able to represent
herself in several existing federal law suits and two small claims court. Kay Kim is
capable conducting her own research in the law library. Kay Kim had written
many writs, motions and asked for many orders from the courts. I affirm that Kay
Kim is of sane mind and is more logical and intelligent than most other people.
Three Prison psychiatrists had written separate reports each time she was arrested
and all confirmed that there is no evidence of psychosis. Kay Kim has been put in
jail in total more than 30 days and the various prison wardens have never put her in
a psychiatric ward. Mental analysis is very subjective and not based on any
scientific evidences.

Dr. Parker is supposed to be disinterested psychologists. He is not because

as the head of the department of psychiatry he has a personal vested interest in the
prosperity of the mental health industry. It is financial beneficial for Dr. Parker to
provide a steady supply of new patients to the mental institutions. Dr. Parker is
currently sued by Kay Kim, pro se in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and it is in
his best interest to commit Kay Kim to the mental institution. Once committed
Dr. Parker and his crony(ies) is only person(s) who can certify and approve her
release. Dr. Parker is a forensic psychiatrist and should excuse himself from the
case when he is sued. Furthermore how can the same psychiatrist given three

Forensic Psychiatrist with vested interest

different reports each reflecting the intent of the judge. Kay Kim cannot get a fair
and impartial report from Dr. Parker.

I pray that our society will have a higher ethical standard to protect innocent
people like Kay Kim from the subjective analysis of the psychiatrist. I believe Dr.
Parker as the Head of IU Department of Psychiatry should have a higher standard
in his practice. I truly believe Dr. Parker should give an impeccable example to his
students. If the head of the department is corrupt one does not know what kind of
students will graduate from IU.

Charles Chuang

Forensic Psychiatrist with vested interest


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