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Rules for Rise and Decline of the Third Reich

(ev quick rules)

A. Starting the Game
The game requires one six-sided die.
See force outlays in Force Pool Cards. For minor xis and neutrals! see game "oard info.
B. Turn
#ach $layer turn%
&. '(P ("asic resource $oints) ex$enditure Phase.
). *ovement Phase + (all units! including ground! air and naval).
,. Com"at Phase.
-. *ovement Phase ++ (only for aircraft returning to "ase and naval forces).
.. (e$lacement Phase.
Order of Play%
0SS( (starting in Summer &1-&)
#. #uro$e! xis llies
0S(starting in 3inter &1-&)
Optional (timer)% each country has one minute for each of the follo4ing% '(P
ex$enditure $hase! movement $hase +! movement $hase ++! and re$lacement $hase.
Com"at $hase is not timed.
#ach round of turns for all countries re$resents one season on Time Track (on game
"oard). /ame starts in Fall! &1,1.
1. Basic Resource Points: (BRP)
'(Ps can "e used at "eginning of turn ($hase &) to $urchase military units. 5o4ever!
these units can only "e $ut on the "oard at the end of the turn ($hase .). They must "e
$ut on a red city (an industrial city).
2. o!ement ("hases # and ##)
ll units (ground! sea and air) can "e moved during movement $hase +. 6nly sea and
aircraft can move during movement $hase ++.
Basic movement rules (for ground, air and naval):
#ach unit has a movement allo4ance! 4hich re$resents the distance in hexes it can move
in one $hase. +n a $hase! the $layer moves any or all qualified units. 0nits move one at a
time! from hex to hex! in any direction.
Ground movement:
(estrictions% ground unit can never enter a hex containing an enemy unit or an enemy
7one of Control (76C) (defined "elo4). ground unit that enters an enemy 76C must
immediately end its movement for the $hase and fight during the com"at $hase.
#xce$tion% aircraft can fly through enemy 76Cs! "ut not land in air"ases in
enemy 76Cs.
ground unit can $ass through a hex containing a friendly unit! "ut there can only "e t4o
units in a hex at the end of the $hase.
7one of Control (76C) (only affects ground units)
#ach armored unit has a 8one of control that consists of the six hexes surrounding it.
+nfantry units do not have 76Cs.
Com"at% units cannot end their retreat in an enemy 8one of control. They are destroyed if
they do so.
#nemy 76Cs do not affect units in fortresses.
Naval movement%
9aval unit markers sho4 only com"at force! not movement range. 9aval craft move t4o
hexes in movement $hase +! and t4o in movement $hase ++.
Naval Transportation% a naval unit can trans$ort u$ to t4o infantry or
one armored unit.
Aircraft movement%
n aircraft unit can move its entire allotted movement range during movement $hase +!
and then its entire range again during movement $hase ++. +t must! ho4ever! end $hase ++
"y landing on a friendly air"ase. Thus! an aircraft 4ith a - movement range can move u$
to four hexes! then fight! and then move another four hexes "ack to an air"ase.
Air Transportation% an air unit can trans$ort u$ to one $aratroo$er unit.
Paratroo$ers can "e dro$$ed into a "attle during com"at $hase and fight.
6nly t4o ground units and t4o air units $er hex maximum.
Three ground units and three air units in :ondon.
$. %om&at
+n each com"at $hase! units may attack ad;acent enemy units. "attle is an attack on one
enemy unit "y any or all the attacking $layer<s units that are ad;acent to it.
'attles are resolved one at a time in any order the attacking $layer 4ants. For each "attle
follo4 this sequence%
&-Total the com"at strengths (=com"at factors>) of all the attacking units.
)-?ivide this total "y the com"at factor total of the defending unit! dro$$ing all
fractions (don>t round u$)! to get one of the odds levels given on the 6ffensive
Com"at (esults ta"le (on game "oard). For exam$le! a strength of &@ attacking -
is -%& (four to one)! 4hile &. attacking - is only ,%&.
,-?etermine if terrain effects have reduced the odds (see "elo4).
--(oll one die and consult the com"at results ta"leA cross-index the num"er rolled
4ith the odds to determine the result.
.-$$ly the result immediately.
@-+f the attacked unit is no longer in the hex (eliminated or forced to retreat)! one
of the attacking units may immediately move into the hex.
B-/o on to the next "attle.
*aximum and *inimum 6dds% +n ste$ )! if the odds are a"ove .%&! reduce them to .%&.
fter ste$ ,! if the odds are "elo4 &%& the attack has no effect on either side.
Terrain #ffects favoring defense%
Com"at effect *ovement #ffect
-Fortress su"tract t4o levels from offense. 9o 76C effect.
-*ountain su"tract t4o levels from offense. *inus one.
-(iverC su"tract one level from offense. *inus one.
-S4am$C su"tract one level from offense. *inus one.
-9arro4 $ass su"tract one level from offense. *inus one.
(red arro4s)
-'eachC su"tract one level from offense 9one.
for sea"orne invasion.
#.g.% if 9a8i ground units are attacking a fortress defended "y Soviets and the unad;usted
attack ratio is -%&! this dro$s to )%& "Dc of =terrain effect> of fortress! 4hich su"tracts t4o
levels from offense.
Aircraft adjustments:
C+f attacker consists only of aircraft units! then there are no com"at $enalties.
ircraft never suffer movement $enalties.
6ffensive Com"at (esults Ta"le (&-.). on game "oard)%
A% all attacking units are eliminated (including air "ut not naval).
D% all defending units (including air) are eliminated.
'(% #xchange% the side 4ith fe4er =com"at factors> loses its entire force. The 4inning
side loses forces equal to at least the same num"er of =com"at factors> (taking into
account terrain ad;ustments).
%A% Counterattack. ll defending units immediately attack offending units. For $ur$oses
of reading the 6ffensive Com"at (esults Ta"le! defender is no4 attacker and vice versa.
%A1% ?efender counterattacks as a"ove! "ut using &-& odds column! regardless of factors
%A2) %A$% +dentical to C&! "ut defender uses &-) and &-, odds columns! res$ectively.
Cs and (etreating%
6n counterattacks (Cs)! counterattacker may choose to retreat rather fight! at alf
movement rate. 6$$onent may move into unoccu$ied s$ace! "ut "attle then ends.
(etreating units may not end u$ in enemy 76C.
+f counterattacker chooses not retreat on a C roll! then sDhe must fight.
*. Re"lacements
(e$lacements are $ut on red cities (industrial cities). 5o4ever! re$lacements violating
stacking rule (a"ove) must "e moved at the "eginning of the next turn.
%. +ictor, conditions
llied decisive conquer xis "y Summer &1--
llied tactical conquer xis "y 3inter &1--
llied marginal conquer xis "y Summer &1-.
Stalemate xis not conquered "y Summer &1-.
xis marginal control at least )E industrial (red) cities at
end of 3inter &1-,
xis tactical conquer any t4o ma;or llied $o4ers
xis decisive conquer three ma;or llied $o4ers

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