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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

and Retail POS Localization for

This white paper describes the country-specific features
for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS
released for Brazil.
May 2014

White paper

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

Introduction 3
Install the drivers for the fiscal printer 3
Configure the POS.exe.config file 3
Enable the communication between Retail POS and the fiscal printer 4
Enable the integration between Retail POS and Direo D-TEF 5
Associate Retail POS tender types with the fiscal printer tender types 5
Set up a retail store for Brazil 5
Set up a functionality profile, and then assign the functionality profile to a store for Brazil 6
Set up a fiscal printer for Brazil 6
Set up the Retail POS screen for Brazil 6
Set up sales tax in Retail POS 7
Determine CFOP for fiscal receipts 7
Setup of fiscal document model 02 7
Post fiscal document model 02 7
Generate the Nota Fiscal Paulista file 8
Price override 8
Issue and add money to a gift card 8
Void the last fiscal receipt 8
Refer the fiscal receipt number in a fiscal document 9
Limitations of Retail POS customization for Brazil 9
Reserved blank operations 9


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

This white paper explains how to set up Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail Point of Sale (POS), which are
necessary to meet the requirements for the Programa Aplicativo Fiscal-Emissor de Cupom Fiscal (PAF-ECF) legislation
specific to Brazil.

Install the drivers for the fiscal printer
The integration between Retail POS and the fiscal printers is carried out by using driver files from two manufacturers:
Daruma and Bematech. Contact the manufacturer to download the driver files (Darumaframework or BemaFI32) for

These driver files must be copied into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.3\Retail POS folder.

Configure the POS.exe.config file
The POS.exe.config file is created when you install Retail POS with Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3. By default, the
installation wizard creates the file within the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.3\Retail POS folder.

Perform the following tasks to configure Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3 for Retail POS for Brazil.

1. Add the following code under the <configSections> node:

<section name="AxRetailPOS" type="LSRetailPosis.Settings.ConfigFile.AppConfiguration, SystemSettings,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

<sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">

<section name="Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.FiscalPrinter.Properties.Settings"
type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />

<section name="Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.FiscalPrinter.BrazilianFiscalPrinter.Properties.Settings"
type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />


2. Add the following code under the <configuration> node.

<AxRetailPOS OfflineDatabaseConnectionString="" StoreDatabaseConnectionString="Data
Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=POSDatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security

StoreId="StoreID" TerminalId="TerminalID" DATAAREAID="LE" />

<setting name="FiscalPrinterAssembly_BR" serializeAs="String">
<value>AssemblyName </value>


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

<setting name="FiscalPrinterClass_BR" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="DynamicsAxClientBinFolder" serializeAs="String">
<value>%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.3\Client\Bin\</value>
<setting name="ShowCardPaymentsDiscardMessage" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="EnableCardPayment" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="MaximumCardPayments" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="WatchDog" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ShowCreditBenefitsProgramForDF" serializeAs="String">

ServerName: the store database server name;
POSDatabaseName: the channel database instance name;
StoreID: the store ID;
TerminalID: the terminal ID;
LE: the legal entity;
For Bematech Printer:
For Daruma Printer:
For Bematech Printer:
For Daruma Printer:

Enable the communication between Retail POS and the fiscal printer
The communication between Retail POS and the fiscal printer is enabled only when the fiscal printer is authorized for
that point of sale using an encrypted file named AuthorizedECF.xml. This encrypted file can be provided only by the
manufacturer of the Retail POS software, which, in this case, is Microsoft.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

To download the encrypted file, you must request it by using the Microsoft order system on the Microsoft Partner
Source website. For more information on how to request for this file, see November 2012 Hora Dynamics partner
The encrypted file that you download will have a file name such as
To enable Retail POS to communicate with fiscal printers, follow these steps:

1. Rename the encrypted file AuthorizedECF.xml.
2. Store the renamed file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.3\Retail POS\Arquivos PAF-ECF

Note: Depending on the version of Microsoft Windows that you use, the parent folder for the Arquivos PAF-ECF folder
might be named Program Files or Program Files (x86). However, you must be careful when you rename this file,
because any change made to the file content will make the file invalid, and the printer will not be recognized by Retail

Enable the integration between Retail POS and Direo D-TEF
Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3 is integrated with the third-party software D-TEF Dedicado, which is provided by
Direo Processamento de Dados Ltda.

The integration with the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) provider is enabled when the EnableCardPayment tag is set to
True in the POS.exe.config file. D-TEF Dedicado has some configuration requirements that must be set up prior to the
integration with Retail POS.

Note: You must change only the EFT configuration settings that are described in the D-TEF Dedicado documentation. If
you change other EFT configuration settings, the EFT and Retail POS will not function correctly.

You can also access the administrative EFT function using a blank operation. See the EFT documentation to determine
which administrative EFT functions are available. To enable access to the desired function, add or configure a button
with a blank operation in the Retail POS screen layout, enter 4 in the Operation number field and leave the Blank
operation param field blank. For more information about how to use a blank operation, see How to: Use Blank
Operations to Implement Custom Features.

Associate Retail POS tender types with the fiscal printer tender types
You can associate tender types that are configured in the fiscal printer with the tender types in Microsoft Dynamics
AX2012 R3. You can do this by using the Payment methods form.

Note: You can group payment methods based on the type of payments that they are used for, such as credit card
payments or debit card payments.

To bind the fiscal printers tender types with the tender types in Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3, follow these steps:

1. Click Retail > Setup > Payment methods > Payment methods.
2. In the Payment method name in fiscal printer field, enter the name of the payment method that is configured for
your fiscal printer. You can enter separate values for credit cards or debit cards, and then map them to the
payment method that is assigned to the fiscal printer.
Note: This payment method configuration is used for Retail POS terminals for all stores that are set up with Microsoft
Dynamics AX2012 R3. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the same Payment method name in fiscal printer value for each
fiscal printer that is assigned to a store.

Set up a retail store for Brazil
Use the Stores form to set up a retail store.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

To perform this task, follow these steps:

1. Click Retail > Common > Retail channels.
2. To create a new retail store, click Retail stores or double-click an existing record to open the Stores form. For more
information, see Set up a retail store.
3. On the General FastTab, in the Sales tax field group, select the Prices include sales tax check box.
4. On the General FastTab, in the Customer field group, in the Default customer field, select a customer account that is
marked as the final user, and is located in the same state as the store.

Set up a functionality profile, and then assign the functionality profile to a
store for Brazil
Use the Retail POS functionality profile form to set up a functionality profile, and then assign it to a store.
To perform this task, follow these steps:

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Functionality profiles.
2. Select or create a functionality profile. For more information, see Set up functionality profiles in Set up and assign
functionality profiles.
3. On the General FastTab, in the Locale field group, in the ISO field, select BR.
4. On the Functions FastTab, in the Terminal field group, select the Print X/Z report on POS check box.
5. Clear the Aggregate products, Aggregate payments, and Aggregate products for printing check boxes.
6. Close the form, and then assign the functionality profile to a store. For more information, see Assign a functionality
profile to a store in Set up and assign functionality profiles.

Set up a fiscal printer for Brazil
Use the Fiscal printer configuration form to set up a fiscal printer. For more information, see (BRA) Configure fiscal
printers in (BRA) Configure fiscal printers.

There are four types of fiscal printer configuration:
Tax percentage - Accepts only User defined as the configuration purpose. The mask for entering the
Configuration value must follow Tnnnn, where nnnn is the tax rate. Example: For a 2% tax rate, nnnn must be
written as 0200. For a 12% tax rate, nnnn must be written as 1200.
Payment method - Accepts User defined or EFT as the configuration purpose. Use EFT only for a card payment
Non-fiscal totalizer - Accepts User defined or Gift card as the configuration purpose.
Management report - Accepts User defined, Payment method, Configuration, and Identification as the
configuration purpose.
Note: The fields Payment method, Configuration, and Identification are required to meet the PAF-ECF

Set up the Retail POS screen for Brazil
Use the Screen layouts form to customize the layout of the Retail POS sales screen. The Retail POS sales screen must
display some columns for items.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Screen layouts.
2. In the Screen layouts form, enter the required details for the screen layout. For more information, see Screen
layouts (form).
3. In the Button grid fields, add lines for the following item columns:
Item description/name The name and description of the item.
Quantity The quantity of the item.
Unit of measure The unit to use to measure the quantity of the item.
Item unit price The unit price of the item.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

Item total price The total price of the item.
Sale total amount The total sales amount.

Set up sales tax in Retail POS
Retail POS uses the sales tax setup that is configured to determine tax rates for Brazil.
However, the CFOP matrix is not used for Retail POS transactions. Therefore, you need to specify an item sales tax
group for each item. For more information about setting up sales tax, see (BRA) Setting up sales tax.
You must use the Sales tax codes form to enter sales tax codes for Retail POS transactions. The sales tax codes must
begin with fixed letters, based on their respective tax exceptions:

For Bematech printers:
F1 For sales tax codes with a tax substitution.
I1 For sales tax codes with tax exemptions.
N1 For sales tax codes that are non-taxable.

For Daruma printers:
F1, F2 For sales tax codes with a tax substitution.
I1, I2 For sales tax codes with tax exemptions.
N1, N2 For sales tax codes that are non-taxable.

Determine CFOP for fiscal receipts
The Cdigo Fiscal de Operao (CFOP) for a fiscal receipt, which is reported through the Sistema Pblico de
Escriturao Fiscal (SPED), is determined based on the product type attribute for the item. You can specify a product
type for the item using the Released product details form. For more information, see (BRA) Released product details
Note: If the tax code begins with the letter F, and the item is not a service item, the CFOP is 5.405.
The following table explains how the CFOP is determined for a fiscal receipt.

Product type CFOP
03, 04, 05, 06 5.101
00, 01, 02, 07, 08, 10, 99 5.102
09 5.933

Setup of fiscal document model 02
If the fiscal printer cannot be used because of a hardware problem, or if there is a communication error between
Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3 and the fiscal printer, sales that are made during this period are not printed on a
standard fiscal receipt. These sales must be registered in the Retail POS system by using fiscal document model 02.
To set up the Retail POS to add fiscal document model 02, follow these steps:

1. Create a blank operation.
2. Set the Operation number field to 3.
3. Leave the Blank operation param field blank.

Post fiscal document model 02
To meet the requirements of PAF-ECF version 2.01, there are two different methods in Retail POS to post fiscal
document model 02, which is based on the state where the point of sale is located.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

Posting fiscal document model 02 that is not linked to fiscal receipts - If the state profile permits, as defined in
the legislation for PAF-ECF version 2.01, Retail POS screen allows the user to issue the entered fiscal document
model 02, when the fiscal printer is down.

Posting fiscal document model 02 linked to fiscal receipts - If the state profile permits, as defined in the
legislation for PAF-ECF version 2.01, an open fiscal receipt is a prerequisite to allow the user to enter fiscal
document model 02, using the Retail POS screen. In this case, fiscal document model 02 is entered after all of
the sold items are recorded in the fiscal receipt. Pay and close the fiscal receipt. Fiscal document model 02 is
then linked to the fiscal receipt.

Once the fiscal receipt is linked to fiscal document model 02, the fiscal receipt cannot be voided. A fiscal receipt with
voided lines cannot be linked to fiscal document model 02. For fiscal books purposes, the operation is registered with
CFOP 5.929.

For tax calculation purposes, the tax codes that are applied in the linked fiscal document model 02 must be set up in
the Brazilian parameters form:

1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Brazil.
2. Click Retail. In the Setup retail parameters area, in the Sales tax code for PIS, Sales tax code for COFINS and Sales
tax code for ICMS fields, select the appropriate sales tax codes.

Generate the Nota Fiscal Paulista file
The Nota Fiscal Paulista file is an electronic fiscal file that contains details about daily sales transactions and must be
submitted to the Brazilian tax authorities. It is automatically generated each day after you print the Z report, and is
saved in the C:\ Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\6.3\Retail POS\Arquivos PAF-ECF folder.

To set up Retail POS to generate the Nota Fiscal Paulista file, follow these steps:

1. Create a blank operation.
2. Set the Operation number field to 2.
3. Leave the Blank operation param field blank.

Price override
The price override feature has been changed to support the requirements of PAF-ECF legislation. During a sales
process, the unit price can be changed or overridden using the price override feature. To override the unit price, the
price override feature allows the user to retain the unit price but record a discount amount to achieve the desired price.

Use the Permission group form to complete a price override. To perform this task, follow these steps:

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS.
2. To create a new group, click Permission groups or double-click an existing record to open the Permission groups
form. For more information, see Set up a permission group.
3. On the Permissions FastTab, in the Allow price override field, select Lower only.

Issue and add money to a gift card
The operations to issue gift cards or add money to a gift card are not subject to taxation. They are not written in the
fiscal receipt, and cannot be used when a fiscal receipt is open.

Void the last fiscal receipt
A current open fiscal receipt can be voided using a void operation. When there is no open fiscal receipt, then it would
void the last closed fiscal receipt, under the following conditions:
The fiscal printer supports the void operation.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

There are no fiscal receipts or administrative routine reports generated after the last fiscal receipt, such as Z
report or X report.

Refer the fiscal receipt number in a fiscal document
The fiscal receipt can be replaced by a fiscal document or an electronic fiscal document that is issued as a customer
invoice in the Sales order form. If the sales order does not use the same price and discount rules defined in Retail POS,
you must verify the price and the taxes of the sales order lines to ensure that they match the lines of the fiscal receipt.
The discrepancies must be adjusted manually in the Fiscal reference form.

In order to maintain the fiscal reference, follow these steps:

1. Click Sales and marketing > Common > Sales order.
2. In the Sales order form, on the Invoice tab, click Generate Invoice to post an invoice.
3. In the Posting invoice form, click Fiscal Reference.
4. In the Number field, enter the COO number of the fiscal receipt.
5. In the Series field, enter a value. Do not leave this field blank.
6. In the Date field, select the date for the fiscal receipt.
7. In the Direction field, select Outgoing.
8. In the Issuer field, select the fiscal establishment.
9. On the Details FastTab, in the Account type field, select Customer.
10. In the Account field, select the customer ID for the sales order.
11. In the Text ID field, select the appropriate text ID.
12. In the Fiscal printer serial number field, enter the fiscal printers serial number.
13. In the Fiscal printer number field, enter the terminal number.

Limitations of Retail POS customization for Brazil
The binary files of Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3 and Retail POS, such as the .exe or .dll files, cannot be changed after
the last certification and official registration of Retail POS. Therefore, it is not possible to customize the files that are
listed in the MD5FileList.txt file.
Reserved blank operations
The following table explains blank operations that are reserved for implementations of Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 R3
Retail POS in Brazil.

Operation number Operation parameter Purpose
1 1 Configure fiscal printer configuration parameters.
1 2 Configure EFT parameters.
2 None Generate the Nota Fiscal Paulista file.
3 None Generate a fiscal document model 2.
4 None Perform administrative functions for EFT.
5 None Generate the Ato Cotepe 35/2005 file.
6 None Generate the PAF-ECF records report.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and Retail POS Localization for Brazil
White Paper

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