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Melissa Higey Plot Lesson Plan Field Experience

Subject: Library Media Grade Level: 5
Standard and Grade Level Indicator: Reading Encouragement: Read for pleasure and
information and discuss the impact that plot, theme and events have on characters in
reading material.
Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall
structure of a particular story, drama, or poem.
Lesson Name: What Is Plot?
Time: 45 minutes
Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will understand how to list the
sequence of events in the plot of a short story.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skill: General understanding of the elements of a story (setting,
plot, characters, conflict, theme).
Instructional Strategies:
Introduce learning target
Show video on plot elementsFacilitate student discussions with partners on the 5
elements from the video
Review plot diagram (Freytags pyramid) and 5 plot elements (introduction, rising
action, climax, falling action, conclusion)
Show video again and facilitate while students complete plot diagram chart with
events from the story
Facilitate while students work with partners on mapping a plot diagram for a short
Learning Activities:
Melissa Higey Plot Lesson Plan Field Experience

Watch plot elements video
Discuss plot elements with partners
Work with partners to diagram the plot of a short story
Computer and projector
Copies of short stories
Large version of plot diagram
Assessment: Students will be assessed by evaluating the list of plot events on worksheets
as well as an informal assessment to judge on a scale of 1-4 their level of confidence in
knowledge of plot.
Lesson Timeline:
3 minutes Students enter classroom and teacher assigns numbered seats randomly (4
students to a table)
2 minutes Read learning target
5 minutes Watch Flocabulary Plot Elements video
5 minutes Have students discuss the 5 elements with their shoulder partners
5 minutes Review elements of plot on plot diagram
5 minutes Hand out worksheets and have students write down the examples in the song
while watching the video again
10 minutes Partners read story To Map a Story and work together to map plot
elements on plot diagram
3 minutes Call on students to share the 5 events in the story
Melissa Higey Plot Lesson Plan Field Experience


2 minutes Students assess knowledge of plot by scoring on corner of worksheet
5 minutes Students pack up and are dismissed

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