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Repttblic of the PhiliPPines
Citystate Centre Building, 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City
Healthline 441 -7 444 r'r'
gor' ph
Notice of Yacancies for Second Lqvel Positions
Attached is the Notrce o{ Yacanctes for the vacant second ievei positions in the Corporation
with the corresponding rtem number, salary grade and qualifrcation standards for fi1ling-in'
Appiicauon forms together wjrh the app)rcant's curriculum vi[ae, Persona] Data Sheet (CS Form
Zii), certtfi.cate of eTigrbtlity, copies of d.tploror, Transcnpt of Recotds, traintng certificates,
.-pioy*.nt certficatels, Applicant's Data M^tri" with recent ID picture, Srvom Declzrap.or,f
Idenuficauon of RelaUv", irl
cetification of No Confhct of Interest, and Non-
Disciosure Agreement Form shall be submitted to the foilowing:
For Central Office vacancies:
HRD Room 1507 Citystate Center Bldg., 709 Shar.v Bivd., Oranbo, Pasig City
For PRO YacancY:
3/F Uytngkoc Bidg',
Averuda Veteranos, Tacloban CttY
Application period: March 4-L3, 2014
other questions bv applicants on matters not covered by this advisory should be difected to
Human Resource DePartment
tearnpl'rili-realth ffi{
*nr*,. la"ebook. con/PhilHealth W
Auditing Systems Specialist II (SG - 16)
Education: Bachelor's degree televant
Trarmng: 4 hours of relevant
to the
job; Wotk Expelience: 1 year of televant
tl:atrurrg; E ligibiJity : C areer S er-l'ice (Pro fes sional)
S econd Level EiigibriitY'
Addttronal Preferences:
rn SQL or ACL and other relevant audrflng/analytical
tools; experj'enced
m systems ana1y5i5 irra a.rigt
or rnformatlon systems audit;
competenci es, crtttcal/iogical,thtnkirrg,
wtth good personality,
organized and
systeLauc, and proficie,'L"
ski1ls (ora1 and wntten)'
Item No./s:
13-02-0006; operaUons Audrt Department
(to be assigned rn IAG-IT Audit)
1. Conducts researches to obtarn background
infotmation on the activities
to be audited
to determtle
the rmpact on the audrt, the lesoulces necessaqr to perform the audrt' and
possible nsks associated vzith the audrt;
2, Discusses research findings rvith the leader of the audrung team;
3. Performs infotmation systems audrtrng work such as:
Evaluates the adequacl', and effectiveness
of internal controls of the application
systems to determrne the rehabihry and integrity of lnformauon gererated through
sYstems ;
b. Analyzes and.t.rt, tlr. extentof compliance,effrci'encvandeffectivenessof
exrstulg s\rstems r.vith establtshed poJicies,
1aws, rules, regulations and procedufes;
c. Perforts data extractions and data analytics;
4. Drafts rePort on the results of the audrt completed;
5. Drscusses resuits wrth audrtee/s befote the draft of the leport is finalized;
6. Makes appropriate
based on the results of the audit;
7, Fo11o"rrs-.rp u'.oor* to determ:ne rf audrt tecommendadons
ha'e been carried out or
not and to rnquire for the reasons for non-jmplerlentation;
B. Petforms other related task as may be assrgned'
Chief Social Insurance Officer
(SG - 22)
Bachelor's degree relerrant to the
\)7ork Expefience:
4-years teler-ant
Trarn]Jrg: 24 irours of releYant traimng; E'ligibilirl':
Career Selwice
piofessronal) /
Second Level E'ligrbilrty'
Item No./s:
1. Supenrses the admrrustradon
of any of the following NHIP fr'rnctions/Areas:
NHIP Service Office OPeratrons
2. Provide rnputs to the short and long range operational objectives,
stlategles' acflon
plans, and annual budgets of the drvision
3. Asstst rn the prepa ,niJnof rnd1caflve plans and operatr onalf accomphshment
report of
(1n compliance with RA 7041)
i i r,; the divisron
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4. Assist the Division Head rn morutonng the performance of the unit, review its work
processes and recommend change/s to rmprove and optimze its petformance, subiect
to approval b)'tlr. Division Head and the PRO-Head
5. Assist in the tr-aining/skills development of lower lerrel staff of the urut.
6. Ensure coordination and hatmonious workrng relations befween the drvrsion and
other units of the PRO
7. Prepare simple to hLrgh\, corrrplex correspondence, presentation materials and other
documents as may be required by the higher Officer
B. Performs other related tasks as malr be assigned
Social Insurance Specialist (SG - 15
Education: Bachelor's degree relevant to the job; Work Expelience: I yeat of relevant
experience; Trarning: 4 hours of relevant tramrng; EligibrLity: Career Service (?rofessronal)/
Second Level El-rgibtlit, .
Item No./s:
Protest and ;\ppeals Revierv Department
1. Coordinates claims pa),rnent processing rn the drfferent units from submission of
approved ciarms and rts accompanying payment request forms to the retlieval of
cheques from the cashier.
2. Records ancl handles actaal clarms payment releases to providers and beneficiaries.
3. Based on the summalT report of drsapptoved clarms submitted, prepares and sends out
notices to providers and beneficiaries with demed clairrrs.
4. Assists and entertarn providers and beneflciaries in getung among othets, the status of
thel clarms vedhcations on reduced reimbursements and unprocessed payments'
5. Prepares and submrts reports of unreleased cheques or
and other
documentauon/s as ma)r be requrred b,v the Medrcal Specralist IV'
6. Assi"sts in processing/ consohdation of means test results'
7. Performs otl1er related tasks that malr bs assrgned or delegated by the Medical
Speciahst IV.
Supervising Auditing Systems Specialist (sG - 22)
Education: Bachelor's degree Lelevant
experience; Trarning: 16 hours of
(Professional) /
Second Level Eligibih6'.
Addi.tional Preferences :
FIas exper.ience rn systems analvsis and design/computer programming and tnformatron
systems audit; knowledgeable rn SQL or ACL and other relevant a:udttsng/anal1't1g^1 tools;
with supenisory experience; has expelience rn prepanng audrt plans/programs and audit
reports; Competencies: Critrcal/logical thrnkrng, leadersh,rp wlth good personality,
oigantzed and sysremattc, and proflcient in communication skills (oral and rvlitten).
Iterr No./s:
13-04-0006; Operauons Audrt Department (to be assigned rn IAG-IT Audit)
l. Reviews internal audit plans to determine audit coYerage, teasonable staff
composition, time duration, adequacy and appropriateness of internal auditing
guidllines and procedures and posstble risks associated rvrth the audrt;
2. bir.rrr". the irrternal audit plans with the concetned internal audrt staff;
3. Advises staff on need for changes in scope, objectives, audit procedures and how to
resohre audit issues encountered;
to the
job; Wo& Exper-ience: 3 years televant
relerrant trarmng; Eligibrliq': Career Serwice
5. Monitors and checks process of collectin g, anilyzirrg, interpteting and documenting
infor:rnation to ensure the audit staffs objectivity and that internal audit goals,
objecnves and performance targets are met;
6. Reviews written internal audit reports to determine completeness and conforrnance to
internal audit plans, objectives, standards and guidelines, and if findings wete discussed
with the audrtee/s before the final rePort was drafted;
7. Analyzes internal audit reports to detetmine accompl,ishments and deviations from the
audrr plans with the .rrd to evaluate the intemal audit function and enhance
B. Supewises the conduct of special intemal audits,
9. Trains new internal auditors,
10. Rates perfotmance of audrt staf{ and
11. Performs other related tasks that may be assigned.
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