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Fridays all term

Edudance (except 30.05)

Monday 5th May
P&C Meeting

Tuesday 6th May
Cricket Carnival

Thursday 8th May
AssemblyRm 2

13th15th May
NAPLAN Testing

27th & 29th May
Kindy Screening

Friday 30th May
Pupil Free Day

Monday 2nd June
Western Australia Day
Public Holiday

Thursday 5th June

Tuesday 10th June
Class Photos
From the Principal

Welcome students, staff, parents and community members to Term 2 2014. It was certainly a busy time last
term as we continued to strengthen the learning opportunities for our students. I am very much looking
forward to the many educational experiences and initiatives planned for this term and beyond aimed at
achieving strong learning outcomes for our students.

We welcome back Mrs Lisa Miller in Kindergarten from Long Service Leave and are very happy to have
successfully retained Ms Rochelle Reeves in Room 4 for the rest of the year.

Learning at North Fremantle Primary School An Update
Last term and at our recent Staff Development Day our staff have been involved in analysing data and
evidence obtained from student focus groups conducted last term. The aim of the focus groups was to gain
an understanding of the extent in which our students can articulate what a good learner is and what they're
learning and how they will know they have learned it. In addition to this as a staff we have been consulting
educational research conducted by Professor John Hattie into high effect teaching and learning approaches.
As a result of this process all our staff from Kindergarten to Year 7 will be implementing a common
approach to providing students with explicit learning intentions and success criteria (what they need to
demonstrate to achieve the lesson outcome) during learning experiences. You will notice the following
acronyms in your childrens classrooms which teachers and students will refer to:

WALT: We are learning to
WILF: What I am looking for
TIB: This is because

In addition, as part of our whole school approach to improving spelling, reading and writing, our Kindergar-
ten to Year 7 classes will be implementing an explicit phonics flashcards session each day. The session will
be a 5 8 minute session and will aim to expose students to a variety of phonics concepts.

Parent Communication School Assemblies and Newsletters
During this term, assemblies will be held at 8.45am, Thursday mornings in weeks 2, 6, 9. Assemblies will be
located in the Music/Art Room. During each assembly, class items, reports and honour certificates are
awarded to various children for their efforts and contributions in class. All parents are welcome to attend.

Newsletters will be sent out each Thursday fortnight. This terms newsletters will be sent out in Weeks 1, 3,
5, 7 and 9 via email. Please notify the office to update your email details if necessary.

School Website
We are currently discussing the possibility of our school website being re-designed. During this time the
website will still be updated with important information but may not be fully
operational. We thank you for your understanding and direct you to our school newsletter, notices and
classroom information in the meantime. Thank you.
Newsletter Issue 6, 16 May 2013
Newsletter Issue 18, 5th December 2013
Our Vision
For all students at North Fremantle Primary School to experience learning that is purposeful, engaging and empowers them
to become life long learners.
Our Mission
Through partnerships with parents and the local community, we will provide an inclusive environment in which our students
can develop the knowledge skills, understandings and confidence to reach their potential.

Email the school administration:
Email Teachers direct: Room? (Please insert which room # your child is in)
Room 2 - Liz Smith

Welcome back everyone. Were in for
another acton-packed and fun-flled
term. Our topic will be Wheels, Wings
and Other Things. Im hoping to
arrange several incursions and
excursions to extend, enhance and
consolidate our learning; once the plans
are more concrete Ill be sure to let you
The frst important thing we have in
our calendar is our Class Assembly
which will be next Thursday, 8
May at
8.45-9.30am. I would like to encourage
as many parents as possible to atend.
On Friday, in celebraton of Mothers
Day I would like to invite all the
mothers/grandmothers of the class to
join us for afernoon tea on Friday at

Room 1 - Lisa Miller

Welcome back to all our families. We hope you had a lovely break. It has been a nice frst week back in Kindy. Afer a
wonderful start to the year led by Mrs Slatery and Mrs Preston, the children and I have been spending our tme getng to
know each other. We are all looking forward to an acton packed, fun flled term of busy work and skill learning.

Room 3 - Bev Lane

First week back! We have writen about our holidays (of course) and everyone has returned safely except Arlo who is a
litle bit damaged.

We found that most of us have connectons to family members who were afected by war and we are all looking
forward to our Edudance lessons.
Christan, Lily, Jonathon.
Anna and Charlote or-
dered numbers to 10 and
matched amounts to

Rooms 5 - Brent Snook

Welcome back! From all of us here in Room 5 we hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday. We are certainly back into the
swing of things here and afer only two short days have sloted back into our regular routne nicely.
Thank you to all students and parents who atended our ANZAC day ceremony and made it such a success. Each class
presentaton highlighted the students understanding of the signifcance of Anzac day and what it means to us to be living in
We hope everyone has had a positve start to the term and is enjoying their tme back at school.

Room 4 - Rochelle Reeves & Belinda Baldey

Room 7 - Chris John

On Wednesday morning, North Fremantle commemorated the brave and heroic men and women of ANZAC, who made the
ultmate sacrifce for our country. We were grateful to have Mr Graham Purkiss share with us some of his experiences. Each
class presented some of their work explaining why keeping the ANZAC spirit alive for generatons to come is very important.

Sean Hardy-Atkins
Minister for Community Relatons

Welcome back! Hopefully everyones refreshed and ready to go because its shaping up to be another very busy term at North
Freo. Room 7 has hit the ground running in Term 2 having already examined the techniques and structures found in fve
diferent styles of poems. We have analysed the way authors use language, metaphor and imagery to create ideas and meaning
beyond the words on the page and are not far of doing the same in our own work. NAPLAN is only two weeks away so were
busy looking at as many practse examples as we can before then. Wish us luck!
Room 4 have had a busy start to the new term. We
welcome Miss Lauren Richards, from Notre Dame
University, who is with us for 10 weeks. We look
forward to some excitng and innovatve actvites
while she is here.

Our Anzac Day commemoratons were a huge success
and the class showed some very thoughtul and
insightul ideas about war and sacrifce in our

Suzie, our gorgeous class bunny, is enjoying her
relaxaton back on the farm with her babies. Mrs
Baldey managed to visit Suzie on the holidays and
says she misses the children. We stll have our class
yabbies, so come in and see them if you get a chance
before they go of to their new home.

Art News Margie Campbell

We have been very busy creatng gif paper and cards. I hope you all enjoy the hard work!

If anyone has any old magazines please drop them into the art room.

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