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4ipnet WHG405 and EAP110 Selected for
Alsalam Alnakheel Hotel (Rawda Grand!
Sa"di Ara#ia
I. Case Overview
Located in the holy city of
Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Alsalam
Alnaheel !otel is near the holy
mos"ue and situated on the
#ath of holy #il$rima$e. The
hotel offers a total of %&& rooms
'ith ( restaurants and a business
center, accommodatin$ tourists
and business tra)elers from all
o)er the 'orld. To $et a
com#etiti)e ed$e in the thri)in$
tourism business, the hotel has
decided to u#$rade for its hard'are and hotel amenities, offerin$ its
$uest better hotel ser)ices. Pro)idin$ *i+,i access 'as the to# #riority.
Alsalam Alnaheel !otel decides to use 4i#net *!-4&. *LAN controller,
'orin$ in con/unction 'ith EAP00& access #oints to build a 'ireless
net'or 'ith mana$in$ system and feature+rich solutions.
II. Challenges
1uild a easy mana$eable *i+,i net'or 'ith sim#le user interface
Accountin$ and billin$ o#tions2timed session, trial #eriod, and
more. !otel $uests and )isitor can ac"uire free or on demand
account ticet from the concier$e $enerated by 4i#net hots#ot
ticetin$ system

*i+,i for 13452Stable 'ireless si$nal for staff and $uests for
smooth multi+media streamin$, data #rocessin$, or intranet
connection, on e)ery floor and conference center throu$hout the
III. Network Solution
After thorou$h field e6amination, 4i#net tech s#ecialist has recommended 4i#net *!-4&. *LAN controller
cou#led 'ith .& 4i#net EAP00& access #oints for its *i+,i net'or de#loyment. 4i#net *!-4&. *LAN controller
offers )arious useful features, includin$ access authentication, SSI5 7 8LAN ta$$in$ for traffic control, and more
than 0& accountin$ and billin$ o#tions. ,ree trial or on demand account information are #rinted throu$h ticet
$enerator, #ro)idin$ a fast and easy *i+,i access for its $uests.
WH!"#$ Se%ure Wireless &AN %ontroller in iga'it Ethernet( ideal for mid+si9e enter#rise, hotel, or cam#us,
'ith :&&& built+in local accounts and :&&& on+demand accounts and mana$es u# to %&&6 4i#net AP in
both local and 'ide areas AP mana$ement total
EA)11"2Enter*rise A%%ess )oint features multi#le 8LAN su##ort cou#led 'ith multi#le+SSI5 ca#ability +
one AP can simultaneously emulate u# to ei$ht 8irtual APs 'ith different ESSI5s, hi$h s#eed ;u# to
(&&Mb#s< 'ith =&%.00n>b>$ %.4-!9 MIM4 radio in IP.& dust+#roof metal housin$,
Located in Mecca, the busiest city in
Saudi Arabia, Alsalam Alnaheel
!otel is near the holy mos"ue and
situated on the #ath of holy
#il$rima$e. The hotel offers a total of
%&& rooms, accommodatin$ tourists
and business tra)elers from all o)er
the 'orld.
Pro)ide reliable and easy to
mana$e 'ireless access
throu$hout the hotel #remises.
Solution , -eatures+
Centrali.e/ W&AN %ontroller $
*LAN monitorin$ of u# to %&&
4i#net access #oints )ia a sin$le,
inte$rated #latform
)ro/u%ts De*lo0e/+
WH!"#2Secure *ireless LAN
controller in -i$abit Ethernet
mana$in$ u# to %&& layer%>
layer( 4i#net access #oints
EA)11"2Enter#rise Access Point
in IP.& dust+#roof metal housin$,
s#ecially desi$ned for mid+si9e
enter#rise, hotel, or cam#us

4i#net?s *!-4&. is desi$ned to su##ort colle$e dormitories, a#artments, hotel net'orin$, telcos or lar$e
hots#ot o#erators net'orin$. *ith its intuiti)e user interface, *!-4&. inte$rates AP mana$ement, net'or
o)er)ie', user authentication and control, enter#rise $rade security, and accountin$>billin$ o#tions all in one
#aca$e. It #ro)ides sim#lified mana$eability and instant mobility. There are 0& #re+confi$ured customi9able
billin$ #lans2under time, )olume based accountin$ #olicies. Account users can also choose to $et *i+,i
account by 4i#net ticet #rinter system or credit card )ia #ayment #ortals, such as Pay#ayl, *orldPay.

,i$ure 0. E6am#le of Alsalam Alnheel !otel *ireless Net'or 5e#loyment
2. 3ene4its
Intuitive We' 5anage6ent User Inter4a%e
The 4i#net *ireless LAN Controller@s user interface is created 'ith user+friendliness in mind. The 'or tabs are
sim#lified and more intuiti)e yet still retain all the $reat features 4i#net has to offer. Aelated functions are
$rou#ed to$ether and sho'n in sub cate$ories. The 'eb mana$ement interface is desi$ned to #ro)ide SI
technicians a sim#le and easy de#loyment #rocess. Administrator can mana$e AP mana$ement, $uest access
control, lo$s re#ort in a central #lace deli)ered by 'ired and 'ireless net'or.
Servi%e 7ones an/ Di44erentiate/ Network Servi%es
The Ser)ice Bone feature enables mana$ed, differentiated ser)ices of all ty#e, includin$ CoS, #olicy, DAL
filterin$, and #ri)ile$e, 'hether it be for com#limentary Internet ser)ice for hotel )isitors, char$ed 'ireless
access for tem#orary users, or s#ecific a##lications that demand CoS ;"uality of ser)ice< such as 8oIP o)er *i+,i
on iPhone.
On8De6an/ , AAA
The *!-4&.?s on+demand account $eneration ca#ability #ro)ides instantaneous, free and char$eable
accounts for )isitors or hotel $uests 'ith customi9ed lo$in #ortal. Its multi#le, customi9able billin$ #lans fit the
needs of e)ery hotel $uests and )isitors.
!i*WES )ress8n8Conne%t with one tou%h 'utton to e9ten/ wireless %overage e44ortlessl0.
*ith 4i#net?s #atent+#endin$ technolo$y, 4i#*ES Press+n+Connect, it is easy to e6tend the *LAN to the areas
'here cables cannot reach2'ith the sim#le touch of a button, the EAP0&& automatically establishes an AES
encry#ted connection 'ith its #eer access #oint, effortlessly and securely e6#andin$ the net'or. E)en the
non+IT staff can handle the most com#licated 'ireless *5S de#loyment in less than 0& seconds. This feature is
es#ecially handy 'hen a fast net'or de#loyment and tem#orary Internet usa$e are re"uired durin$ e)ents.

*ebsiteE '''
Co#yri$ht G %&0( 4IPNET, INC. All ri$hts reser)ed.
All trademars are the #ro#erty of their res#ecti)e o'ners

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