Method of Procedure PP8600 CPU Replacement in An HLR 200 Solution. - GH8600CR.18.01

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Method of Procedure

PP8600 CPU replacement

in an HLR 200 solution.

Doc/Ver: GH8600CR.AA05
Issue Date: 23/02/2004
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Table of Contents

1 About this document ............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Intended Audience........................................................................................ 5
1.2 Indication of hypertext links ........................................................................ 5
1.3 Software release applicability ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Special text conventions in this document ................................................... 5
2 Overview................................................................................................................. 6
3 Procedures.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4 Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................... 11
5 References............................................................................................................. 12
6 Appendix A Prep activities ................................................................................. 13

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Revision Information

Version Issue Date Description of Changes Edited By
AA01 01/02/2004 Creation (draft). Alan Darbyshire
AA02 03/02/2004
Update with test and review comments
and promote to Preliminary status.
Richard Thompson
AA03 05/02/2004
Updating product names in accordance
with NSS17 branding recommendations.
Richard Thompson
AA04 05/02/2004 Updates to template and version number Richard Thompson
AA05 20/02/2004
Minor updates to Steps 6 and 10 of the
CPU replacement procedure following
verification testing.
Richard Thompson

Document Status

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Issue Date: 23/02/2004 Page: 5 of 13

1 About this document
This document describes the CPU replacement procedure associated with the PP8600
Ethernet Switch deployed as part of the Nortel Networks HLR 200 solution.

1.1 Intended Audience
This procedure is intended for use by:

Nortel Networks customers (network operators)
Nortel Networks network engineering teams
Nortel Networks VO teams
Nortel Networks global software delivery teams
Nortel Networks GPS teams
Nortel Networks network integration team

1.2 Indication of hypertext links
There are no hypertext links used within this document.

1.3 Software release applicability
This procedure is applicable to, and has been tested with, the following PP8600 software
release versions:

1.4 Special text conventions in this document
There are no special text conventions within this document.

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2 Overview

This PP8600 CPU replacement procedure should be used when it is necessary to
configure a replacement CPU in a Nortel Networks HLR PP8600, for example in the case
where one of the CPUs has failed. Therefore, this procedure applies specifically to a
PP8600 as used within the Nortel Networks HLR 200 solution although it is based on the
generalized procedure supported by the PP8600 engineering team [1].

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3 Procedures
3.1 PP8600 CPU replacement
The PP8600 switch deployed with the Nortel Networks HLR 200 is configured with two
8691SF CPU modules running in high availability (HA) mode. In HA mode it is possible
to replace or hot swap the standby PP8600 CPU without any loss of HLR service.

3.1.1 Equipment required
A PC/laptop capable of running a terminal emulator or VT 100 terminal
A nine-pin, d-type female to nine-pin d-type female can be either straight or
null modem as the 8691SF has a switch next to the console port which allows
it to changed from DCE (straight) to DTE (null modem).

3.1.2 Supported PP8600 software releases
Table 1 lists the PP8600 software releases against which this procedure has been verified
in the Nortel Networks HLR solution. Table 1 also shows the main and boot image
names associated with each supported software release
Table 1
Release Boot image name Main image name
v3.3.0 p80b3300.img P80a3300.img
v3.5.0 p80b3500.img P80a3500.img

3.1.3 Supporting documentation
[1] PP8600 Technical Configuration Guide for CPU replacement - Release 3.5
[2] Installing Passport 8600 switch modules 312749-E (Rel v.3.3.0)

3.1.4 Pre-application checklist
1. Obtain the PP8600 IP address any telnet client can be used to connect to the
master CPU by opening a telnet connection to this address. It is necessary to use a
site-specific PP8600 Username and Password in order to complete this procedure.
2. Because the Nortel Networks HLR PP8600 switch is delivered in 8010co chassis
the replacement 8691SF CPU card must be configured with software release 3.1.2
or later as the default (factory installed) load.
WARNING: Under no circumstances attempt to install a replacement
8691SF CPU which does not meet the above default load criteria, into an in-
service HLR PP8600.
3. Make sure that the active CPU boot flags ha-cpu and savetostandby are set to
true. This can be accomplished by using the "show boot flags" command when
logged into PP8600.
4. Make sure the CPU to be replaced is not the active/master CPU. The active CPU
is indicated by the Master LED on the 8691SF front panel flashing green.
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3.1.5 Procedure notation notes
In the detailed steps the captured example/observations reflect the case when the
master (active) CPU is seated in slot 5 in the chassis and the replacement CPU has
been inserted into slot 6.

3.2 Detailed CPU replacement steps

Step Action Example/Observation
Insert the replacement CPU
into vacant slot on the
PP8600. This is described
in detail in 8600 document
"Installing 8600 switch
modules" [2]

Connect PC/terminal to
replacement CPU console
using serial cable.

The PC/terminal serial port
settings must be compatible
with the CPU port

By default the console
serial port settings are 9600
bits/sec, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, No parity

When the serial connection
has been established,
logon to the CPU card.

At this stage the following default values will need to be
used for the Username and Password:
Username rwa
Password rwa
Disable the console screen
messages to avoid getting
distracting output written to
Console messages will now be output to the terminal screen
Passport-8610:6# config log screen off
Set the telnetd boot flag to
allow telnet access to the
replacement CPU and save
the boot setting. Following
the boot (step 6) it will be
possible to connect to the
replacement CPU from the
master CPU by using the
telnet peer command.

Passport-8610:6# config boot flags telnetd true
Passport-8610:6# save boot

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Boot the replacement CPU
Note: Following this reboot,
it is necessary to repeat
Step 4 to disable the output
to the screen console.
Passport-8610:6# boot y

Check if the image files
required for the appropriate
software release are
installed in the flash
memory on the
replacement CPU see
Table 1 for filename details.

If the files are not installed
then go to step 8.

Otherwise continue with
step 9
Passport-8610:6# dir

size date time name

-------- ------ ------ --------

420 OCT-12-2003 19:07:44 /flash/boot.cfg

676591 DEC-16-2003 21:39:52 /flash/p80b3160.img

3053426 DEC-16-2003 21:40:26 /flash/p80a3161.img

4753244 DEC-23-2003 19:03:46 /flash/p80a3300.img

709510 DEC-23-2003 19:04:26 /flash/p80b3300.img

8790 OCT-12-2003 19:08:08 /flash/config.cfg

Copy the image files from
the master CPU use
Table 1 to select the correct
Passport-8610co:6# copy peer:/flash/<main image
name> /flash/<main image name>
Passport-8610co:6# copy peer:/flash/<boot image
name> /flash/<boot image name>

Copy the boot configuration
file from the master CPU
@Passport-8610co:6# copy
peer:/flash/boot.cfg /flash/boot.cfg

File already existing, overwrite (y/n) ? y


Check name of primary
configuration file on the
master CPU this means
that you should either telnet
to the PP8600 or move the
console cable to the
master CPU blade.
Logging into the master
CPU requires the site
specific password rather
than the default password.

In the example the
configuration file is

Check the file sizes on the
t CPU i th di
@Passport-8610co:5# sho boot choice
choice primary config-file "/flash/config.cfg"

choice primary image-file "/flash/p80a3300.img"

choice secondary config-file "/flash/config.cfg"

choice secondary image-file "/flash/p80a3300.img"

choice tertiary config-file "/flash/config.cfg"

choice tertiary image-file ""

Passport-8610b:5# dir
size date time name

-------- ------ ------ --------
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master CPU using the dir

435 DEC-16-2003 12:17:44 /flash/boot.cfg

4753244 DEC-16-2003 12:03:49 /flash/p80a3300.img

709510 DEC-16-2003 12:06:24 /flash/p80b3300.img

16002 DEC-16-2003 12:18:08

From the replacement
CPU copy the configuration
file from the master CPU
@Passport-8610co:6# copy
peer:/flash/config.cfg /flash/config.cfg

File already existing, overwrite (y/n) ? y


On the replacement CPU
make sure all the files have
been copied across
correctly by comparing the
files against those obtained
in step 10
Passport-8610:6# dir

size date time name

-------- ------ ------ --------

435 DEC-23-2003 19:07:44 /flash/boot.cfg

676591 DEC-16-2003 21:39:52 /flash/p80b3160.img

3053426 DEC-16-2003 21:40:26 /flash/p80a3161.img

4753244 DEC-23-2003 19:03:46 /flash/p80a3300.img

709510 DEC-23-2003 19:04:26 /flash/p80b3300.img

16002 DEC-23-2003 19:08:08 /flash/config.cfg

Boot the replacement CPU
using the appropriate boot
load see Table 1

Passport-8610:6# boot /flash/<boot image
On the master CPU check
the HA mode state is

Passport-8610:5# show ha-state
This command was successful
Passport-8610b:5# [12/23/03 15:09:39] HA
Table syncing in progress

Passport-8610b:5# [12/23/03 15:09:40] HA
Table syncing is complete

Passport-8610b:5# sh ha

Current CPU State : Synchronized state.

Last Event : Table synchronization

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4 Terms and Abbreviations

CPU Central Processor Unit
HA High Availability
HLR Home Location Register
MOP Method Of Procedure
PP8600 Passport 8600 Ethernet Switch
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5 References

Reference Document Name Title Comments
1 pp8600tcg-cpu v1.1
PP8600 Technical Configuration
Guide for CPU replacement -
Release 3.5
Note: Contact
Nortel Networks
312749-E (v3.3.0)
312749-F (v3.5.0)
Installing Passport 8600 switch

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6 Appendix A Prep activities
Operators should review the following information as soon as this document is received.

Obtain the IP address of the PP8600 any telnet client can be used to connect
to the master CPU by opening a telnet connection to this address. Obtain a
site-specific PP8600 Username and Password to login to the PP8600 CPU.

Check that the replacement 8691SF CPU card has been configured with
software release 3.1.2 or later as the default (factory installed) load.

Make sure that the active CPU boot flags ha-cpu and savetostandby are set to
true (using the "show boot flags" command when logged into PP8600).

Make sure that the CPU to be replaced is not the active/master CPU. The
active CPU is indicated by the Master LED on the 8691SF front panel
flashing green.


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