Environment Law Analyst Certification

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Certified Environment Law

Certified Environment Law Analyst

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1156
Vskills certification for Environment Law Analyst assesses the candidate as per the
companys need for compliance to environmental laws and assistance in environmental
cases !he certification tests the candidates on vario"s areas in ind"strial poll"tion#
ha$ardo"s s"%stances law# le&islative meas"res# enforcement machinery# poll"tion control
%oards# national environment tri%"nal# 'ndian ("diciary# corporate environmental lia%ility
and stat"tory relief

)hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification*
!his Co"rse is intended for professionals and &rad"ates wantin& to e+cel in their chosen
areas 't is also well s"ited for those who are already workin& and wo"ld like to take
certification for f"rther career pro&ression

Earnin& Vskills Environment Law Analyst Certification can help candidate differentiate in
today,s competitive (o% market# %roaden their employment opport"nities %y displayin&
their advanced skills# and res"lt in hi&her earnin& potential

)ho will %enefit from takin& this certification* )ho will %enefit from takin& this certification* )ho will %enefit from takin& this certification* )ho will %enefit from takin& this certification*
-o% seekers lookin& to find employment in le&al departments of vario"s companies#
st"dents &enerally wantin& to improve their skill set and make their CV stron&er and
e+istin& employees lookin& for a %etter role can prove their employers the val"e of their
skills thro"&h this certification
!est .etails !est .etails !est .etails !est .etails
."ration/ ."ration/ ."ration/ ."ration/ 60 min"tes
1o of 2"estions/ 1o of 2"estions/ 1o of 2"estions/ 1o of 2"estions/ 50
3a+im"m marks/ 3a+im"m marks/ 3a+im"m marks/ 3a+im"m marks/ 50# 4assin& marks/ 55 65078
!here is no ne&ative markin& in this mod"le
9 99 9ee Str"ct"re ee Str"ct"re ee Str"ct"re ee Str"ct"re
:s ;#000<- 6'ncl"des all ta+es8
Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst Environment Law Analyst
Environment Law Analysts are in &reat demand Companies speciali$in& in environment
protection or le&al related services are constantly hirin& skilled Environment Law Analysts
Vario"s p"%lic and private companies also need Environment Law Analysts for their le&al

Certified Environment Law Analyst

!a%le of Contents !a%le of Contents !a%le of Contents !a%le of Contents

1 1 1 1 'ntrod"ction 'ntrod"ction 'ntrod"ction 'ntrod"ction
1.1 Environmental Crisis
1.2 Environmental Imperatives
1.3 Constitutional Response to International Urge

5 5 5 5 'n 'n 'n 'nd"strial 4oll"tion d"strial 4oll"tion d"strial 4oll"tion d"strial 4oll"tion
2.1 Magnitude of the Problem
2.2 Hazardous Industries and Environmental Pollution
2.3 Industrial Pollution and Health Hazards

; ; ; ; Le&al Control of =a$ardo"s S"%stances and 4rocess Le&al Control of =a$ardo"s S"%stances and 4rocess Le&al Control of =a$ardo"s S"%stances and 4rocess Le&al Control of =a$ardo"s S"%stances and 4rocess
3.1 Proliferation of Chemicals
3.2 Law Relating to Hazardous Substances
3.3 Legal Control of Hazardous Processes
3.4 Rules on Hazardous Substances

> > > > Law :elatin& to )ater 4oll"tion Law :elatin& to )ater 4oll"tion Law :elatin& to )ater 4oll"tion Law :elatin& to )ater 4oll"tion
4.1 Water Pollution
4.2 Civil Law Actions
4.3 Legislative Measures
4.4 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 74

5 5 5 5 'nd"strial Air 4oll"tion and Law 'nd"strial Air 4oll"tion and Law 'nd"strial Air 4oll"tion and Law 'nd"strial Air 4oll"tion and Law
5.1 Industrialization and Air Pollution
5.2 Civil Law Actions
5.3 Statutory Provisions

6 6 6 6 Enforcement 3achinery Enforcement 3achinery Enforcement 3achinery Enforcement 3achinery
6.1 Administrative Efforts to Combat the Hazards of Pollution
6.2 Central Pollution Control Board
6.3 State Pollution Control Boards
6.4 Supreme Court Decisions and the Directions
6.5 Pollution Control in Highly Polluting Industries
6.6 Coordination Activities of Pollution Control Boards
6.7 Penal Provisions and Effectiveness of Enforcement Machinery
6.8 Financial Constraints and Assistance
6.9 The National Environment Tribunal

? ? ? ? Environmental 'ss"es and -"dicial !r Environmental 'ss"es and -"dicial !r Environmental 'ss"es and -"dicial !r Environmental 'ss"es and -"dicial !rend end end end
7.1 Environmental Pollution and Courts Concern
Certified Environment Law Analyst

7.2 Public Nuisance Environmental Hazards
7.3 Right to Wholesome Environment and Ecological Balance
7.4 Right to Carry on Trade vis-a-vis Duty to Protect Environment
7.5 Right to Information about Hazardous Installations
7.6 Public Access to Environmental Justice
7.7 Doctrine of Mass Justice and Emergence of Public Interest Litigation
7.8 Public Interest Litigation and Access to Environmental Justice
7.9 Role of Indian Judiciary
7.10 Environmental Concerns of the Indian High Courts
7.11 Basis for Entertaining the Environmental Petitions
7.12 Liberalized Standing Rules vis-a-vis Restraints on Public Interest Petitions
7.13 Conclusion

@ @ @ @ Corporate Environmental Lia%ility Corporate Environmental Lia%ility Corporate Environmental Lia%ility Corporate Environmental Lia%ility
8.1 Tortuous Liability for Pollution Accidents
8.2 Pollution Accidents and Victim
8.3 Rules of Strict and Victims
8.4 Rules of Strict and Absolute Liability
8.5 Responsibility of Executives
8.6 Quantification of Compensation
8.7 Bhopal Settlement
8.8 Bhopal Act

A A A A Stat"tory :elief for 4oll"tion Victims Stat"tory :elief for 4oll"tion Victims Stat"tory :elief for 4oll"tion Victims Stat"tory :elief for 4oll"tion Victims
9.1 Public Liability Insurance Act
9.2 Liability of the Owner
9.3 Settlement of Claims
9.4 Environment Relief Fund
9.5 Limitation and Scale of Relief
9.6 Regulatory and Penal Provisions
9.7 Advisory Committee

Certified Environment Law Analyst

Sample B"estions Sample B"estions Sample B"estions Sample B"estions
1 1 1 1 Environmental policy aims to CCCCCCCC Environmental policy aims to CCCCCCCC Environmental policy aims to CCCCCCCC Environmental policy aims to CCCCCCCC
A Dse nat"ral reso"rces for economically important ind"strial prod"cts
E 4rotect the val"es of the landowner
C 4romote fairness amon& people and &ro"ps in the "se of reso"rces
. 4reserve all present nat"ral areas in their pristine condition

5 55 5 !he primary role of the Dnited 1ations is to CCCCCCCC !he primary role of the Dnited 1ations is to CCCCCCCC !he primary role of the Dnited 1ations is to CCCCCCCC !he primary role of the Dnited 1ations is to CCCCCCCC
A 3aintain international environmental ed"cation standards
E .evelop international %"siness cooperatives
C 3ake international laws re&ardin& commerce and the environment
. Cooperate in solvin& international economic# social# c"lt"ral# and h"manitarian

; ;; ; .ecisio .ecisio .ecisio .ecisions rendered %y the co"rts make "p a %ody of law known as CCCCCCCC ns rendered %y the co"rts make "p a %ody of law known as CCCCCCCC ns rendered %y the co"rts make "p a %ody of law known as CCCCCCCC ns rendered %y the co"rts make "p a %ody of law known as CCCCCCCC
A Stat"tory law
E Case law
C 3andatory law
. Environmental law

> >> > Enforcement and ela%oration of stat"tory law is &iven to CCCCCCCC Enforcement and ela%oration of stat"tory law is &iven to CCCCCCCC Enforcement and ela%oration of stat"tory law is &iven to CCCCCCCC Enforcement and ela%oration of stat"tory law is &iven to CCCCCCCC
A )atchdo& &ro"ps
E !he le&islative %ranch
C !he ("dicial %ranch
. Administrative a&encies

5 55 5 Stat"tory laws are passed %y CCCCCCCC Stat"tory laws are passed %y CCCCCCCC Stat"tory laws are passed %y CCCCCCCC Stat"tory laws are passed %y CCCCCCCC
A 9ederal preemption
E !he le&islative %ranch
. !he president of the Dnited States

Answers: 1 (C), 2 (D), 3 (B), 4 (D), 5 (B)

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