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Certified WebLOAD Testing

Certified WebLOAD Testing Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified WebLOAD Testing WebLOAD Testing WebLOAD Testing WebLOAD Testing Professional Professional Professional Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1168
Vskills certification for WebLOAD Testing assesses the candidate as er the co!an"#s
need for load and erfor!ance testing of soft$are and $eb alications% The certification
tests the candidates on &ario's areas in installing WebLOAD( WebLOAD )D* basics and
it#s config'ration( test rearation( agenda basics( recording and editing agendas( correlating
agendas( r'nning and deb'gging agendas%

Wh" sho'ld one take Wh" sho'ld one take Wh" sho'ld one take Wh" sho'ld one take this certification+ this certification+ this certification+ this certification+
This Co'rse is intended for rofessionals and grad'ates $anting to e,cel in their chosen
areas% )t is also $ell s'ited for those $ho are alread" $orking and $o'ld like to take
certification for f'rther career rogression%

*arning Vskills WebLOAD Testing Professional Certification can hel candidate
differentiate in toda"-s co!etiti&e .ob !arket( broaden their e!lo"!ent oort'nities b"
disla"ing their ad&anced skills( and res'lt in higher earning otential%

Who $ill benefit fro! ta Who $ill benefit fro! ta Who $ill benefit fro! ta Who $ill benefit fro! taking this certification+ king this certification+ king this certification+ king this certification+
/ob seekers looking to find e!lo"!ent in $eb de&elo!ent( )T or $eb alication testing
deart!ents of &ario's co!anies( st'dents generall" $anting to i!ro&e their skill set and
!ake their CV stronger and e,isting e!lo"ees looking for a better role can ro&e their
e!lo"ers the &al'e of their skills thro'gh this certification%
Test Details Test Details Test Details Test Details
D'ration0 D'ration0 D'ration0 D'ration0 61 !in'tes
2o% of 3'estions0 2o% of 3'estions0 2o% of 3'estions0 2o% of 3'estions0 41
5a,i!'! !arks0 5a,i!'! !arks0 5a,i!'! !arks0 5a,i!'! !arks0 41( Passing !arks0 64 74189
There is no negati&e !arking in this !od'le%
:ee Str'ct :ee Str'ct :ee Str'ct :ee Str'ct're 're 're 're
;s% <111=- 7)ncl'des all ta,es9
Co!anies that hire Vskills Co!anies that hire Vskills Co!anies that hire Vskills Co!anies that hire Vskills WebLOAD Testing Professional WebLOAD Testing Professional WebLOAD Testing Professional WebLOAD Testing Professional
WebLOAD Testing Professionals are in great de!and% Co!anies seciali>ing in $eb
de&elo!ent or $eb testing are constantl" hiring skilled WebLOAD Testing Professionals%
Vario's 'blic and ri&ate co!anies also need WebLOAD Testing Professionals for
their $eb de&elo!ent( )T or $eb alication testing deart!ents%

Certified WebLOAD Testing Professional
Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents

1% 1% 1% 1% WebLOAD WebLOAD WebLOAD WebLOAD )D* )D* )D* )D*
1.1 About WebLOAD IDE
1.2 The User Flow
1.3 Agenda Creation

6% 6% 6% 6% Test Prearation Test Prearation Test Prearation Test Prearation
2.1 Before You Begin
2.2 Clearing the Cache and Cookies in Your Browser
2.3 Configuring the Proxy Value for Your Browser

<% <% <% <% Agenda Agenda Agenda Agenda
3.1 Creating an Agenda
3.2 Viewing Your Agenda
3.3 Editing Your Agenda
3.4 Running and Debugging Your Agenda

?% ?% ?% ?% ;ecording Agendas ;ecording Agendas ;ecording Agendas ;ecording Agendas
4.1 About Recording Agendas with WebLOAD IDE
4.2 Starting WebLOAD IDE
4.3 Recording an Agenda
4.4 Viewing the Recorded Agenda
4.5 Performing Script Regeneration
4.6 Saving an Agenda
4.7 Saving Additional Project Information
4.8 Recording Desktop Web Applications

4% 4% 4% 4% *diting Agendas *diting Agendas *diting Agendas *diting Agendas
5.1 About Editing Agendas with WebLOAD IDE
5.2 Editing an Agenda in the Agenda Tree
5.3 Editing an Agenda in the JavaScript View Pane
5.4 Editing your Agenda Using the WebLOAD IDE Toolbox Set
5.5 Working with JavaScript Files

6% 6% 6% 6% Correlating Agendas Correlating Agendas Correlating Agendas Correlating Agendas
6.1 About Correlating Agendas with WebLOAD IDE
6.2 Performing Correlation
6.3 Automatic Discovery of Correlation Rules
6.4 Approving the Correlation Engine Rules
6.5 Configuring the Correlation Rules
6.6 Session Management

Certified WebLOAD Testing Professional
@% @% @% @% ;'nning and Deb'gging Agendas ;'nning and Deb'gging Agendas ;'nning and Deb'gging Agendas ;'nning and Deb'gging Agendas
7.1 About Running and Debugging Agendas with WebLOAD IDE
7.2 Running an Agenda
7.3 Debugging Agendas
7.4 Viewing and Analyzing the Test Results
7.5 Using the Execution Tree to View Results
7.6 Validating Responses
7.7 Comparing an Agenda Recording to its Playback
7.8 Editing an Agenda for Dynamic HTML Pages

8% 8% 8% 8% Config'ring the WebLOAD )D* Otions Config'ring the WebLOAD )D* Otions Config'ring the WebLOAD )D* Otions Config'ring the WebLOAD )D* Otions
8.1 Configuring the Default and Current Project Options
8.2 Configuring the Recording and Script Generation Options
8.3 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
8.4 Configuring the Parameterization Manager

Certified WebLOAD Testing Professional
Sa!le A'estions Sa!le A'estions Sa!le A'estions Sa!le A'estions
1% 1% 1% 1% What does the ter! SBT refers to+ What does the ter! SBT refers to+ What does the ter! SBT refers to+ What does the ter! SBT refers to+
A% S"ste! Bni3'e Test
C% S"ste! Bnder Test
C% S"ste! Bnified Test
D% 2one of the abo&e

6 66 6% % % % What is an DAgenda# in WebLOAD+ What is an DAgenda# in WebLOAD+ What is an DAgenda# in WebLOAD+ What is an DAgenda# in WebLOAD+
A% ;'nti!e arg'!ents
C% Test scrit
C% Pre-co!ilation arg'!ents
D% 2one of the abo&e

< << <% % % % Which rogra!!ing lang'age is 'sed in DAgenda#+ Which rogra!!ing lang'age is 'sed in DAgenda#+ Which rogra!!ing lang'age is 'sed in DAgenda#+ Which rogra!!ing lang'age is 'sed in DAgenda#+
A% /a&aScrit
C% P"thon
D% 2one of the abo&e

? ?? ?% % % % Eo$ !an" coding !odes are ro&ided b" Eo$ !an" coding !odes are ro&ided b" Eo$ !an" coding !odes are ro&ided b" Eo$ !an" coding !odes are ro&ided b" WebLOAD )D*+ WebLOAD )D*+ WebLOAD )D*+ WebLOAD )D*+
A% 6
C% <
C% ?
D% 2one of the abo&e

4 44 4% % % % What does each node in WebLOAD )D*#s agenda tree $ill ha&e+ What does each node in WebLOAD )D*#s agenda tree $ill ha&e+ What does each node in WebLOAD )D*#s agenda tree $ill ha&e+ What does each node in WebLOAD )D*#s agenda tree $ill ha&e+
A% Correlated resonse header
C% ;esonse header
C% ETTP !ethod
D% 2one of the abo&e

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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