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Answer the questions:

1) A stockman should be able to recognize early symptoms of a disease so that
prompt action can be taken to reduce loss and prevent the disease from
2) A cattles normal temperature is of 38.6
C (range acceptable 37.8-39.2
3) The normal pulse rate of a sheep is of 70-90 beats per minute.
4) Serious lung complaint may cause an animal to grunt with pain as it
5) Mouldy or unpalatable food may be the cause of an animal not eating
6) The possible causes of a poor coat may be irritations caused by parasites
such as lice, infections with worms or wasting diseases.
7) The head of a healthy animal is usually held fairly upright.
8) Even though the stockmans responsibility is to detect the early symptoms,
the prompt action of a veterinary surgeon may be required.

Some bacteria bring disease because 1.they produce toxic fluids.
An animal acquires natural immunity when 3.its own body produces
Antibodies 3.are directed against a particular disease.

Are these statements correct or incorrect?

Answer the questions:
1.Over the years, people have become more and more interested in
environmental protection, beginning to worry about soil erosion, flooding, poor
cropping practices, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, chemical pollution and
many others, realizing that they have become major problems which can affect
their futures dramatically.
2.Peoples health and life rely on a clean environment. Soil erosion is
undermining agricultural productivity reducing it below its potential;
desertification involves the depletion of vegetative cover, while deforestation
creates environmental problems on land and in the air. This is why people should
take responsibility for preserving our environment.
3.The environment (i.e. the fauna and the flora) needs protection and also
ourselves, the people, need protection.

Yes, the poorest countries are the most vulnerable to environmental
degradation.When countries are struggling with poverty, debt problems, rapid
growth of population and high rates of return to capital, the demand for
environmental protection decreases. If the economical development isnt going in
a good direction, the resources necessary for solving or preventing the possible
environmental problems wont be enough to sustain the cause.

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