Task 1 Read This Text and Answer The Question Below!

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To: Rizal
Congratulations on your success as the winner of the Youth
Scientific Contest 2008. We are prou of you.
!est lo"e#
$ncle Syu%ur an &a'ily
To: Rizal
Congratulations on your success as the winner of the Youth
Scientific Contest 2008. We are prou of you.
!est lo"e#
$ncle Syu%ur an &a'ily
Read this text and answer the question below!
Read this text and answer the question below!
Task 2
(. Who wrote the car)
2. Who is the aresser of the car)
3. Who is the recei"er of the car)
*. The car is sent for+..
(. Who wrote the car)
2. What %in of te,t is it)
3. Who is the recei"er of the car)
*. The car is sent for+..
Chose the one correct answer!
1. What is the genre of the text?
a. Short Message
b. Greeting Card
c. Letter
d. Notice
2. From the text we know that Fachri...
a. get a meda for the best st!dent
b. is the best st!dent at schoo
c. grad!ates from high schoo
d. got fi"e for his test
#. $...%ease ste% forward...$
a. come to the front
b. mo"e back
c. one ste% to the eft
d. stand in ine
&. $...when 'o!r name is caed as the best....$
'o!r refers to.....
a. Fachri
b. (nce Farhan
c. St!dent
d. (nce Fachri
). *he o%%osite of best...
a. worse
b. better
c. nice
d. good
Task 2
Chose the one correct answer!
1. What is the genre of the text?
a. Short Message
b. Greeting Card
c. Letter
d. Notice
2. From the text we know that Fachri...
a. get a meda for the best st!dent
b. is the best st!dent at schoo
c. grad!ates from high schoo
d. got fi"e for his test
#. $...%ease ste% forward...$
a. come to the front
b. mo"e back
c. one ste% to the eft
d. stand in ine
&. $...when 'o!r name is caed as the best....$
'o!r refers to.....
a. Fachri
b. (nce Farhan
c. St!dent
d. (nce Fachri
). *he o%%osite of best...
a. worse
b. better
c. nice
d. good
Task 2
Chose the one correct answer!
1. What is the genre of the text?
a. Short Message
b. Greeting Card
c. Letter
d. Notice
2. From the text we know that Fachri...
a. get a meda for the best st!dent
b. is the best st!dent at schoo
c. grad!ates from high schoo
d. got fi"e for his test
#. $...%ease ste% forward...$
a. come to the front
b. mo"e back
c. one ste% to the eft
d. stand in ine
&. $...when 'o!r name is caed as the best....$
'o!r refers to.....
a. Fachri
b. (nce Farhan
c. St!dent
d. (nce Fachri
). *he o%%osite of best...
a. worse
b. better
c. nice
d. good
-ear .ninya#
Wish you 'any happy returns of the ay. /ay 0o 1less you with health#
wealth an prosperity in your life.
2.33Y !4RT2-.Y
-ear .ninya#
Wish you 'any happy returns of the ay. /ay 0o 1less you with health#
wealth an prosperity in your life.
2.33Y !4RT2-.Y
-ear .ninya#
Wish you 'any happy returns of the ay. /ay 0o 1less you with health#
wealth an prosperity in your life.
2.33Y !4RT2-.Y
-ear .ninya#
Wish you 'any happy returns of the ay. /ay 0o 1less you with health#
wealth an prosperity in your life.
2.33Y !4RT2-.Y
Dear Maureen,
Congratulations on your wonderful ahie!e"ent# After two years
of hard wor$,
you finally get your Master degree#
%e are so &roud of you# 'ood lu$ on your future endea!ors#
Ti" (urton
Dear Tiara,
Congratulation on your achievement in mathematics!
Youre really the best.
Keep up the good work!
)n your new &osition
My sweetheart, Satriyo !
Always belie!e in you
*isten to your heart#
Trust your instint#
Know you an++#
,our wife,
-ear /o'#
2ow luc%y 4 a' to ha"e a wonerful 'o' who' 4 lo"e so 'uch with all 'y heart. 4 pray that
your special ay toay 1rings 'ore pleasure an happiness fro' this 'o'ent on.
2.33Y !4RT2-.Y# /6/ +!
Your son#
-ear Sheila#
2.33Y 0R.-$.T467
.s you cele1rate your uni"ersity grauation# this is your 'o'ent.
Welco'e to the real worl!
Your 1est frien#
To: /arry an 8ohn
. pray to a "ery special couple. /ay toay 1e your starting ay to get happiness an
success. Congratulations.
To: /arry an 8ohn
. pray to a "ery special couple. /ay toay 1e your starting ay to get happiness an
success. Congratulations.

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