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Group Twinkle Stars:

L Th Phng
Hong Thu Hoi
Lng Th Ngc
Hong Th Thanh
Vi Ngc Thy
E-mail contact:
School/Organization /Course: English Education K34
Faculty of Foreign Language Thai Nguyen University
I. Project overview
1. Description of our group
Our group has five members : Phng, Hoi , Ngc , Thanh, Thy.Were are
from to many different province. In former term, we discussed some presentations
of some subjects with each other and worked very effectively.In our project, we
decided talked about The museum of the cultures of viet Nams ethenic groups.
.We divided the job for each person.
Phng leader: divides tasks for team members, collects ideas from others,
arranges time.
Hoi accountant: keeps money, takes full responsibility for any bills of group,
searches information.
Thanh secretary: takes note information, types brochures writing.
Ngc member: searches information, makes video.
Thy member: searches information, makes video.
2. Summary of our project
We designed video and brochure for our project. There are three main purposes
which are mentioned in our brochure and video . As you know , the museum of
the cultures of Vietnams ethnic groups is a big cultural center with its functions
and tasks of doing research, collection, inventory, conservation, exhibition,
popularization and bring into play the heritage of traditional cultures of the
Vietnamese ethnic groups in the entire country. Secondly, we give some useful
information about the cultures of Viet Nams ethnic groups to reader. The general
information as other services . firstly ,we introduced inside exhibition of Museum
of the cultures of Vietnams ethnic groups .It consist of 5 showrooms :Showroom
1: cultures of ethnic groups of Viet Muong language group; Showroom 2:
cultures of ethnic groups of Tay- Thai language group; Showroom 3: cultures of
ethnic group of Hmong- dzao, kadai and tibeto- burman language group,
Showroom 4: ethnic culture of the Mon-khmer language group; Showroom 5:
cultures of ethnic groups of the ethnic groups of the chinese and malayo-
polynesian language groups.Second , we introduced outdoor exhibition of
Museum of the museum of the cultures of vietnams ethnic groups such as :
comunal house of Ba Na , cham towel, Whale worshiping temple,Poklong Grai
Cham Tower, the santum Cham pagoda.Finally ,we talked about services such as
cafe bar, parking lot . We hope that the readers would love not only physical but
also moral value of the Vietnamese cultures.
3. Our computer and internet access
We searched information about the museum of the cultures of Vietnams Ethnic
groups on the internet.Members in our group often search information in some
pages like:
In process of working , we used to contact with each others by telephone or
computer, on faceook, gmail, yahoo. Each week, we often spend two or three
times to meet together and discuss about brochure and video. It can be said that
computer and internet are useful for our finding information.
4. Problems we had to overcome
There are 4 big problems which our have to overcome in the process of doing
this brochure. The first problem is we didnt have vehicles. We had to go to the
museum by bus Unluckily, all members in our group were car sick. It was
difficult for us to take bus. We felt tired, bored when we took bus. The second
problem is this was the first time we worked together. We still misunderstood each
other, so we usually had more quarrels, each member had one originally opinion.
We had to resolve this problem to have a good work. The third problem is we had
different timetable, so we had to meet on the evening or after class. We had to
meet wherever and whenever we had time. Besides, we had more exercises to do.
Because we studied 6 subjects in this semester, so we had more works, more
exercises to work in group. So, we had to take more group meeting. And that is one
of the causes which made us difficult to arrange time to meet together. We met
group meeting both on weekend and on evening. Many times, we had to stay in
Phuongs room because we often finished works on late evening, sometimes at mid
night. Thanh stayed in dormitory, so she often came back the dormitory before
10:30 pm because the dormitory closed the door on 10:30 pm. And the last
problem is our video. The first time we took video, our video was fail, so we had to
came back the museum again to take video. When made the brochure, we lacked of
photos, so we had to come back the museum to take photos again. Each time we
visited the museum we had to pay 15 thousand dong per one person. It was very
expensive because we are all students.
However besides below problems, we are has some advantages: everyone also
tried for team and suggested good ideas for brochure; shared and helped other
members in team... Therefore, through this subject, we realized that if we wanted
to study well, we should do hard in individual and in team. Hard- working is good
for everything, especially in project.
II. Project elements
Our video and our brochure are result of studying process. We had to study more
about the way to make a brochure and a video. We found the information on the
Internet and asked friends who had studied this project about brochure. The
brochure was made from photos which we took in the museum, some photos we
download from Internet, the information about the photos, colors, the way to
design brochure. We had to write the information about five showrooms and four
places outside the museum from week 7 to week 13. Writing is a difficult work
because we had to be good at grammar, vocabulary. So, we had to check and edit
more time. Member of group checked together. To make unique, interesting,
attractive visitor brochure, we had to find more information, take more beautiful
photos, use suitable color of word, background, etc. Besides, we watched video
on and saw some models of brochure of upper course.
Another, to make a video, we had to take video and use Proshow Producer to make
video. As I had talked below, we had to take video 2 times. Editing and making
video is not difficult but uploading video to is quiet
slowly. We had to wait about 10 hours to upload video. However, now we have
completed our work in Tourism Project, we felt that we have just finished a big
work in my study in this semester.
To complete work, there are many efforts of all members in our team. All
members of group also work hard both in individually and in group. Thank for the
managers of Thai Nguyen Museum, they helped us to find information, represented
about five showrooms for us. Besides, they also helped us on taking video and
photos. Another aspect is the Internet. We also found more information on the
Internet by laptop. If we didnt have Internet, we couldnt do anything. Internet
helped us to connect members of group together. On some rainy days, we often
made group meeting on facebook, gmail, yahoo. Thank for Thanhs friend whom
we borrowed camera to take photos and video. His cameras quality is quiet good
with 14.0 mega pixel. It made our video and photos were clearly and beautiful.
Besides, thanks Mr.Huy our teacher, instructor of Tourism Project. He helped us
to check grammar and taught us the way to make a unique brochure. He often
required us to do well, quickly, and on time. Each week, he required us to show
our product. He often asked us what have you just done on this week?. He led us
to finish this project very enthusiastic and particularistic. He suggested us many
way to make brochure, developed our idea, our writing. So after finish to study this
project, we were improved more skill about writing and making brochure or video.
In general, Mr.Huy helped us so much in the process of making the final
productions. We also hope that, in this project, we can get high assessment and
high mark from him. May be this is motivation for our group. It helps our group
will have more happiness and efforts to study a new project in the next semester;
making project indeed becomes an interesting and useful for students in our school.
Thank you so much Tourism Project.

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