MCF DAS Specifications 2009 Final300709

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DAS Design Specification

Includes Installation Instructions

Implementation: July 2009
1. PURPOSE...........................................................................................................5
2. SCOPE................................................................................................................5
3. NOTES TO ESI!N " INST#$$#TION CONTR#CTORS................................5
%. O&S"E ISSUES.................................................................................................5
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 1 o, %3
5. ESI!N SPECI-IC#TION..................................................................................5
5.1. ! #S e/*.iption............................................................................5
5.1.1. Pa//i0e #S.........................................................................................1
5.1.2. #*ti0e #S..........................................................................................1
5.2. Ope.atin+ -.e2uen*y 3an)/........................................................................1
5.2.1. #lte.nati0e ,.e2uen*y .an+e/...............................................................1
5.3. #S Capa4ility.............................................................................................(
5.3.1. Pa//i0e #S.........................................................................................(
5.3.2. #*ti0e #S...........................................................................................(
5.%. Ta.+et Co0e.a+e #.ea.................................................................................(
5.5. R- $e0el/ Re2ui.e).....................................................................................(
5.5.1. !S59006U5TS 900 ............................................................................'
5.5.2. 3!'50 ..................................................................................................'
5.5.3. CS1'00 .............................................................................................'
5.5.%. 3!2100 ................................................................................................'
5.1. &an)o0e. 7one............................................................................................9
5.(. #S Con,i+u.ation.......................................................................................9
5.(.1. Pa//i0e #S Inte.*onne*t Po.t/..........................................................9
5.(.2. #*ti0e #S Inte.*onne*t Po.t/...........................................................10
5.'. Ra)iate) Po8e. $e0el/..............................................................................10
5.'.1. Pa//i0e #S.......................................................................................10
5.'.2. #*ti0e #S.........................................................................................11
5.9. Ele*t.oma+neti* Immunity.........................................................................11
5.10. 3a/e Station Po8e. $e0el/......................................................................12
5.11. 5a9imum Si+nal Re*ei0e) 4y 5S6UE.....................................................12
5.12. 5inimum #llo8a4le Pat: $o//.................................................................12
5.12.1. Pa//i0e #S.....................................................................................12
5.12.2. #*ti0e #S.......................................................................................13
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 2 o, %3
5.13. P.opa+ation 5o)el...................................................................................13
5.1%. 5ea/u.e) pe.,*e o, in/talle) #S.................................................13
5.1%.1. Retu.n lo//.......................................................................................13
5.1%.2. Pa//i0e
5.15. Ca4le an) Component $a4ellin+.............................................................13
5.11. P.e,e..e) 5ate.ial $i/t.............................................................................1%
5.1(. Ot:e. E2uipment Spe*i,i*ation/..............................................................1%
5.1(.1. C:a.a*te.i/ti* impe)an*e.................................................................1%
5.1(.2. ;S<R...............................................................................................1%
5.1(.%. Coa9ial *onne*to. type/...................................................................1%
5.1(.5. Pat*: *a4le/.....................................................................................15
1. E$I;ER#3$ES...............................................................................................15
1.1. o*umentation...........................................................................................11
1.2. P.elimina.y e/i+n o*umentation...........................................................11
1.3. etaile) e/i+n o*umentation...............................................................1(
1.%. In/tallation o*umentation........................................................................1'
1.5. Cont.a*to.63uil)e. initiate) #S................................................................19
(. E-INITIONS...................................................................................................20
'. #TT#C&5ENT=#: #S INST#$$#TION !UIE$INES...................................22
'.1. Pa//i0e 3a*>4one.....................................................................................22
'.2. #*ti0e 3a*>4one........................................................................................23
'.3. -loo. Ca4lin+.............................................................................................23
'.3.1. -ee)e. Ca4le 5ountin+ ?non .a)iatin+ *a4le@....................................23
'.3.2. Ra)iatin+ Ca4le 5ountin+..................................................................2%
'.3.3. 5ountin+ o, Omni #ntenna/...............................................................2%
'.3.%. 5ountin+ o, Panel #ntenna/..............................................................25
'.3.5. Ot:e.
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 3 o, %3
9. #TT#C&5ENT=3: TEST RESU$TS A P#SSI;E #S....................................2(
9.1. R- S8eep/ ...............................................................................................2(
9.2. In/e.tion $o// ...........................................................................................2(
9.3. Pa//i0e Te/tin+ ..............................................................2'
9.3.1. ynami* te/tin+ .................................................................................2'
10. #TT#C&5ENT=C: PRE-ERRE 5#TERI#$S $IST.....................................29
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e % o, %3

Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) are the in-building cabling, distribution and radiating
elements required for enhanced In-Building Coverage (IBC) for ireless services!
"his s#ecification outlines design and acce#tance into service requirements for a DAS!
"his document a##lies to the design of IBC DAS to hich a mobile telecommunications carrier
#ro#osed to connect its equi#ment! $here ca#acity issues require a DAS to be sectorised ithin a
site, this document a##lies to each sector!
Clauses %!& and %!% should be used for mobile carrier design requirements for DASs built by other
"he '( design contractor shall develo# all DAS Design Documentation in accordance ith this
A DAS shall only be acce#ted into o#eration hen the installation contractor verifies to one of the
licensed mobile carriers that the s#ecifications defined in this document are met!
Issues of '( radiation ha)ards are included in the design #rocess!
"his DAS Design S#ecification Document does not override any general or #ro*ect s#ecific
+,S-. requirements! $here there seems to be a contradiction, more stringent requirement
should be a##licable until the issue is discussed and resolved among /Sharing Carriers0!
(.1. $eneral DAS Description
"he Distributed Antenna System (DAS) may be either #assive1
typically composed of standard and radiating coaxial cables in various diameters (such as
3/8, 1/2, 7/8, etc!, couplers and po"er splitters "hich are employed to branch the base
station po"er to indoor type omni and/or panel antennas in remote locations2
or active1
typically composed of point#to#point optical fibre cables connecting one or more local fibre#
optic interfaces located in the base station to one or more $% or &% po"er operated active
heads in remote locations 'he remote active heads in turn are each connected to one or
more antennas, possibly via an additional amplifier
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 5 o, %3
In some cases the DAS can be hybrid, i!e! having both #assive and active DAS segments!
In a DAS, '( signal is transmitted in both directions (u#lin3 from mobile toards a base station,
and donlin3 from a base station toards a mobile)!
(.1.1. Passi)e DAS
A #assive DAS is ty#ically divided into to main com#onents1
4 the bac3bone feed system hich forms the distribution to each floor or area2 and
4 the floor5area cabling!
"he bac3bone is generally com#osed of cables, s#litters and cou#lers! "he #referred netor3
to#ology is for grou#s of floors5areas (u# to 6) to be fed from a multi-ay s#litter, hich in turn is
fed from a trun3 cable from the B"S (or from a higher level s#litter here there are more than 6
"he floor cabling can be a combination of any of radiating cable, coa7ial cable, fibre-o#tic remote
heads, antennae and terminations!
(.1.". Acti)e DAS
An active DAS ty#ically has an interface unit hich converts '( signals to o#tical signals! "his
interface unit is ty#ically co-located ith the B"S equi#ment! +#tical fibre distribution is used to
feed remote active heads hich convert the o#tical signals bac3 to '( signals hich are then
connected to individual antennas or to a small #assive distribution system!
Active systems may be multi-band, e!g! a tri-band system could have &89%:, DCS;9:: and
&8<;:: am#lifiers in a common remote head!
(.". Operating Fre*uenc+ Bands
"he radio equi#ment connected to the Distributed Antenna System shall o#erate in the 9::5=::
>,) bands (9<% ? =@: >,)), ;9:: >,) band (;A;: ? ;99: >,)) and the <;:: >,) band (;=;:
? <;A: >,)) in accordance ith the relevant I"B, ."SI and &8CC s#ecifications!
AC>A is considering release of <%:: D <@=: >,) band for E". de#loyment!
"he design shall generally s#ecify the use of com#onents hich o#erate over the frequency range
9<% ? =@: and ;A;: - <;A: >,)! Antennas and radiating cable shall o#erate over the frequency
ranges 9<% ? =@: and ;A;: ?<@=: >,)!
(.".1. Alternati)e fre*uenc+ ranges
$here #rovision is required for non-cellular services, s#ecify com#onents that cover the required
frequency range!
$hen a DAS is required to carry ireless EAF signals ($i-(i or I... 9:<!;; at <!6 8,)),
designers shall com#ly ith DC'B:<=!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 1 o, %3
If coverage of >obile "G or B,( #rivate mobile radio systems is needed, s#ecify com#onents
hich cover the &9: ? <<:: >,) range! Fote that this requirement is incom#atible ith #rovision
for ireless EAF at <!6 8,)!
If coverage of >obile "G (A:: >,) Band) or B,( #rivate mobile radio (6:: >,) Band) systems
is needed, s#ecify com#onents hich cover the required additional bands hich may e7tend to &9:
? 9<: >,) range!
(.#. DAS Capa,ilit+
(.#.1. Passi)e DAS
8enerally a #assive DAS shall be ca#able of simultaneous o#eration of &89%:, 8S>=::5B>"S
=::, 8S>;9:: and &8<;:: radio systems in accordance ith "able %-;! $here there are other
/Sharing Carriers0 ith different requirements, these different requirements need to be considered
among /Sharing Carriers0 to establish an agreed DAS design s#ecification #rior to start of any
DAS design or3!
Technology No of RF
Maximum input power per channel in the
8S>=::5B>"S=:: = H6: dBm
8S>;9:: = H6: dBm
&89%: 6 H6: dBm (H&: dBm CCIC, #oer)
&8<;:: 9 H6: dBm (H&: dBm CCIC, #oer)
Table 5-1 DA capability re!uirements
(.#.". Acti)e DAS
"he number of sharing Carriers and the number of channels #er Carrier in each frequency band
shall be established #rior to the commencement of the design!
"he design shall assume that all channels in every frequency band are in o#eration simultaneously
and at ma7imum forard #oer!
(.&. Target Co)erage Area
"he "arget Coverage Area shall be mar3ed on co#ies of the site #lan and floor #lans and agreed
#rior to commencement of the design!
(.(. !F Le)els !e*uired
Clauses %!%!; to %!%!6 #rescribe criteria for mobile station receive signal levels required at different
locations ithin buildings and outside the "arget Coverage Area, to a confidence level of =%I!
"hese are minimum levels for In building Coverage DAS installations!
$hen survey measurements sho that the received #oer levels from nearby macro netor3 base
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e ( o, %3
stations are greater than the minimum levels s#ecified for 8S>=::5 B>"S =:: and DCS;9::,
and are greater than @ dB belo the minimum levels s#ecified for &89%: and &8<;::, obtain
confirmation and a##roval of the required IBC levels from a licensed mobile carrier engineer #rior
to the commencement of the DAS design!
(.(.1. $S-.//0-TS .//
"he design shall #rovide for 8S>=::5 B>"S=:: at the folloing levels (received BCC, #oer
levels from a H6: dBm transmitter, measured ith a unity gain omni antenna and achieve =%I of
the coverage ob*ectives)1
(a) J -@% dBm ithin < m of the #erimeter alls and indos inside the #remises2
(b) J -A: dBm in the building core2
(c) J -A% dBm in the basement car #ar3s2
(d) K -=: dBm at ground level outside the building!
(.(.". #$1(/
"he design shall #rovide for &89%: at the folloing levels (received CCIC, #oer levels from a
H6: dBm transmitter (H&: dBm CCIC, #oer), measured ith a unity gain omni antenna and
achieve =%I of the coverage ob*ectives)1
(a) J -9% dBm ithin < m of the #erimeter alls and indos inside the #remises2
(b) J -=: dBm in the building core2
(c) J -=% dBm in the basement car #ar3s2
(d) K -;;: dBm at ground level outside the building!
(e) $here ever #ossible a margin of at least @dB above the e7isting macro cell coverage should
be used as a design target for all cases listed above!
(.(.#. DCS11//
"he design shall #rovide for DCS;9:: at the folloing levels (received BCC, #oer levels from
a H6: dBm transmitter, measured ith a unity gain omni antenna and achieve =%I of the coverage
(a) J -A% dBm ithin < m of the #erimeter alls and indos inside the #remises2
(b) J -9: dBm in the building core2
(c) J -9% dBm in the basement car #ar3s2
(d) K -;:: dBm at ground level outside the building!
(.(.&. #$"1//
"he design shall #rovide for &8<;:: at the folloing levels (received CCIC, #oer levels from a
H6: dBm transmitter (H&: dBm CCIC, #oer), measured ith a unity gain omni antenna and
achieve =%I of the coverage ob*ectives)1
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e ' o, %3
(a) J -9% dBm ithin < m of the #erimeter alls and indos inside the #remises2
(b) J -=: dBm in the building core2
(c) J -=% dBm in the basement car #ar3s2
(d) K -;;: dBm at ground level outside the building!
(e) $here ever #ossible a margin of at least @dB above the e7isting macro cell coverage should
be used as a design target for all cases listed above!
(.2. 'ando)er 3one
'( levels shall be sufficient to facilitate both-ay handovers ith the e7ternal netor3 at locations
agreed on the target Coverage Area!
,andovers to5from e7ternal fast moving mobiles need to be avoided (e7ce#t in tunnels)! "he
design should ensure that '( levels s#ecified in clause @!% at ground level outside the building are
(.4. DAS Configuration
"he DAS shall be #assive herever #ossible utilising the '( #oer of the base stations to the
fullest #ossible e7tent! Active DAS sections shall be included only if there are installation
constraints, or available '( #oer is not sufficient!
Access to the DAS #orts shall be from a communications room ith sufficient accommodation for
the base station and netor3 transmission equi#ment!
"he design shall satisfy the installation requirements s#ecified in Attachment A!
"he distribution for each floor in a multi-storey building shall commence in a common
communications riser shaft!
(.4.1. Passi)e DAS Interconnect Ports
Crovide four du#le7 #orts to the DAS for multi-Carrier sharing! .ach #ort shall be ca#able of
acce#ting u# to 9: $ com#osite transmit #oer, ith a ma7imum #oer of ;: $ #er individual
channel (e!g! 9 7 ;: $ into each of the 6 in#uts, at >easurement #oint ; in (igure %-;)!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 9 o, %3
(.4.". Acti)e DAS Interconnect Ports
Crovide a du#le7 #ort for each sharing Carrier for each frequency band hich that Carrier has
notified as a requirement!
(.1. !adiated Po5er Le)els
"he com#osite in#ut #oer to any antenna in a DAS shall not e7ceed H;A dBm #er Sharing
Carrier ithout a##roval!
In no case shall the combined #oer level from all transmitters cause the #oer density to e7ceed
the A'CAFSA 8eneral Cublic #oer flu7 density (()aximum exposure levels to radio fre*uency
fields + 3 ,-. to 3// 0-., 1adiation 2rotection 3eries 4o 3, $ustralian 1adiation 2rotection
and 4uclear 3afety $gency) ithin ;:: mm of any antenna!
"o #revent interference to other e7isting equi#ment, the electric field strength shall not e7ceed &
G5m, measured at a location nearest to the equi#ment under consideration!
(.1.1. Passi)e DAS
Assume a configuration of 6 o#erators each feeding 9: $ com#osite #oer at =:: >,) into the
multi-netor3 combiner hen assessing radiated #oer levels for this clause!
If any Carrier is licensed for B>"S only, the #oer into each antenna may be calculated assuming
that the #ort occu#ied by the B>"S-only Carrier is fed ith 9: $ at <;:: >,)!
$hen &8<;:: channels are cou#led to the DAS at an in#ut other than the multi-netor3 combiner
(e!g! at a cross-band cou#ler in the riser of a high-rise DAS), assume a ma7imum of 9 7 ;: $
channels (at <;:: >,)) inserted at that in#ut hen assessing radiated #oer levels!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 10 o, %3
(.1.". Acti)e DAS
Assume that all active devices connected to an antenna are o#erating at their ma7imum rated
com#osite out#ut #oer #er frequency band!
(... Electro6agnetic I66unit+
Designers shall ensure that the field strength levels in "able %-< are not e7ceeded in the areas or at
the equi#ment locations s#ecified!
"!uipment or
Area Fiel$
,os#itals Critical care medical equi#ment ; G5m rms
Institutions for the
,earing Im#aired
; G5m rms
Domestic .qui#ment Eocation of domestic electrical equi#ment, e!g!
radio - television receivers, I" equi#ment!
& G5m rms
.7#losives and (uel .lectro e7#losive devices ? quarries, blasting
sites! >ilitary ? consult "'E! Cetroleum or
aviation gas fuel sites!
= G5m rms
Table 5-% "M& #imits
As a guide, "able %-& indicates the distances from an antenna that the ;, & and = G5m electric field
strength limits are reached (to ithin :!; m)! Fote that, for a given .I'C, the electric field strength
at a given distance is inde#endent of frequency and varies linearly ith distance!
&nput power to antenna
Antenna gain
Distance "lectric fiel$ strength
H<& & &!% :!==
H<& & ;!< <!9=
H<& & :!6 9!@9
H<& @ 6!= ;!::
H<& @ ;!A <!9=
H<& @ :!@ 9!;9
H<& = A!: :!==
H<& = <!& &!:;
H<& = :!9 9!@@
H<& ;< =!9 ;!::
H<& ;< &!& <!=A
H<& ;< ;!; 9!=:
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 11 o, %3
Table 5-, Distance from antenna for " fiel$ limits

(.1/. Base Station Po5er Le)els
"he design of a #assive DAS shall assume a ma7imum of ;: $ (H6: dBm) #er channel for
&89%:, 8S>=::, 8S>;9:: and B>"S<;:: in the donlin3 direction at the DAS #ort (multi-
netor3 combiner in#ut) for the #oer budget, ma7imum signal level and .>I calculations!
.nsure that the #oer levels at >FC in#ut #orts do not e7ceed the ma7imum of H6: dBm #er
channel by inserting a##ro#riate attenuators if needed!
(.11. -a7i6u6 Signal !ecei)ed ,+ -S0E
"he ma7imum signal levels received by a >S or B. situated as close as #ossible to any antenna
hile being ;!% m above floor level shall be in accordance ith the table belo (03)/5/5
%lause 61 for 03)7// 8 &%318//, 3022 '3251/1 %lause 79 for 3021// and 3085/)!
Technology Maximum recei-e$ power
8S>=:: -;% dBm5<:: 3,)
DCS;9:: -<& dBm5<:: 3,)
&89%: -<% dBm5&!96 >,)
&8<;:: -<% dBm5&!96 >,)
Table 5-. Maximum recei-e$ le-els at M+/"
Fote that for a #assive DAS the minimum #ath loss is determined by the ma7imum alloable
levels at the B"S receiver in#uts, see @!;<!
(.1". -ini6u6 Allo5a,le Pat8 Loss
(.1".1. Passi)e DAS
"o avoid overloading of B"S receivers by uncontrolled >S5B. o#erating on ad*acent channels
(03)/5/5 %lause 51 for 03)7// 8 &%318//, 3022 '3251/9 %lauses 732 8 791 for
3021// and 3085/), or by controlled >S5B. o#erating on a anted channel at minimum transmit
#oer, the minimum #ath loss from the in#ut to the multi-netor3 combiner to a >S5B. situated
as close as #ossible to any antenna hile being ;!% m above floor level shall be in accordance ith
the table belo!
Technology M+/" Tx
Maximum (T
recei-e$ power
Minimum path

8S>=:: H&& dBm -<@ dBm5<:: 3,) %= dB Ad*!-
H% dBm -6: dBm5<:: 3,) Co-
DCS;9:: H&@ dBm -&% dBm5<:: 3,) A; dB Ad*!-
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 12 o, %3
: dBm -6: dBm5<:: 3,) Co-
&89%: H<6 dBm -%< dBm5&!96 >,) A@ dB Ad*!-
-%: dBm -A& dBm5&!96 >,) Co-
&8<;:: H<6 dBm -%< dBm5&!96 >,) A@ dB Ad*!-
-%: dBm -A& dBm5&!96 >,) Co-
Table 5-5 Minimum allowable path loss
(.1".". Acti)e DAS
.nsure that the )aximum :'3 received po"er values of "able %-% are com#lied ith!
.nsure that the ma7imum u#lin3 in#ut signal levels at the remote units do not e7ceed the
manufacturerLs ratings!
(.1#. Propagation -odel
"his document does not s#ecify a #ro#agation model as it is u# to the DAS design vendor to
ensure that sufficient margins are #rovided, so that the minimum signal levels s#ecified in this
document are delivered by the designed system once it is in o#eration!
(.1&. -easured perfor6ance of installed DAS
In addition to the coverage, #oer and loss s#ecifications above, a #assive DAS shall meet the
folloing #erformance requirements!
(.1&.1. !eturn loss
'eturn loss measured at any in#ut #ort of the multi-netor3 combiner (or any other device serving
a similar function) be greater than <: dB over the o#erating frequency bands!
"he return loss of any feeder connected to the out#ut #orts of the multi-netor3 combiner shall be
greater than ;@ dB over the o#erating frequency bands!
(.1&.". Passi)e inter6odulation
"he #assive intermodulation #erformance of each #assive DAS segment connecting to a multi-
netor3 combiner (>easurement #oint < in (igure %-;) shall be -1.1 $(c 2 % x ., $(m
(.1(. Ca,le and Co6ponent La,elling
S#ecify labelling for installed cable and com#onents as follos1
"he hori)ontal runs of cable shall be labelled ith a stic3er at intervals of a##ro7imately @ metres!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 13 o, %3
(or vertical runs of cable, such as in risers, stic3ers shall be #laced at a##ro7imately ;!9 m above
floor level on every floor!
"hese stic3ers shall also be attached on or close to each com#onent! Stic3ers must not be #laced on
the radiating element of the antenna or on the com#onent identification #late! ,oever stic3ers
should be #laced on radiating cable!
All feeders should be identified at both feeder o#ening #oints ith a label containing a concise
identification code uniquely identifying each cable and cross referenced to the system draing!
Identification labels shall be #rovided by the contractor!
(.12. Preferred -aterial List
Re,e. to #tta*:ment BCC. It i/ .e*ommen)e) t:at any t:i.) pa.ty )e0elope. /ee>
*on,i.mation a/ to t:e *u..en*y o, t:i/ P.e,e..e) 5ate.ial/ $i/t ,.om t:e 5C- a,te. t8el0e
?12@ mont:/ ,.om t:e )ate o, i//ue o, t:i/ )o*ument
(.14. Ot8er E*uip6ent Specifications
(.14.1. C8aracteristic i6pedance
'( circuit im#edance of the system shall be %:-ohm unbalanced!
(.14.". 9S:!
GS$' measured at any base station in#ut #ort shall not e7ceed ;!<<1; (corres#onding to ;@ dB
return loss) over the o#erating frequency bands!
(.14.#. Inter6odulation
"he #assive intermodulation #erformance requirement for all com#onents in the DAS beyond the
multi-netor3 combiner shall be -;6: dBc (ith H6& dBm test signals) or better!
"he minimum #erformance s#ecification for any load (termination) connected to an unused out#ut
#ort of a multi-netor3 combiner shall be -;6: dBc! "he #referred configuration is for all out#ut
#orts to be connected to individual DAS segments! If this is not #ossible, s#ecify lo-I> cable
S#ecify that unused in#ut #orts of the multi-netor3 combiner be terminated ith %: ohm5% $
terminations! "he ma7imum third-order intermodulation #oer #roduced by the termination shall
be -;;: dBm hen tested ith < 7 H&: dBm C$ test signals in the =:: >,) band!
(.14.&. Coa7ial connector t+pes
"he multi-netor3 combiner ('o*one '+M-:A&), triband cou#ler ((iltronic CN:A@) and crossband
cou#ler ('o*one A>A-6<%%) are equi##ed ith A-;@ DIF connectors! All cables connecting to
these devices shall use A-;@ DIF male connectors! S#ecify that a##roved torque renches be used
to tighten these connectors during construction and commissioning! All #atch cables shall be fitted
ith the required connector ty#e! Inter-series ada#tors shall not be used!
Beyond the multi-netor3 combiner end of the first runs of bac3bone feeder cables, ty#e-F
connectors may be used!
As a rule of thumb1
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 1% o, %3
Bse A5;@ DIF Connectors for all high #oer connections (JO ; att), and thic3 cables (JO
;0 in diameter)!
Bse F-"y#e Connectors for all lo #oer connections (K ; att), and medium cables (KO
A590 in diameter)!
(.14.(. Patc8 ca,les
Do not use cables ith any form of foil screening (eg "imes >icroave E>'6::) in the DAS!
Cables ith foil screening have been found to have #oor intermodulation #erformance regardless
of the quality of the connector terminations!
.7isting DASs may contain E>'6:: *um#er cables! "hese cables should only be used in sections
of the DAS here the #oer is belo H<: dBm5channel! "hey should also be fitted ith a label
arning that they should not be used at #oer levels greater than H<: dBm5channel!
>any older DASs ill contain *um#er cables hich are not labelled and do not meet the
intermodulation requirements of this S#ecification!
$here an e7isting DAS is being u#graded or e7tended, designers shall chec3 for the #resence of
sub-standard *um#er cables and s#ecify that they be re#laced in those sections here the #oer
levels are J H<: dBm5channel, and fitted ith a label elsehere! Corrugated cable
Fote that only #atch cables ith solid outer are to be used for interconnections beteen the B"S
end of the main feeders and the B"S antenna ("75'7) #orts!
(actory assembled #atch cables shall be s#ecified ith the folloing minimum #erformance
*3R1 ;1;!;: minimum over the frequency range 9<: ? <@=: >,)
&ntermo$ulation performance1 better than -;%: dBc, static and dynamic measurements beteen
9<: and <@=: >,)!
4onnectors1 DIF A-;@ or ty#e-F, as required! Catch cable connectors shall mate ith equi#ment
connectors and fi7ed cables ithout requiring *oiners or inter-series ada#tors! Braided cable5
Braided cable ('8<;6, etc!) shall not be used in #assive distributed antenna systems!
Some active distributed antenna systems s#ecify use of braided cables ('8%=, '8@, '8;;, etc!),
or CA"-%5CA"-@ iring! "hey can be de#loyed #roviding they meet the folloing minimum
#erformance #arameters1
*3R1 ;1;!;% minimum over the frequency range 9<: ? <@=: >,)
&ntermo$ulation performance1 better than -;%: dBc P < 7 6& dBm, static and dynamic
measurements beteen 9<: and <@=: >,)!
4onnectors1 "y#e-F, or as required! "hese connectors shall mate ith equi#ment connectors and
other corrugated cable connectors ithout requiring *oiners or inter-series ada#tors!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 15 o, %3
2.1. Docu6entation
All documentation shall be securely bound in a durable cover and in a form that allos easy
re#lacement and addition of individual sheets! "he design contractor shall #rovide to sets of all
documentation su##lied to the lead mobile carrier and any other sharing carriers!
In addition, soft co#y of all draings and documents su##lied above are to be #rovided on a CD!
"he documents shall be #rovided in formats com#atible ith >icrosoft +ffice <::& a##lications!
Draings shall be in Acrobat !CD( format! (>S Gisio or AutoCad draing format if requested!)
All scanned draings are to be stored in MC.8 Bitma# format (Q!MC8) or Acrobat !CD( format!
"he design contractor shall #rovide to co#ies of the CD containing electronic co#ies of all
documentation su##lied!
"he design contractor shall #rovide Detailed Design Documentation and "urn-3ey Installation
2.". Preli6inar+ Design Docu6entation
0ro-i$e preliminary $esign $ocumentation containing $esign relate$ information an$
$rawings to a license$ mobile carrier for confirmation of $esign acceptability prior to
progression to $etaile$ $esign5
(a) design survey results2
(;) e7isting coverage levels, conducted on street level to evaluate handover
(<) e7isting coverage levels , conducted on a medium floor and a high floor to
evaluate interference2
(&) #ro#agation study to characterise loss beteen consecutive floors in a high rise
(6) #ro#agation study to characterise loss beteen an antenna in lift lobby and a
mobile inside a lift car hen lift door is closed, both at the same level2
(b) a descri#tion of the #ro#osed design conce#t2
(c) system schematic diagram2
(d) #oer budget calculations for a single '( carrier in &89%:, 8S>=::, 8S>;9:: and
&8<;:: frequency bands2
(e) com#osite #oer calculated at each antenna #ort to demonstrate com#liance ith Clause
(f) #ro#agation calculations demonstrating that '( levels #redicted are in accordance ith
Clause %!%2
(g) bill of materials (e7cluding installation materials)2
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 11 o, %3
2.#. Detailed Design Docu6entation
0ro-i$e $etaile$ $esign $ocumentation containing $esign relate$ information an$ $rawings
to a license$ mobile carrier for confirmation of $etaile$ $esign acceptability prior to
progression installation5
a) Design survey results1
(;) e7isting coverage levels, conducted on street level to evaluate handover
(<) e7isting coverage levels, conducted on a medium floor and a high floor to
evaluate interference2 "hese surveys should be conducted and #lotted as a snail
trail overlayed on to# of the floor #lans! ('SCC and .c5Io #lots should both be
collected for $CD>A 9%: and <;:: >,))!
(&) #ro#agation study to characterise loss beteen consecutive floors in a high rise
(6) #ro#agation study to characterise loss beteen an antenna in lift lobby and a
mobile inside a lift car hen lift door is closed, both at the same level!
b) System descri#tion!
c) System schematic diagram!
d) Bac3bone distribution descri#tion!
e) (loor layout descri#tion (for each floor unless identical)!
f) .qui#ment location and room details including access details, layout diagram5schematic
shoing B"S #ositions!
g) Actual #hotos of the equi#ment room and the active remotes (if #resent)!
h) Calculations1
(;) #oer budget calculations for a single '( carrier in &89%:, 8S>;9::, and
&8<;:: frequency bands2
(<) com#osite #oer calculated at each antenna #ort to demonstrate com#liance
ith clause %!92
(&) #ro#agation calculations demonstrating that '( levels #redicted are in
accordance ith clause %!%!
i) Crediction #rintouts!
*) BE5DE Attenuation setting for all the remotes to ensure that the ma7! remote out#ut is
achieved at the ma7 Admission control limit of >CCA (66!96 dBm)! It needs to be clear
that all services being su##orted by the active DAS need to be considered to the e7tent of
the agreed number of channels for each technology!
3) >anufacturerLs s#ecification for all relevant equi#ment and material (#oer s#litters,
directional cou#lers, antennas, standard feeder cables, radiating coa7ial cables, etc!)!
l) Bill of materials (e7cluding installation materials), referring to Carriers CSAs here
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 1( o, %3
m) Certificate of Com#liance stating that there are no '( radiation ha)ards, suitable for
u#loading to the Fational Site Archive!
2.&. Installation Docu6entation
Crovide installation related information and draings, sufficient for installation!
a) Instructions for installation of the design1
(;) antenna mounting instructions2
(<) floor cable mounting instructions2
(&) communications riser cabling instructions2
(6) equi#ment room cabling instructions2
(%) cable handling instructions2
(@) cable labelling instructions!
b) Draings1
(;) DAS system schematic2
(<) floor layout for every floor2
(loor layout draings, shoing the cable runs and antenna #lacement on each
floor, shall be su##lied by the contractor! "hese draings should have sufficient
detail and landmar3s shon, so that a #erson unfamiliar ith the site should be
able to trace out the #ro#osed cable run and sho the #ro#osed #ositions of
antennae and other com#onents (cou#lers, s#litters, etc!) ithout needing to
remove the tiles! $here a##licable, the floor #lan should also sho #referred
cable entry5e7it #oints!
"he draing ill be #re#ared in accordance ith Australia Standards and
recommendations (e!g!;1;:: scale), ith at least % layers as follos1
; 4 draing title, boundary, etc!
< 4 structural alls, lift cores, #ermanent bric3 or bloc3 #artition alls, etc!
& 4 semi-#ermanent office #artition alls (of #lasterboard, glass, etc!) of
full height to ceiling level! +ther #artitions, such as or3station #artitions,
may be omitted
6 4 #ro#osed cable, com#onent, and equi#ment design details
% 4 #ro#osed cable, com#onent, and equi#ment label designation
(&) bac3bone distribution layout2
"he draing ill be #re#ared in accordance ith Australia Standards and
recommendations (e!g!;1%: scale), ith at least % layers as follos1
A 4 draing title, boundary, etc!
9 4 structural details and e7isting riser details, such as e7isting cable
ladders, large #i#es, etc!, hich are significant2
= 4 #ro#osed cable ladders for DAS bac3bone
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 1' o, %3
;: 4 #ro#osed cable, com#onent, and equi#ment design details
;; 4 #ro#osed cable, com#onent, and equi#ment label designation
(6) installation details for non-standard cable and com#onent installation!
c) Bill of material (including installation materials)!
d) All as#ects of civil engineering design or3 (if required) including the folloing1
(;) the structural design of the antenna su##ort structures2
(<) any other structural calculations or designs!
e) S#ecifications and instructions relevant to cabling, iring and termination or3 of the '(
feeders, o#tical fibre cables, #oer iring, and earth connections including1
(;) assembling of #arts2
(<) fitting of connectors2
(&) any other information that may fall ithin this category!
f) S#ecification of AC #oer outlets for all AC #oered equi#ment s#ecified in DAS!
g) Design and s#ecification of the #rotective earth systems including lightning finials on the
antenna su##ort structures for all e7ternally installed antennas2 the '( cable shall be
connected to earth *ust after entry into the B"S room if it is e7#osed to e7ternal
h) "esting and commissioning s#ecification and #rocedure of the Distributed Antenna
System, and data recording sheets (refer to A##endi7 C), including1
(;) '( see#s2
(<) '( #oer measured at the designated test #oints2
(&) calculated line loss rt the reference #oint2
(6) #assive intermodulation testing2
(%) all alarm indications of the su#ervisory system (if a##licable) to demonstrate
that they are o#erational to the manufacturerLs s#ecification!
i) A list of the required s#ares (the ty#e and quantity of the s#ares) considered necessary
for the #rom#t and efficient re#air of faults hich might arise during the o#erational life
of the system! A %I ratio is considered a##ro#riate hen there is no other a##licable
2.(. Contractor0Builder initiated DAS
If the Builder has as3ed a contractor to design a DAS and the Contractor see3s a licensed mobile
carrier to ta3e over o#timisation and maintenance of the DAS, then the folloing information
should be #rovided by the contractor along ith the detailed DAS design!
a) Eocation and #hysical si)e (sq m) of the building!
b) Fumber of levels in the building and the ones being covered by the DAS!
c) Brea3don of tenants if available!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 19 o, %3
d) >a7imum number of #eo#le e7#ected in the building at #ea3 time!
e) "y#e of DAS ? Cassive, Active or ,ybrid!
f) Sectorisation #lan for ca#acity management!
g) Identify high ca#acity service requirements if 3non eg1 if some tenants ant to have a
ireless office!
h) "echnology being catered for (es#ecially in an Active system) and the number of '( carriers
the lin3 budget is designed for!
i) Identify any s#ectrum limitation on the <;:: >,) active system!
*) .nsure coverage requirements as s#ecified in "CI::;< have been met for a <;:: >,) DAS!
3) B#lin3 5 Donlin3 loading used in the lin3 budget!
l) Clearly identify if the DAS can achieve at least @dB dominance over macro netor3 on all
levels to ensure satisfactory data through#ut, ca#acity and #erformance!
m) Cro#osed Soft ,+ areas once the DAS is ready ith the outside macro netor3!
n) Commercial terms (ho ill fund the cost of the DASR)!
o) Any other relevant information available at the time!
"he folloing ords, acronyms and abbreviations are referred to in this document!
Term Definition
AC>A Australian Communication and >edia Authority
Carrier Eicensed mobile telecommunications o#erator
Channel Individual bearer, e!g! CD>A (;!<& >,) bandidth), 8S> - DCS (<:: 3,)
bandidth) or B>"S (&!96 >,) bandidth)
C$ Continuous $ave (i!e! unmodulated carrier)
IBC In-Building Coverage
DAS Distributed Antenna System
E". Eong-"erm .volution
+,-S +#erational ,ealth and safety
Alternative to SCarrierL, but s#ecifically used in the conte7t of the Eead
Carrier ho is the +#erator of a DAS!
'AF 'adio Access Fetor3
'( 'adio (requency
'FD 'adio Fetor3 Develo#ment
SDB Site Design Brief
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 20 o, %3
S.> System .ngineering >anager
S>. Sub*ect >atter .7#ert
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 21 o, %3
Note that un$er no circumstances the following instructions to o-erri$e
(uil$ing 4o$es of Australia5 3here there is any conflict with the buil$ing
co$es6 installation contractor must follow (uil$ing 4o$es of Australia5
1.1. Passi)e Bac=,one
All bac3bone feeder cables shall run to the equi#ment room and be terminated ith a DIFA;@
female connector! $herever #ossible these cables shall be installed on the e7isting communication
cable trays beteen the equi#ment room and the communications riser! It shall be the design
contractorLs res#onsibility to ensure s#ace is available! In the case of s#ace not being available,
additional cable trays shall be s#ecified!
$herever #ossible, bac3bone feeder cables shall be installed on the e7isting cable ladder in the
communications riser! It shall be design contractorLs res#onsibility to ensure s#ace is available! In
the case of s#ace not being available additional cable ladder shall be s#ecified!
All cou#lers and s#litters s#ecified in the bac3bone shall be mounted in an accessible location
inside the communications riser! All #orts of these devices shall be connected through fle7ible
*um#er cables to ;5<0 or thic3er feeder cables!
(igure ;:-; shos the layout of the bac3bone cable in a ty#ical installation! "he cou#ler shall be
located in a #osition that is uncluttered and ith a vie to future maintenance! Both the cou#ler
and cable should be secured to the riser all or tray! >ost cou#lers have holes to allo them to be
screed to the all but cable ties are acce#table! Mum#er cables may be omitted from one #ort if
there is sufficient s#ace to #rovide strain relief by #utting a bend in a bac3bone cable!

Figure 11-1 Distribution from bac7bone cable
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 22 o, %3
All cabling in the riser shall be fi7ed neatly along the tray or to the all ith a##ro#riate ties!
(ire-#roof sealing shall be a##lied at all #enetrations here a cable crosses boundary from one fire
control region to another, such as from a riser into a floor area! $atertight gland shall be em#loyed
here necessary!
1.". Acti)e Bac=,one
Clause ;:!; is a##licable, e7ce#t fibre o#tic cables rather than '( feeder cables are used! (ibre
o#tic connectors shall be (C5ACC ty#e!
1.#. Floor Ca,ling
Cables run in the roof s#ace may be stra##ed to the ceiling grid hangers in accordance ith (igure
;:-<, hoever this is not #ermitted by the Building Code of Australia if the hangers are only
designed to su##ort the eight of the sus#ended ceiling and any associated light fittings! >a3e
sure that an a##roval e7#licitly authorising connection to ceiling grid hangers as obtained #rior
to connecting any cable to these hangers!
1.#.1. Feeder Ca,le -ounting >non radiating ca,le?
"he cable should be neatly fi7ed, ta3ing the shortest #ossible #ath, to the ceiling grid hangers by
cable ties, alloing the ma7imum #ossible clearance above the ceiling tiles so as not to inhibit the
lifting of ceiling tiles for maintenance #ur#oses! Cable ties should be #laced at intervals of not
more than < metres!
$here connection to ceiling grid hangers are not #ermitted, cables has to be attached under
concrete slab at intervals of not more than < metres!

Figure 11-% Floor cable mounting
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 23 o, %3
1.#.". !adiating Ca,le -ounting
"he cable should be neatly fi7ed to the ceiling grid hangers by cable ties, establishing a nominal
cable route of @ m distance from the #erimeter indos hile ta3ing the shortest #ossible #ath!
"he cable should be run close to the ceiling tiles but above the lights and ith enough clearance to
allo the tiles to be removed ithout hindrance! Cable ties should be #laced at intervals of not
more than < metres!
$here connection to ceiling grid hangers are not #ermitted, radiating cables has to be attached to
messenger ires or directly under concrete slab at intervals of not more than < metres, in
accordance ith its manufacturerLs instructions!
As ith any radiating com#onent, radiating cable should not be run near metal ob*ects! It is not a
#roblem to run the cable #ast metal ob*ects or to cable tie it to metal ob*ects as long as the cable
and ob*ect traverse each other and do not run together longitudinally! If the cable needs to be run
along a metal ob*ect such as an air-conditioning duct it should be 3e#t at least ;:: mm off the
ob*ect! Similarly the cable should be installed using self-loc3ing hangers ith standoff accessory if
it is required to be installed on a concrete or metal surface! Garious other methods are also
#ossible, such as using messenger cables! "he Contractor shall ensure that cable manufacturersL
installation requirements are met in the Design Documentation to obtain the s#ecified cable
#erformance! In #articular, ensure that any instructions regarding the cable directivity are #assed
on to the installation contractor (e!g! to align the cable in accordance ith a mar3 on the cable
Figure 11-, Mounting ra$iating cable in ceiling space

"he radiating cable (at the riser end) ill be terminated ith a ty#e-F female connector!
"his arrangement is valid for all floors ith non-metallic ceiling tiles! If the ceiling tiles are
metallic, then no radiating cable should be installed in the ceiling s#ace, and antennas must be
installed in accordance ith clause ;:!&!%
1.#.#. -ounting of O6ni Antennas
"he s#ace around the antenna (including the ceiling s#ace) should be as clear of metal ob*ects as
#ossible to minimise the generation of intermodulation #roducts and #revent distortion of the
radiation #attern! Ideally, there should be no metal ob*ects ithin @:: mm of the antenna! In
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 2% o, %3
#ractice, locate centrally in or on a ceiling tile to ma7imise the s#acing from the su##orting grid
and #lace as far as #ossible from ductor3, cable trays, etc!
S#ecify installation of omnidirectional antennas on the underside of the ceiling herever #ossible!
$here it is not #ossible to install antennas on the underside of the ceiling (eg due to a restriction
im#osed by building oner or architect), install the antenna ithin the ceiling s#ace!
S#ecify minimum s#acings in accordance ith (igure ;:-6!
Figure 11-. Minimum clearance for omni$irectional antennas

"he design contractor shall ensure that any #ro#agation losses through the ceiling tiles are
measured and ta3en into account during the design #rocess!
1.#.&. -ounting of Panel Antennas
"he #anel antenna is a directional antenna! It shall be mounted aay from metal surfaces to
minimise the generation of intermodulation #roducts and #revent distortion of the radiation
#attern! "here shall be no metal ob*ects ithin ;!< m of the front of the antenna!
S#ecify installation of #anel antennas on a all or on the underside of the ceiling herever
"he antenna should be mounted at least ;A: mm above the #lasterboard if installed in the ceiling
1.#.(. Ot8er Arrange6ents
"he methods described above are suitable for ceilings ith acoustic ceiling tiles! ,oever here
metal tiles are used, the use of radiating coa7ial cables is not #ossible! In this case antennas shall
be installed belo the ceiling tiles!

See (igure ;:-% for details! .nsure that the metal ground#lane of the antenna is insulated from the
metal ceiling tiles, by using an insulating disc or insulated standoffs or, in some cases, the radome
of the antenna may #rovide an effective stand-off if it ra#s sufficiently over the edge of the
Antennas hich have a non-metallic securing nut are #referred in this situation! $hen scres are
required to secure the antenna to the ceiling, use non-metallic scres, nuts and ashers (nylon or
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 25 o, %3
Figure 11-5 Mounting omni$irectional antenna un$er metal ceiling tiles
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 21 o, %3
..1. !F S5eeps
All '( see#s are to be documented as #er the diagram belo ith the cable number and also
su##lied in electronic format to the lead carrier for validation and acce#tance!
All cables are to be se#t across the 9<: >,) to =@: >,) and ;A;: to <;A: >,) bands!
..". Insertion Loss
"he bac3bone distribution system must be chec3ed for its insertion loss! A signal must be fed in at
the base station end and the level out must be measured at the final s#litting or cou#ling #oint to
each floor! $here a s#litter feeds more than ; floor or there is more than ; out#ut from the same
s#litter to a floor only one out#ut needs to be tested! "he difference beteen the in#ut level and the
out#ut level must be recorded as the insertion loss!
All measurements for insertion loss must be tabulated as #er the e7am#le belo and su##lied in
electronic format to the lead carrier for validation and acce#tance1
"est Coint (requency In#ut Coint In#ut Coer +ut#ut Coer Insertion Eoss
S#litter S5&5; 9@: >,) BC5B<5; H<: dBm -& dBm <& dB
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 2( o, %3
S#litter S5;;5; 9@: >,) BC5B<5; H<: dBm -A dBm <A dB
..#. Passi)e Inter6odulation Testing
Cassive intermodulation testing shall be carried out to determine the CI> #erformance of the
installed DAS! "he test configuration shall be in accordance ith Set-u# ; of I.C @<:&A, using
to H6& dBm test signals!
"esting in one frequency band is acce#table (e!g! =:: >,) only)!
"est results shall be #rovided for reflected measurements at the folloing #oints1
4 .ach in#ut of the multi-netor3 combiner
4 .ach segment connected to multi-netor3 combiner out#uts (measured at the #oint hich
connects to the multi-netor3 combiner, ie including cable tails)!
..#.1. D+na6ic testing
$here s#ecifications call for dynamic testing (of cable assemblies), the cable under test shall be
bent through =: degrees at its minimum bending radius, straightened, bent through =: degrees and
straightened! "he orst CI> #erformance observed during this sequence shall be recorded!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 2' o, %3
"he DAS develo#er should verify the suitability of any non #referred materials ith the lead carrier #rior to
incor#oration in the DAS design and material #urchase order
Mo$el Description er+&tem
DraCom %:%< &:: $ideband Indoor +mni Antenna
.nersus ID+GCB-:&;:-F(A IFD++' +>FI AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, &DBI, F (.>AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIE (&I>
.nersus ID+GCB-:&;:-
IFD++' +>FI AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, &DBI, F >AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIE (&I>
.nersus IDCGCB-;:;:-F(A IFD++' CAF.E AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, ;:DBI, F (.>AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIE A"
B+""+> (&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-
.nersus IDCGCB-;:;:-
IFD++' CAF.E AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, ;:DBI, F >AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIEA"
B+""+> (&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-
.nersus IDCGCB-;:;:-F(B IFD++' CAF.E AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, ;:DBI, F (.>AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIE A"
.nersus IDCGCB-;:;:-
IFD++' CAF.E AF".FFA, 9::-
<%::>,T, ;:DBI, F >AE.
C+FF.C"+' $5 ;!:> CI8"AIE A"
Argus CCA-;:6%G &89%:58S> ,igh Isolation Donor Canel
Andre C.EE>AV-+-<%i $ideband Indoor +mni Antenna ;9A5;:6%
Andre C.EE>AV-D-<%i $ideband Indoor Canel Antenna ;9A5;:6@
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 29 o, %3
4ables 8 4onnectors
Mo$el Description er+&tem
'(S EC(;<-%:M ;5<W C.EE(E.VX Eo-Eoss (oam-
Dielectric Coa7ial Cable
'(S EC(A9-%:MA A59W C.EE(E.VX Eo-Eoss (oam-
Dielectric Coa7ial Cable
'(S EC(;;6S-%:MA ;-;56W C.EE(E.VX Eo-Eoss (oam-
Dielectric Coa7ial Cable
'(S EC(;%9-%:MA ;-%59W C.EE(E.VX Eo-Eoss (oam-
Dielectric Coa7ial Cable
'(S SC(;<-%:M ;5<W C.EE(E.VX Su#erfle7ible (oam-
Dielectric Coa7ial Cable
F+" ACC'+G.D (+' "AIES ? BS.
C'.>AD. "AIES!
'(S A;@>-EC(;<-:A: A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for EC(;<
'(S A;@(-EC(;<-:A: A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for EC(;<
'(S F>-EC(;<-:A: F-ty#e >ale Connector for EC(;< cable A%A5;@<
'(S F(-EC(;<-:A: F-ty#e (emale Connector for EC(;<
'(S A;@>-EC(A9-:A6 A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for EC(A9
'(S A;@(-EC(A9-:A6 A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for EC(A9
'(S F>-EC(A9-:A6 F-ty#e >ale Connector for EC(A9 cable A%A56%=
'(S F(-EC(A9-:A6 F-ty#e (emale Connector for EC(A9
'(S A;@>-EC(;;6-:A< A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for EC(;;6
'(S A;@(-EC(;;6-:A< A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for EC(;;6
'(S A;@>-EC(;%9-:A< A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for EC(;%9
'(S A;@(-EC(;%9-:A< A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for EC(;%9
'(S A;@>-SC(;<-:A: A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for SC(;<
'(S A;@(-SC(;<-:A: A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for SC(;<
'(S F>-SC(;<-:A: F-ty#e >ale Connector for SC(;< cable A%A5;A:
'(S F(-SC(;<-:A: F-ty#e (emale Connector for SC(;<
'(S A>A>S;<-:;::CS SC(;< Mum#er, DIFA-;@ >ale - DIFA-
;@ >ale ;!:>
'(S F>F>S;<-:;::CS SC(;< Mum#er, F >ale ? F >ale ;!:> A%A5&96
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 30 o, %3
&!:> A;@>-A;@>
&!:> A;@>-A;@(
&!:> A;@>-F>
Andre GVE%-%: A590 ,.EIAVX Eo Density (oam
Gery (le7ible corrugated co##er Coa7ial
Cable in blac3 C. *ac3et
Andre G%CD( A5;@ DIF (emale Connector for GVE%-
%: cable
Andre G%CD> A5;@ DIF >ale Connector for GVE%-%:
Andre G%CF( F-ty#e (emale Connector for GVE%-%:
Andre G%CF> F-ty#e >ale Connector for GVE%-%:
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 31 o, %3
Mo$el Description er+&tem
"rias7 CAA<;(9G< DD 8S> (ilter "elstra band ;9A5999
"rias7 CAA<;(<G< DD 8S> (ilter +#tus band ;9A5A<&
"rias7 CAA<;(&G< DD 8S> (ilter Godafone band ;9A5A<6
"rias7 CA=;;(<G;: &89%:-8S>=:: combiner (6: dB
(A:;5:<) (DIFA-;@ connectors)
"rias7 CA=A&(AG< DD 8S> (ilter 9=;!@-=;%5=&@!@-=@:
>,), for use ith shared 8S>=::
active remote units!
"rias7 CN:A@(;G; (G<
and G& versions may
also be used)
"ri#le7er 9::-=@:5;A;:-;99:5;=<:-<;A:
"rias7 DD(::;6(;G; Dual DDI>( (%: dB (A:;5:<5:&), lo
#oer, for use ith Britecell5Ion-B
remote units
.ricsson U'( ;:< <@=5; &89%: DDI>( (9@ dB) to reduce
interference to 8S>=::
"rias7 DD(::<<(;G; &89%: DDI>( (@: dB (A:;5:<) to
reduce interference to 8S>=::
"rias7 DD(::<;(;G; &89%: DDI>( (9@ dB (A:<5:&) to
reduce interference to 8S>=::
"rias7 DD(::&%(;G; &89%: DDI>( (9@ dB (A:;5:<5:&) to
reduce interference to 8S>=::
>icrolab5(V' BU-<< &9:-%<: >,) 5 9::-=@: >,) V-band
>icrolab5(V' BU-<; 9:-<;A: >,) 5<6::-<%:: >,) V-band
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 32 o, %3
0assi-e 4omponents
Mo$el Description er+&tem
>icrolab5(V' C>-A;@ >ulti-netor3 combiner, A::-<A:: >,) ;9A5=;A
>icrolab5(V' U>-A;& >ulti-netor3 combiner, &9:-<%::
>,), rac3-mounting
>icrolab5(V' D&-B69 &-ay Coer s#litter, %:: $, -;%: dBc,
'o*one A>A-;<%%-&,NB-
& dB hybrid cou#ler ;9A59;%
'o*one '+M-:A&-6-6-A;@ >ulti-netor3 combiner, ;:: $, 9::-
<<:: >,), -;%: dBc
'o*one A>A;<%%-:&-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) &-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-:@-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) @-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-:9-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) 9-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-;:-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) ;:-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-;&-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) ;&-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-;A-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) ;A-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-<:-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) <:-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A;<%%-&:-;$ 9::-<%:: >,) &:-dB 6-#ort directional
'o*one A>A-<<%%-<F 9::-<%:: >,) <-ay Coer Divider
'o*one A>A-<<%%-&F 9::-<%:: >,) &-ay Coer Divider
'o*one A>A-<<%%-6F 9::-<%:: >,) 6-ay Coer Divider
'o*one A>A-%<6:CE-
Cable load, ;:: $ lo-I> ;9A5=%@
Andre C-@-CCBS-D DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' @DB 9::-
<%::>,T DIF
Andre C-;:-CCBS-D DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' ;:DB 9::-
<%::>,T DIF
Andre C-@-CCBS-F DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' @DB 9::-
<%::>,T F
Andre C-;:-CCBS-F DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' ;:DB 9::-
<%::>,T F
Andre C-;%-CCBS-F DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' ;%DB 9::-
<%::>,T F
Andre C-<:-CCBS-F DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' <:DB 9::-
<%::>,T F
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 33 o, %3
Andre C-&:-CCBS-F DI'.C"I+FAE C+BCE.' &:DB 9::-
<%::>,T F
Andre S-<-CCBS-,-D SCEI"".' < -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T DIF
Andre S-&-CCBS-,-D SCEI"".' & -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T DIF
Andre S-6-CCBS-,-D SCEI"".' 6 -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T DIF
Andre S-<-CCBS-,-F SCEI"".' < -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T F
Andre S-&-CCBS-,-F SCEI"".' & -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T F
Andre S-6-CCBS-,-F SCEI"".' 6 -$AN ,I8, C+$.'
9::-<%:: >,T F
Andre S-<-CCBS-E-F SCEI"".' < -$AN E+$ C+$.' 9::-
<%:: >,T F
Andre S-&-CCBS-E-F SCEI"".' & -$AN E+$ C+$.' 9::-
<%:: >,T F
Andre S-6-CCBS-E-F SCEI"".' 6 -$AN E+$ C+$.' 9::-
<%:: >,T F
Andre ,-&-CCBS-D & DB ,NBI'D C+BCE.' 9::-<%::
Andre ,-&-CCBS-F & DB ,NBI'D C+BCE.' 9::-<%::
>,T F
.nersus SC"CB-:<>-F(A-
< $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:&>-F(A-
& $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:6>-F(A-
6 $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:<C-F(A-
< $AN CAGI"N SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:&C-F(A-
& $AN CAGI"N SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:6C-F(A-
6 $AN CAGI"N SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 3% o, %3
&(4 9ff-Air Repeaters
Mo$el Description er+&tem
Andre >'9%&D 9%: >,) B>"S Band-selective >ini
Andre >'9%&D '.C.A".' >'9%&D ;:>,T BASIC
Andre >'9%&D '.C.A".' >'9%&D ;%>,T BASIC
Andre >'&:&D-@!@,' =:: >,) 8S> >ini 'e#eater (@!@ >,)
band-idth ,igh 'e*ection)
Andre >'&:&D-@!@,' '.C.A".' >'&:&D >IFI
'.C.A".' @!@>,T
Andre >'&:;B =:: >,) 8S> Band-selective 'e#eater
Andre >'&:;B S.'GIC.,>'&:;B @!@>,T
Andre >'&:;B >+DBE.,>'&:;B @!@>,T
Andre >'&:;BC =:: >,) 8S> Band-selective 'e#eater
Andre >'&:;BC '.C.A".', >'&:;BC =;;5=;6
Andre >'&:;BC S.'GIC.,>'&:;BC @!@>,T
Andre Fode->9&A 9%: >,) B>"S '( .nhancer 'e#eater
Andre Fode->9&A '.C.A".' F+D. >9&A 69GDC
Andre Fode->9&A '.C.A".' F+D. >9&A <&:GAC
Andre >ode->96& 9%: >,) B>"S '( .nhancer 'e#eater
Andre >ode->96& '.C.A".' F+D. >96& 69GDC
Andre >ode->96& '.C.A".' F+D. >96& <&:GAC
Andre Ancillary equi#ment for the Andre
Andre CSB UI" <&:GAC (+' F+D. >9&A
Andre CSB SBI" >'&:&5>'9%& AC IF ;::-
Andre '.C.A".' '( CABE. S>A5F
%::>> A%;&@6<
Muni MI;=-C9:: Uit
(includes re#eater,
modem, CS)
9%: >,) B>"S >icro ICS 'e#eater
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 35 o, %3
&(4 Fibre-9ptic Repeater ystems
Mo$el Description er+&tem
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> Series >ulti-Band >ulti-
+#erator 'adio +ver (ibre System
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '.>+". 9%: IFCE CCD
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '.>+". 9%:5<;:: IFCE CCD!
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '.>+". 9%:5;9::5<;:: IFCE
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '.>+". 9%: E CABIF." ;9A5;:=%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '.>+". 9%: E CABIF."
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> +C"ICAE >AS".' BAS.
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> +"'V 9-=5;95<; >B-ES ;9A5;:=9
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> +C"ICAE C+BCE.' <-$AN
.<::: ;&;:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> +C"ICAE C+BCE.' 6-$AN
.<::: ;&;;
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU < +"'V ;9A5;;:;
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU & +"'V, &A:>> ;9A5;;:<
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 6 +"'V ;9A5;;:&
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 6 +"'V, &A:>> ;9A5;;:6
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU BFIG.'SAE ;9A5;;:%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. 9:@-9<6
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. 9<6-96=
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. 9A@-99:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. 9A@-=;%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. 99:-=;%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. ;A;:-
;A9% ;9:%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. ;A;:-
;A%% <;;:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. ;9%:-
;=;: ;=&:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. ;9%:-
;=;% ;=&:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DBCE.V.' CASSIG. ;=<:-
;=9: <;;:
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 31 o, %3
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' <-$AN 9A:-<;A: ;9A5;;;@
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' 6-$AN 9::-;::: ;9A5;;;A
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' 6-$AN ;A;:-<;A: ;9A5;;;9
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! &-C+'" :-<;A: ;9A5;;;=
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! <-C+'" &9:-=@: :-
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+FF.C" &9:-=@: ;9A5;;<;
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! &-C+'" &9:-=@:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! &-C+'" ;A;:-<;A:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! 6-C+'" 9:@-=@:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! &-C+'" ;A;:-;A%%
<;;: A$S
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! &-C+'" ;9=%-;=;:
;=A% CCS
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! 6-C+'" ;A;:-<;A:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! ;-C+'" :-&:DB ;9A5;;<9
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! ;-C+'" :-&:DB
$I", SCEI""
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> B"S C+F! <-$AN 9%;-9@= ;9A5;;&:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' 6-$AN &9:-=@: :-
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' 6-$AN ;A;:-<;A:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> C+>BIF.' 6-$AN 9:@-=@:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> C+>BIF.' 6-$AN ;A;:-;==:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> C+>BIF.' 6-$AN ;=<:-<;A:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> AC"!C+>B!$!ICC 6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> AC"!C+>B!$!ICC 6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> AC"!C+>B!$!ICC 6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' &,B <V6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' ;,B &V6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' ;,B &V6-$AN
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SCEI"".' ;,B <V6-$AN
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 3( o, %3
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 6 CSB DC &,B ;9A5;;6&
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 6 CSB AC &,B ;9A5;;66
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 9 CSB DC @,B ;9A5;;6%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SBB'ACU 9 CSB AC @,B ;9A5;;6@
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> C+$.' SBCCEN BFI" DC IF
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> C+$.' SBCCEN BFI" AC IF
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> >>C CEBS ;9A5;;6=
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '>C >BE"I-BS.' $I",
>+D.> 8S> =5;9
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '>C SIF8E.-BS.' $I",
>+D.> 8S>
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '>C SIF8E.-BS.'
$I",+B" >+D.>
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '>C SIF8E.-BS.' $I",
>+D.> 8S>
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DISCEAN - U.NB+A'D
D'A$.' ;,B ;<G
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> 'ACU AEA'> B+A'D ;9A5;;%%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> SNS".> AEA'> B+A'D ;9A5;;%@
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> (AF S." 6 (AFS >B '++(
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> (AF ;=W ;,B ;<G DC
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> ,.A".' ;9A5;;%=
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> BCS-UI" <&:G ;9A5;;@:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> >+D.> UI" >C&% ;=W '(
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> S$ +C"I+F BSB IF '>C
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> S$ +C"I+F $IFD+$S
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> E.G.EIF8 ADAC".' @
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> '( CA"C, CABE. ;9A5;;@%
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DI'!C+BCE.' &9:-69: <:DB ;9A5;;@@
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> DI'!C+BCE.' 9:@-=@: 6DB ;9A5;;@A
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> ".'>IFA"I+F <::$ 6::-
<<::>,T F (.
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> 'ACU ;=W A ,B ;9A5;;@=
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> 'ACU ;=W B <6 ,B ;9A5;;A:
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> 'ACU ;=W && ,B +B"D++' ;9A5;;A;
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> 'ACU ;=W B &9 ,B ;9A5;;A<
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> CACUA8IF8 <6 ,B ;9A5;;A&
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 3' o, %3
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> CACUA8IF8 && ,B ;9A5;;A6
Andre I+F-> Series I+F-> CACUA8IF8 &9 ,B ;9A5;;A%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-> Series >ulti-Band >ulti-
+#erator 'adio +ver (ibre System
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+".
.8S>58S>;95B>"S, GAC, SC5AC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+".
.8S>58S>;95B>"S, 69G, SC5ACC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". B>"S, GAC,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+".B>"S, -69GDC,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+".
C.EE9%:58S>;9::,GAC, SC5ACC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". C.EE9%:58S>;9::,
-69GDC, SC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". C.EE9%:5B>"S,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". C.EE9%:5B>"S,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+".
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". C.EE5DCS5B>"S,
-69GDC, ;'(, SC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". B>"S, GAC, ;'(,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B '.>+". B>"S,-69GDC, ;'(,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBB'ACU, CASSIG. BC, ;=WV
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBB'ACU, AC"IG. BC, ;=WV
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBB'ACU, AC '.DF"
CS,AC"G, ;=WV6,.
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBB'ACU,-69GDC, AC"IG.
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B >AS".' +C"ICAE '"V,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B >AS".' +C"ICAE '"V,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B C+>BIF.', 9-;!:5;!A-<!%8,T,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B C+>BIF.',
E>'9::5E>'=::5CC S
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B C+>BIF.', 9-;!:5;!A;5;!=<-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B C+>BIF.', 9- ;9A5;;=A
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e 39 o, %3
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B DCEV E>'9::,S>A-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B DCEV C.EE9%:,S>A-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B DCEV .8S>,S>A-(,6,.VA". ;9A5;<::
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B DCEV 8S>;9::,S>A-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B DCEV B>"S,S>A-(,6,.VA". ;9A5;<:<
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B,< GA'
A"",;:DB,6,.VA".H<V<:DB CADS
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B,< GA' A"".F,&:DB,6,.VA". ;9A5;<:6
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B,< $AN,A::-<%::>,T,S>A-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B,6 $AN,A::-<%::>,T,S>A-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B =::5;9::>,T C+$.'
EI>I".', ;:DB
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B B>"S C+$.' EI>I".',
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBC.'GISI+F,AC,;=W V;,. V
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B SBC.'GISI+F,DC,;=W V;,. V
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B CEB8-IF SBC.'GISI+F,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B, BEAFU CAF.E, 6,.V;6". ;9A5;<;<
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B "SBF >C&% >+D.> UI" ;9A5;<;&
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B (AS" >IFI'ACU ;9A5;<;6
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B (AS" IF".'(AC. ;9A5;<;%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B I5EIFU
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B I5EIFU
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B I5EIFU
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B I5EIFU
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC CS, ;<
'.>+".,;!:A,GAC "+-69,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC CS, ;<
'.>+".,;!:A,GAC "+-69,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC CS, ;<H; +B",<!:A,GAC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC CS, ;<H; +B",<!:A,-
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e %0 o, %3
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC CS, <6 '.>+"., ;!:A,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC AC5DC CS >+DBE.,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC DC5DC CS >+DBE.,
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB CAS. B, 9%-<@%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB CAS. B, A< "+
&@ GDC5%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB ', 9%-<@%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB',-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB'<.,9%-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB'<.,-A<"+-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC .V" CSB'<.,9%-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B IFS"AEEE
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC $EAF E+CAE
IF".'(AC., & AC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC $EAF B++S".',<F-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC $EAF B++S".',<F-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC<85&8 - $I-(I
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACCADAC".'SC5ACC-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC+C"ICAEMB>C.'SC-
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC SCEICIF8 B+V ;9A5;<6%
Andre I+F-B Series I+F-B ACC SCEICIF8 B+V ;9A5;<6@
.nersus >A<::: Series >A <::: Converged In-building
Coverage System
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e %1 o, %3
.nersus F>S-S$-S.'G.' 8BI AFD S.'G.' S5$ CACUA8.
(+F. C.' SI".)
.nersus 6;: F."$+'U C+F"'+EE.' - S.'IAE
.nersus 6&: F."$+'U C+F"'+EE.'
-.",.'F."5IC IF".'(AC.
.nersus 'IB-I> 'ADI+ IF".'(AC. BFI"
.nersus 'IB-B"SC-C.EE B"S C+FDI"I+F.' (+' C.EEBEA'
.nersus 'IB-B"SC-DCS B"S C+FDI"I+F.' (+' DCS
.nersus 'IB-B"SC-8S> B"S C+FDI"I+F.' (+' 8S>
.nersus 'IB-B"SC-B>"S B"S C+FDI"I+F.' (+' B>"S
.nersus $B-B6B $ID. BAFD BAS., 6 BFI",
SBCC+'"IF8 6 ',BS
.nersus $B-B9B $ID. BAFD BAS., 9 BFI",
SBCC+'"IF8 9 ',BS
.nersus <:::->IFI-.FC <::: .FCE+SB'. SBCC+'"IF8 <
.nersus <:::-CE->-DCS-E DBAE BAFD C.EE >!+ 5DCS ;
C+'" (+' EI".
.nersus <:::-8S>-DCS-E DBAE BAFD 8S>5DCS ; C+'" (+'
.nersus ;<::-B>"S-A+-E" ADD-+F ',B SBCC+'"IF8 B>"S
S.'GIC. (+' <::: EI".
.nersus <:::-'C-EC '.>+". CABIF." AEE S.'GIC.S =;;5=%=
.nersus <:::-'C-'C '.>+". CABIF." - AEE
S.'GIC.S, '.>+". C+$.'IF8
.nersus 9@: $EAF >+DBE. SBCC+'"IF8 ;-6
AC 9:<!;;A5B58
.nersus 9@:-B $EAF >+DBE. SBCC+'"IF8 ;-6
AC 9:<!;;A5B58 IFCEBDIF8 B>"S
.nersus AU-9%:-;<:: ACC.SS+'N UI" (+' 9%: $I",
.nersus AU-9%:-<::: ACC.SS+'N UI" (+' 9%: $I",
.nersus ECS-69G-;::$ E+CAE AC5DC C+FG.'".' ;::$ =;;5=@%
.nersus ECS-69G-6:$ E+CAE AC5DC C+FG.'".' 6:$ =;;5=@@
.nersus ECS-69G-@@$ E+CAE AC5DC C+FG.'".' @@$ =;;5=@A
.nersus <:::-C.EE-DCS-
><::: EI". C.EEBEA' 9::5DCS
;9:: >+DI(I.D (+' ".ES"'A
.nersus SC"CB-:<>-F(A < $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e %2 o, %3
.nersus SC"CB-:&>-F(A & $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus SC"CB-:6>-F(A 6 $AN >IC'+S"'IC SCEI"".', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus C+BCB-:@>-F(A @DB >IC'+S"'IC C+BCE.', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus C+BCB-;:>-F(A ;:DB >IC'+S"'IC C+BCE.', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus C+BCB-;&>-F(A ;&DB >IC'+S"'IC C+BCE.', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus C+BCB-;%>-F(A ;%DB >IC'+S"'IC C+BCE.', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus C+BCB-<:>-F(A <:DB >IC'+S"'IC C+BCE.', 9::-
<%::>,T, F (.>AE. C+FF.C"+'S
(&I> C+>CEIAF" P K-;6:DBC)
.nersus >A;::: Series >A ;::: Converged In-building
Coverage System
"he use of high quality '( connectors ith gold or silver #lating, or made of suco#late, brass, or beryllium
co##er is essential! '( connectors containing steel, nic3el, or aluminium shall not be used!
Cables shall meet the requirements of relevant building codes, fire authorities and building oners5managers
in res#ect of fire retardant and smo3e emission #ro#erties! In general, there is no s#ecific requirement for
general office areas, but some buildings may require #articular cable s#ecifications!
If an e7isting DAS installation has fire retardant and lo smo3e emission cables, s#ecify cables ith
equivalent #ro#erties for any u#grade or e7tension of that DAS!
S#ecify cables ith solid outer conductors (SC(&9 or equivalent as a minimum requirement) beteen B"S
and multi-netor3 combiner or crossband cou#ler, and beteen multi-netor3 combiner and main feeders!
22''%555(.)o* Pa+e %3 o, %3

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