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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:,

Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 23

Abstract: Some adversary user might have details about
shared server although the data can be encrypted .To
unreleased this security, unauthorized user might have fewer
knowledge about B+ tree in this concept the internal nodes
and its coordinating sub nodes or leaves are arranged in heap
file. Information in heap file is encrypted in disorder manner
.To enhancing more privacy we propose PB+ tree. Ensure
that it has high uncertain details about data in encrypted
format by using buckets to protect the data from unauthorized
unauthorized user. Single bucket may have several sub node
details in reallocations that hackers or adversary
cannot find the exact data in shared server . It is consider as
effectively clueless for unauthorized user. Basically we are
proposing this in banking application for overseas

Index Terms: Disorder manner, Heap file, Bucket,
Encrypted, Data Privacy.

The aim to support efficient database querying and to
avoid the attack of data in database server by using the
encryption method the data are combined in web server
but some rival or adversary may want to know some
details like banking system, corporate details, personal
information, enterprise data server, computing
environments and many other sensitive details may be
leaked with in encrypted server also, if the antagonist just
have view on it no information will be find out but if
hackers know about cryptographic techniques that helps
to find out the germane information .This technique
include private information retrieved and oblivious
random access memory are consider as the
communication supreme. In convenient theory it is very
harder to know what the data had seen by user.

The antagonist may use two ways such that solitary way is
the encrypted database and knowledge of the data value
distribution and second way is encrypted database and
plain text database with their replica in database.
Introducing search key in B+tree and the nodes or leaves
nodes and it is data are get encrypted. Basically tree
format is not seen in server. Tree traversal has made to
view root node. So that data are arranged in heap file in
cluster format. By knowing one node we can guesstimate
the virtual information.
Now increasing the privacy B+ tree (PB+ tree) and
proposing the homomorphism technique algorithm in this
paper. More buckets are introduce and nodes are in
restructuring manner, so that unauthorized persons will
not have hint to map out the data from common server.
PB+ tree is tunable means having larger bucket size
enhances security and overheads on the server.

2.1 Heap files used for data storage
All the leaf node data are stored in order less manner. If
one unauthorized user distinguish in one leaf node to
impinge on another leaf node data. Because of this
common storage they can easy to concern the data stored
in this cargo space file. To prevent the data from
adversary we use encryption functions and range
retrievals. The antagonist user infrequently retrieves all
the node, foremost root node will be identify and it
decrypts into identify the leaf (or) child node to traverse
to it by coming to target leaf node then foe coming to
sibling pointers in leaf node levels.

If the unlawful user observes the retrieval sequences,
unconstitutional can arrow down the possible positions in
encrypted nodes.


, P.Hemalatha
, M.Kanitha
, S.Kanmani
, P.Mani

Assistant Professor,
Department of Information technology,
Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,
Anna University, Namakkal,Tamilnadu. India.

B.Tech- Students,
Department of Information technology,
Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,
Anna University, Namakkal,Tamilnadu. India.
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 24

From the figure1 we comprehend sender sends the plain
text which is encrypted into a cipher text using a secret
key which is decrypted into plain text by using a secret
key by means of recipient

2.2 Privacy Query
Sequencing all the leaf nodes in the protected B+tree, the
legitimate user attempt to figure out the manifestation key
in the B+tree nodes accessed by preferred queries.


2.3 Bucket Storage
Here in the proposed system Privacy enhanced B+tree
(PB+-tree) is worn which restrains the storage
organization, reclamation technique and it finds the
elucidation for the attack of an adversary and some
updates that are been made on PB+ trees with a
enhancement of the security vigor by the sporadic re-


In this figure 3 we come to know that in non-
homomorphism the give data is not encrypted but in
homomorphism the give data is encrypted and then
decrypted to get the original data.
PB+trees has the alike standard structure of binary tree
where the data are been stored in the unordered heap file
whereas PB+tree surround the spick and span index but
the index in the enhanced binary tree is not clustered
since the base next of kin file offset is may be affected by
the key value distribution that is been known to the
adversary the same perception is used in the binary tree
also the main algorithmic technique that is second-hand
in the privacy enhanced binary tree is the homomorphism
encryption technique.
The heap file is used in the Binary tree in it the data are
precise in the in order comportment the same technique is
used here in the PB+tree but another way implemented
using the bucket the encrypted data are broken up and
misplaced in the assorted bucket of the enhanced binary
Antagonist will molest bucket in that corresponding
bucket if deduce the data that are positioned in the such
that of N2 and Ns1 where N is determined here as node
the challenger who is attacking the bucket are breathing
about the information that from the first bucket one node
is accessed and another node from the last bucket.
This is done because that the opposition is not having the
information about the progression they will form any
For pronouncement the interconnected upshot of the
agreed query the new method is used that is known as the
sub tree retrieval method.


In this figure 4 the purchase order is shown .here
customers personal details, communication details and
transaction details are enclosed. After checking customer
details LOC is provided from the bank to the customer.
After that customer details are secured by homomorphism
encryption technique.
Sub tree retrieval method is used from the root node to all
the leaf node which are compared to the query are ordered
by the bucket address, the same process is done
recursively for the data which are analogous to the query
which is determined. The bucket size can be malformed
according to the block space of the hard disk.
On seeing the bucket capacity privacy binary tree gets the
sanctuary of privacy by wrapper the nodes access inside
the bucket so we could do with large bucket capacity b
for enhancing the security.
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:,
Volume 3, Issue 2, March April 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 2 March April 2014 Page 25

But there is a trouble when the bucket size is augmented
the processing time for the query analysis is increased
hence there is a big divergence between the performance
and the refuge in the privacy enhanced binary tree to
overcome this problem.
Here can use the large bucket for the undersized database
and small bucket for the large database because the nodes
that are been worn in the bucket whose accessing method
is sheltered are squeezed together and used in the
corresponding buckets.

The heap file format is worn to stockpile the data in heap
file in the send out of heap file we are proposing a bucket
system in that lacerate is not doable essentially we are
proposing in the banking system when the overseas

Authors would reminiscent of to thank Vivekanandha
Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women,
Anna University, Tamilnadu, India for haulage out the
anticipated work.

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V.BRINDHA born in Erode, Tamilnadu,
India. She working as an Assistant Professor
in IT Department in Vivekanandha Institute of
Engg & Technology for Women, Anna
University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Her research
interests includes, Data mining ,Cloud Computing.

P.HEMALATHA born in salem,
Tamilnadu,India, she pursing her final year
Information Technology in Vivekanandha
Institute of Engg & Tech for Women,Anna
University, Chennai,India. Her area of interest is Data
Structure and Database Management Sytem.

M.KANITHA born in Namakkal,
Tamilnadu,India, she pursing her final year
Information Technology in Vivekanandha
Institute of Engg & Tech for Women, Anna
Univ, Chennai, India. Her area of interest is Data
Mining, Cloud computing and Data structures.

S.KANMANI born in salem,
Tamilnadu,India, she pursing her final year
Information Technology in Vivekanandha
Institute of Engg & Tech for Women,Anna
University, Chennai,India. Her area of interest is Data
Structure and Data Mining

P.MANI born in Attur, Tamilnadu,India, she
pursing her final year Information Technology
in Vivekanandha Institute of Engg & Tech for
Women,Anna University, Chennai,India. Her
area of interest is Data Structure and Database
Management Sytem.

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