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Most of the raters have the ability to give constructive criticism in a friendly, firm

and positive manner.

Employees dont have the opportunity to respond to
the appraisal result.
Employees are being rated on their knowledge and sk
Majority of people want that there should be
some incentives based on performance.
Employees are not provided with the genuine feedback.

Appraisal counseling is considered beneficial for future developments.

Management doesnt bother much about t
he training requirements mentioned in theappraisalsheet.
Most of the employees want that 360ofeedback system should be introduced.

The performance appraisal system of ONGC is of good quality. With the
introduction of newe-PAR system, the PMS system is refined further. On the basis
of the analysis of responsesandfindings I have reached to some conclusions. So
taking them into consideration few stepsmay be considered to strengthen the
performance appraisal system.

The system should be made more transparent. This can be achieved by
creatingawareness among the employees regarding each and every aspect of the
appraisal process. They should
be made aware about the standards and the criterions for evaluation. Further they s
hould beshown the appraisal result.

The appraiser and appraisee should sit together and then the appraiser should
ratetheappraisee for his performance and should state the reason for the same. This
willincreasethe level of transparency and the employee will feel satisfied as he will
have anopportunity to respond at that very moment itself.

The genuine feedback should be provided to the employees. So that they may be
ina position to know where they stand exactly. So that they can identify their
performancegapsand prepare accordingly for the future.

The general belief among employees is that the relations with the superior
affecttheevaluation process. This is not good as this creates a sense of favoritism in
theorganization. No doubt one should be in pleasing terms with the superior but
that shouldnot affect theevaluation at all. For this the raters should always consider
the performanceas the onlymeasure for the evaluation.

The raters should take note of the critical performance incidents of an individual so
thatatthe end of the year it should not be that only the recent performances are

Raters should consider the specific requirements of the people to do the job.
Theyshouldhelp them out by providing necessary skill set to do the job moreefficie
ntly. Theyshould set the goals as per the potential and caliber of the individual.

Employees should have the opportunity to respond to the appraisal result. For
thisindividual feedback should be provided.

Management should take serious note of the training requirements shown by
theindividualin the appraisal sheet. Training plays a vital role in the development
of anindividual and helpsimprove the performance.

Some incentives should be introduced on the performances basis. This thing
createsasense of healthy competition among employees which boost up the
growth of theindividualas well as the organization.
During the course of study I interacted with various levels of employees belonging
todifferent department and performing various function. After forming the final
questionnairesurvey was conducted. As a result of thissurvey primary data was
collected and theinformation so collected wascomplied to give data and make
analysis to give suggestion forimprovement. .After analysis can be said that
employee percentage satisfies with the present performance appraisal system is
more than that of dissatisfiedemployees. Those satisfies withthe PAR forms said
that ONGC normallytakes every step to make changes in the PAR formfrom time
to time tocope up with the changed situation and HR policies of the companyasand
when it is felt necessary but the disagreeing group suggested thatthere should
betransparency in the system

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