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Complete the sentences about Sophie with the present simple or the present
- She usually . (wear) a top and jeans at the weekend.
- Today she . (wear) a dress.
- She .. (go out) with her family today.
- She usually .. (go out) with her friends at the weekend.
- She usually (enjoy) parties.
- She ... (enjoy) this party.
2. Complete the paragraphs about Matt and Sophie with the present simple or
the present continuous.
He .. (not have) lunch on Saturday because hes usually at
the beach! but he . (have) a big lunch today.
"att and Sophie .. (not work) in an office. They ..
(work) in a shop in the town. They .. (not wear) formal clothes at work!
but today Sophie (wear) a dress and "att
(wear) a suit.
She usually . (enjoy) the food at parties but she
. (not eat) now because she isnt hungry.
3. Write three sentences about the habits and routines of a person you know
and three sentences about their actiities now.
#$% My brother doesnt wear jeans to work.
He is working in his office now.
!. Complete the sentences and "uestions with the present simple.
- He .. (not live) in a house.
- They (work) in a factory.
- She ... (help) her brother.
- &e . (not waste) water.
- .. he .. (swim) at the sports centre' (es! he
- &hen they . (wash) their car' )n Sunday.
#. Write sentences and "uestions with the present continuous and the words in
- (he! eat! a sandwich)
- (he! wear! trousers)
- (she! not wear! a dress)
- (they! talk! on their phones)
- (he! wear! shorts) ' *o! he isnt.
- (they! watch! film) ' *o! they arent.
- (what! she! eat) ' + hamburger.
$. Complete the sentences with the erbs in the present continuous or present
- He usually (go) to ,irmingham on Tuesday but today he
.. (go) to )$ford.
- They often (have) a sandwich for lunch but today they
(have) pasta.
- She always .. (watch) the news on television but at the moment she
(watch) a film.
- - usually (play) computer games - the afternoon but at the
moment - (play) tennis.
%. Complete the information about &arren &aies. 'se the present simple and
the erbs in brackets.
.arren .avies .. (live) in ,romley. He (train) si$
days a week. He .. (run) five kilometres every day but he
.. (not go) to the gym every day. He .. (eat) salads!
cheese and chicken.
(. Write the words in the correct order to make the "uestions in this webchat.
- do / where / live / you / '
- you / in the afternoon / do / what / do / '
- rock music / like / you / do / '
- you / what time / do / get up / '
- do / what / do / on Saturdays / you / '
). Complete the race commentary with the present continuous of the erbs in
+% .arren .avies (run) very well.
,% The people in the crowd .. (shout) for him. The 0rench
runner . (not run) very well.
+% .. .arrens girlfriend .. (watch) the race'
,% (es! she is. - can see her in the crowd.
+% &hat she (do)'
,% She .. (shout). She wants .arren to win.
1*. +ut the word in the "uestions in the right order.
- &here / you / born / were / '
- &here / you / did / grow up / '
- &hat / like / did / you / doing / at school / '
- &hat / like / were / you / as / a young child / '
- &hen / decide / you / did / an actor / to become / '
- How / parents / your / did / react / '
- &hat / say / when / told / did / you / they / them / '
- How / you / when / old / left / were / you / home/ '
- &hat / job / first / your / in the theatre / was / '
- &hat / of / directors / working / kind / with / you / do / like / '
1+* / 1+*T2

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