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JC 2
June Common Test 2011


Higher 2

29 June 2011

Additional Materials: Answer paper 2 hour 30 minutes

List of Formulae (MF15)


Write your Civics group and name on all the work that you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.
Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of
angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
You are expected to use a graphic calculator.
Unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are allowed unless a question specifically states
Where unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required
to present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator commands.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

TJ C 2011
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TJ C/MA9740/J C2J CT2011
Section A: Pure Mathematics [49 marks]

1 Terry wishes to buy a certain number of guppies, mollies, goldfish and neon tetras for
his new aquarium. Three fish shops offer the following prices per fish:

Unit price ($) Total amount ($) that
Terry has to pay if he buys
all the fishes from the
same shop
Guppies Mollies Goldfish Neon tetras
A 1.0 1.4 2.5 0.8 15.0
B 1.1 1.6 2.5 0.6 15.9
C 0.9 1.5 2.5 0.7 14.7

Find the number of guppies, mollies, goldfish and neon tetras that Terry wishes to buy.

2 (i) Show that
4 5 x x + is always positive for all real values of x. [1]
(ii) Hence find the value of k such that the solution to the inequality
2 12
4 5
x kx
x x
+ +

is given by 1 <x <7. [3]

3 The position vectors of the points A and B are given by





where , respectively.
(i) Show that cos OAB =
3 5 9 +
. [2]
(ii) Deduce the least possible value of OAB using a non-graphical method. [2]

Given that =1, find the position vector of the point C which lies on the line passing
through A and B and is such that A and C are equidistant from B. [2]

TJ C/MA9740/J C2J CT2011
4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4cm 4 cm
4 cm


Mandy uses a 30-metre piece of string to form a design on a wall where the curved
parts of the design are the arc lengths of semicircles, as shown in the diagram above.
Given that a is the radius of the smallest semicircle and that she has exactly 30
semicircles in her design, find
(i) the arc length of the biggest semicircle in terms of a, [1]
(ii) the largest integer value of a. [3]

Mandy decides to decorate her design of 30 semicircles by painting the shaded
regions. Taking the integer value of a found in (ii) and the area of the smallest
semicircle to be A
, show that the area of the nth semicircle is

2 =
A n [1]

Hence find the total area of the shaded regions in her design. [3]

5 A function f is defined by
f : x
, ,
x a
x x a
x a


where a >2.

Show that f has an inverse function and define f
in a similar manner. [6]

On a single diagram, sketch the graphs of f and f
, showing clearly the relationship
between them. [3]

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TJ C/MA9740/J C2J CT2011
6 (a) It is given that
f ( )

= where and 0 x x .
(i) Find, by differentiation, the range of values of x for which f(x) increases as x
increases. [3]

(ii) Sketch the graph of y =f(x), giving the equations of any asymptotes and the
coordinates of any intersections with the axes. [2]

(b) The diagram below shows the graph of y =g(x) which has a maximum point at
(1, 4), a horizontal asymptote y =0, a y-intercept at (0, 3) and an x-intercept at
(2, 0).

Sketch, on separate diagrams, the graphs of
(i) y = 3g(2x), [2]
(ii) y =1 g(x), [2]
showing clearly the turning points, asymptotes and axial-intercepts, if any.

7 A sequence of real numbers x
, x
, x
, , x
, satisfies the recurrence relation
( )
( )
2 2
n n n
x x x
= + for 1 n .

(i) The sequence {x
} converges to a number l as n tends to infinity. Without the use
of a graphing calculator, find the value of l. [3]
(ii) Describe the behaviour of the sequence when
5 x = . [1]
(iii) By sketching the graph of
2 2 y x x = + and another suitable graph on a single
diagram, prove that
1 n n
x x
< if
x l > . [4]
(iv) Explain if it is sufficient to conclude from part (iii) only that the sequence
converges to l when
2 x = . [1]

(1, 4)
y =g(x)

TJ C/MA9740/J C2J CT2011
Section B: Statistics [36 marks]

8 The owner of a car park suspects that his employee is cheating on him by under-
reporting the duration the cars are parked in the lots. From his employees reports, a
mean of 2.7 hours was obtained. A random sample of 80 cars was taken by the owner
and it was found that ( 2) 90 x =

( 2) 470 x =

where x hours is the

duration each car was parked in a lot.

The population mean and variance of X are denoted by and
(i) Show that, correct to one decimal place, an unbiased estimate of
is 4.7. [1]

(ii) Given that an appropriate hypothesis test carried out provided sufficient evidence
that the employee was under-reporting the duration the cars were parked in the lot,
find the range of values of the significance level of this test. [4]

(iii) State, giving a reason, whether it is necessary for the duration time to have a
normal distribution for the test to be valid. [1]

9 Eggs produced at a farm are packed in boxes of 10. Assume that, for any egg, the
probability that it is broken when it reaches the retail outlet is 0.02, independent of all
other eggs. A box is said to be bad if it contains at least 2 broken eggs. Find the
probability that a randomly selected box is bad. [2]

60 boxes of eggs can be packed into a carton. Find the probability that there are less
than 4 bad boxes in a randomly selected carton when it reaches the retail outlet. [2]

Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that the mean number of broken
eggs in a box in a randomly chosen carton is less than 0.18. [3]

It is known that, in fact, breakages are more likely to occur after the eggs have been
packed into boxes, and while they are being transported to the retail outlet. Explain why
this fact is likely to make the calculations invalid. [1]

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TJ C/MA9740/J C2J CT2011
10 A company uses an aptitude test to recruit its job applicants for training. Applicants
who complete the test in 30 minutes or less are immediately recruited. Those who take
between 30 to 35 minutes are required to take a second test. All other applicants are
rejected. Past records shows that on average, 1 in 5 applicants were recruited
immediately and 2 in 5 applicants were rejected without taking the second test.
Assuming that the time taken to complete the first test is normally distributed, find its
mean and standard deviation. [4]

The time taken to complete the second test is normally distributed with mean 17
minutes and standard deviation 2 minutes. An applicant, who is required to take a
second test, is recruited if the time taken to complete the second test is less than 15
minutes. Assuming that the time taken for the second test is independent of that for the
first test, find the probability that an applicant who is required to take the second test
takes less than half of the time taken for the first test. [3]

If there are 50 applicants on a particular recruitment drive, find the expected number of
applicants who will be recruited by the company. [3]

11 Customers arrive independently at a mobile phone retail shop at a rate of per minute.
Given that the probability that there are no customers arriving in a one-minute interval
is 0.135, show that 2 = .0, correct to 1 decimal place. [1]

In the shop, the probability that a randomly chosen customer subscribes to a mobile
plan is 0.7.

(i) Find the probability that in a one-minute interval, no customer subscribes to any
mobile plan. [3]

(ii) 100 customers are present at the shop. Using a suitable approximation, find the
probability that less than 75 customers subscribe to a mobile plan. [4]

(iii) One free gift is given to each customer who arrives at the shop within the first
hour each day. Find the least number of free gifts needed per day such that the
probability that there will be enough free gifts is more than 0.95. [4]

End of Paper

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