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Tampines Junior College

JC 2 H2 Mathematics 9740/2
Semestral Assessment Two

Date: 29 June 2011 13:00 16:00 hr

Section A Pure Mathematics (40 marks)

1. The region enclosed by the curve
y xe

= , the line x =2 and the x-axis is denoted by
R. Find the volume of revolution formed when R is rotated completely about the x-axis,
giving your answer in exact form. [4]

2. Functions f and g are defined by
( )
f : 4 2 x x , , x x a >
g: ln x x , , 0 x x >
(i) State the least value of a for which the function

exists. [1]
(ii) Hence find ( )
f x

and state the domain of


. [3]
(iii) Give a reason why the composite function gf does not exist. Hence, find the
largest domain of f for which gf exists. [3]

3. Given that f(r) =
, show that f(r) f(r+1) =
r r
) 1 (

Hence, find


r r
) 1 (
in terms of n.
Deduce the value of
2 1
( 1) 1
2 2
r r

+ +

. [7]


4. The curve C has equation
ax bx c
+ +
, where a, b and c are constants. It is given
that y =x +2 is an asymptote of C.
(i) Find the values of a and b. [2]
(ii) Given also that C has a turning point at x =1, find the value of c. [3]
(iii) Find, algebraically, the set of values of y for which there are no points on C. [4]

5. The equations of two planes p
and p
are 2 2 6 x y z + = and 2 2 18 x y z + =
respectively. The points A and B have position vectors 2i +k and 3i +j +4k respectively.
(i) Find the position vector of the foot of the perpendicular from A to p
Hence find
the perpendicular distance from A to p

(ii) A right cylinder has one of its circular ends contained in p
and the other in p

Find the height of the cylinder. [2]
(iii) Find the acute angle between the line AB and the plane p
(iv) The plane p
contains the origin and the points A and B. Find the line of
intersection between p
and p


Section B Statistics (60 marks)

6. In a presidential election, the governing party wishes to find out whether the citizens will
vote for Candidate A or Candidate B. A list of households, in order of surnames, in a
particular estate is generated and every 50
household will be picked and interviewed to
get their response.
(a) Name the type of sampling method used and explain why the sample is biased. [2]
(b) Suggest a better sampling method, stating your reason. [2]

7. Three cards are to be drawn without replacement from a pack of ten cards numbered 11
to 20. Find the probability that
(a) all 3 cards drawn have consecutive numbers, [3]
(b) every card drawn has an even number on it, given that the product of the three
numbers drawn is even. [3]

8. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by circulated blood onto the walls of blood vessels.
During every heartbeat, blood pressure varies between a maximum (systolic) and a
minimum (diastolic) pressure. The table shows the systolic and the diastolic pressure, in
suitable units, of a patient taken at two hourly intervals during a day.

Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
92 103 103 104 114 120 122 125 135 142 142 a
70 68 62 60 78 64 72 74 96 81 90 b

It is given that the equations of the estimated least square regression line of y on x and of
x on y for the data are 13.66 0.7539 y x = + and 47.64 0.9492 x y = + respectively.
(i) Giving your answers correct to the nearest integer, show that a =161 and find the
value of b. [4]
(ii) Calculate the linear product moment correlation coefficient and state what this
indicates about the relation between x and y over the data range. [3]
(iii) Obtain an estimate of the systolic pressure when the diastolic pressure is 110
units. Comment on the reliability of the estimate, giving a reason. [3]


9. (a) A motorist records the time taken, T, minutes, to drive a particular stretch of road
on each of 64 occasions. Her results are summarized by

= = 28 . 12657 , 8 . 876
t t .
(i) Calculate unbiased estimates of population mean and variance.
(ii) Test, at the 5% significance level, whether the mean time for the motorist
to drive the stretch of road is greater than 13.1 minutes. Explain whether it
is necessary to use the Central Limit Theorem in your test. [7]
(b) A machine is set to fill the phials containing a drug with a mean volume of 14 ml
and the volume dispensed is normally distributed. Random samples of 6 phials
were selected and the volume of drug in each was measured in milliliters, as
shown below.
13.1 14.4 15.0 13.4 16.1 17.4
Using a 10% significance level, test whether the mean volume dispensed by the
machine is 14 ml, given that the population standard deviation of the volume
dispensed is unknown [4]

10. On average 2% of a particular model of laptop computer are faulty. Faults occur
independently and randomly.
(i) Find the probability that exactly 1 of a batch of 10 laptops is faulty. [2]
(ii) State the conditions under which the use of a Poisson distribution is appropriate as
an approximation to a Binomial distribution. [1]
(iii) A school buys a batch of 150 of these laptops. Use a suitable approximation to
find the probability that
(a) there are no faulty laptops in the batch, [3]
(b) there are more than the expected number of faulty laptops in the batch. [3]
(iv) A large company buys a batch of 2000 of these laptops for its staff.
(a) State the exact distribution of the number of faulty laptops in this batch. [1]

(b) Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that there are at most 50
faulty laptops in this batch. [4]

11. In the vegetable section of a supermarket, leeks are on sale either loose (and unprepared)
or prepared in packs of 4.
The weights of unprepared leeks are modelled by the random variable X which has the
Normal distribution with mean 260 grams and standard deviation 24 grams. The prepared
leeks have had 40% of their weight removed, so that their weights, Y, are modelled by
Y =0.6X.
(i) Find the probability that a randomly chosen prepared leek weighs more than 175
grams. [3]
(ii) The probability that the total weight of a randomly chosen pack of 4 prepared
leeks is greater than k is 0.975. Find the value of k, giving your answer to 1
decimal place. [4]
One Sunday, Mary decided to make soup for dinner using 3 unprepared leeks and 2
onions. The weights of onions are modelled by the Normal distribution with mean 150
grams and standard deviation 18 grams.
(iii) Find the probability that the total weight of the ingredients is more than 1000
grams. [3]
A large consignment of unprepared leeks is delivered to the supermarket. A random
sample of 100 of them is taken and placed in the vegetable section.
(iv) Find the probability that the mean weight of the leeks from this consignment
differs from the weight of an onion by at most 80 grams. [5]

End of Paper


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