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if u wanna use adj like an attribute of a noun, simply put in before it the

.noun with I if it's adj-i and with NA if is adj-na

furui shinbun = an old newspaper
bakana hito = a stupid person
then. japanese has got 3 kinda predicates. adj predicate, verb predicate,
.noun predicate
.noun one you know, its make simply add the noun of predicate & copula
like kore wa kaban da.=this is a bag
.verb predicate you don'nt know
adj predicate is when noun predicate hasnt got a noun as noun of predicate
.& it has got an adjective. it hasnt copula in the sentence. only adjective
.like kono baishun wa utsukushiku nai.=this bitch isn't beautiful
well, here de adj takes meaning of [verb be+adj] and it has a negative &
.affermative form, a past & non-past form, a plan & polite form
.just take an adj like SHIROI=WHITE & do that
non-past affirmative plan shiroi
non-past affirmative polite shiroi desu
non-past negative plan shiroku nai
non-past negative polite shiroku nai desu/shiroku arimasen
past affirmative plan shirokatta
past affirmative polite shirokatta desu
past negative plan shiroku nakatta
past negative polite shiroku nakatta desu/shiroku arimasen deshita
?how to memorize it? how to remember it
:here's how
.polite is simply add in desu after the plan one
nagative lose i & takes ku then it takes nai
past lose I & takes katta; so negative past lose i & takes ku, then it takes
nai but losing i and adding katta to make it past. its bcz it lose i & takes -ku
.That's one of lots of reasons that makes japanese's simple

.verbs has got basis. ichidan have 6, called b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6(1

.basis of japnez verb is important bcz dey are like desinences of a verb
to make m, simply take an ichidan verb like TABERU=eat n do dis
b1 ru disappear. taberu=>tabe
b2 ru disappear. taberu=>tabe
b3 any differens. taberu=>taberu
b4 any differens. taberu=>taberu
b5 u becomes e. taberu=>tabere
b6 u becomes o. taberu=>tabero

godan is different. dey have 8 basis. deyr called b1 b1a b2 b2a b3 b4(2
.b5 b6
.ichidan's b1a is b1 n ichidan's b2a is b2
make m, simply take a godan verb like nome=drink n do dis 2
b1 u becomes a. nomu=>noma
b1a u becomes o. nomu=>nomo
b2 u becomes i. nomu=>nomi
b2a very long n hard to explain, may b later
b3 any diffrence. nomu=>nomu
b4 any diffrence. nomu=>nomu
b5 u becomes e. nomu=>nome
b6 u becomes e. nomu=>nome

.then here are other things 2 know(3

;b1 is negative base
;b2 is polite
;b3 is dictionary form
;b4 is attributive
;b5 is for conditional
.b6 is imperative

japanese has got auxiliaries, which need a base of a verb to be put(4

.next 2 m
ex, tatoeba, masu is the polite auxiliary, nai for negative, zu (another) 4
for negative, ta is for past, te for "subspensive" or "sospensive" ( I
.(know how its called only in italian, so I dunno how USA call it

.irregular have got 6 basis. irregular's b1a is b1 n irregular's b2a is b2(5

b1 shi ko
b2 shi ki
b3 suru kuru
b4 suru kuru
b5 sure kure
b6 suro koi

dere is a varation of B6 for ichidan verbs. ro=>yo. so taberu (tabero at(6

.b6) becomes tabeyo
.varation of verb suru is seyo. so suru in b6 is shiro/seyo
.kuru n godan verbs hasnt got any variation

.b2a of godan verbs. how 2 make it(7

to make it, verb lose its last hiragana, 4 example nomu=>no, kau=>ka, n
:it takes another hiragana. this second hiragana
"for verbs ending wid -su is "shi
"for verbs ending wid -bu -mu -nu is "n
for verbs ending wid -u -tsu -ru is a lil "tsu" (in hiragana, it makes next
(sound longer. for example verb lil tsu+ta = TTa
"for verbs ending wid -ku -gu is "i
here we go. only 2 forms can be made wid b2a. v-te (te form) n v-ta (ta
.to make v-te take b2a of a verb n put te
;so ichidan verbs simply lose ru n take te; suru=>shite; kuru=>kite
godan endin wid u, tsu, ru take te; endin wid su take te; endin wid bu,
mu, nu take "de" n not te; ending wid gu takes de; endin wid ku takes

examples of v-te(8

v-ta its very simple. take v-te of every verb n put away "e" n put there

examples of v-ta(10

.in japanese only one verb ends wid -nu. its shinu meaning to die(11

non-past affirmative plan B3….>> nomu=I drink..…………………

non-past affirmative polite B2+MASU….>> nomimasu=I drink
non-past negative plan B1+NAI….>> nomanai=I don't drink
non-past negative polite B2+MASEN …..>> nomimasen=I don't drink
past affirmative plan V-ta…..>> nonda=I drank
past affirmative polite B2+MASHITA…>> nomimashita=I drank
past negative plan B1+NAKATTA…>>> nomanakatta=I didn't drunk
past negative polite B2+MASEN DESHITA…>> nomimasen deshita=I
didn't drink
.SONZAI BUN: esistencial sentence
esistencial sentence has verb to BE meaning "BE in a place" n its made
:like this
.aru is a godan verb
.whilst iru is ichidan
.aru is used wen subject is a not moving object
.iru is used wen subject is a moving object, or a person, or an animal
.aru is used, infact, 4 unanimated; wilst iru 4 animated
.example, if subject is a dog or a person, u use iru 4
.if subject is a parked car, u use aru
.if subject is a moving car, u use iru
?its ez it isnt

(: .where u use verb have, replyin to ur question
.u use that sentence
.subject+WA+object+GA/O+ARU/MOTTE IRU
u use puttin GA + ARU when u would say I have this, generally,
(..meaning u have it (here, at home, etc
u use puttin O+MOTTE IRU wen u wud say I have this right now with
(, ( in ur hand, in ur poket, etc
(ore wa okane ga arimasen=I havent money (cuz I'm poor 4 example
ore wa okane o motte nai=I havent money (cuz I forgot m at home 4

.negative plan of aru n iru is nai

.v-te iru
v-te of a verb + verb iru is used to make gerund of a verb, or to make
english "use to" form. dat means dat v-te iru is for makin a usually-
.done action
tabete iru=I'm eating (right now) (I use to eat dasn make any sense.
( :whilst
asa pan o tabete iru. (I use to eat bread in da morning) (I'm eating
( :bread at morning dasnt make any sense. whilst
asa pan o tabete ita. (I used to eat bread in da mornin) (I was eating
( :bread at morning dasnt sounds good. whilst
kesa pan o tabete ita. (I was eating bread, this morning...(then da
sentence needs a continue)) (I used to eat bread this morning dasnt have
(.any sense
then. consider that now tha verb is iru. so past is v-te ita negative is v-te
.nai etc. while translatin, verb is (in dis case) taberu, of course

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