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Shane Corcoran

It was a gloomy day. The sky was gray, and it started to drizzle lightly. A thick
cloud of mist engulfed the lonely cemetery, and a murder of crows despondently
fluttered by the assembly entering the front gates, carrying a coffin. Hamlet and
Horatio hid in the hazy distance, observing a melancholy group of nobles that had
just entered.
The queen? The courtiers? Who are they carrying? From the looks of it, this
person committed suicide. Hamlet whispered to Horatio.
These people look wealthy either way. Lets stay and watch
Horatio somberly nodded, and the two continued their surveillance. The coffin was
slowly lowered into the grave, and the cries from the family arose to a desperate
wailing, for the reality of their loss was finally hitting them. The priest began to
drearily read the last rites to the audience but through his body language, Hamlet
could tell that the Priest was very reluctant to complete the ceremony. After the
Priest had finished, Hamlet noticed a young noble hastily charge toward the Priest
with bitter resentment.
Is that it? Thats not the full rites! the young noble roared.
Thats Laertes, a noble young man, Hamlet whispered to Horatio.
There must be more thats my sister! Laertes sobbed to the Priest.
The Priest seemed unmoved by Laertes touching objection.
I have performed as many rights as I am permitted to. The Priest declared.
Her death was suspicious, and if it werent for the Kings direct orders to bury her
here, we would have buried her in unsanctified grounds.
Shane Corcoran
Are you sure there is nothing else you can do? Laertes asked, fighting back
tears to the best of his ability.
There is simply nothing more I can do. It would be disrespectful to those
who died naturally, to read her the same rights as them, declared the Priest.
Lay her in the ground and let flowers blossom from her pure and lovely
flesh! My sister will be an angel in heaven while you rot in hell you jerk priest!
Hamlet was taken back.
What? The fair Ophelia? he exclaimed to Horatio.
Laertes stepped towards the grave.
Damn this evil man whose wicked actions cost you your life! I must hold her
in my arms once more! Laertes proclaimed as he jumped into Ophelias grave. With
teary eyes and a heavy heart Laertes fell to his knees, and glared up to the heavens.
Now pile this dirt onto her and I! Make a pile higher than Mount Olympus!
Hamlet darted away from Horatio and advanced towards the grave.
My sweet Ophelia! Your words alone could make the planets stand still! I
must embrace you one last time! Hamlet exclaimed as he too jumped into the grave.
Laertes immediately grabbed Hamlet by the neck.
You! he blubbered as he rose to his feet. This is your fault you villain!
Hamlet and Laertes fiercely tore at one another. Laertes squeezed Hamlets neck
with all of his might as Hamlet did the same.
Pull them apart, Claudius commanded.
Two guards pried the two men apart with their pikes, as the pairs rage was only
Shane Corcoran
You will never love her like I did! Hamlet cried to Laertes.
You think theatrically jumping into her grave will demonstrate your love for her? I
would stop eating! I would cry! I would eat a crocodile! I would tear myself apart!
Hamlet angrily stomped off into the distance, audibly sobbing but not once looking
back. Horatio solemnly followed. The rest of the funeral party seemed stunned. A
wave of silence swallowed the group. No amount of arguing or sacrifice could ever
bring back the fair Ophelia.

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