The Right Role of Culture For Best Future

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C. F. 9406888031
The Right Role
of Culture
for Best Future
N Nowaday the Culture has
become a very fast creative
process, so it runs toward
short life cycle lenght.
Weve more inspirations but
its very difficult to built
lasting artistic ways, not
only signs but streets for
innovative Culture.
Its also true that eists a
new great and strengh tool!
the Web.
Now, than"s to Internet for
all people its possible to
found a personal space for
epress himself and for to f
freely "eep moving Culture,
Creativity and Ideas.
So, also the unconventional
and non-traditional
cultures have voice.
#he artists, or best all
cultural ma"ers, "now all
this and often they are
mostly careful to loo"ing for
an advertising speech
during one spot, to
became the short tie
Web phenoenon!
few days
millions clic"s
fast popolarity
$uic"ly forgotten.
!ore interesting ideas and
pro"ects return soon in the
dar#, losing their po$er%
#his is a great problem for
our contemporary Culture.
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
%ut, at first the cultural
ma"ers should thin" that the
&rt and Culture are ainly
the creative process ma"ers
during long period, starting
to Idea until to became
#han, we can as" ourselves!
Today $hat's the real role
of Culture'
&nd $hat it's duty along
this li(uid tie)
(omeone must partecipate
to this debate, because only
a real and global interaction
$ill be able give again right
value and iportance at
Culture for a best,
innovative and sustainable
#he Culture must give birth
&nowledge across a specific
tongue for each target, it
must start ideas, actions,
pro)ects for to change point
of view, loo#ing at the past
$ith a ne$ and different
#he *rt has a most
important advantage, it can
fashinate and interest many
different publics across
beauty and *estetics+ for
this the *rt should carry on
its ancestry role of docere
delectando, not only for to
show us what we are today,
our Kunstwollen and,or
what we are been but for to
open ne$ $ays and s$itch
on lights about $hat $e
can be than#s to Creativity
and innovative *deas%
-or this reason &rt and
Culture ust have a central
role in the conteporary
society for a best, right and
sustainable future.
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
+ur vision
- -ollowing this concept
,unoica, a cultural
*ssociation created for
innovative pro)ects ade
in culture, co wor"ing with
the artist -uciano !aciotta,
from some years he
developed several pro"ects
of installation in the field
of rene$able energies, have
thought to i. &rts,
Culture and Science for to
re open searchs and
discussion about Free
,nergy, focus on the electric
charge free availaible in the
Its true in the s"y there is a
great electric charge and we
can ta"e that and to
transform it into "inetic
energy for many uses.
.bviously the ,nergy is one
of the ost iportant
probles for our future+
nowaday there is many
attention for searchs about
green and renewable
energies, but often we wor"
over same "nown solutions
because they are thought
more sure and handy,
always also than they arent
We can say that today the
/nergy has loose its mistery
because we are only
interestead into
management energetic
process in economic "ey,
instead to understand $hat
really is the ,nergy and
$hat's its potentiality
another un#no$n.
0ere the idea, re start from
, elektron, the 1ree"
origin of the our word
,lectricity, wal"ing step
by step till to great search
season for energetic
fluid, the /*/ century0
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
when the most important
scientists and see"ers over
all the world, for eample
*lessandro 2olta, %en)amin
-ran"lin, 3C 4oggendorf and
more others, tried to
understand and to tet what
the electric fluid was and
how use its.
But, after)
#hose studies and those
tets havent had a real
success, they havent had a
development into energetic
field in spite of more of
those are very interesting
solutions, how show us
many patens, also into our
near history, we can thin",
for eample, of the .leg
3efimen"os wor"s.
*nd more, the tets about
electric fluid eist also
today, but they are closed
into a specific and
unconventional target
cluster than diffused among
the scientific community,
where the electric fluid can
become interesting for a
mass production.
.ften we leave any search
field only for economic and
politics reasons, that put on
in first level more
confortable, simple, or
sometimes less innovative
solutions, still forgetting
another interesting $ays,
that they shall be better.
-or this reason $e'll
rediscover the electric
fluid, $e $ant to #no$ it
for to understand if it'll
becoe a real energetic
source usable for an
innovative and sustainable
#his is what we call
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
,lectricitas pro"ect plan

. .ur pro)ect is very siple,
to lin# &rt and Science in
light way. It has a very clear
iter for to made Culture and
&nowledge benefit to social
econoics circle for a better
#han, $e are started
studing the past, loo"ing for
best ideas and patens, for to
find those nowady that $ill
be ore chance than"s a
very enormous potential of
our contemporary
innovations, un"nown in the
(o, also than"s the s"ills of
5uciano 6aciotta into
engineering field and the
/unomicas s"ills, it $as
been possible to transfor
an arstistic installation into
a real scientific te.t%
#his is the first step! *rt
and (ciences are lin"ed for
to diffuse the /nergys
culture and for to
understand, or at least to
try, more mysteries that it
still hides, because its true!
$e don't #no$ yet all
about the ,lectric Fluid.
#ogether, &rt and Science,
can tal# in very siple $ay
to all people, telling ideas,
showing how could be
possible, pic"ing up data,
tal"ing of this for a great
goal! restarting the te.ts
season and for invite all the
people to "now the ,nergy
for ma"ing aware and right
#he artistic installation,
,lectricitas, open with a
wave what it must produce
a widespread wa"e $ill be
able to create #no$ledges
and dialogues, filling up a
gap using the creativity for
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
ne$ solutions, because only
this can open the doors over
the deep crisis period, with a
positive loo" for more aware
and fair social and economic
1o$aday &rt shall have
this tas#%
*rtists, or better all cultural
ma"ers, must give imputs
for deeping &nowledge and
Culture for createing social
interaction about people for
a ne$ a$arness season.
#his is one of the most
primary need of
contemporary society and
only the &rt can give a
strong signal of positive
Electricitas Biella, 5ambda 4rint, by
5uciano 6aciotta, 789:
by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno
C. F. 9406888031
Dialogue with the Muse, 4ria 789:,
/unomica ;1. (usta, politician, 5.
6aciotta, artist, -. %ernabei,
/unomica<s 4resident, =. %asso,

by Image Eunomia Lucia Monjoi Images Electricitas by Luciano Maciotta Write by B. Saccagno

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