Portal Thinking

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The Thinking Portal

[Thinking processes diagrams 1]
Thinking can refer to the act of producing thoughts or the process of producing thoughts. In spite of the fact that thought is a
fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no generally accepted agreement as to what thought is or how it is
Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process
of producing thoughts. Thoughts are the result or product of spontaneous act of thinking.
Thinking allows humans to make sense of, interpret, represent or model the world they experience, and to make predictions
about that world. It is therefore helpful to an organism with needs, objectives, and desires as it makes plans or otherwise
attempts to accomplish those goals.
--Gajulshankari (talk) 09:48, 4 May 2014 (UTC)shankari Gajul--Gajulshankari (talk) 09:48, 4 May 2014 (UTC)
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Selected cognitive function article
Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one thing
while ignoring other things. Examples include listening carefully to what
someone is saying while ignoring other conversations in the room (e.g. the
cocktail party problem, Cherry, 1953). Attention can also be split, as when
a person drives a car and talks on a cell phone at the same time.
Attention is one of the most intensely studied topics within psychology and
cognitive neuroscience. Of the many cognitive processes associated with
the human mind (decision-making, memory, emotion, etc), attention is
considered the most concrete because it is tied so closely to perception. As
such, it is a gateway to the rest of cognition.
The most famous definition of attention was provided by one of the first
major psychologists, William James:
"Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind
in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously
possible objects or trains of thought...It implies withdrawal from some things
in order to deal effectively with others." (Principles of Psychology, 1890)
Selected picture
This page contains Arabic text.
Selected biography
Hevelius's Selenographia, showing
Alhasen [sic] representing reason, and
Galileo representing the senses.
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A woman thinking statue.
This page contains Arabic text.
Without proper rendering support,
you may see question marks,
boxes, or other symbols.
Ab Al al-asan ibn al-asan ibn al-
Haytham (Arabic : , Arabic:
, Latinized: Alhacen or
(deprecated) Alhazen) (965 in Basra c.
1040 in Cairo) was a Muslim, scientist,
polymath, mathematician, astronomer and
philosopher, described in various sources as
an Arab
Thinking lists
List of thinking-related topic lists
Cognitive biases
Cognitive scientist
Philosophical theories
Creative thought processes
Decision-making processes
Emotional intelligence
Memory biases
Organizational thought processes
Thought processes
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Things you can do
See the list below? Scour Wikipedia, and see how many articles you can find that belong on that list. Then add them.
Topics related to Thinking
In addition to the topics below, see the List of thought processes
Awareness Attention, Automaticity, Cognition, Cognitive dissonance, Cognitive map, Concept, Concept map, Conceptual
model, Consciousness, Domain knowledge, Information, Intelligence, Intuition, Knowledge, Memory
suppression, Mental model, Metaknowledge, Mind map, Model (abstract), Option awareness, Percept,
Perception, Qualia, Selective attention, Self-awareness, Self-concept, Self-consciousness, Self-knowledge,
Self-realization, Self-reflection, Sentience, Situational awareness, Subjective ideas, Understanding
Brain and
brain biology
Action potential, Acetylcholine, Acetylcholinesterase, Aging and memory, Albert Einstein's brain, Brain, Central
nervous system (CNS), Dendrite, Dopamine, Glial cells, Human brain, Long-term potentiation, Mirror neuron,
Nervous system, Neurite, Neuron, Neuroplasticity, Neuroscience, Neurotransmitter, Sensory neuroscience,
Synapse, Synaptic plasticity
Brainstorming, Creativity, Creative problem solving, Creative writing, Creative thinking, Creativity techniques,
Creative Synthesis, Design thinking, Emergentism, Hypothesis, Idea, Image streaming, Imagination, Inventing,
Lateral thinking, Six Thinking Hats, Speech act, Stream of consciousness
Philosophy Portal:Philosophy, Philosophy of mind, Systems philosophy, Socratic method, Dialectics, Philosophical analysis
Choice, Cybernetics, Decision, Decision making, Decision theory, Executive system, Goals and goal setting,
Judgement, Planning, Rational choice theory, Speech act, Value (personal and cultural), Value judgment
Acting, Allophilia, Attitude (psychology), Curiosity, Elaboration likelihood model, Emotions, Emotion and
memory, Emotional contagion, Empathy, Feelings, Mood, Motivation, Propositional attitude, Rhetoric, Self
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actualization, Self control, Self-esteem, Self-Determination Theory, Self motivation, Social cognition, Will,
Volition (psychology)
Learning and
Autobiographical memory, Autodidacticism, Automaticity, Biofeedback, Cognitive dissonance, Dual-coding
theory, Eidetic memory, Emotion and memory, Empiricism, False memory, Feedback, Feedback loop, Free
association, Heuristics in judgment and decision making, Hyperthymesia, Hypnosis, Hypothesis, Imitation,
Inquiry, Knowledge management, Language acquisition, Long-term memory, Memory and aging, Memory
inhibition, Memory-prediction framework, Method of loci, Mnemonics, Neurofeedback, Neuro-linguistic
programming (NLP), Observation, Part-list cueing effect, Pattern recognition, Question, Reading, Recognition,
Recollection, Scientific method, Self-perception theory, Speed reading, Study Skills, Subvocalization, Transfer
of learning, Transfer of training, Visual learning, Working memory
(thinking by
Attribution theory, Communication, Concept testing, Evaporating Cloud, Fifth discipline, Groupthink, Group
synergy, Ideas bank, Interpretation, Learning organization, Metaplan, Operations research, Organizational
communication, Rhetoric, Smart mob, Strategic planning, Systems thinking, Theory of Constraints, Think tank,
Wisdom of crowds
Psychometrics Intelligence quotient, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personality tests, Scholastic Aptitude Test
Qualities of
Cogency, Effectiveness, Efficacy, Efficiency, Frugality, Ilities, Promptness, Prudence, Right, Soundness,
Validity, Value theory, Wrong
Scholars on
methods of
Aaron T. Beck, Edward de Bono, Tony Buzan, Noam Chomsky, Albert Ellis, Howard Gardner, Douglas
Hofstadter, Marvin Minsky, Baruch Spinoza, Robert Sternberg, Fritz Zwicky.
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, Santiago theory of cognition, Molecular Cellular Cognition
Thinking Abductive reasoning, Abstract thinking, Analogy, Attitude, Calculation, Categorization, Cognition, Cognitive
restructuring, Cognitive space, Cognitive style, Common sense, Consciousness, Concept, Conjecture,
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Concrete concepts, Convergent and divergent production, Critical thinking, Deductive reasoning, Definition,
Divergent thinking, Estimation, Evaluation, Explanation, Gestalt psychology, Heuristics, Historical thinking,
Holistic, Hypothesis, Idea, Identification (information), Inductive reasoning, Inference, Instinct, Intelligence,
Intelligence amplification, Intentionality, Introspection, Intuition (knowledge), Knowledge management,
Language, Lateral thinking, Linguistics, Logic, Logical argument, Logical assertion, LogoVisual thinking,
Meaning (linguistics), Meaning (non-linguistic), Meaning (semiotics), Mental calculation, Mental function,
Metacognition, Mind's eye, Mindset, Multiple intelligences, Morphological analysis, Multitasking, Nonlinear,
Pattern matching, Personality, Picture thinking, Prediction, Premise, Problem finding, Problem shaping,
Problem solving, Proposition, Rationality, Reason, Reasoning, Reasoning event, Self-reflection, Sapience,
Semantic network, Semantics, Semiosis, Semiotics, Set (psychology), Six Thinking Hats, Speech act,
Somatosensory, Stream of consciousness, Syllogism, Synectics, Systems intelligence, Systems thinking,
Thinkabout, Thinking, Thought act, Thinking Maps, Thinking Processes, Thought experiment, TRIZ, Visual
thinking, Working memory, Writing
Cognitive bias, Cognitive distortion, Confirmation bias, Deductive fallacy, Double bind, Error, Fallacy, False
dilemma, Fallacies of definition, Field restriction, Formal fallacy, Inductive fallacy, Informal fallacy, List of
fallacies, Logical fallacy, Mistake, Paradox, Rhetoric, Target fixation
Mental disorder, Pseudodementia
related fields
Cognitive psychology, Cognitive science, Cognitive ergonomics, Neuroscience, Operations research,
Philosophy of mind, Psychology
Thinking tools Argument map, Abstract syntax tree, Block diagram, Cognitive map, Cognitive architecture, Comparison chart,
Concept map, Conceptual graph, data flow diagram, Existential graph, Flowchart, Gantt chart, Idea map,
Ishikawa diagram, Mind mapping, Drawing, Diagrams, Knowledge visualization, matrices, Tables, Questions,
Task analysis, Theories, Venn diagram.
Other Genius, High IQ society, Mensa, Nobel Prize, Philomath, Polymath, Pulitzer Prize
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-My experiences with science led me to God. They challenge science to prove the existence of God. But must we
really light a candle to see the sun? Wernher von Braun
-The most essential characteristic of scientific technique is that it proceeds from experiment, not from tradition
Bertrand Russell
-Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past. Maurice Maeterlinck
Related portals
Portal:Artificial intelligence - (Artificial thinking machines)
Portal:Mind and Brain (Interdisciplinary aspects of the physical and mental)
Portal:Philosophy - (Thinking about life, the universe, and everything)
Portal:Psychology - (Study of human behavior, including thinking)
Portal:Science - (Exploratory thinking)
Category:Critical thinking
Category:Logical fallacies
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Categories: Science portals Thought Philosophy portals

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