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GENM0703- lecture notes

Lecture 2
Physical activity and exercise requires movement of the human body. Achieved by various body
parts and systems.
A note on connective tissue
Tissue that supports, connects or separates other tissues or organs
4 types of tissues- connective, epithelial, muscle, nervous
Includes: bones, cartilage, tendons, fasciae, adipose tissues, blood, etc.
Adult skeleton made up of 206 bones
Mainly made of proteins and minerals (CA and P reservoir)
Half bone mass soft and alive= living tissue constantly being remodeled according to
demands (bone mineral density(
Light in weight, but very strong- provide support strength and protection
Produce blood cells
Joints- when more than one bone meets
Cartilaginous- less movable e.g. IV joints
Fibrous- less movable e.g. skull bones
Synovial- include synovial fluid (viscous fluid important for lubrication at joints)- all freely
movable e.g. knee joint
Tough but flexible connective tissue
Cover surfaces of bones at joints
Protection from rubbing
Also present in synovial joints
Osteoporosis- cartilage degenerates
Also tough but flexible connective tissue
Bind bone to bone

Organ system
CVS- heart and blood vessels
RS- lung and associated structures
CVS + RS= CRS (cardiorespiratory systems
Digestive system provides energy for physical activity
3 different types of human body muscle
- Cardiac muscle
- Smooth muscle (hollow organs- gut, kidneys)
- Skeletal muscles
1. Cardiac muscle0 located walls of heart, striated and under involuntary control
2. Smooth muscle fibers are located in the walls of hollow visceral organs, except heart,
appear spindle shaped and involuntary
3. Skeletal muscles- voluntary, striated and attached to skeleton
- Tough but flexible connective tissue
- Bind muscle to bone
- Membranous sheets of connective tissue which cover or bind most body structures;
cover delicate organs, skeletal muscles, etc.
Adipose tissue
- Made up of adipose cells- adipocytes
- Store of energy
- Provide cushioning and insulation
- Endocrine organs- produces hormones
- Heat production
White adipose tissue
- E.g. subcutaneous- under skin
- Visceral- most metabolically active fat- central body fatness
- Intramuscular fat
- White adipocytes- primary function is to store fat, whereas brown adipocytes are more
metabolically active- e.g. heat production- more predominant in babies and hibernating
animals- need to produce heat

Lecture 4

Define psychology- in lecture notes
What is mental health?
- the capacity of individuals and groups to interact with one another an

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