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Regarding questionnaire survey, We conducted both b2c and b2b surveys in order to gain insights in

loyalty scheme and buying behaviour of organisations while purchasing electronic products and services.
Firstly, let me introduce you the key findings of b2c questionnaires. Based on 150 respondents, they are
all in part of loyalty system but only 69% using loyalty card as regular basis. Then, we ask ppl what is
loyalty scheme in their mindset. We summarise the results into these word cloud, it showns the
customer rewards either in forms of money or redemption offered by the company. ppl are mostly part
of retailer loyalty scheme as shown by 37 % which Tesco, is the most dominate. Here from the bar chart,
it illustrates that point collections and immediate discounts are the most preferable types of reward that
people would like to have these benefits instant after their purchase, 45%. Respondents use loyalty card
mainly because of getting discounts and redeeming rewards. Additionally, loyalty card also encourage
customers to be more loyal to the company. This research question supports our idea that reinforcing
loyalty scheme to customers is effective method to increase customers loyalty level. According to
communication channel, respondents would like to communicate with retailer via email the most at 67%
followed by loyalty scheme, pos and personal letter respectively.

Next, lets move on to the key findings of b2b questionnaire. We asked 30 SME particularly micro sized
enterprises in particular construction, education and property business sectors. And Most of
respondents are decision maker in purchasing electronic products and services. As regard to this
question, it indicated that businesses buy electronic goods less than once a year. While, they majorly
tend to buy consumable products quarterly, which is the opportunity that we can encourage customers
to buy more frequent through loyalty schemes incentive offerings. From these figures, they illustrate
that ppl spend on electronic products and services are around 400 600 pounds annually. Moreover,
there is a chance to increase their purchases on electronics products. to the range 600-800. Next is the
critical issue that we found. None of our business respondents are currently part of loyalty scheme ,.
This is significantly because their frequency of purchase is too low. This finding is aligned with content
analysis that Helena mentioned earlier. Then we asked where customers purchase electronic products
and services, Amazon are the most preferable as we consider by average mean. However, it could be
said that it is a fragmented marketplace. From the average mean results, it shows that business tend to
pay attention to pricing and deliver services when choosing an electronic products & services
retailer/supplier. With regard to this findings, we therefore will bring these 2 aspects to our loyalty
incentives which we will clarify the further detail later on. In general, businesses prefer to have
immediate discounts as a reward which is along the same line with lit review and b2c that it will help
increase short-term sales. And here 0% of tier system, lit review on the other hands suggest that this
loyalty system will dramatically increase lovel of recency frequency and monetary value in the long
term. And the last question, this figure shown that businesses would like company to communicate with
them by email and POS same as B2C responses.

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