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Car insurance.

We provide the following types of auto insurance:

1. Obligatory civil insurance
2. Obligatory insurance certificate of green card to go abroad.
3. Casco.
1. Obligatory civil insurance of vehicle owners:
This type of insurance is mandatory as in all developed countries. t is not allowed to drive without
having the certificate of civil liability.
The ob!ect of liability insurance is the responsibility of insured for life" health and property of other
people in the vehicle" in!ured in traffic accidents.
This insurance is valid only in the #epublic of $oldova.
Civil liability insurance of vehicle owners for other people covers the following ris%s:
n!ury or death of other people&
'amage or complete destruction of the property of other people&
()penses incurred in the lawsuit* lawyer" e)amination of the vehicle * are confirmed by payment
Thus" if the accident was caused by the insured" the insurance company will compensate the damages.
The insurance indemnity includes:
+roperty damage caused to other people&
,dditional e)penses necessary to restore the health of the in!ured&
Costs incurred in civil proceedings&
Other e)penses.
-or signing the contract" the insured must submit the following documents:
nsurance contract application&
' or other identity documents&
.ehicle registration document&
n some cases" the attorney or other document proving ownership of the transport.
The first insurance payment for civil liability insurance of vehicle owners and of urban electric vehicle is
set in accordance with the tariffs approved by the /tate nsurance /upervision /ervice under the $inistry
of -inance" and depends on the type and si0e of the vehicle.
2. Insurance Greencard.
12reen Card1. This is a policy of liability of owners of vehicles that go abroad. n the #epublic of
$oldova liability insurance is mandatory li%e in the most (uropean countries. Thus" any owner of the
vehicle leaving the country by car is bound to have an insurance policy 12reen Card1.
This document provides a guarantee of insurance policy liability 3civil liability 4 the responsibility of the
owner of the vehicle for other persons in the car in case of in!ury to life" health and property in an
accident5 for damage to other persons. t corresponds to minimum re6uirements of the country you are
going to.
The limit of insurance liability in an accident is various in different countries and depends on the laws of
the country.
nsurance payment is full.
+eriod of insurance * from 17 days to 1 year.
The insurance payment is made depending on the country being visited" type of transport and the duration
of the insurance policy.
+rices on obligatory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners who leave the country are the same for all
insurance companies.
The insurance company offers you the $oldovan certificate 12reen Card1.
3. The insurance 1,utocasco1 is the coverage of various losses that may occur as a result of damage"
destruction or complete loss of all of the vehicle or of the vehicle parts in the cases indicated in the
insurance contract. This type of insurance can be complete or partial. 1,.TO8,/8O1 ta%es full
responsibility in case of stealing. t pays e)penses for damages caused by an accident" collision"
overturning" fire" e)plosion" natural disaster" stealing of repair parts and other illegal actions" e)cept the
cases caused by fault of the driver. n case of partial insurance 1,utocas%o1 recovers the costs only for
cases with low levels of ris%" which usually do not include the ris% of stealing of the vehicle itself.
The insurance policy 1 ,utocasco 1 includes the following ris%s:
Theft. f you insured the vehicle against theft" you will be repaid only whether it is stolen or if the threat
of violence forced you to leave your car.
'amage. When the vehicle is insured against damage" range of insured accidents is much more diverse:
-ire. The car is insured against fire caused for any reason.
llegal actions from strangers * damage to your vehicle from aside" means when the vehicle is par%ed and
is damaged in your absence. n these cases" as a rule" the person causing the damage is not found.
9atural disasters&
-alling of ob!ects* snow and icicles" trees and their branches" parts of buildings and ob!ects thrown from
The insurance liability of passenger seats in vehicle means the responsibility for any in!ury suffered in an
accident on insured" the driver and passengers.
Factors affecting the risk assessment
The amount of insurance premiums is affected by a number of factors:
* the type vehicle and its evaluation 3 the assessed price of the car and of its additional e6uipment using
/uper /chwac%e catalog or on the basis of documents confirming the value" such as invoices" chec%s"
payment" etc.
*Technical characteristics and condition of the vehicle&
*,ge" driving e)perience of the driver or other people who may use the vehicle&
*/torage conditions for security 3garage" par%ing" security5&
*The si0e of the re6uired insurance coverage&
*,dditional insurance conditions&
*Other factors.

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