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Fountain solution

fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Certain ions that are typically present in
water can react with paper coatings or ink
Understanding the composition of the
water source feeding the plant can
explain some press problems or point to
an appropriate treatment method.
fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Interactions between ink, fountain solution and
paper can be inuenced by the presence of
calcium ions.
The presence of calcium in magenta ink is well
known, and can cause deposits on magenta ink
rollers and blankets.
Accumulation of calcium from paper coatings or
from fountain solution can lead to scaling
fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
carbon dioxide
hydrogen carbonate
hydrogen (ion)
oating substances
Elements and components in inuent (tap)water
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
Since successful ink transfer requires
compatible chemistry,matching ink and
fountain solutions is critical.
The fountain solutions must keep the
printing plate clean while allowing the ink
to transfer efciently.
These properties can be provided by use
of a fountain solution concentrate.
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
Fountain solution components are very
proprietary and often customized to a
specic plant.
Measurements help determine their
effectiveness both before and during
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
Composition of fountain solution concentrates
Buffer systems to adjust pH value
Film forming hydrophilic and wetting substances
Biocides, fungicides, for anti-microbial equipment
Complexion agents to bind scaling components
Anti-piling agents
Co-solvents to keep the system homogeneous
Anti-foam agents
Corrosion inhibitors
Release agents (alcohol free and alcohol reduced)
fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Depending on the concentration of
calcium and magnesium salts, water is
classied from hard to soft.
Hardness is expressed in degrees.
One degree German hardness (1dH) is
equal to 10 mg of calcium oxide per litre
fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Water and water hardness
Water (H2O) consists of hydrogen and
oxygen, but as tap water it reaches the
printer in different qualities and different
degrees of purity, depending on its origin
(groundwater or other).
Even in clean rainwater dirt particles are
fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Fountain solution
dH-value (hardness = dH german hardness)
Describes the amount of calcium oxide
Very soft water 0-4 dH
Soft water 4-8 dH
Medium soft water 8-12 dH
Medium hard water 12-18 dH
Hard water 18-30 dH

fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Fountain solution
To hard can give: (over 15 dH ):
Hard ink rollers
Building of ink on ink rollers and blanket
Uneven transfer of the fountain solution
Unclearness in the screening tonal value
Mirror printing

fredag 16 maj 14
Water and water treatment
Fountain solution
To soft can give:(under 7 dH ):
Uncleaness in non printing areas giving:
Increscent of the water on plate:
Giving to much emulsication:
Prospounds of the drying time of the ink

fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
pH is the unit of measurement for acidity or alkalinity.
The letters pH stand for pondus hydrogenii (potential
A neutral solution such as pure water has a pH value
of 7.
Solutions with a lower pH are called acidic, and
solutions with a higher pH are called alkaline.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
acidic alcaline
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
Should be slightly acid, it keeps the non-printing areas
cleaner and slightly neutralized
Measured with idicator paper or electric pH-device
pH between 4,8 - 5,3 usually works best
(On sheet printing kan sometimes little higher 5-6)
(In web print often about 4,5-5,0)
Important !
A change pH one step is 10 times change
Ex. change of pH 5 to pH 4 is 10 times more acid
And a change of pH 5 to pH 3 is 100 times more
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
This is measurement of the ability of a
fountain solution to conduct electricity
Checking fountain solution conductivity is
particularly important when running a
buffered fountain solution which tends to
hold a constant pH reading despite great
changes in the water quality.
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
pH -to much alcaline water gives:
The water friendly areas on the plate will be
Tinting or toning
The ink wants to emulsication to much
Greater danger to contamination to other inks
The plate gets grayish
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
pH -to much acidic water gives:
Toning or tinting on non-printing areas
Blind plates
Grayish solid areas
Shorter life term of the plates
Decreased drying capability with the inks
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
The amount of emulsicated water increase if:
pH-value increase
The hardness of the water decrease
The amount of IPA decrease
The viscosity of the ink decrease
The temperature increase
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
To small amount of fountain solution affects:
Bad preparation of the plate, toning or tinting
To little buffering, variation in the pH
To little reduction of the surface tension, water
spots on the plate
Increased water in ink - unwanted emulsication
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
To high amount of fountain solution affects:
Thinner ink, instable ink/water balance,
Build up on ink rollers
Increasing dot gain
Blindness of the plate or gray areas
Attacks on non-printing areas, unstable wetting
of the plate, toning or tinting
The drying of the ink will be longer
fredag 16 maj 14
Fountain solutions
Check your conductivity and pH value
regally, both when the fountain solution is
new and after a couple of days production
A correct emulsication and a print result in
control demands a stabile fountain solution
fredag 16 maj 14

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