Kiem Tra Hoc Ki II Trac Nghiem

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Trng THPT Nguyn Tri Thng Tn KIM TRA HC K II NM HC 2!" # 2!

T: Ngoi Ng - Tin hc M%N TI&N' ANH !
Thi gi(n) $* +h,-
M. !2
H/ 01 -2n)33333333333344 56+)344444444
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
7u89-i:n !) He is always interested in the mysteries that lie ;8n8(-h the blue depths of the ocean.
A4 over <4 under C4 above =4 on
7u89-i:n 2) We were very _______at his success.
A4 keen <4 surprised C4 fond =4 interested
7u89-i:n ") We _______to the beach yesterday if the sun had been shining.
A4 had gone <4 would go C4 would have gone =4 will go
7u89-i:n $) If I _____in your position, I would not accept her offer.
A4 am <4 were C4 have been =4 would be
7u89-i:n *) Her appearance was quite different __________what I had expected.
A4 in <4 from C4 with =4 to
7u89-i:n >) an !ao, with the sweet and gentle song, is one of the ietnamese _______ I like best.
A4 music <4 musical C4 musician =4 musicians
7u89-i:n ?) "#he $ack %treet $oys& is one of the most popular music _______ that the young like.
A4 composers <4 groups C4 bands =4 musicians
7u89-i:n @) I ______ thrillers to action films.
A4 like <4 would rather C4 prefer =4 en'oy
7u89-i:n A) (on)t make noise* +y mother ____________with her friends.
A4 talking <4 is talking C4 talks =4 was talking
7u89-i:n !) I)m not in a hurry. I don)t mind ____________.
A4 to wait <4 waiting C4 wait =4 waited
7u89-i:n !!) #he _______of forest is destroying the earth,s plants and animals.
A4 lose <4 loose C4 loss =4 lost
7u89-i:n !2) _______is it from here to the threatre- . / kilometters
A4 How often <4 How long C4 How =4 How far
7u89-i:n !") !uc 0huong 1ational 0ark _______over 233 square kilometers of rainforest.
A4 gets <4 covers C4 hold =4 contains
7u89-i:n !$) #he earth is being _______and the future looks bad.
A4 threatened <4 threatening C4 threaten =4 threat
7u89-i:n !*) %hakespeare ____________Hamlet at the end of the sixteenth century.
A4 wrote <4 had written C4 writes =4 was written
7u89-i:n !>) I think you _______apologi4e for your behaviour.
A4 should <4 have C4 ought =4 shall
7u89-i:n !?) %he sometimes does not have enough time to take care _______her old parents.
A4 on <4 to C4 for =4 of
7u89-i:n !@) "I)m going to die of hunger.& "5eally- ________ a packet of instant noodle.&
A4 I would buy you <4 I)ll buy you C4 I buys you =4 I bought you
7u89-i:n !A) 0el6 participated _________three World !ups.
A4 at <4 with C4 for =4 in
7u89-i:n 2) #he starfish lives on or depend _______the bottom.
A4 of <4 for C4 on =4 in
7u89-i:n 2!) 7ating _______ apple a day is very good for our health.
A4 a <4 an C4 the =4 the
7u89-i:n 22) It was not until 898/ ______ the cinema really became an industry.
A4 when <4 that C4 while =4 which
7u89-i:n 2") %he is saving money _______a new car.
A4 in buying <4 to buy C4 buying =4 for buy
Choose the n!erline! part that nee!s correction
7u89-i:n 2$) My ;r:-h8r prefers 9Bi8nB8 fiction films -h(n horror :n894
: $ ! (
#rang 8;2 < += >? thi 832
7u89-i:n 2*) It C(9 not un-iD 898/ Ch8n the cinema really ;8B(E8 an industry.
: $ ! (
7u89-i:n 2>) "Fhy are you 9(0ing money for-& < "T: ;uy a B:E+u-8r.&
: $ ! (
7u89-i:n 2?) IG -h8y had 9-(r-8H sooner, they C:uDHnI- h(08 Ei99 the bus.
: $ ! (
"ea! the passage care#ll$ an! choose the best answer #or each o# the #ollowing %estions.
0eople have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no real problems until 23
century. What happened was that fishing technology became much more efficient and the ships were much
faster, so more and more whales were caught. In the 89@3s the main whaling countries were killing more than
sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to reali4e that something had to be done.
It was environmental groups like Areenpeace that really made things change. #hey set out to make people
aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct. $ut even now we don)t know if all this interest has
become too late. Bet)s take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty metres long is the biggest
animal there has ever been . now there are perhaps about 2,333 or so left. In fact they have been protected for
quite a long time, but there is no sign that the population is growing.
7u89-i:n 2@) #he great blue whale is aboutCCCCC
A4 thirty to four metres long <4 sixrty to fourty metres long
C4 thirty to forty metres long =4 fif ty to forty metres long
7u89-i:n 2A) :ppropriately how many blue whales are there on the earth now-
A4 D3,333 <4 E3,333 C4 2,333 =4 @3,333
7u89-i:n ") How long have people been hunting whales-
A4 in the 23
century <4 since the 89@3s.
C4 for nearly 233 years =4 for at least 8,333 years
7u89-i:n "!) Areenpace is the name of a;anCCC-
A4 International agreement. <4 +ain whaling countries
C4 Areenpeace =4 7nvironmental groups
Choose the wor! whose n!erline! part is prononce! !i##erentl$ #rom that o# the others.
7u89-i:n "2) A4 exciting <4 mind C4 tiny =4 picture
7u89-i:n "") A4 group <4 danger C4 goal =4 ground
Choose the most sitable answer #or the gi&en phrases or sentences.
7u89-i:n "$) 'o shol! clean this room e&er$ !a$.
A4 #his room should been cleaned every day <4 #his room should is cleaned every day
C4 #his room be should cleaned every day =4 #his room should be cleaned every day
7u89-i:n "*) (e !i!n)t meet *ohn ntil last $ear
A4 It is not until last year that we met Fohn <4 It was not until last year that we met Fohn
C4 It was not until last year when we met Fohn =4 It was not until last year that we did met Fohn
7u89-i:n ">) +he !i!n)t ta,e along the map with her so she got lost.
A4 If she had took along the map with her, she wouldn)t get lost.
<4 If she takes along the map with her, she will not get lost.
C4 If she had taken along the map with her, she wouldn)t have got lost.
=4 If she took along the map with her, she wouldn)t get lost.
"ea! the passage care#ll$ an! choose the wor! that best #ills in each blan,.
0el6 is considered one of the greatest football players of all the time. He was born GEHI______89D3 in
$ra4il. :s a player, 0el6 was famous GEJI______his powerful kicking and controlling the ball. He started
playing for a $ra4il football club in 89/@ at the age of 8@. He became the only player GE9I______participated
three World !ups in 89/J, 89@2, and 89H3. $y 89HD, he had scored 8,233 goals and become a $ra4il national
hero. He playedGD3I______an :merican football club for two years before he retired in 89HH. Bater he became
an international ambassador for the sport, working to promote peace and understanding through friendly sport
activities. He)s known as a very talented football player and highly appreciated by the people all over the
7u89-i:n "?) A4 of <4 at C4 in =4 on
7u89-i:n "@) A4 about <4 at C4 for =4 with
7u89-i:n "A) A4 what <4 that C4 where =4 which
7u89-i:n $) A4 for <4 with C4 about =4 at
<<<<<<<<<< THJ JN= <<<<<<<<<<
#rang 2;2 < += >? thi 832

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