New You Life Coaching: Rich A. Luck

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Lesson # 3


Rich A. Luck
New You Life Coaching

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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The buzz on Breakthrough to Brilliance has been incredible! And Im very excited
that youre excited. The feedback has been rolling in, and its been marvelous to see some
of the results people are already getting!

Listen, its only gonna get better and better as we go along. Ive got so much to share over
the coming weeks of this program that I just cant wait to let out of the bag. But, well get

Keep your thoughts and feedback coming in too, because remember - this course is to help
you live a much more rich and fulfilling life.

Here is my personal email address:

So feel free to shoot me a quick email and give me your opinion! It can be anything you want
What do you like and want more of? Is there something you dislike and want less of? Is
there a specific topic youd like to make sure gets covered? Whatever you have to say, Im
happy for you to send in your feedback.

I promise that Ill be reading each of your comments, personally.

And as an added bonus: Your comments and suggestions will help me tailor design the
course to your personal needs.

So keep an eye out for your specific requests in future weeks ;)

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 4
Over the coming weeks you're also going to be shown how to expand and
apply your newfound skills to specific areas of your life: your relationships,
your finances, your spiritual development, your social life, your business and
career, even your health.

OK! Todays lesson is ultra powerful!

(Fair warning )

Youre about to learn how to overcome your own self imposed limitations that are holding you
back in life and finally STOP taking a back seat to success.

Youll discover how to identify and clear negative and limiting beliefs and install new
positive beliefs in their place,

PLUS... youll realize the astonishing power of your subconscious mind to bring you
results like you'd never have dreamed were possible, until now.

And as if thats not enough

Im going to give you a great Bonus Guided Visualization so you can implement
these changes at an unconscious level.

Welcome to a New You.

Theres lots of incredible insight in todays lesson, so feel free to pull out your journal and jot
down notes as you go!
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Depending on what stage of your personal growth journey youre on you may encounter
literally dozens of profound thought joggers so take advantage of this and jot down ideas as
they come to you!

You may even like to go over the lesson and/or audio, a few times with every visit you will
get a more profound and deeper understanding of its message.

The most important thing to remember use these practices in your daily life! Over time
your mind will automatically adopt these powerful principles and you will experience
dramatic changes in your life. New doors will open, new possibilities will unveil. You will feel
more alive with each day.

Lets do it then, shall we?


Note: Your Bonus Guided Visualization Audio is available for you to download in
todays members area. Youll find it on the same download page (where you
picked up this lesson from.)

Note: It is Recommended That You Print This Document for more enjoyable reading and
learning experience. It is 33 pages with some color pages.

Recommended Resources:
Noel Jones Subliminal Videos speed up your personal growth, without the need for willpower!
Highly recommended.
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 6

Hi there!

Enjoying the ride? Well, hang on to your hat because in this third installment of
Breakthrough to Brilliance we're going to pick up some speed!

First, I want you to really know the astonishing power of your subconscious mind.
That's to say, you're not just going to understand it, I want you to actually FEEL it.

By the time you finish reading this powerful lesson youll be aware of how, understanding and
reaping the benefits of energy is the key to creating remarkable outcomes in your life.

Gaining this knowledge alone can open doors and opportunities for you that youd never
noticed before.

Then, once you've begun to grasp what you're truly capable of - I'm going to take you to
places so you can "spring clean" your brain - and were going to weed out all those nasty
negative beliefs and limitations that have kept you and your dreams apart for so long.
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Okay! To get us started I thought we'd take a look at a phrase attributed to none other than
the Buddha himself. (Well, if you're going to quote an authority, go for the best I say!)

Buddha said:

Nothing is. Everything is becoming."

Good ol' Buddha. He always did know how to hit a nail on the head! In other words
everything is always in a state of change

A musical note begins to die as soon as it is played fruit ripens on the bough and ultimately
rots away, fertilizing the earth again to produce yet more fruit.

Okay, so you know all that. I guess you didn't need Buddha, nor me for that matter, to tell
you that! So why is this important?

Well, the truth behind what seems to be a statement of the obvious is if everything is always
in a state of change, then it must be made of something that changes

And that something is energy. Nothing is solid, in other words.

Awesome! That means the whole universe is a kind of modeling clay - and you are the
sculptor: the sculptor of your dreams!
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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We'll come back to that point in a moment, but there's something else thats incredibly
important for you to wrap your brain around regarding this "everything is energy" notion

Ever since the "Big Bang" in which scientists seem to agree there must have been a moment
of mega-hyper-super-dooper creation when everything kind of exploded into existence
things have gone downhill. No sooner does a thing come into existence than it starts to
decay, decline or deteriorate in some way.

That process is called entropy.

A piece of iron thats rusting is experiencing entropy. The process can't be reversed. You
can't remove the oxygen from the iron to return it to its clean metal state, any more than you
could un-toast bread or un-boil an egg. That's entropy.

But that doesn't account for something else: If entropy was the only working principle in the
behaviour of all this energy, life would never have come about. Diseases would never heal,
and ideas would never be formed.

In other words, there is a counter-force at work that actually prevents, or at least slows
entropy down.

That force is intelligence - and you, my friend, are chock full of it!

I'm not just talking about the intelligence in your head, I'm speaking here of something even
MORE amazing than that

Heres the intelligence Im referring to:
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Suppose you cut your finger. Instantly, clotting agents and cleansing agents rush to the
site to begin the healing process. There's nothing you need to do to make that happen -
it's a certainty.

How do those cells know?

If you take a sugar lump and hold it in a Bunsen flame, you will get a flash of light and a
black charred treacly thing in your tweezers. Nice, but nothing you're going to write
home about once you've seen it a couple of times. Well that exact chemical reaction
takes place in your brain a zillion times each day - and when it does - the result isn't
black lumpy treacle - it's thought. (Glucose is the brain's fuel).

Outside the brain, these exact same chemicals are just lumps of chemicals but inside it,
they create the miracle of thought.

The elements that DNA is made of (the blueprint of all life) - do not make intelligent
decisions about how to reproduce cells outside of a living organism -- but as part of one,
as a DNA molecule - they control virtually every function of life.

What's even more astonishing is that at the moment of death, you still have your full
complement of DNA but it no longer "works." What, exactly, has gone?

The answer is Intelligence!

I could go on, but by now I expect you're getting the point. You can't see or measure this
intelligence because it isn't physical but there is no doubt that it exists, because without it -
nothing exists at all!
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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How It Was Supposed To Be.

Science didn't expect the universe to be this way. Ever since the days of Sir Isaac Newton
they pretty much considered that they had it figured out. Everything was made of some kind
of stuff. All anyone had to do was find ways to see it.

Over time, molecules and elements, then atoms were found. Atoms, surely, were the building
blocks of the universe? Ah well, not quite because atoms were made of smaller particles
known as sub-atoms which in turn were made of ...

... nothing!

So the physical stuff of the universe turns out to be neither physical nor stuff! It's all
made of energy - which then turns into stuff!

The question then becomes what causes energy to turn into stuff?

Now, hold tight, because if you havent encountered the principles or teachings of quantum
physics before, there's a few gaskets in your brain that are about to blow.

Q. What causes energy to turn into stuff?

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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A. Observing it does.

Quantum physics now understands and agrees that energy is
basically just flying about until it's observed (by an intelligent
observer, obviously) and then it becomes physical stuff!

Let's put this question and the answer another way:

Q. What causes energy to turn into stuff?

A. You do!

Now, this isn't a course in quantum physics, (and by the way, I'm not a physicist I've just read
and studied a lot about it). So let me ask you a question

The question is: If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a

I'll leave you to ponder that for a moment and I'll tell you the answer later. (Don't peek!)

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Lets Put Some of These Pieces Together.

Do you remember how I told you that in my workshops, I tell participants that this
awareness is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together? Well, now you can start making some

Given what I've just told you, you should be getting to the point where the pennies are
dropping about how stunningly amazing it is that you can choose what to think
about! Because if energy is the "stuff" of the universe, what YOU actually are, is a director of
creative energy!

Or put another way - you can literally create stuff through the power of your thoughts. But
there is one important distinction to make before we make things more "meaty" here, and that
is the difference between thought and emotion.

Think about the friend who makes you laugh the most ...and you'll get a set of feelings. We
spent a good deal of time in the previous lesson talking about how important feelings are
(whenever you want something - even a million dollars - what youre really after is the way
you imagine that would make you feel) -- but that's even MORE important now, because I
want you to understand something that may shock you.

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Positive thinking doesn't work!

Thats right! You can think all day long, "I'm wealthy, I'm wealthy, I'm wealthy" but if you
have no money in the bank it won't make a scrap of difference, will it? That kind of "positive
thinking" is just another phrase for "lying to yourself."

Once you get that what youre really after is to experience good feelings you can then
imagine yourself feeling those good feelings, and the thoughts that go with "I feel good" will
arise by themselves, as will the appropriate images.

Let's give it a shot, shall we?

Choose a physical something that you'd love to have. It could be your dream home, or a
luxury car or yacht. Maybe you'd like your best selling novel in all the book stores. In other
words, the task is to choose a dream as if it was in the "real" world.

Spend a few moments then pull out your journal and write down what it is you would love to

Write about it, as if its ALREADY happened.

Don't just write a sentence, (e.g. I own my dream home or "I'm a best selling novelist")
add in some detail too. Write a whole page or so about what this "new reality" has meant to
your life as if it happened about a year ago.

So using, "I'm a best selling novelist" as the example, it might go something like this:

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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"Since my novel was published a year ago, my life has changed beyond recognition in
so many fabulous ways. Not only am I recognized by some of the top writers as one of
them, (I met [NAME OF YOUR FAVOURITE WRITER] at a writers' convention 3 months
ago!), but I am also being invited to speak at public functions and I've even been
invited by [SOMEONE WHOM YOU ADMIRE] to be a guest at one of his/her seminars to
talk about [YOUR TOPIC].

I am now wealthy! The royalty cheques, income from interviews and public
engagements add up in one month to what it used to take me six years to earn! And it
keeps on rolling in!

Not only that, but now that I'm relaxed, happy and fulfilled - my relationship with my
(lover/wife/husband) has improved vastly. It's like we're new lovers again ..."

Cover all the major elements of your life and explain how they've changed for the better. Put
your health in, your finances, your creativity ... anything that matters to you.

Scripting in this way helps you to focus and brings it to life in your mind. When you've
finished, read it out loud to yourself. Hearing it makes it even more "real."

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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You should know this: research has shown that your brain cannot tell the difference
between something that is actually happening and something vividly imagined!

Listen to that again.

Your brain cannot tell the difference between something "real" and something vividly

Now, I don't know where that realization takes you but I remember my thought when I first
learnt of this, which was: "suppose there is no difference?"

Hmmm. These days, I'm bold enough to come right out with it! What if thats where our
reality and our experiences are born - right here, in our minds? What if we are the source of
all we perceive and then experience?

Once you have written your "script" and read it out loud to yourself, and once you're
completely satisfied that your life would be truly wonderful when its as you've described, close
your eyes and for a good five minutes vividly imagine it.

That means see yourself doing it, being it, having it. Live it. Above all, feel it. FEEL it! Move
your body and breathe as though it was here now. Release the tensions you carry now, and
relax into it.

Feel how good it feels to have this in your life. But more than that! Feel how good it feels to
be the source of the creativity that produced it, the source of the energy that caused it, and
the source of the good feelings that attracted all the elements and components together which
made it all happen! You are the conductor/co-ordinator and architect of your entire destiny.

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Once you open your eyes again, don't say to yourself, "Oh, but it isn't really here." Instead
remember that: Nothing is. Everything is becoming. And you have started becoming what
you've always wanted to be.

My recommendation is for you to read (and vividly image) your
script at least twice every day allowing these positive emotions to
flow through you.

You will find the more often you revisit your script, the more your belief and expectation rises.

Things may not turn out exactly the way you write them, however your outcomes can amaze
you by just forming themselves into the "shape" (or essence) of what you've written down.
Many times the outcome can be even better than what you had originally imagined. The
universe knows no bounds.

Your emotions affect your life beyond what most people realize.

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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It won't have escaped your notice that I've paid a lot of attention to emotions both in that last
exercise and in our last meeting together. And I've told you that positive thinking doesn't
work. But positive feeling does.

Although I don't think it's the true root of the word, I love the word "emotion" I always
think it should be spelt with a hyphen, as in "e-motion".

Why? Because little "e" as you may recall from when you learned Einstein in school, (you did,
didn't you?) stands for "energy" as in "e=mc

"e-motion" = "Energy in motion."

I love that! Energy in motion is what life is! And it's what you are! We use the word to
describe feeling. That's no accident. Life is energy in motion is feeling. And if you don't feel
you're dead.

Why do people like to dance? Or even to watch other people dancing? There's no "point" to
dancing! It's a very stupid and complicated way to get from A to B! The only purpose to
dancing is because it FEELS wonderful!

So does creating art of any kind. So does laughing. So does making love. So does looking at
a mountain scape or hearing Mozart or cool jazz or whatever music turns you on.

Apart from making love, we are the only species to do any of those things, and we are one of
only two or three species who make love for recreation as well as procreation. I am
fascinated by the fact that our pop musicians, comedians, sports stars and top actors are
amongst the highest paid people in the world. I'm not making a political point - I'm simply
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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pointing out that millions of us are willing to pay these people to perform for us again and
again for no reason other than when they do they make us feel good.

Furthermore, feeling good is infectious. That isn't just nice to know - it's vital to your
success! People who are genuinely happy and positive are always popular as well as
frequently very successful in whatever they choose to do - simply because other people love
being around them!

If you can make other people feel good, then they'll fall at your feet - but don't try this as a
"technique." If you come from ego and insincerity you'll sooner or later be flushed out like a
rat from a sewer! You've got to really feel it!

Part 2: Eliminating Negative And Limiting Beliefs

Your beliefs are the nucleus of your reality - The very
lens through which you view and create your world.

Most of your beliefs are formed during your childhood
years, between the ages of 0 7 (known as the
imprint period), yet they continue to impact your life

Einstein said that;
"We are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our thinking."

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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In other words, there is an invisible barrier (or boundary) that limits our life experience. How
far this boundary extends and where it stops, is determined by our beliefs. Our beliefs
determine our map of reality, so to speak

Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do simply because their map of
reality (or the lens through which they view their world), is limited. And, you can only
experience life as far as your mind allows you to!

Whats more, you have a belief relating to every aspect of your world!

If you're experiencing any form of dissatisfaction, inner-conflict, difficulty, or feel held back
anywhere in your life be that with your career, money, relationships, in your family situation,
and yes even your health, youll find a negative or limiting belief there needing to be cleared.

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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As you can see from the picture above, a belief is essentially a possibility filter. So when we
make a change at the level of belief - this opens up a whole new world of POSSIBILITIES for
you. Possibilities for new experiences, new successes, new opportunities all from clearing a
limiting belief and expanding your map of reality.

The good news is, because you have the astonishing power to change how you feel at any
given moment you can therefore eliminate limiting beliefs!

For example:

Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation when you've said, "One day I'll look back on
this and laugh"? Don't you think that's very interesting?

What you're saying there is effectively, "I'm very uncomfortable right now, but in time I'll see
things differently and I'll have a completely different reaction - which will amuse me."!

In other words, you already have the ability to see things differently! All you have to do is
harness that ability by making that process a conscious one! Once you know how to do that
you can change how you feel about something at will, and negative or limiting beliefs
need never hold you back again!

Think about what this could mean for you:

One minute you could be afraid of public speaking, (which many people put ahead of
death as a fear!), and the next you're addressing a conference or leading a workshop.

Or perhaps you've suffered with painful shyness and consequent loneliness, and by this
time next week you could be dating, partying ... whatever "floats your boat" as they say!
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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So - would you like to know how to do that, then?

Great! Because your first step in the right direction is to

Change Your State

No, this doesn't mean moving from New York to Texas!

A "state" is like a mood - you're always in some kind of state/mood when you think about it,
aren't you? You're happy or calm or optimistic or frustrated or angry or afraid or cool or ...
you get the idea.

So let me show you how to break it down - and become conscious of how you "do" any state -
even big ones like depression or fear! Once you know, you'll always have the power to
change - in an instant.

A state has three elements, so we can think of it like a triangle, because they all link together.

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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As you can see, the three elements are your beliefs, your language and your physiology.
EACH of these three elements plays an essential role in how you feel and therefore each
element greatly influences your outcomes in life.


As explained earlier, your beliefs are a crucial element to your personal growth, and your
ongoing happiness. Heres how you arrive at them, every single day

Your beliefs are simply a feeling of certainty that something is true. You get an idea that
something maybe so - a hypothesis if you like - you look for evidence to support it and when
you find sufficient, you conclude that you're definitely right!

This obviously works. As you can see, there's plenty of evidence that the Earth is flat! (Just
use your own eyes!) As you also know, human beings are by nature very cruel. Just consider
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Hitler or any dictator or terrorist. Oh, but isn't it true that human beings are intrinsically very
kind? What about Mother Teresa or Gandhi?

The point is no one will ever agree with you about absolutely everything, because every
single one of us has an idea that our particular view of "reality" is right!

For each of us personally, we formulate and fine tune our set of beliefs as we grow up and
continue through life - not one of which is THE truth - they're just OUR truth. We keep
them because they serve us. Or at least, they did once. But having now got them we're
often reluctant to let them go because we're afraid of change.

Changing a fundamental belief can, at times, take courage and a lot of soul searching.
Thankfully, by the end of this session, you'll know how to handle this too!


Language is the "running commentary" that goes on inside your head. If you're playing tennis
and you miss an easy shot, you'll recognize the little voice, (that you may even blurt out loud),
that says, "You stupid ___!"

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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It's a great pal to have if most the messages you get are along the lines of, "You're a great
person. You did that really well. You really made a difference to that person..." and so on.

Sadly, there are far too many people walking around whose "inner voice" is telling them what
a useless nonce they are! With sentiments like don't even think that the new office clerk is
going to fancy you, and who are you to think you can talk about xyz?

Most of us let this litany go on in the background almost constantly, every day, without
question or censorship. It's time you took control!

(Remember - you have an incredible power to choose and alter your thoughts at any time,
dont you?)

Heres something to keep in mind:

Communication = Wealth (on every level!). And its YOU who gets to choose the quality of
your communication, whether this be your inner or external dialogue.


When was the last time you saw someone jumping about, punching the air with their fists and
gleefully proclaiming in a loud voice,

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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I'm going to guess at never. And you never will because that won't happen. Jumping about is
not the physiology of depression.

Every state has an accompanying physiology - as any actor or mime artist will tell you. You'll
recall that we mentioned dancing a few pages back. If you want to feel good, dance!

That, in a nutshell, is the lesson. It isn't only that when you feel something your body
language changes, it works the other way around too.

When you change your physiology, your state changes instantly too!

Try it right now. Just a small shift will do it.

Pretend for a moment that you're Superman (or Superwoman) and that whatever you're going
to do next, after you stop reading this today, you're going to approach with that mindset.
Square your shoulders, puff yourself up just a little - and notice how you instantly feel

The power of physiology shifting to change how you feel is IMMENSE.

As soon as you catch yourself in any kind of negative thought pattern, just change your body -
even a deep breath can do it - and notice the immediate change.

Other ways you can use are speeding up your pace or slightly increasing the length of your
stride if you're walking, uncrossing arms or legs can also generate a big change - usually a
letting go.
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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So for a quick "fix", to change your state/mood - change your physiology first.

But for a permanent change, you need to change all three. Dont worry - it takes a few
minutes at most! (We've come a long way since Freud!)

How To Remove A Negative Belief Forever.

Let's wrap this session up by putting this all together for you.

Today Im giving you a Bonus Guided Visualization Audio so
you can implement these changes at an unconscious level.

The Belief Buster Guided Visualization Audio helps you to clear out
negative and limiting beliefs and installs new positive beliefs in their place!

This powerful guided visualization exercise is one you can repeat whenever you come up
against a negative belief.

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2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Again, Ive included the transcript below if youd like to first familiarize with the process. If not
you can jump straight into listing to the audio!

Your bonus audio is available for you to download in todays members area. Youll find it on
the same download page (where you picked up this lesson from.)

Your Thoughts?

Remember feel free to shoot me an email and give me your opinion!

What do you like and want more of? What do you want less of? Is there a specific topic youd
like to make sure gets covered? Whatever you have to say, Im happy for you to send in your

This is your course, after all!

Please send your response in to me at:

Your comments and suggestions will help me tailor design the course to suit your personal

So be looking out for your request in future weeks ;)


Richard A. Luck
Publisher, Breakthrough to Brilliance

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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P.S. - If you want to ensure that you don't repeat past mistakes" you'll definitely want to
know what's in the next installment of "Breakthrough to Brilliance!"

Coming Up Next ...
Lesson #4: All In The Mind

In the next lesson I'm going to show you how to fall in love with the most
important person in your life - you!

Also, its time to wipe out past hurts, isnt it?

Therefore - we'll also be eliminating past hurts - and freeing you to create a
more peaceful, satisfying and happy future for yourself. A future that dreams
are made of!

Be there! You won't want to miss it ;-)

P.P.S. I promised I'd tell you the answer to the conundrum, "If a tree falls in the forest and
there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Did you figure it out?

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

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Well, the answer is "no."


Because sound is in the mind of the conscious beholder - not in the air movement that would
accompany the falling of the tree! It is you who has the "machinery" to interpret the
movement of air as sound!

Your Belief Buster Visualization Process
(Also available on audio in your members download area)

First, you need to pick your belief. Grab your journal, and write down the three beliefs that
hold you back the most. Obviously these are going to be different for everyone, but here are
some common ones, so you have an idea of the "ball park" to be looking in:

I'm too old/young.
That's only something men/women do.
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 30
I don't have enough qualifications.
I'm black/white/other minority group (that would be excluded).
I'm not talented enough.
I have a bad track record at X. (So I could never do it).
I'm the wrong shape. (Too fat/thin/tall/short etc).

So that you have an example, I'm going to pick "I don't have enough qualifications". It's only
to make it easier for you to see the steps, okay? Pick your own limiting belief!

Step 1. Having picked your belief, work out what you'd like to believe instead. (Clue: What
would you like to feel instead?) The opposite of "I don't have enough qualifications" isn't
necessarily "I have all the qualifications I need" - this would be an example of the kind of
positive thinking that is actually lying to yourself!

The opposite is much more likely to be: "I don't need formal qualifications to achieve X. I
already know how to get superb results in that field."

Step 2. Eradicate the old belief.

You are going to do this like you would scramble an egg - that egg ain't never goin' back
inside it's shell again, baby!!

Close your eyes and recall a situation where you held back because you didn't have the right
qualifications. Maybe you didn't go to an interview for a job you'd have loved, or you stayed
quiet in a conversation because you were afraid you'd be accused of not knowing enough.

Notice the voice in your head. What does it say? "Be quiet! You know you'll look stupid if
you say anything ..." and so on.
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 31

Now, notice the qualities of the voice. What's it's tone? Is it whiny? Nagging? Does it sound
like your mother or a teacher you remember?

Where does it seem to come from? More on the left, right or centre? How loud is it? Does it
seem to be inside your head, or outside somewhere?

Now ... move it around!

That's right. Imagine you have the ultimate remote control wand. Change the controls so
that you can hear the "voice" out of the "left speaker" then the right. Imagine it coming from
the ceiling or sky above you. How about from underground? Muffle the sound!

Change its tone too! Make it small, like a mouse. Turn it into a sexy whisper! Imagine
your favourite comedian saying it as a joke .... are you laughing yet?

No? Well then imagine it coming out of your ass as wind!

That got you, didn't it?

At the same time, notice your physiology. If you have that "shrinking violet" feeling, how do
you hold your shoulders, how deep or shallow do you breathe? What about your facial

As you're scrambling the language, stand up. (If you can keep your eyes closed so much the
better, but don't crash into stuff!) Now mess around with your physiology too. Hop on one
foot, (yes whilst your hearing those old negative messages blowing out of your bottom), pull a
silly face, pretend you have one hand tied behind your back ... whatever it takes until ...
A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 32

Step 3. ... you can no longer get the old feeling back. When you try, you start laughing, or
at least feeling ridiculous - which is much better than feeling under-qualified and stupid!

Step 4. The job is almost done, but now you have to "install" the new belief, which for this
example we decided would be: "I get great results." What's the feeling that goes with that?
How about confidence? (There may be more ... you need to work through this bit by bit!)

Step 5. Bring to mind a time when you felt confident. Close your eyes and make it vivid.
Hear the sounds, make it 3D, close up and bright. Step into the "movie" and imagine you are
back there - seeing and experiencing it all through your own eyes.

How's your physiology? (Just notice, so you can produce it again at will. Check your face,
shoulders, back, arms, leg position, how fast or slow you move, how you breathe ...

And what is that voice saying? Maybe, "Wow! You know you're really good at this! I even
impress myself!"

Turn up the volume on that.

Step 6. Stay in that physiology, and take yourself in your mind forward in time to an event,
(even an imaginary one), where previously you would have felt the "I'm not qualified" state.

Notice what happens!

A Breakthrough to Brilliance Lesson: Nothing is Everything is Becoming

2009 Richard A. Luck - All Rights Reserved.

Page 33
If you have followed the process, you'll find you can confidently put yourself across and that
those old feelings just don't show up! (Well, you know now - you were just talking out of your

All of this, apart from being slowed down the first time or two by having to read through my
instructions, should take you less than ten minutes!

Repeat whenever you come up against a negative belief!

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