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Jaime Alvarez, jalvarez@stanfordalumni.

org, 2014 (all rights reserved) 45

The Higher Consciousness Planes of Unconditional Love and Oneness
Pocket Guide

The Four Prime Directives of a Spiritual Being while in this Human Experience:
1. To experience and express your infinite, eternal Divine Self each and every present moment in every aspect of
your life while living in this finite, limited realm of time & space.
Live the Pathways at the Higher Centers of Consciousness aligned to Divine Will in thought, word, and
deed regardless of the energies and circumstances around you, with no attachments or aversions to
2. To free yourself of all emotion-backed, addictive programs: the Ego serves the Soul.
Use the experiences and energies around you to identify and break free of all emotion-backed addictive
programs, to thus become One with All that is, as you give your life freely and completely to the Will of
God, in loving, humble service to Life and others.
3. To fulfil your unique Divine Destiny. To prosper and receive the means to fulfil your destiny.
Your Divine Destiny is how you express Gods Will uniquely in the world. Its like shining a light through
your unique design crystal. The pattern of colors and light is your unique expression.
4. To enjoy your life: be present, fully alive and experience life fully without regrets. The fact that youre alive is
the greatest gift in the Universe. Honor this amazing gift of life each and every present moment.
Internal Guidance
Your only desire should be to know God in your heart, to feel the presence of God, and express Gods Will each
and every moment of existence. All desires must be grounded in this one desire. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven
and all else will be given to you. When you are aligned with your true nature, you get in tune with your own life-
force energy; you set yourself upon the path of correct geometry in life, in alignment with your true purpose and
reason for being. Your True-Self emerges naturally, and you have something of unique value to share with others.
Your Strategy and Authority are your access to your true internal guidance.
Co-Creation Process
From pure Spirit / void [0] arises primal matter (a purified, clear consciousness) [1]; which through inspiration,
guides and directs the energy [2]; to become vibration, the How and the means (self-organization from the
inspiration) [3]; then, manifestation (through action, nurturing, willingness, perseverance) [4]; and finally,
assimilation, integration , fully experienced materialization (as it becomes part of you), which leads back to
reconstituted pure Spirit [5 0]; this completes the cycle from Spirit back to Spirit.
Vulnerability: The Gateway to the Higher Centers of Consciousness
Vulnerability is a measure of your willingness to release the shields and armor that keep you from experiencing and
expressing life fully, including your darkest emotions. Vulnerability is the key to inner freedom, peace, and
empathy, the gateway to the Higher Centers of Consciousness. Without it theres no opening; just rearrangements
of the same underlying patterns. Release the shields and armor to experience life to the fullest, and connect with
others with an open, loving heart. Be willing to experience the pain, failure, and defeat; risk it all for love.

The Presence of God in Your Activities:
At the outset of actions offer the fruits of your
labor to God.
During your activities, continually return to the
awareness and presence of God.
At the completion of the project, give thanks for
the opportunity to be of service and surrender
all of the outcomes from your activity to God.
One way of easily recalling the mind during prayer
and keeping it at rest is not to let it wander during the
day...Keep it in the presence of God... expand the
practice of the presence into activity. An amazing
transformation can take place in your work and
relations when you are actively engaged and focused
on loving the One in all circumstances and all beings.
Seeds of Christ
are within.
Jaime Alvarez,, 2014 (all rights reserved) 46
Use the following to support you through post-processing your experience AFTER an emotional storm: Any life condition,
situation or relationship where you: feel fear, have doubt or uncertainty; lack power, freedom, full self-expression, or affinity
towards others. This process allows you to focus on the causation of the experience for healing and transformation.

I created the experience of (emotional charge): Because I created the following condition as BAD
(trigger event):
What are you feeling / experiencing? See the lower
CoCs for list of emotions. Bluntly state your emotions as
matter of fact internal experience, without qualifying
them, justifying or making them wrong.
This is the external event or energy that triggered the
emotional charge. Describe what actually happened
that triggered the charge. Include only what a video
camera could record.

What meaning did you assign the trigger event such that it would trigger your emotional charge? Why would you feel this
way about the trigger event? What would you have to believe about others, your environment, and ultimately yourself for
this pattern to keep repeating? Keep asking why as you peel away the emotional layers to get to the root subconscious I
Am statement. Hint: this could be something youre Rxx deep within yourself, something you fear (a shadow side).
What meaning did you assign each of the objects (people, places, entities, things) in the trigger event? What fiction (role,
title, persona, labels, judgments) did you assign the objects such that it would trigger your emotional reaction? Why would
you assign that fiction to the objects?
Reflect on the Payoffs that keep the belief system pattern in place. What does the Ego gain?
Reflect on the Costs and mal-manifestations it creates in your life, relationships, health, productivity, etc.
Uncollapse or untangle the meaning you assigned to the objects in the trigger event from the truth of what the objects
actually are. Describe what each object actually is without the meaning or fiction?
Reflect on what you might feel if you were in the other persons shoes. Consider their needs as your own. Give at least
three reasons to justify their behavior. What needs could they be looking to satisfy based in this behavior?
Understand that this persons behavior (no matter how erroneous) is a reflection of inner programing that may be
trapping them in their charges. Realize this person is doing their best to make their life work and feel loved and loving.
You can now address the persons real needs at the level of causation. As opposed to satisfying their addiction.
Reevaluate your experience from the truth of what the objects in the delusion actually are without the fiction.
Reflect on the appropriate PWs to the HCoCs. Create alternative perspectives for your experience from this space of
higher consciousness. What would you need to do to make this experience whole?
Reflect on vulnerability as the gateway to the Higher Centers of Consciousness. Release the shields and armor that keep
you from experiencing life fully, risking pain, failure and defeat to express truth, love and Gods Will.
Speak your experience to elevate consciousness (see PWs 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3). There is always some truth to what you feel, so
get it out of your head and into the light where they can be critically analyzed. Even at the expense of rocking the boat,
rattling cages, or looking stupid. Do it not as a powerless victim at the effect of the trigger event, but from an empowered
place to expose your thoughts to the light of critical analysis. Risk it all for love. God is with you always.

Jaime Alvarez,, 2014 (all rights reserved) 47
Practicing the Presence of the Divine in All You Do:

Take a few calm breaths to center yourself. Take 100% ownership / responsibility for your internal
experience, your story or perception of life, and for the conditions around you. Taking ownership
gives you power to transform it.
Reflect on who you are as a Spiritual Being having a human experience. Express your gratitude for
the experience you are now having, and for the gift it is to be fully alive and awake to who you truly
are while living this experience. Its truly awesome to be here!
Reflect on the Human Behavior in Harmony with Divine Will
diagram and the Higher Consciousness Tetrad with respect to:
The Pathways to the Higher Centers of Consciousness
Universal Spiritual Principles
Your Unique Divine Purpose for being.
Express your gratitude for these wonderful gifts.
Create alternative perspectives for your experience from this
space of higher consciousness. Fill yourself with the frequency
of this higher consciousness in full faith & trust in the outcome.
Now SPEAK your experience to elevate consciousness. See
PW 3.1. Risk it all for love. God is with you always.
Everything you are, everything you do, give to God. For it
is through God alone that you are here. There is no
separation: your will and Gods Will are ONE.
Now give yourself a loving hug for your courage to be vulnerable, and SPEAK your experience.

Who Am I Really?
When you no longer give authority to the mind / personality, what is left? Who are you really? Are you your
thoughts, sensations, emotions? Are you your beliefs (conscious or subconscious?) Are you your personality?
Ultimately, when you get down to the bottom of all this, you are Awareness itself. You are Spirit dressed as a
human, having a human experience.
Integrate this practice into everything
you do throughout your day.
Jaime Alvarez,, 2014 (all rights reserved) 48
Moving Emotional Energy:
We all have emotional reactions to life conditions, energies, and delusions. The problem is not the automatic emotional
charge. Emotions come from within you as an automatic reaction to your perception of your environment. This is something
you cannot control. You dont need to judge yourself, apologize for having them, or act them out. Own them as your personal
experience. The primary problem lies in the automatic reaction of the ego to the emotional charge. The emotional charge
pressures the ego to respond by Rxx or attaching to the trigger whether that be a life condition, other person, or a delusion.
In this sense, the ego is not dealing with causation (subconscious belief systems). Its dealing with the trigger. And by putting
energy on the trigger by trying to control it, attach to it, reason with it, change it, strategize it, it simultaneously amplifies the
trigger, story, and emotional charge, which creates a greater Rxx or attachment to the trigger. By not allowing the emotional
energy to flow it becomes more solid, the story / delusion becomes more real in your experience. This negative feedback loop
is where you get the downward spiral to hell of the Lower Centers of Consciousness.
So, to move emotional energy you simply get out of the way (ego / story) and surrender to the wave (or storm), as you ride it
out like a passenger in a boat. Let the storm do what it does, as it dissipates into the infinite ocean of Love & Oneness. The
storm will pass in time. Once the storm passes you can then respond to the trigger from a clear space of true love and power.

Meditation to Surrender to Life Experience and Letting Everything be Exactly as It Is:

Take a few calm breaths to center yourself.
Reflect on the delusion gripping you, pressuring you to take action. The source / causation of the
delusion is the personality operating at the Lower CoCs. Neither the delusion, nor the conditions or
energies that triggered it, have internal authority or power over you. Dont Rxx or give them energy.
Feel the charge you may be experiencing at this moment without Rxx or judgment. Surrender to the
emotional storm. Feel the energy of the emotion without the story. Let it run its course as it
dissipates into the infinite ocean of Love & Oneness. Maintain a loving, compassionate space for
yourself during this time. Let everything be exactly as it is. Dont try to control or force it in any way.
Take as much time as you need to allow the emotional storm to subside (see PW 3.3).
Take 100% ownership / responsibility for your internal experience & story.
Taking ownership gives you power to transform it at the level of causation.
Approach the following questions with an attitude of open curiosity:
Is there an actual threat to your well-being? What are you defending?
What are the costs of holding onto this delusion?
Does it serve the Pathways, Universal Principles, or HCoCs?
Does it serve who you really are? Does it serve Divine Will?
Based on the above, could you just could you (if your health,
freedom, love, joy, peace, and the serenity of others around
you depended on it), let it go (armor, shields)?
Breathe it out into the infinite ocean of Love and Spirit.
Create alternative perspectives for your experience from this space of higher consciousness. Fill
yourself with the frequency of this higher consciousness in full faith & trust in the outcome.
Now SPEAK your experience to elevate consciousness for yourself and others around you. See PWs
3.1, 3.3. Risk it all for love. Know that God is with you always.
Everything you are, everything you do, give to God. For it is through God alone that you are here.
There is no separation: your will and Gods Will are ONE.
Now give yourself a loving hug for the courage to be vulnerable and
compassionate with yourself during this experience.
Releasing a Mild Charge to Reach Serenity and Peace:
Carefully "tune in" to whatever it is that may be blocking you from experiencing complete peace and serenity.
Take a few calm breaths to center yourself and activate your PNS.
State the condition blocking your peace and serenity followed by the Pathways in a loud voice with great passion,
energy and enthusiasm as you walk yourself from the LCoC emotions, to the void, to the HCoCs.
o E.g.: "Even though I have this [state your condition], I deeply and completely love and accept myself"
o The blank above is filled in with a brief description of the condition, emotional state or other problem you want
to release, such that you would experience peace and serenity.
Continue to pray until you have reached the point of complete peace and serenity within.
Use this process when you are in the midst of an emotional storm. You
experience a total loss of power, freedom, self-expression, and affinity for others.

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