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Combine, Juxtapose, Delayed Overlap

for 4 or more players

Nomi Epstein

December 2013
ed. May 2014

Combine, Juxtapose, Delayed Overlap
for 4 or more players
Nomi Epstein

Using any found sounds, instruments, or voice, each performer should create three sounds. All
sounds must be capable of sustaining a minimum of 4 seconds. At least one sound must be
capable of a long sustain, and one must be a kind of white noise sound or air sound.
All sounds must be within a quiet dynamic range

The piece will consist of three textures: Combine, Juxtapose, and Delayed Overlap, and should
be performed in this order 3-6x in a row, without pause between textures/repeats.

Prior to performance, one member of the group will prepare the piece/score:
Assign a number to each of the parts (# of players) in the ensemble. Do not assign these
numbers to the performers yet. Numbers chosen do not need to correspond to the number of
players. For example, if you have 4 players, they could be numbered 42, 398, 82, and 10.
Generate 4 different orderings of these numbers.

(For example, using the above numbers, one could chose from):
42, 398, 82, 10
398, 82, 10, 42
10, 398, 82, 42
82, 42, 10, 398
10, 82, 398, 42
398, 10, 42, 82

If the three textures are to be performed 3x in a row, the orderings generated will be used for
Juxtapose (1), Delayed Overlap (1), Juxtapose (2), Delayed Overlap (2), Juxtapose (3), and
Delayed Overlap (3), respectively.

Once the orderings have been generated, assign each player to a number. Each player should
be given a list of the orderings, as well as players with their assigned numbers. (To make the
score reading process easier, the score preparer could alternately hand out the orderings with
players names, instead of numbers listed).

Combine: with a start and stop cue, all players should produce one of their sounds which can
be sustained. Prior to performance, the group will decide the duration of the combined sound
making sure that all players are able to sustain their sound for the chosen duration. Each
combine should be a different duration from the last.

Juxtapose: (see above for orderings) rst player will create a sound, and will give one cue
indicating both her/his cut off, and the next players starting point. There should be no silence
between players sounds, nor should there be overlap of sounds. Each player will produce one
sound in this texture for 4-8 seconds.

Delayed Overlap: (see above for orderings) rst player will begin, and each subsequent player
will overlap the previous player by 3 seconds. Each player will produce one sound in this
texture for 10 seconds.

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