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Fernando Flores

Creative Expresions
Period 6
It was sunday morning, I opened my eyes and checked the clock up on the wall, it
was 6:3 a!m ! "y parents woke up extra early to pack up our #ags to $inally go home! I
was still laying in #ed tired, when my mom $inally decides to come and wake me up!
%&ay get up we have to head to the airport in a#out '( minutes %! I didnt want to get up I
was so tired $rom last night walking all over downtown )egas #ut it was $inally time to go
home! *a+y and tired, I got up $rom #ed and put on my slip,ons, walking slowly down the
hallway, I hear my moms so$t #eauti$ul voice saying %-e.ll meet you in the lo##y in
a#out /( minutes see you there % Feeling tired , I turn on the water to $inally take a
shower! 0aking showers is one o$ my $avorite things to do #ecause I can re$lect and think
alot a#out my li$e! 0o think a#out it, theres not much a#out me , Im 1ust a regular /'
year old #oy $rom 0exas, my parents dont really like talking a#out my past, #ut I never
#other to ask why! 2ometimes when I ask a#out my childhood and where I came $rom ,
they try to avoid me like i$ Im not there, #ut thats 1ust me!
I $inally get out a the shower, and intensely wiping the water o$$ my $ace! I gra#
my towel and dry mysel$, while wrapping it around my waiste line! "y eyes see a note
on the ta#le and I read it on my mind! %3ont $orget your luggage, everything is packed
and ready to go, love mom % Putting on my clothes as $ast as I can , I check the time and
its :/4 5 "y parents are going kill me, they must #e looking $or me! I didnt have enough
time to time my shoes , so i tucked in my shoe laces inside my shoe! &unning down the
hallway, I tripped down the stairs and my luggage opened! 6ll my clothes had $allen o$$
my #ackpack, I #end down to pick them up as $ast I can with suddent urge to leave!
Finally , I pick my things up and start walking, as I start walking I check the time on my
watch! %It.s :37 a!m! I #etter hurry #e$ore my parents start yelling at me! % I start
running as $ast as I can, %slow down kid, no running in the hallways5% , a maid yells at
me! I arrive at the elevator and 8uickly press the #utton to open the elevator, I go in and
press the lo##y #utton! -hile I.m in the elevator I could hear the #oring , old music
playing in the #ackground while my heart #eat rises and I could hear it pumping #lood! I
was so tired , I didnt even have the energy to move or even #reathe5 6$ter all , that
wasn.t even running compared to what I do in my P!E! class #ack in 0exas at my school!
2uddendly the elevator doors open, and a random woman $rom the hotel comes in,
%9ey there little #oy , are you lost :% she says! %;o , , 1ust headed to the lo##y%!
2he pressed the #utton to close the elevators and the elevator starts going down! %
Finally5% i said to mysel$, i$ people keep coming in this elevator ill never get to my parents
on time!
I check on top o$ the elevator door to see what $loor we are in, the light #links on
/7 then suddenly /3, and /' ,//, /(, until we $inally arive the $it$th $loor! %0his is my
destination, have a good day young #oy%, the lady that was in the elevator waved at me
a$ter she le$t! Finally I arrive at "< destination, I got to the lo##y and walked outside the
elevator! 0hat has got to #e the longest elevator ride ever5
Finally the elevator door opens and I start running to the main entrance! I look
around the lo##y and I dont see my parents, %-here could they #e :%! I keep looking $or
my parents intensely, I look to the le$t , I look to the right and still nothing! ;o signs o$
my parents! Feeling nervous and scared, I keep looking around the main lo##y $or my
parents #ut there was no sign o$ them, I would o$ noticed my moms ridiculous hat she
put on this morning! %"ay#e they went to the store, or went #ack to our room, pro#a#ly
$orgot something ill 1ust wait 5%! I go sit down in one o$ the old #right red so$as in the
lo##y and I 1ust sit there! =ored , nervous and scared I sit there and as time passes #y
while i stare at people leave the hotel! % I really wish my parents where here already I
want to go home%! I check the time and its >:/( 6" , % may#e they $orgot something
theyll #e #ack #e$ore I know it%! I picked up a maga+ine $rom the co$$ee ta#le that was
in$ront o$ me, %Fe#ruary, 7th '((, they really need to get new maga+ines this place is
old 5 % I open the maga+ine and start looking over some old articles $rom '((!
0here was nothing really interesting to read, its '(/' 5 I lived '(( theres nothing
I want to read a#out, then suddendly I see an article that caught my eye! %9ernande+
$amily regrets leaving child in $oster home%, %I.ll read this later, its seems interesting%! I
check the time and its ?:47 6" , its getting so late we should #e getting to our $light and my
parents are not here yet! I was $eeling nervous and scared that it was so late and I still havent
$ound my parents!
Its /(:(( am and no sign o$ my parents! I go up to the counter in the main lo##y
and ask the old lady that was sitting down, %"ay I use your phone, I really need to call
my parents% 0he old lady told me %-ell sure young #oy 1ust dont take too long, this
phone is used only $or #ussiness purposes only%! ;ervous and shaking I dial up my moms
phone and wait $or her to pick up! I wait patiently $or /4 seconds and no answer! % 2he
changed her num#er, dang how could I $orget Im so stupid 5% , I said to mysel$! I couldn.t
call my dad either #ecause I never usually call him, and I dont know his num#er! 9e
seems more o$ a stranger to me then a dad we never really hang out as a dad and son!
Its more o$ a hi and #ye thing, he never really wants to spend time with me! ;ow that I
think a#out my mom is like that too, the only times we spent together is on my #irthday
#ut other than that, we never really spent 8uality time as a $amily, #ut deep down inside
I know they love! 0hey are my parents! %9ello, are you done using my phone kid : I said
not to take so long 5 % ! 3am, that lady was such a pain in the ass, I think ill 1ust wait a #it
more in the lo##y!
I go sit down in one o$ the chairs that are next to the red #right couch! %"ay#e
they are waiting $or me at the airport, I should get a ride over there and check% I said to
mysel$! I walk outside and I see the #ig city o$ *as )egas! People walking everywhere,
lights $lashing, cars passing #y, it was 1ust ama+ing seeing the city o$ *as )egas! I walk up
to a random stranger in the street and asked them where I could get a taxi! % @hh you
can wait here $or the next taxi ca# to come, ohh look here comes one 5%! I look over to
the my right and I see the taxi , %Ak thanks $or the help% , I tell the random stranger!
I call $or a taxi ca# and none o$ them got any closer to me! %0axi 5 % I yelled as
other people yelled $or a taxi ca# as well! 0axi ca# a$ter taxi ca# kept passing #y me, and
none o$ them seem to stop and ask i$ I needed a ride! 2cared, nervous and anxious to go
#ack home, I start walking down the main street when I look straight down at my $eet!
0here was something stuck on the #ack o$ my shoe #ut I was to la+y to #end down and
take it o$$! I keep walking and my shoes were untied, %I should tie my shoes #e$ore I $all
and trip% I sigh to mysel$! I #end down and tie my shoe laces and then I notice a card
stuck in the #ack o$ my shoe, I pick up my $oot and remove the card $rom the #ottom o$
my shoe .BAE.2 06CI C6= 2E&)ICE. ! %0his must #e a miracle , I.m in heaven right now 5 % I
said to my sel$!
I start looking desperately $or a phone #ooth so I can call the taxi ca#
service , and try to look $or my parents at the airport! 2uddenly I notice a phone #ooth
$rom $ar away, % Finally, I.m going home 5% I said to my sel$! -hile I start walking towards
the phone #ooth I try to look $or some loose change in my pocket so I can make a call! I
put my hand in my pocket and I take it out only to $ind some string, a ru##er #and, two
papers clips and some lint! I put my hand in my other pocket and check what I have
inside! 6 gun wrapper, two nickles and three 8uarters! %=ingo 5 0his must #e my lucky
day >4 cents, I think that should #e enought to make a call % I said ! I put the two
8uarters into the phone #ooth and start dialing the num#er that was on the card! %9ello
Boe.s taxi service how may I help you :%
2omeone answered on the phone! %@mm yea I was wondering i$ I could get a
ride to the airport: %! I replied with a deep voice! %A$ course sir, I would 1ust need to
know where are you right now so I can pick you up %! 9e said with a $riendly voice! I
didn.t really know where I was standing, I look around me to check $or any street names
and I see a street name sign! % I.m at palace street , in$ront o$ a co$$ee shop and!!!!% as I
was talking I got interrupted #y the man on the phone! %;ext to the downtown hotel: I
got you sir, no pro#lems ill #e there in a #it!% I didn.t say anything and 1ust hanged up
the phone, I check the time and its /':'7 am! %I really hope my parents didn.t leave me
all alone , I 1ust want to go home already, hope$ully the taxi driver gets here soon% I said
to my sel$!
I look through my 1acket pockets and I $ind the maga+ine $rom '(( that I had
$ound #ack at the hotel lo##y, and I start reading the article that caught my eye, while I
wait $or the taxi ca#! %!!!9ernande+ $amily $inally reunites with their son, a$ter long ago
that they had le$t him in a $oster home, many adopted kids have #een inspired #y this
story and are in the lookout $or their #irth parents!% I start thinking and re$lecting on my
on li$e! I wonder i$ I.m adopted and my i$ #irth parents le$t me at a $oster, #ut I dou#t it I
dont think they would do that to me! I see a taxi ca# $rom the corner o$ my eye and I put
away the maga+ine article #ack in my 1acket! %0axi , taxi5 % I yell out! 0he taxi ca# pulls up
in$ront o$ me and I see the window roll down! %&eally: <ou need a ca# : 2orry kid I have
some I gotta meet!% the man in ca# says! It.s me , I called earlier, I.m the one who needs
the ride to the airport!
0he guy in the ca# unlocks the passenger door on the right and I open it! %9ey
kid, I.m Boe5 % 9e says! %Im &ay nice to meet you % I say with a so$t voice! Boe starts
driving and he keeps staring at me through the rear mirror on the car!
% 2o what #rings you here alone #y yoursel$ kid :% 9e says
%I came here to spend vacation with my parents, #ut this morning I woke up and they
le$t me, my mom told me she would #e waiting $or me at the lo##y!% I explained to Boe!
%!!!6nd why aren.t you parents kid: <ou trying to #e on your on own or something: % Boe
asked me!
%I guess I took so long they $orgot a#out me5 =ut most likely my parents are at the
aiport! % I answered 8uickly !
I see the airport $rom a mile across, and I start $eeling happy and excited as I see the
airport entrance closer to me! % here kid, that will #e /' with ' cents on the side
little youngster !% says Boe !
%*ook to #e ho!!!% I get interrupted #y Boe as I am talking!
% It.s ok cool kid, I know you don.t have any money on you, your looking $or your
parents5 I$ anything I.m here $or you, 1ust give me a call % 9e hands me his personal
#usiness card as he is talking to me! %0hanks 5 &eally means a lot! % I answered 8uickly! I
run as $ast as I could to the main entrance o$ the airport and look around! 6ll I see
around me is a #unch o$ random people #ut no sign o$ my parents 5 %I give up , i.ll never
$ind my parents, I have a $eeling they are not my parents , I $eel like I.m adopted!% I sigh
to my sel$!
I start walking , sad and desperate , out o$ the airport , hoping $or Boe to #e
outside the parking lot! 6$ter all he is the only company I have le$t! 6s I am walking on
the sidewalk I see Boe.s taxi ca# across the street! %6yy Boe 5 % I scream at him! I see him
wave at me and , he turns on the engine on the car and makes a sudden @ turn ! %9ey
there &ay , what happened did you $ind your parents :% 9e asked me nicely! %-ell I dont
even know i$ they are my parents, it seems almost like i$ I.m adopted they dont even
care a#out me5 % I said to Boe! % Det in kid, where going on a mission !% Boe tells me with
excitment! % "ission to where : % I ask! %0o $ind your real parents5 % 9e answers again
with alot o$ excitment! I get in the car $eeling a #it #etter, i$ he.s going to help me $ind
my real #irth parents then this is where I should #e! Boe starts driving and we go on our
1orney to $ind my real #irth parents!
Its #een 74 minutes since we #een in the car driving and we $inally arive at a
stop! I look closely to see where we came and I see a sign on the outside gate, .Foster
Care. ! %Boe what are we doing here :% I asked $rightened! % -here 1ust here to ask some
8uestions don.t worry, may#e we can get some in$ormation on your real #irth parents ,
you never know 5% 9e answers! -e get o$$ the taxi ca# and start walking towards the
entrance o$ the $oster home! I look around me and I see a #ig ol orange #right house
with a #eauti$ul garden $ull o$ roses and sun$lowers! %0his a really nice $oster home,
#etter than my house #ack in 0exas% I said to my sel$! -e get to the $ront door and go
inside! 0heres a lady sitting in a desk and shes on the phone! %9ello , umm can we get
some help here ! % says Boe $rustated!
E9ello maFam can we get a little help here:G says Boe again $rustrated and mad!
E<es sir I can hear you #ut i$ you would 1ust wait patiently I would #e right with you in a
$ew moments!G 2ays the lady in the desk with a mean attitude! I look around the $oster
home and all I see is a $ew old maga+ines on the ta#le and nothing #ut old #utterscotch
cookies on the counter and a $ew lollipops! E"an, this place is older than my grandma5G I
said to my sel$! -hile Boe was trying to talk to the lady in the counter I go sit down , and
1ust wait until we get some in$ormation on my #irth parents! I am sitting at the lo##y
hopeless, scared, and nervous waiting to hear some in$ormation on my #irth parents!
From outside the window, I see a happy $amily outside having some 8uality time and I
start $eeling a #it sad! % I really wished everything was #ack to normal and I could #e
happy like I used to 5% I sigh to mysel$! I was 1ust thinking and re$lecting on my own li$e,
and I was thinking i$ I should really go see my #irth parents! %-hat i$ they don.t want to
see me : % I ask mysel$!
I look at Boe and I notice that he $inally starts talking to the lady on the counter! %
It.s a#out he gets some in$ormation , I.m so #ored!% I said to mysel$!
%6yy5 &ay : 3o you mind coming over here $or a second : % Boe asks! I walk over to
where Boe is standing and I.m hoping $or some good news! %9ey , Boe whats up :% I ask!
%-hat.s your parents $ull name: I think we might #e a#le to get some in$ormation on
where you were adopted! % Boe asks with exciment! %@mm my mom.s name is 6lexandra
-illiams, and my dad.s name is Peter -illiams !% I reply con$used!
6s I was saying my parents name, I see the old mean lady with attitude, typing in
their names on the the computer! %-hat was your $athers name kid, I couldn.t hear
speak up please5 % 2he says with attitude! %I said Peter -illiams% I reply loudly, %next
time i$ you can.t hear me speak, then listen to me closely 5% I mum#led! %-ell I got some
in$ormation on #oth o$ these people, it says that they adopted a kid in another $oster
home > miles away $rom here, it says they adopted a male white skin #a#y, with #rown
eyes and #lack dark hair !% 0he old lady tells us with a #it more $riendly tone o$ voice! Boe
gives me a weird look, and I.m 1ust standing there with an awkward look on my $ace!
%<ou match that per$ect description &ay, it could #e you 5 -hat year were you #orn in : %
Boe asks with a surprised $ace! % I was #orn in the '((' , #ut I dou#t it 5% I said with a
hopeless $ace! %It says here that they adopted him in the year '((7 and he was ' years
old when he got out o$ the $oster home!% 0he old lady added! %3ude, do you know what
this means :5 Excuse me do you think we can get directions to this $oster home:% Boe
asks the lady in the counter!
2he prints out directions to the $oster home where I was adopted , and she hands
them to Boe! %Doodluck , gonna need it 5 % says the old lady with sarcasm! -e
head out the door $rom the $oster home and start walking towards the car! 6t this point I
was really happy #ut at the same time nervous and scared ! I didn.t know what I was
going to do i$ my real #irth parents le$t me there, I need to start thinking i$ I should go
look $or them or i$ I should go #ack home with my $oster parents! -e $inally get to the
car and Boe unlocks the passenger door so I can get in!
-e get in the taxi ca# and Boe looks at me ,through the rear mirror! %6re you
ready to meet your real parents, &ay : % says Boe to me with exciment! I didn.t say
anything #ack to me and he 1ust stared waiting $or an answer! I did not know what to say
#ecause I was so nervous! 6t this point I didn.t know what to do, I was really nervous to
see my #irth parents #ecause may#e they don.t want to see me! Boe starts the engine
and we start heading out $rom the parking lot! %Can you read me the directions to this
$oster home , &ay : % he asks me as he hands me the paper! %2ure!% I reply to him while
taking the paper o$$ his hand! I take a 8uick look at it and I see that its not to $ar $rom
where we are, only a#out /4 minutes away!
%It says to make a le$t here on 6dmire 2t! and keep driving $or a#out two and a
hal$ miles and a$ter make another le$t on &emedy &d! and we should see our destination
close to us! % I tell Boe as he is driving the taxi ca#! %0he $oster home has a #ig #lack $ence
in the $ront , 1ust to make sure!% I add to the last thing I said! I #een wondering why is
Boe helping me , when I hardly even know him: *ike why is he doing this $or me , we are
not even close and hes #een helping me! I shouldn.t #e worrying a#out that right now,
hes helping me and may#e later he can explain! almost here5 % shouts Boe! %3am
that was the $astest car ride o$ my li$e that was so $ast% I said to my sel$! %-hat are you
gonna say to your parents when you see them:% Boe asks me as he is parking the taxi
ca#! %-ell my parents are not gonna #e here, #ut since they le$t me here, may#e we can
get some in$ormation on them and know where they live 5% I reply to him with a so$t
voice! Boe unlocks all o$ the doors and we get o$$ the taxi ca#!
-e $inally get o$$ the taxi ca# and we start walking $rom the parking lot to
the $oster home! I look up and I see this #ig white house and $or some reason it looked
$amiliar! Bust #eing there walking to the $oster home , $elt as i$ I #een there #e$ore! I $elt
so nostalgic ! Boe and I $inally get to the $ront door and I look around! I see two #enches
on the porch, they are old, $illed with dust and spiderwe#s! %0his $oster home must #e
really old, I wouldn.t want to live here % I said to mysel$! Boe opens the $ront door and
we $inally get inside! 6s soon as we walk there, Boe goes up to the $ront desk and ask $or
help! %<es , how may I help you today sir : % 0he lady at the desk says! %I was wondering
i$ you wan give us some in$ormation on him 5% 2ays Boe while looking and pointing at me!
%-hat.s his name : I might have to look him up on our $ile system% says the lady with a
$riendly voice! %&ay !!! &ay -illiams% I say clearly! %-ell , it says here on our system that
he was adopted in the year '((7 and he was #orn in the year '((' , hmm interesting 5
%2he says!
%-e already know that 5 3o you have some in$ormation on the parents who le$t
him here : % Boe asks! %6hh yes 5 0he Pere+ $amily , they are very known here $or leaving
a couple o$ their kids here! %&eplies the lady with a $ast tone o$ voice! %3o you think we
can get some directions to where they live : % I ask , $eeling shy! %0hey live 1ust around
the corner5 Bust down the #lock a#out 7 houses away, you.ll see it right away 5 Its a #lue
house and youll see the mail #ox with .Pere+. written in #ig letters % 2he says ! %0hanks
$or the help % "e and Boe say as we walk out the $oster home! 6s we are walking to my
#irth parents home, I $eel very nervous #ut at the same really happy that I.m $inally
going to see them ! -e $inally get to the house that the lady at the $oster home told us!
%<ou sure did is the house :% Boe asks me! %<eah I.m sure, it says Pere+ on the mail #ox!%
I say $eeling nervous and scared ! %Doodluck &ay5 % 2ays Boe with a smile on his $ace! 6s I
am walking to the $ront door I realised that my whole li$e has changed and now that I.m
$inally going to meet my #irth parents I am starting a new li$e!

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