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Personnel - Job DescriptionEMS C!pt!in
I""e#i!te S$per%isor
EMS Captain
Exempt, Salaried Confidential Employee
Per(or"!nce Aptit$#e
Requires the ability to coordinate, manage and correlate data; includes exercising
good judgment prioritiing !arious projects; requires the ability to perform in a
collaborati!e capacity "ith EMS administration, EMS personnel, #uincy $rea EMS
system representati!es, the Medical %irector, public safety agency personnel,
ser!ice !endors and suppliers; requires the ability to operate tools or materials
essential in performing super!isory, clerical, and minor maintenance tas&s;
requires the ability to use a !ariety of reference, descripti!e, and ad!isory
terminology; requires the ability to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
di!ision as "ell as calculate decimals, percentages, and fractions; requires the
ability to apply independent judgment, demonstrate incenti!e and moti!ation,
demonstrate the ability to "or& collaborati!ely to resol!e problems, and exhibit
ser!ant'leadership qualities(
Speci(ic )$!li(ic!tions
)llinois *icensed EM+',aramedic; $ppro!ed by #$EMS Medical %irector
Minimum of t"o -./ years of ser!ice as a licensed, field practicing
0erified experience as an EMS 1ield E!aluator2+rainer, EMS *ead
)nstructor, and2or other quantifiable leadership credentials
0alid dri!er3s license in state of residence
4igh School %iploma; sixty semester hours3 college credit, $ssociates
%egree or greater is preferred
O%er%ie* o( &esponsibilities !n# Scope o( A$t+orit,
5nder the general super!ision of the Chief, the EMS Captain is responsible for
managing all aspects of daily shift operations( +he EMS Captain "ill regularly
super!ise a minimum of t"el!e paramedics and EM+s, direct daily shift acti!ities,
This job description does not constitute a contract for employment.
Personnel - Job DescriptionEMS C!pt!in
and assign specific, rele!ant tas&s and "ill facilitate communications among the
cre"s to ensure all assignments are executed appropriately(
+he EMS Captain "ill assist in planning and research related to operations, the
budget, educational programming, regulatory compliance, personnel selection and
training, administration of discipline, and community training programs( +he EMS
Captain "ill ser!e as the Chief3s to other departments, community organiations,
schools, businesses, ci!ic groups and local planning committees as needed(
)n the absence of the Chief, the EMS Captain on duty "ill recei!e orders in
ad!ance and act on behalf of the Chief "ithin a specific scope of authority( 5nder
no circumstance shall the EMS Captain authorie any employee to de!iate from
departmental policies, system protocols or any other federal, state, or local la"s or
D$t, -o$rs !n# .or' Sc+e#$le
Captains shall generally be assigned to "or& t"enty'four hour shifts( +he shift
schedule shall consist of t"o .6'hour shifts in a rotating fashion "ith a rotating 7n'
Call Sunday component(
8hile 7n'Call the captain "ill shall9 be a!ailable to communicate "ith EMS cre"s,
dispatchers, hospital care coordinating personnel, and others officials as needed;
be able to respond to emergency scenes, the E7C, or other locations "hen EMS
command is required(
+he normal schedule rotation does not preclude re'assignment or additional call'
bac& hours required to meet extraordinary or unexpected departmental
circumstances or as directed by the EMS Chief(
Gener!l D$ties
Manages shift operations during normally assigned shifts or "hen other"ise
assigned; may ser!e in a paramedic role "hen required by the Chief or
under circumstances "hich require it
$pportions "or& to on'duty cre"s, delegates tas&s as directed, facilitates a
helpful, pleasant and organied "or& en!ironment "hile ensuring
compliance "ith policies, procedures, and medical protocols
1ulfills other super!isory roles, duties and tas&s as assigned by the Chief or
to address operational needs, ne" circumstances and the e!ol!ing
profession of EMS
$ssists in de!eloping departmental policies, procedures, and tactics
This job description does not constitute a contract for employment.
Personnel - Job DescriptionEMS C!pt!in
$ssists in the selection, orientation and field training process of ne"
paramedics and EM+s
,ro!ides performance appraisals of subordinate employees
Supports the department3s !ision, mission, and core !alues; councils,
instructs, coaches and remediates subordinate personnel as necessary "ith
respect to impro!ed job performance and compliance "ith department
policies2procedures and other standards and mandates; administers
discipline "hen required
0isits schools and ci!ic organiations, healthcare facilities, industrial and
retail businesses to promote and assure good "or&ing relationships
,articipates in departmental meetings, leads and facilitates discussions,
assists in planning for progress and impro!ing EMS locally and regionally
Completes daily shift summary, "rites reports, aids in ensuring all ,CR
related documents are gathered and submitted appropriately and in a timely
manner, for"ards all incident reports to the Chief
$ssists "ith dissemination of departmental information to EM+s and
paramedics as directed; reports daily cre" and unit2station status to
$C$EMS business office
Maintains liaison status "ith allied emergency ser!ice agencies
See&s professional and self'de!elopment opportunities to impro!e
leadership s&ills and enhance the department mission
:ecome familiar "ith and implement conflict resolution, safe "or& place
initiati!es, and other human resource de!elopment programs as directed by
the Chief
8ill ser!e as a role model to employees, students, the community and the
EMS profession
Specific additional duties "ill be assigned to accommodate determined
7ther duties be assigned as necessary
This job description does not constitute a contract for employment.
Personnel - Job DescriptionEMS C!pt!in
E#$c!tion !n# Tr!inin/
o %epartmental +raining and Education ,rograms
Regular CME
$C*S, ,$*S2,E,,, ,4+*S, C,R,
;e" Employee 7rientation and +raining
o ,ublic Education and ,ublic Relations
Special ,rograms
,ublic E!ents
Community C,R, 1irst $id
7ther requested e!ents2programs
o )nter'departmental +raining
Collaborate, facilitate and2or assist "ith other agencies
1ire %epartments, 1irst Responders, ,olice2Sheriff
4ospital, EMS +raining programs, nursing homes
o Regulatory Compliance
)%,4, #uincy $rea EMS System
Medicare, Medicaid
7ther la"s, regulations and standards
o 1amiliarity "ith :illing ,ractices
o :udgetary Collaboration
Asset M!n!/e"ent
o 1leet2Station Management and Maintenance
1acilitates and coordinates maintenance projects
Collaborates "ith !endors to achie!e optimum performance
and longe!ity of !ehicles, and stations
o )n!entory Management and Maintenance
Equipment2supply accountability and accessibility
,re!entati!e maintenance program, maximie life of
o ,rocurement of Supplies2Equipment
Ensure necessary supplies and equipment are ready and
Reduce unnecessary o!erstoc& and outdates of expiring
This job description does not constitute a contract for employment.
Personnel - Job DescriptionEMS C!pt!in
o Regulatory Compliance
)%,4, )S7S, #uincy $rea EMS System
Medicare, Medicaid,
7ther la"s, regulations and standards
o 1amiliarity "ith :illing ,ractices
o :udgetary Collaboration
Oper!tions !n# S!(et,
o Scheduling
Regular %uty Shifts
Special E!ents
o $ssist "ith ,ayroll
0alidation of "ee&ly time sheets
o 4ealth and Safety ,rograms
Safety Education
)nfection Control
*iaison "ith other program coordinators
o #uartermaster Ser!ices
Equipment %isbursement2$ccountability
<ey Control
o ;e" Employee 7rientation
$dministrati!e liaison to ne" employee
$ssist "ith achie!ing payroll and benefit sign'up
Coordinates department orientation "ith other Captains
o Chaplain *iaison
o Regulatory Compliance
)%,4, 1*S$, )%7*, #uincy $rea EMS System
Medicare and Medicaid
7ther la"s, regulations, and standards
o 1amiliarity "ith :illing ,ractices
o :udgetary Collaboration
>( ,aul %a!is, :$S, ;R,, EMS Chief ;o!ember ?, .@A@
RE9 @B2AA; @C2A.; @C2AB, @B2A6, @?2A6
This job description does not constitute a contract for employment.

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