Suggestion of Management & OB

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Bangladesh Institute of Management

Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

Part-I, Session: 2014
Suggestion- Management
Chapter # 1
1. What is management?
2. Describe the functions of management and its 14 principles.
3. Describe the Roles and skills of a manager.
4. Describe the contributions of F W Talor.
Chapter # 2
1. What is planning? Describe the importance!
2. Describe the "teps of planning.
3. Describe the tpes of planning.
Chapter #3
1. What is #rgani$ing% definition! process&logic! basic tpes of organi$ational structure '(ine and
stuff & dept.)
2. Discuss basic tpes of structure *ith ad+antages and disad+antages.
Chapter # 4
1. What is (eadership% definition! positi+e , negati+e !
2. Distinguish bet*een leader and manager.
3. Trait theor! management grid!
4. Theor based on authorit
Chapter # 5
1. What is -oti+ation% Definition! importance 'moti+ation is the core of management&it is a
pschological persuasion)
2. ./Role of mone is a moti+ation//% discuss
3. Theor of -aslo*! 0 , 1 theor! har$%burg theor.
Chapter # 6
1. What is 2ommunication% definition! importance! barriers! forms.
2. 2ommunication process.
3. 2ommandments of good communication.
4. 3ffecti+eness and efficienc of an organi$ation depends on health communication 4 discuss
Chapter # 7
1. What is Delegation 4 definition! process.
2. 5o* to o+ercome *eak delegation?
Chapter # 8
1. What is 2ontrol 4 definition! process! importance! tpes.
2. What steps do ou suggest to ensure effecti+e management control?
Prepared By: Fahimul Mowla, 01713160665
Suggestion of Organizational behavior
Chapter #1
Organizational behavior definition, importance, forces & goals,
Models of Organizational behavior.
Chapter #2
Informal & formal organization Definition, Advantages & disadvantages
Informal organization emerges from within a formal organization.
Chapter #3
Empowerment definition, process,
ive broad approaches to empowerment.
Chapter #4
!ob "tress# Definition,ca$ses & s%mptoms,
&hat is tra$ma and b$rno$t'
Approaches to stress management .
"ocial s$pport
*ersonal wellness
Chapter #5
+onflict# definition, so$rces ,ca$ses,
Methods of resolving conflicts,
(esol$tion strateg%
Chapter #6
+hange management# Definition,
&h% people resist change, wh% the emplo%ees resist change in the organization'
&hat are the t%pes of resistance change'
-$rt.s / stage change model disc$ss
Chapter #7
+o$nseling# Definition,f$nction, t%pes
Chapter #8
0ro$p d%namic Definition,
Disting$ish between gro$p and team.
Define team
"tages of team development.
1ife c%cle of a team.
Chapter #9
"hort notes# f$ndamental concept of O2
*ower and politics
Organizational c$lt$re
Prepared By: Fahimul Mowla, 01713160665
Organizational c$lt$re
"tat$s s%mbol
3%pes of power
Prepared By: Fahimul Mowla, 01713160665

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