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Avoid boycott strikes

If company good government good to them.

See company not out for themselves and give them trust because of it
May have to take not as favourable income at first in order to benefit later
Know whats in peoples minds
Media can help break or make a company and can be good or bad.
Articles in database
Use limited resources
Get different parts of company to work together
Work with suppliers and meet with and disclose information
Low key not care that much still monitor, but not use too many resources.
Competitors employee unions
Air traffic controller strike reduced flights during peak hours to avoid gvt
Mixed Blessing
Try work with, can be helpful or harmful
Competitors, customers, employees(in short supply)
Form allicances airlines reduce flights when not enough ppl
Ross Labratories got involved with Unicef and gvt, to promote infant health baby
formula and one of few that succeeded
Ex amount of money in strike fund who badly need each other
Joint ventures oil companies share costs because project is so large
Government get involved in panel, appoint gvt official to board of directors
Being socially responsible may pay off
Global Compact invitation to businesses to sign accord and that they believe and try
to follow them, environment human rights against corruption live within principles
10 0f them
Survey 90% of executives feel that corporations should be more socially responsible
and that it would make a difference
26% of ppl buy the greener products. As ppl changes consumers market demand for
it will increase
Need to meet pressures while adding value to selves as well
Developed by UN in 2002 at world summit confirmed they are the 3 pillars of
sustainable development
Economy cant exist without society.
Each are a part but a whole at same time. Cant exist and are part of each other
The value of nothing
Prices and costs of environment not included in the price of the goods in our
Rent workspaces
Administrative and logistic side of organizations that help society
Kraft foods food banks
Habitat for humanity
Agency problem
Shareholders allocate decision-making authority to the managers
not practical
many shareholders are not qualified
many shareholders do not have time or incentive
Conflict of interest mat arise in this situation
Having the short-term control of the firms assets, managers might be tempted to act
in the managers short-term best interest instead of the shareholders long-term best
BOD camp to make sure are aware
Shareholders can vote on how much to pay
Different attitude there to look out for and protect investors
Does as little as possible and may deny wrong doing point finger at someone else
Do everything that is legally required bare minimum dont do anything more than
Meeting the ethical and legal requirements and choose to go above in beyond in
certain areas when shareholders request it
(Tuna industry try and fish without killing dolphins while harvesting tuna b/c of
Seek ways to address problems and issues and try to find them kraft foods
companies from previous slides
People do different things at different ages.
Like buying a house, who is more likely to need heart medication (older people).
Who more likely to have an Ipod etc.
Fertility rate 1.7 need 2.1 to grow.
But still population grew because high birth rate b/c baby boomers had children.
Take notes on this from textbook. Probably pick small and large and describe.
Pre WWI few people remaining. Probably female
WWI small because men off at war. Less children not easy enter workforce during
depression not easy time Large cohort more competition getting school job more
Advantage they have bigger voice get more attention
Smaller advantage less competition because fewer people. Disadvantage politics
care less not as much attention because less of them.
Roaring Twenties. Men came back from war had children create large cohort War
produce stuff.
Depression babies (smallest of small cohort) because families couldnt afford
children cost a lot. Not fun b/c depression. Exposed to the world being at war. After
that everything good for this group. Less competition very easy to get job and a
house and children. Numbers and demographics on their side. After depression
demographically best.
WWII large because put off b/c of depression so clock ticking. Economy look up and
had children.
Baby Boom post war economy very good ppl could afford to have many children
High immigration of child bearing age. Back end of baby boom given name
generation X 1961/67. because have worst demographics. Always back of the line
and houses too expensive cant get a job. Parents had it easy so say what wrong with
the kid. No empathy to kid.
Pill and women education end off baby boom
Baby bust pay attention to social issues. Luxury to worry b/c less competition.
Baby Boom Echo. Boomers at child bearing age so have at same time.
Millennium Busters echo having children
Know why big or small and disadvantages and disadvantages of being big or small.
May reach a point where seniors outnumber the number of children.
How this will shape country ex health care.
What does this mean for business opportunities.
For projects, dont assume same age demographics, look up age demographics for
Europe. Cater to the cohort right now and the one that will follow it.
Baby industry, try and expand, be innovative, look outside of Canada to a market
with young people.

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