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Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Magellan Strategies are pleased to present the topline results for a 760n
autodial survey of likely Republican primary voters, and independent and
unaffiliated voters that are likely to vote in the Republican primary election
in the state of Arizona. The interviews were conducted May 13th and 14th,
2014. This survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.55% at the 95 percent
confidence interval. This survey was weighted based upon past Republican
primary election voting demographics.
T1. Are you registered to vote as a Republican, a Democrat or an independent voter?
Republican.............................................................. 81%
Independent ............................................................ 19%
T2. As you may know, independent voters can vote in the August primary election. How
likely are you to vote in the August primary election? (Asked only to respondents who
self-identified as independent or unaffiliated voters)
Extremely likely....................................................... 80%
Very likely................................................................. 9%
Somewhat likely...................................................... 11%
T3. And if the primary election were being held today, would you choose to vote in the
Democrat primary or the Republican primary? (Asked only to respondents who selfidentified as independent or unaffiliated voters)
Republican primary............................................... 100%

Magellan ID#: AZREP-051314 Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Field Dates: 5/13/14 5/14/14, MoE +/- 3.55%, 760n, CONFIDENTIAL

T4. How likely are you to vote in the August primary election for Governor? (Asked only
to respondents who self-identified as registered Republicans)
Extremely likely....................................................... 90%
Very likely................................................................. 6%
Somewhat likely........................................................ 4%
T5. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Ken Bennett?
Favorable ................................................................ 24%
Unfavorable ........................................................... 12%
No opinion ............................................................. 37%
Never heard of ....................................................... 24%
Unsure ...................................................................... 3%
Name ID ................................................................ 73%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 36%
T6. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Doug Ducey?
Favorable ................................................................ 37%
Unfavorable ........................................................... 16%
No opinion ............................................................. 36%
Never heard of ....................................................... 10%
Unsure ...................................................................... 1%
Name ID ................................................................ 89%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 53%
T7. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Christine Jones?
Favorable ................................................................ 19%
Unfavorable ........................................................... 22%
No opinion ............................................................. 31%
Never heard of ....................................................... 25%
Unsure ...................................................................... 3%
Name ID ................................................................ 72%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 41%

Magellan Strategies | 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 | Louisville, CO 80027 | (303) 861-8585

Magellan ID#: AZREP-051314 Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Field Dates: 5/13/14 5/14/14, MoE +/- 3.55%, 760n, CONFIDENTIAL

T8. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Scott Smith?

Favorable ................................................................ 17%
Unfavorable ........................................................... 14%
No opinion ............................................................. 34%
Never heard of ....................................................... 30%
Unsure ...................................................................... 5%
Name ID ................................................................ 65%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 31%
T9. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Tom Horne?
Favorable ................................................................ 24%
Unfavorable ........................................................... 49%
No opinion ............................................................. 21%
Never heard of ......................................................... 2%
Unsure ...................................................................... 4%
Name ID ................................................................ 94%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 73%
T10. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mark Brnovich?
Favorable .................................................................. 6%
Unfavorable ............................................................. 8%
No opinion ............................................................. 27%
Never heard of ....................................................... 54%
Unsure ...................................................................... 5%
Name ID ................................................................ 41%
Hard name ID ......................................................... 14%

Magellan Strategies | 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 | Louisville, CO 80027 | (303) 861-8585

Magellan ID#: AZREP-051314 Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Field Dates: 5/13/14 5/14/14, MoE +/- 3.55%, 760n, CONFIDENTIAL

T11. If the Republican primary election for Governor were being held today for whom
would you vote if the candidates were Ken Bennett, Doug Ducey, Christine Jones, Al
Melvin, John Molina, Frank Riggs, Scott Smith, and Andrew Thomas?
Doug Ducey ........................................................... 27%
Ken Bennett ............................................................ 13%
Christine Jones ........................................................ 12%
Scott Smith .............................................................. 12%
Andrew Thomas ........................................................ 6%
Al Melvin .................................................................. 1%
Frank Riggs ............................................................... 1%
John Molina ............................................................. 0%
Undecided .............................................................. 28%
T12. If the Republican primary election for Attorney General were being held today for
whom would you vote if the candidates were Tom Horne and Mark Brnovich?
Mark Brnovich ........................................................ 33%
Tom Horne ............................................................. 32%
Undecided .............................................................. 35%
T13. If the Republican primary election for Secretary of State were being held today for
whom would you vote if the candidates were Wil Cardon, Michele Reagan and Justin
Wil Cardon ............................................................. 20%
Michele Reagan ...................................................... 17%
Justin Pierce ............................................................ 12%
Undecided ............................................................. 51%
T14. If the Republican primary election for Treasurer were being held today for whom
would you vote if the candidates were Jeff DeWit, Randy Pullen, and Hugh Hallman?
Hugh Hallman ........................................................ 12%
Jeff DeWit ............................................................... 10%
Randy Pullen........................................................... 10%
Undecided .............................................................. 68%

Magellan Strategies | 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 | Louisville, CO 80027 | (303) 861-8585

Magellan ID#: AZREP-051314 Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Field Dates: 5/13/14 5/14/14, MoE +/- 3.55%, 760n, CONFIDENTIAL

T15. Do you consider yourself to be very conservative, conservative, moderate or liberal

when it comes to fiscal issues like taxes and government spending?
Very conservative.................................................... 51%
Conservative ........................................................... 33%
Moderate ................................................................ 14%
Liberal....................................................................... 2%
T16. Do you consider yourself to be very conservative, conservative, moderate or liberal
when it comes to social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage?
Very conservative.................................................... 51%
Conservative ........................................................... 23%
Moderate ................................................................ 18%
Liberal....................................................................... 8%
T17. If you had to choose, would you identify yourself more closely with the traditional
Republican Party, or would you identify yourself more closely with the Tea Party
Traditional Republican party ................................... 39%
Tea Party Movement ............................................... 49%
No opinion ............................................................. 12%
And now I have a couple of questions for statistical purposes only
T18. Are you a man or a woman?
Woman ................................................................... 52%
Man ........................................................................ 48%
T19. What is your marital status?
Married ................................................................... 72%
Single and have never been married ......................... 6%
Unmarried and living with a partner ......................... 2%
Widowed ................................................................ 13%
Separated .................................................................. 1%
Divorced ................................................................... 6%
No opinion ............................................................... 0%

Magellan Strategies | 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 | Louisville, CO 80027 | (303) 861-8585

Magellan ID#: AZREP-051314 Arizona Republican Primary Survey Topline Results

Field Dates: 5/13/14 5/14/14, MoE +/- 3.55%, 760n, CONFIDENTIAL

T20. Which of the following age groups applies to you?

18-34 ........................................................................ 7%
35-44 ...................................................................... 10%
45-54 ...................................................................... 19%
55-64 ...................................................................... 23%
65+ ......................................................................... 41%
T21. For statistical purposes only, what is your race? Press 1 if you are white, Press 2 if
you are Hispanic or Latino, press 3 if you belong to another ethnic group.
White ...................................................................... 89%
Hispanic or Latino..................................................... 6%
Another ethnic group ................................................ 5%
Survey Methodology
This survey was conducted using automated telephone touchtone technology. The
sample used for this survey was randomly drawn from an Arizona voter file. The survey
response data was weighted based upon past Republican primary election voting
demographics. The interviews were conducted on May 13th and 14th, 2014. Three
attempts were made to interview each household in the sample. This survey has a margin
of error of 3.55% at the 95 percent confidence interval.

Magellan Strategies | 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 | Louisville, CO 80027 | (303) 861-8585

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