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May 18, 2014

Faithbuilders (E. Hall)
OK Corral (N. Room)

9:00 Sanctuary Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Salt, Adult Class (N. Room)

10:30 Watermark Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Youth Classes: (N. Forum)
Pathnders, Adult Class (N. Room)
High Flight, Adult Class (E. Hall)
CoreFit & More Tu & Th, 4:30 p ..............
Mens Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30 a ..........
*Womens Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p ....
Adult Choir Wednesday, 7:00 p .....................
Womens Bible Study Thursday, 6:45 a .....
Mens Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 a ..........
Roots (Young Adults) Thursday, 7:00 p ....
Womens Bible Study Friday, 9:30 a .....
KP Prayer Group Saturday, 6:30 a ...........
CrossFit ...........................
Chain Gang (Craft) 2
Monday 10 a .......
Reap What You Sew 2
& 4
Wed. 9 a .....
* on break
Regularly Scheduled Programs

Praise Songs
Everlasting God
Be Thou My Vision
Blessed Be Your Name


Morning Prayer

Word in Song
Who Am I

Frank Shirvinski
The Story: Joseph
Genesis 35-50

Hymn of Commitment
One Thing Remains

Samuel Ingram & David
Frank Shirvinski
Lead Pastor
Nick Stavlund
Executive Pastor
Katy Statler
Ministry Director: Youth
Nicole Moran
Preschool Director
Jenny Statler
Ministry Assistant: Crosst
Matt Vlahovich
Worship Leader: Watermark
Sara Perrine
Minister, Missional Groups
Mary Cartwright
Minister, Pastoral Care
Sharon Hostetler
Ministry Director:
Connections & Events
Stacy Shirvinski
Executive Director: Community
Impact, Families and Children
Helpful Info
Communion/Lords Supper
All followers of Christ are welcome to
participate in our Service of
Communion. If you have prepared
yourself for this very special moment
with our Savior, you are invited to His
table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please
take the emblems as they are passed
and partake when you are ready.
Some prefer to take it before passing
it along.

In all of our services, a special time
for giving is set aside. Participation is
an act of worship and voluntary.

We have a friendly, well-sta!ed and
impeccably clean nursery located on
the north side of the narthex. Please
see an usher for directions.
Prayer: Olan Atchison, Linda Brady,
Wilfred Cross, Irv Ekelund, Paul Streich 6451 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 480-991-9878

5/19 6:30 p Haiti Mission Mtg Conf. Rm ..... .. ....
5/20 6:30 p Iron Study w/Frank Conf. Rm ..... .. .
5/21 7:00 p Youth Year-End Party TBD ..... .. ......
5/27-31 Jr. High Camp UCYC ............ ..............
6/23-27 Kids Camp 456 UCYC ............ ............
7/7-11 9:00 a VBS Campus . .. ...........................
7/12-16 Sr High Camp UCYC ............ ..............
Join a small group
and nd YOUR
Register for
Camps now!
Kids camp for current 3rd-5th
graders will be June 23-27. Only
two spots left! Cost is $285. Please
contact Stacy or go online to the
events page to register.
Jr. High - May 27-31 (current 6th
and 7th graders) and Sr. High -
July 12-16 (current 8th-12th graders)
with both groups going to UCYC.
#Total cost is $311 per student. #If
you have any questions, comments,
concerns, or awesome super hero/
villain name suggestions, please let
Katy know.
May 18th, the
youth group
will have
classes from
9-10 a.m. in the Forum and will
attend Watermark either with the
youth or their families at 10:30.
In the fall, teen choir will meet
during the 10:30 a.m. hour.#
VBS Coming July 7-11!
We are in need of
lots of volunteers
for this AWESOME
week! See Stacy
to nd out more.
Registration will
begin soon!
Haiti Informational Meeting
Monday, May 19, 6:30 p.m.
in the Conference Room

Those planning or considering joining us for our trip October 19-25, please
plan to attend this informative meeting. This will prepare each participant
with information about schedules, financing, and what to expect on a mission
trip to Northwest Haiti Christian Mission.
Graduate Sunday
is May 25th.
Please let Katy
Statler or the
front ofce know
of any graduates
from H.S., college or graduate
programs TODAY.
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Sage Event!
Greasewood Flat June 6th

Join us for dinner at Greasewood
Flat, a little western town, Friday,
June 6. We will meet there at 6:30.
Depending on how many join us
will determine if we can make
reservations. Sign up in the narthex
with Sara Perrine.

Sage is a group created especially
for our seasoned adults (45ish on
up). This group will
feature activities,
adventures, and
service projects
throughout the year.

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