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Miracle Mineral


Important Info

Please consider that the data given here supersedes the book

1. Telling if MMS will help the cancer – and MMS cancer protocol

2. The Standard MMS Protocol

3. Clara's 6 and 6 Protocol

4. When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition

5. Why chlorine dioxide remains in the body for up to 12 hours?

6. Chemo treatments and MMS.

7. Overcoming the taste of MMS.

8. Why anti oxidants to combat any excessive aging are not necessary?

9. Excerpts from “War Against Microbes” written by the Bradford Research Institute

1. Telling if MMS will help the cancer – and MMS cancer protocol

Here is something your doctor will never tell you, there has been a medical test for cancer that is 99% effective for
more than 25 years. It is more effective, less dangerous and cheaper than all other medical cancer tests.
It’s called AMAS cancer test. You don’t have to go to a doctor; the test is available on the Internet. The cost
is $165. The kit is free, you take a smear of your own blood and send it in and pay when the results are ready. The
test is for specific cancer antibodies that will be present. Go to I have no financial
interest what so ever.

You can get an idea if the MMS will handle the problem by evaluating the nausea. That is, if you start out at
say one drop or even 1/2 drop and it does not make you nauseous and then you begin to increase the drops
twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. That is if 1/2 drop doesn't make you nauseous in
the morning, then in the evening or late afternoon try one full drop. Then the next morning take two drops and (1 of 7) [3/20/2008 5:23:04 PM]

Miracle Mineral

in the evening 3 drops. Sooner or later the number of drops is going to make you nauseous. You then take a
drop or two less the next dose for a time or two and continue to increase the drops. You are always looking for
the nauseous point, taking less for a time or two and attempting to take more.

You will be able to know if it is going to help you if you can continue to pass the nausea point and increase
the drops. What is happening is that when nausea hits, some of the cancer has been destroyed and it is now
a poison that the body can clear out. Being able to clear out this poison is a part of it. The body can clear
this poison out but it might generate some nausea in the process, or diarrhea or even vomiting. That’s not
bad. The idea is that as the cancer is destroyed the body must clean out the poisons. As the cancer is destroyed
the body can tolerate more and more drops. That’s the indicator, is the body being able to tolerate more and
more drops? If you find that you finally can increase the drops without getting nauseous it is an indicator that
the body is doing it's job.
In the case of cancer, you have got to work at it. You start out slowly but increase quickly. At first you might
just take the drops twice a day, but as you find you can do it twice a day without nausea, then increase to
three times a day, and then four, and even as much as five times a day.

What would indicate that you are not getting well is if the body got nauseous every time you take a dose no matter
what amount of dose it is, and the body never seems to be able to increase the doses without nausea. If you
can take say two drops at a time without nausea and you get nausea when you go to three drops, you may have
to tolerate the nausea for a short time, but if the nausea always occurs when you take three drops, it shows
that you are not gaining on the cancer. That can happen if the cancer is growing faster than the MMS is killing
it. There is, however, always hope. One way would be instead of increasing the number of drops, increase
the number of times that you take drops during the day. Read below. There are other items that can help. Never,
however, in any case stop taking the MMS.

So if there is an indication that one is not improving, then I suggest the following direction. Purchase some
Indian Herb from Kathleen in texas. It costs $60 a vial and that is plenty. Phone 806 647-1741 She has a
thousand letters from people who have been helped. She and her father have been selling the Indian herb for
over 60 years. When you get this herb use it with the MMS to get the best results.

The AMAS cancer test listed above gives anyone a fantastic advantage. One can do a test,
use the MMS for several weeks or a month and then do a second test to see how much improvement has taken
place or to see if any improvement has happened at all.

When I mention drops of MMS I always mean add 5 times that many drops of lemon, lime, or citric acid
solution, wait three minutes and then add 1/3 to 2/3 glass of water or juice and drink. Never use MMS without
the addition of lemon, lime, or citric acid or in an emergency if you have no citric acids, use vinegar. Use
only apple, grape, or pineapple juice without added vitamin C or ascorbic acid or see #6 below for overcoming
the taste.

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2. The Standard MMS Protocol

Note: When following the instructions below, keep this paragraph in mind. Always activate the MMS drops with
one of the food acids, either lemon juice drops, or lime juice drops, or citric acid solution drops (to make citric
acid solution add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid and 9 tablespoons of water. Store it in a bottle with a lid.)
Always use 5 drops of one of these food acids to each one drop of MMS, mix in a empty dry glass and wait at
least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 glass of water or juice and drink. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to
10 minutes, and after adding the juice or water you can wait up to an hour before drinking.)

1. All protocol for taking MMS in the Americas starts with one or two drops. Never start with more than one or (2 of 7) [3/20/2008 5:23:04 PM]

Miracle Mineral

two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop. Activate the drops as given above.

2. If you do OK and do not notice nausea on the first dose, increase by one drop for the second dose. If you notice
nausea reduce the amount of MMS for the next dose. Do two doses a day, one in the morning and one in the
evening. Continue to increase by one drop each time you take a new dose. When you notice nausea, reduce
the dose by one drop, or bad diarrhea reduce by 2 or 3 drops. Usually reduce for one or two times before
going back the amount that it took to make you nauseous.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting that is not a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off
poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not
have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real
diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is
gone, the diarrhea is gone.

3. Continue to follow the procedure given in 2 above. Until you reach 15 drops twice a day without nausea. At
that point increase to 3 times a day. Stay at 3 times a day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to
6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people.
Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone
from your body. Your body will be clean. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load.
You can base you diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load. The diabetes will be gone, thus you no
longer need to worry about sugar. You won't have to worry about the pancreas over reacting thus giving you
a shock of insulin. Instead it will give you just enough insulin to knock the blood sugar lever to the right level (You
won't feel sleepy after eating a candy bar). Your body will then be able to easily adsorb vitamins and minerals and
many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by. Do not
quit taking the MMS.

For Children: The protocol for children is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make
a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops
as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with
1/2 drop and increase to one drop up to 2 drops, but no more. So if you give 1/2 drop in the morning wait until the
afternoon before giving 1 drop and then the next morning for 2 drops. It the baby or child should become
nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller
doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses.

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3. Clara's 6 and 6 Protocol

For people who have pain, flu, colds, pneumonia, or other diseases that are not generally considered
incurable. When people are very sick and in bed they should use the standard protocol #2 above and start out
with a tiny dose.

I've named this new protocol Clara's because she was the first to really apply it consistently. You may have
read the last chapter in the second edition of the book The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century for
sale on this Web Site ( You will recall that there were a number of success stories about
Clara treating people in her home. Since then I have rented an office from Clara and her mother and I have
seen quite a few more people come in. Last night 12/14/07 a lady about 65 years old and her husband arrived
to buy some MMS and Clara always gives them a 6 drop dose, has them wait one hour, and then she has them
mix the next dose to make sure that they have it right. Then she has them wait a few minutes up to an hour
before they leave.

Both the right hand and the right foot of the lady that came in last night was completely paralyzed. She came (3 of 7) [3/20/2008 5:23:04 PM]

Miracle Mineral

in with a walker but she could not hold on to the walker so her husband had to hold her to the walker. It was
a chore getting in the door. Clara gave her a 6 drop dose with 30 drops of citric acid as the activator, she
waited the 3 minutes as always and then added 1/2 glass of water and handed it to the lady. The lady lifted
the glass with with some difficultly to her mouth with her left hand as her sciatica (lower back pain) was also
paining her. Within 40 minutes she was starting to feel a reduction of pain in her back and some tingling in
her hand. At 60 minutes she could slightly move several fingers. Clara handed her another 6 drop identical
drink. As we waited for the second hour to pass, Clara called me in from the office. The lady was exercising
her hand. She had complete mobility in her hand and she had her shoe off and was exercising her toes. In
fact she was exercising her entire foot and she could move her toes and other muscles better than most people
I know. When she left, she was still using the walker, but her husband didn't have to help her and her lower
back pain was gone. I could see that she would be walking without that walker in a few days. This is not
unusual. It happens around here all the time.

So this is "Clara's 6 and 6 protocol" for MMS. It is simple. It's for most conditions.

Step No. 1. Put 6 drops of MMS in a glass and add 30 drops of 10% solution of citric acid, or 30 drops of
lemon juice, or 30 drops of lime juice. Shake the glass so that the acid and MMS are mixed and wait at least
3 minutes. A little longer is OK in case you walked away and forgot. 10 or 15 minutes would be OK as the
solution remains at about the same strength. Then add about 1/2 glass of water to the solution and drink. You
can also use a juice that does not have added vitamin C. Use apple juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, or
cranberry juice.

Step No. 2. Wait one hour and do exactly the same thing as in step No. 1. Normally the person will
experience some relief within two hours of taking the first dose especially if he goes ahead and takes the
second dose. Of course, here is no guarantee. If the person does or does not experience relief he should go to
7 and 7 that is a 7 drop dose and in one hour a second 7 drop dose, but he should do this only if he did not get sick.
By getting sick I'd mean that he was nauseous for more than 10 minutes or he vomited, or he had diarrhea. In the
case he did get sick you should not increase to 7 and 7, but rather again do 6 and 6. If he was very sick it would
be best to drop back more, such as 3 and 3, but that seldom happens. Normally do 6 and 6 until one can tolerate
it without being nauseous, and then begin increasing to 7 and 7, etc.

In all cases one should begin increasing towards 15 and 15 or he could revert to the Standard protocol as
given above and increase as quickly as reasonable to 15 drops and then increase to 15 drops twice a day or
3 times a day for one week as explained below.

The general goal of the number of drops that anyone should take is 15 drops 2 or 3 times a day and of course, less
for children. For children normally it would be 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 KG) of body weight. This number
of drops, 15, would be OK twice a day for a grown up that weighed 150 pounds (68.1 KG) or less and 15
drops three times a day for a grown up weighing over 150 pounds. This number of drops pretty well
ensures that one's body is completely free of pathogenic microorganisms and heavy
metals. Once one has reached this goal for a week, he should drop back to a maintenance level of one 6
drop dose twice a week. (In all cases when drops of MMS are mentioned we also mean that 5 drops of lemon,
or lime, or citric solution is added for each 1 drop of MMS and one then waits 3 minutes before adding water
or juice and consuming it.)

Of course, the goal of it all is not being sick. So take 6 drops twice a week. If you feel the flu coming on, then
do the Clara 6 and 6 protocol as described above. You will have the flu for no more that 12 to 24 hours and usually
less than 6 hours after taking your 2nd dose. That's not enough power to do you harm. The 6 drops twice a week
keeps your immune system strong and the pathogens weak. You probably remember from school that there are
always pathogens in your body. The 6 drops keeps them at bay.

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Miracle Mineral

4. When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition

When MMS seems to bring on any bad condition that is always a good indication as any change is an
indication that MMS is doing its job which is killing bad bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast, or parasites and
leaving poisons caused by the dead organisms. These poisons cause a reaction know as the herxheimer reaction.

In all cases where any negative appearing reaction takes place, immediately reduce the number of drops you
are taking. The greater the reaction the more drops that you should reduce in your next dose. Start back at 1
drop or even 1/2 drop but do not stop taking the MMS. On the other hand, if possible, only reduce 1 or 2
drops. But always drop back in drops. Do not make yourself sick. There is no indication that maintaining
a constant diarrhea is of benefit. That mainly depletes your system of minerals and water. Always drop back to
the point where the drops are not making you sick and continue by following the normal protocol given in 2.
above. Remember, DO NOT CONTINUE TO MAKE YOURSELF SICK OR NAUSEOUS. That has not proven
to be advantageous.

Even when you are taking MMS in small quantities it is killing pathogens. Always stay just below the level where
it is making you sick.


1. Do not continue to make yourself sick

2. Never stop taking MMS.

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5. Why chlorine dioxide remains in the body for up to 12 hours?

Each single ion (piece) of chlorine dioxide only lasts for 2 hours; however, a dose of MMS continues to release
ions of chlorine dioxide for about 12 hours. That is, the MMS dose releases less and less chlorine dioxide
until finally at the end of 12 hours it is no longer active. Again, each individual chlorine dioxide ion only lasts
2 hours. It then turns into chloride (table salt), discharged oxygen, and another component that the immune
system always needs. It leaves nothing behind to build up, or to create side effects.

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6. Chemo treatments and MMS.

I have had no one indicate a problem between and MMS and chemotherapy pills. There have been many who have
mentioned that they were doing both, but the fact that no one mentioned a problem does not mean that one
does not exist. So long as the treatments are kept separated by over 4 hours, I do not know of a problem. Chemo
destroys the immune system. No one can argue that point. The evidence that is available that shows that
chemo prolonged someone’s life is always in question. The medical people get excited when a new drug extends
one’s life from 10 months to 12 months. The MMS builds the immune system up. Chemo tears it down.
Hopefully one would wind up with no damage done when taking both. When considering identical cancers in
my opinion, MMS has a better chance of extending life for 20 years or more than Chemo has of extending life
for two months.

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Miracle Mineral

7. Overcoming the taste.

Follow one of the suggestions below:

Method 1: Mix your dose of MMS in any strength that you happen to be using at the time and use one of
the juices listed below. You should be using 1/3 to 1/2 glass of juice. In addition to that, you should add two
to three teaspoons of citric acid solution to the juice before adding to the MMS. If you find that these juices are
a little strong for your stomach, just be sure to drink a glass of water or even two glasses of water
immediately following the ingestion of the MMS and juice. See the paragraph below for the exact sequence.

So let me cover that one more time so you have the exact sequence. Mix your MMS with 5X lime, lemon, or
citric acid as you normally would. Wait the 3 minutes as you normally would. Now before you add the juice to
the MMS glass add two or three teaspoons of 10% citric acid solution to the juice and then ad it to the MMS. Drink
that and then if your stomach is a little sensitive be sure to drink one or two glasses of water.

ABOUT BUYING THE JUICES: You can find Black Cherry concentrate by RW Knudsen that does not have
added vitamin C. Pomegranate juice can often be found in health food stores, or frozen concentrates area
in supermarkets or in very large supermarkets in the juice area. Cranberry juice is everywhere, except it is hard
to find that does not have vitamin C added, but it is available. Buy it in the concentrate form if necessary. The
addition of the citric acid eliminates the revulsion that many people develop to the MMS drink. Please try it as
you will be needing it if you are one of those who cannot stand the taste. Good luck.

Method 2: First, make sure that you have a supply of 10% citric acid as given in FAQ #2 above and buy
some fructose from the health food store. Fructose is a sugar that does not cause a rise in blood sugar (so long
as you are not diabetic) and is somewhat like eating an apple so far as sugar is concerned.

Step 1: Begin by making a new solution as follows. Take ½ glass of water and add 4 teaspoons of your citric
acid solution, and then add 2 heaping teaspoons of fructose. Stir until the fructose is dissolved with the citric acid in
the glass.

Step 2: Activate the number of drops of MMS that you are now taking with 5X the number of citric acid drops.
Wait the standard 3 minutes. It should now be a yellow colour. Pour the yellow activated MMS into the ½ glass
of water, citric acid and fructose. Give the smell a chance to dissipate or turn on a fan to blow the smell away.

Step 3: Don’t try to drink the entire ½ glass of MMS and citric acid at one time. Sip it for the next couple of
hours washing each sip down with some water. Do this even if you have the flu, a cold, or pneumonia. It will
be much easier and more effective against the sickness.

Notes: As long as you can see a slight yellowish or yellowish green colour in the glass you know that it has not
lost its strength. It should last up to 4 hours. MMS is actually more effective when taken in this manner as the
body is continuously supplied with fresh MMS as you sip. The ½ glass maintains a fresh supply of dioxide particles
as old dioxide particles go off into the air or are dissipated in the glass. When taken instantly, instead of sipping, the
MMS becomes diluted in the body, and the dioxide is generated much slower, thus it is less effective than sipping.

8. Why anti oxidants to combat any excessive aging are not necessary?

There is no worry about causing aging or oxidizing healthy cells or killing good bacteria. It doesn’t do that. For over
50 years chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been used in many water supplies throughout the world because it
only oxidizes the anaerobic bacteria or other anaerobic microorganisms. It is very picky about what it oxidizes.
That is one of the main issues that make it useful to the human race. I’m talking about a characteristic of (6 of 7) [3/20/2008 5:23:04 PM]

Miracle Mineral

ClO2 that’s been known for over 50 years. This is a characteristic that is not true of oxygen, or ozone, or
hydrogen peroxide, or any other oxidizer that is used in the human body. ClO2 is the only highly selective
oxidizer known. You don’t have to protect the body from the small quantities ClO2 generated by MMS. It
simply does not oxidize any beneficial bacteria or body cells. No side effects have been reported in hundreds
of thousands of clinical trials and tests. You might want to read about the selective nature of ClO2. Just look
up Chlorine Dioxide as a water purification chemical or read my book.

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9. Excerpts from the research paper “War Against Microbes” written by the
Bradford Research Institute.

“The following is a description of the characterization and mechanism of action of Dioxychlor(TM), researched
and developed by American Biologies(TM), as relates to its antiviral, antibacterial, antimycoplasmal and
antifungal activities. Dioxychlor(TM) has been in clinical use for over fifteen years with tens of thousands
of infusions at the Amerian Biologies(TM) Intergrative Hospital and Medical Center as well as other clinics
and hospitals throughout the world.

To understand fully the action of Dioxychlor on target organisms, it is necessary to describe in detail the chemical
structure of this oxidant as well as the biochemical structure of substances found in these target organisms
with which Dioxychlor(TM) interacts. These targets include viruses (the nucleic acides, RNA, DNA), bacteria
and fungi.”
Dioxychlor(TM) is available on the Internet for sale and the entire scientific paper is available as well. The
formula although somewhat weaker than MMS is the exact same chemical. (TM stands for Trade Mark). Go to
Google and search Dioxychlor.

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We hope you enjoy this information and use the MMS as soon as possible. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time
to investigate these claims. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. The Author

Copyright 2008 Miracle Mineral. All rights reserved.

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Oncolab's AMAS Cancer Test

NEWS UPDATE: Oncolab Outlines Applications for AMAS Antibody Test for Cancer as a Chronic Disease at
NAAS Conference in San Antonio

San Antonio, TX (PRWeb) May 3, 2007 -- At the NAAS annual conference, Oncolab presented the AMAS antibody-based
test for cancer and described aspects of the current healthcare environment which make the test so important. The
presentation emphasized the impact that the AMAS test can have on early detection and effective treatment of
recurrences or first occurrences of cancer. A preventative approach to cancer, coupling the AMAS test with powerful
new imaging and diagnostic techniques that are now increasingly in use, should be a powerful driver to help contain
and reduce healthcare costs.

The AMAS test, a diagnostic test which tests for circulating levels of a specific antibody, provides a unique tool for
monitoring cancer patients in remission. The antibodies bind specifically to a 10,000 molecular weight protein found in a
wide range of cancers. Because it monitors an aspect of the body's immune response to cancer, rather than cancer
antigens or cancer cells in the bloodstream, the AMAS test is especially accurate early in the recurrence or first
occurrence of cancer, when clinical signs of the disease may not be evident or may just be emerging.

Patients in remission after successful cancer therapy, or a healthy normal population, generally have normal circulating
levels of the antibody assayed in the test. AMAS's low false positive rate, shown to be 5% in double-blind clinical
studies, means that elevated results on the test are highly suspicious for a recurrence or unrelated new occurrence of
cancer, and warrant further clinical investigation. While the AMAS test is not generally useful in advanced cancer, its
high sensitivity and specificity early in the disease allow it to be used to improve early detection of first occurrence and
recurrence of the disease.

The emergence of new imaging techniques such as MRI and CT scans provides a powerful complement to the AMAS
test's ability to flag early cancer occurrence and recurrence. With these tools, which are now becoming affordable and
widely used, it is often possible to find small malignancies, leading to early and effective clinical treatment. Survival
rates for cancers found early are generally much better than for those found later in the disease, and death rates,
treatment costs, and productivity losses can be minimized.

Information and Kits

Please contact us if you have any questions about the test. We can provide you with a free kit that includes a requsition
form to be signed by your doctor, all materials needed to prepare a sample for shipment, and a packet of reprints of
scientific articles about the test. (1 of 2) [3/20/2008 5:23:33 PM]

Oncolab's AMAS Cancer Test (2 of 2) [3/20/2008 5:23:33 PM]

Miracle Mineral


Success Stories

1. Two Weeks to Live

2. Chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs

3. Chronic dandruff all my life

4. Irregular and elevated heart rate

5. Multiple Sclerosis

1. Two Weeks to Live

This has been a very exciting week in many ways. The main event has been the girl I mentioned last time
Delwyn basically was given 2 weeks to live from her alternative GP with her cancer. She was confined to
a wheelchair. Her family had a special pre birthday gathering as they did not expect her to make it to her birthday.
She could only get up for 10 minutes at a time, and then only in her wheelchair, she was so weak & frail. Her
GP had heard about MMS (Stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement) and understood how it works in the body
and was very insistent that I get some over to her asap as he said only if we get something really effective into
her orally and also with God's intervention will she pull through this.

Eleven days latter from taking the MMS she is up and about has been going for walks the past week. Drove
herself down to the lake yesterday and walked the lake. Took part of a presentation yesterday and did very well,
as she
normally does.

Yes Our Father has intervened and we Praise Him!!

Joann Kyce

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2. Chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs

Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying life. I would like to share my testimonial with you if that is OK!

A little background. I have COPD, chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs. I have been on
oxygen for months and should have been on it much longer but doctors couldn't seem to agree as to what
was wrong. I was so weak before that to brush my teeth I needed to sit on a bar stool and lean onto the bathroom
counter on my elbows because I didn't have the strength to hold my body upright to simply brush my teeth.

I downloaded your books on 8/24 (2007) and ordered the MMS from David the same day. I received the
product on 8/28 and began taking it that day. That was on a Tuesday.

By Sunday 9/01 I felt so good that I went shopping for several hours without an oxygen tank. By the following
week I was totally off the oxygen, even at night and have been free of the oxygen tubes and tanks ever since.

The MMS has given me back my life. I can vacuum my floors, work in my yard and cook my meals, now. :-) and
I can brush my teeth standing at the bathroom sink, like everyone else does. This is the best I've felt in years
and I'm getting better everyday.

I wish to thank you for what you have done for me. I have sung your praises all across the Internet and also
to friends and family. Lots of these people have ordered your books and purchased the product because they
have seen the difference this has made in my life..

Again, thank you. Your product has literally saved my life.


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3. Chronic dandruff all my life

I’ve had chronic dandruff all my life. We are talking big snow flakes type of dandruff. If I didn’t wash my hair with
a strong dandruff shampoo every other day, the dandruff would reappear a day later. The prescription
shampoos didn’t do any good either. It got so bad that when scratching my scalp, I could actually get a
millimeters worth of dandruff under my fingernails. If I rubbed my scalp and hair lightly, dry flakes would fall as if
it was snowing.

I had tried all sorts of remedies specifically designed to treat this problem without any success. It is something
I had learned to live with all these years. I’m 55 years old now and still had this problem until recently.
Someone mentioned MMS on one of the forums online. With that I bought a copy of your book, read about
MMS and actually bought a couple of bottles from your friend in Canada.

Since I didn’t have any particular health problems (or so I thought), I just took it for maintenance purposes.
About 7-10 drops with half a tablespoon of vinegar in two ounces of water. I repeated this routine once or twice
a week.
A few days ago after ingesting the MMS for about two months, I noticed that my dandruff was completely gone.
I purposely skipped two days of shampooing and scratched my scalp just to test it, but I am happy to say

As a side note, I’ve also had better bowel movement since. (2 of 4) [3/20/2008 5:25:00 PM]

Miracle Mineral

Thank you, this was a God send.


(Note: I included this story to illustrate the point that most skin diseases, including melanoma, are or over come
by taking MMS internally. Normally, one does not need to put the MMS on the outside. Please don't use vinegar
as the activator. Use instead, lime, lemon, or citric acid solution. See the Technical Updates on this site.
Vinegar feeds candida.)

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4. Irregular and elevated heart rate

I'm 75 and have been into alternative health for over 35 years. Since age 18-20 I've had an intermittent
problem with irregular and elevated heart rate. Many things triggered the condition; Caffeine, stress, exercise...
It was always close to acting up. I know my stuff and tried a lot of things with no lasting success.On the fifth day
of MMS I took my blood pressure. As usual, it was normal or a bit low. The surprise was the heart rate, which
read 60!!! I felt the pulse and it was firm and rock steady. I attend a gym and often had, "After workout"
problems; High, irregular, pulse with a light-headed feeling. I've exercised since and the problem seems to
have cleared. I have more energy, the heart rate goes higher than it did (Good) and I sweat more (Good). As
soon as I stop there is steady recovery to resting heart rate. For me, this is close to a miracle. Jim: Use the
above as a testimonial, if you wish. Book 1 showed incidents of general apathy toward Africa. Terrible! I
support your mission, 100%.

Carl Lindert

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5. Multiple Sclerosis

Testimony of MMS usage from September 27th 2007 to March 2008.

I have taken MMS for 5 months. I have had Multiple Sclerosis and have improved my symptoms over the years with
many holistic therapies and treatments. I always found some of the symptoms would re occur in time. I came to
the belief that Multiple Sclerosis is pathogen based and the immune system is overwhelmed and started
attacking the central nervous system and myelin. I believe as long as the pathogens are active the MS disease
will remain a problem.

I found MMS and thought this is the answer to the pathogen problems. I started out very low and remained at
3 drops several times a day for over a month. I noticed my nails improving right away. They lost the dullness
and started to shine. they also lost the ridges and lumps. I noticed the white foam which I took to be yeast die off.
I have seen my pre cancer lumps drop off. I have seen lymph congestion diminish.. I have seen lymph
nodules reduced. The functions of my lungs, Kidneys, bowels, and skin, have improved. My balance
problems, aches and stiffness as well as spasms from MS have been absent for over two months. My sleep
and digestion are much improved. I am no longer snoring, My skin looks better and the age spots are gone. My
skin is starting to tighten on my arms, face, neck, upper and lower legs. My balance is much improved. My
stiffness has subsided. An ear infection which I have had for 10 years has cleared. My sinus is clearing and
my voice has changed due to open sinus passages. My voice is stronger. . I may have left out a few
improvements as there seems to be no area which MMS hasn't improved. (3 of 4) [3/20/2008 5:25:00 PM]

Miracle Mineral

I believe improvements are a result of doing the MMS protocol. I have worked up to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day.
I also am doing a lot to keep all systems evacuating. I also am taking enzymes although for the first month I
didn't do this. Hope this is helpful. Are you dealing with Systemic Yeast? Many people have Candida Yeast and it
is very destructive. I also have been diagnosed with Lime's disease, mycoplasma, Epstein Barr,
chlymedia pneumonia, Black Berry Mold infection and various staph infections. I am drinking more water and
my thirst has returned. I don't crave the foods or drinks which are bad for me.

Marlene WA

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We hope you enjoy this information and use the MMS as soon as possible. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time
to investigate these claims. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. The Author

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American Suppliers

Name Website / Email Phone

Kenneth Richardson

Denis Richard 702 353-0566

Global Light Network 888 236-2108

Merril Anderson 937 879-0402

888 839-6007
MMS Wholesale - Jim Benner
760 580-2121

PGL International 509 241-0545

Australian Suppliers

Name Website / Email Phone
Miracle MS 03 9737 0807
61 73357 5656
The MMS Experience
0419 179 389

MMS Australia Wholesale / Retail 0409-995738

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We hope you enjoy this information and use the MMS as soon as possible. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time
to investigate these claims. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. The Author

Copyright 2008 Miracle Mineral. All rights reserved.

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The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century

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We hope you enjoy this information and use the MMS as soon as possible. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time
to investigate these claims. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. The Author

Copyright 2008 Miracle Mineral. All rights reserved.

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MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

Buy MMS | About MMS | MMS Protocol | Resell MMS | Contact Us | Log In

* The MMS sold here is certified genuine and approved by Jim Humble.

About MMS - The Miracle Mineral Solution

Miracle Mineral Solution is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite in distilled

water. Though often referred to in acronym (i.e. "MMS"), an important distinction must be
made between Miracle Mineral Solution and the "MMS Protocol" established by
chemist and metallurgist Jim Humble and detailed exhaustively in his book, "Breakthrough,
the Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century".

When Miracle Mineral Solution is activated according to Jim Humble's protocol (1:5 drop
solution using vinegar with 5% acetic acid or greater, lemon or lime juice, or a
10% solution of citric acid), the chemical compound chlorine dioxide is produced. If
your privately intended use for Miracle Mineral Solution is to activate it in accordance with Jim
Humble's protocol, it is advised you read Mr. Humble's book and study the various third party
resources made available here for your convenience.

MMS Resources:

● FREE - Download Part I of Jim Humble's eBook, "Breakthrough, the Miracle

Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century"

● Listen to "Life Saving Chemistry", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio
interview with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "MMS: Simplified", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio interview
with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "MMS and Cancer", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio (1 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

interview with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "Valerie: An Early MMS User", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food"
radio interview with "Valerie"!

● Read "No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry - MMS De-Mystified",

Blogged by Adam Abraham, author of "I Am My Body, NOT!"

● Watch "Mix MMS" - A YouTube production explaining the MMS protocol

● Watch a child with malaria being administered MMS ("Mercy Drops") by a

physician (also here on YouTube)

What is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. Prominent uses include water
purification, oral hygiene, and more recently, oral supplementation. According to third party

Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial water treatment applications as a biocide

including cooling towers, process water and food processing.

Chlorine dioxide was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in
the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks.

Chlorine dioxide was also used after Hurricane Katrina (2005) to eradicate dangerous
mold from houses inundated by water from massive flooding.

Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine and superior for the control of
legionella bacteria.

Chlorine dioxide is more effective than chlorine against viruses, bacteria and
protozoa – including the cysts of Giardia and the oocysts of
Cryptosporidium (parasites).

Chlorine dioxide is the topic of author, scientist, chemist and humanitarian, Jim
Humble's book entitled, "Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of
the 21st Century". In Breakthrough, Humble describes how he discovered the
use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative treatment for Malaria, which has since led
to over 75,000 documented successful treatments of the disease in Africa. Humble's
research aims to establish MMS as a powerful alternative treatment to many pathogen- (2 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

borne diseases.
● Chlorine dioxide can be used to kill "disease-bearing bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi
and algae", including MRSA and other deadly pathogens.


● - Wikipedia, see "Uses"

● - Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral
Supplement of the 21st Century, by Jim Humble, available in hardcopy
or as a free download at
● - "New MRSA
Bacteria Killer Registered by EPA"

What is a Pathogen?

A pathogen is described as "any biological agent that causes disease or illness to

its host". Types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and

Examples and/or typical effects of Bacteria pathogens include:


● Urinary Tract Infection

● Peritonitis
● Typhoid
● Foodborne Illness (i.e. Salmonella, E. coli)
● Tuberculosis
● Anthrax
● Toxic Shock Syndrome
● Pneumonia
● Strep Throat
● Stomach Ulcers
● Tularemia
● Lyme Disease

Examples and/or typical effects of Virus pathogens include:


● HIV / AIDS (3 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

● Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E (liver disease)

● Herpes
● HPV (i.e. Genital Warts; HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of
nearly all cases of Cervical Cancer. )
● Warts
● Chickenpox, Smallpox, Cold Sores and Measles
● Colds, Influenza Virus (i.e. H5N1, "Bird flu")

Examples and/or typical effects of Protozoa pathogens include:


● Malaria
● Giardiasis
● Cryptosporidiosis
● Chagas Disease

Examples and/or typical effects of Fungi pathogens include:


● Opportunistic Pneumonia
● Ringworm
● Candidiasis (i.e. Yeast Infection)
● Histoplasmosis (i.e. "Darling's Disease")
● Cryptococcosis

Examples and/or typical effects of Parasite pathogens include:


● Roundworm
● Tapeworm

Examples and/or typical effects of Protein pathogens include:


● BSE (mad-cow disease)

● vCJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)

Source: (4 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

Important Third Party Resources:

● Jim Humble's website:

The Malaria Solution (website)

● Listen to "Life Saving Chemistry", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio
interview with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "MMS: Simplified", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio interview
with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "MMS and Cancer", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food" radio
interview with Jim Humble!

● Listen to "Valerie: An Early MMS User", Adam Abraham "Talk for Food"
radio interview with "Valerie"!

● Read "No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry - MMS De-Mystified",

Blogged by Adam Abraham, author of "I Am My Body, NOT!"

● Watch "Mix MMS" - A YouTube production explaining the MMS protocol

● Watch a child with malaria being administered MMS ("Mercy Drops") by a physician

Excerpts from the research paper “War Against Microbes”

written by the Bradford Research Institute.

“The following is a description of the characterization and mechanism of

action of Dioxychlor™, researched and developed by American Biologies™,
as relates to its antiviral, antibacterial, antimycoplasmal and antifungal
activities. Dioxychlor™ has been in clinical use for over fifteen years with
tens of thousands of infusions at the Amerian Biologies™ Intergrative
Hospital and Medical Center as well as other clinics and hospitals throughout
the world. (5 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

To understand fully the action of Dioxychlor on target organisms, it is

necessary to describe in detail the chemical structure of this oxidant as well
as the biochemical structure of substances found in these target organisms
with which Dioxychlor™ interacts. These targets include viruses (the nucleic
acides, RNA, DNA), bacteria and fungi.”

The formula known as Dioxychlor™ is the same active ingredient derived

from MMS, only weaker.



Attention: Statements of nutritional support are NOT provided herein. Statements

expressed herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any
information provided herein is for educational purposes only and is NOT meant to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent disease. You agree that no responsibility or liability will be incurred to
any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused
directly or indirectly by the information contained herein. Please consult your physician when
using this product.

We encourage US citizens to familiarize themselves with The Dietary Supplement

Health and Education Act of 1994.

DSHEA information:


For your safety, we offer ***exclusive*** GMP bottled product complete

with tamper proof induction seals and shrink wrapped neck bands.

UK Health Alert! Norovirus reaches epidemic levels!

© 2007-2008 | FatCrush - PGL International (6 of 6) [3/20/2008 7:10:02 PM]

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