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3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job.

- HR Ineie Qeion and Ane

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Describe your ideal company, location and job.
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G said: (Wed, Feb 22, 2012 08:56:16 PM)

Well sir ideal job is like were I use my skills for the growth of the firm and a freindly environment wer I will be happy with my collegus and
also wer I get respect.
Ideal locaion is like the office should be in my home town and should be less than 10 km away from my home place :P.
Ideal company is like the comapny which provieds me an oppurtunity in every aspect and encourge in bulding up my skills and knowlege
thank you.
V C(1) Y ... +8 -0
A said: (Mon, Jan 23, 2012 11:56:49 AM)

Ideal company: a company which provides me good environment to enhance my knowledge would be definitely a great company for me.
Ideal location: a location where I can enjoy my days is ideal location for me.
Ideal job : simply where I can enjoy my work and could get opportunity to enhance my knowledge.
3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job. - HR Ineie Qeion and Ane
Ideal job : simply where I can enjoy my work and could get opportunity to enhance my knowledge.
V C(1) Y ... +34 -0
R said: (Sat, Dec 31, 2011 08:19:45 PM)

I think,every job and place is ideal.
its upto us how we adap to the environment and enhance our skill.
V C(6) Y ... +77 -6
R said: (Mon, Dec 19, 2011 11:44:37 PM)

Job- which provides me good environment and enhance my skills.
Location- suitable to settle my family in dat city.
Company -nice environment and which deserves me.
N Y ... +9 -6
N said: (Fri, Dec 9, 2011 01:21:06 PM)

Any company which would provide me the platform to enhance and utilise my skills that I have learned.
There is no particular dream location form me because I feel best best location where I'm working.
V C(2) Y ... +6 -3
N said: (Fri, Dec 2, 2011 11:45:29 AM)

A company which satisfies my financial,emotional and aspirational needs is an ideal company for me. The location and job profile should
again add on to my overall satisfaction level.
N Y ... +22 -2
S said: (Wed, Nov 23, 2011 12:00:22 PM)

My ideal company is the one which i have come for now.
My location is the one where i find good environment to proceed with the work.
My job is to interview creative persons like me from the position where you are.
(Some naughty answers also works)
V C(1) Y ... +8 -16
A said: (Mon, Nov 14, 2011 11:17:35 PM)

Ideal company- a company which enhances your competance level, offer you oppurtunities, which belives in working as team and grow as
an individual and has a clear definite vision for both the employee and organisation.
Ideal location- an ideal location will be where a person when wake in the morning in his home, never says that '' oh. Again office''.
Ideal job- an ideal job would be where employee can enjoy his work, use his skills, make others happ and the most important get respect.
V C(9) Y ... +94 -1
B said: (Tue, Nov 1, 2011 01:09:26 PM)

My ideal job is one where I can utilize and improve my skills and through that i'll get satisfaction and I'll get recognition from my boss...
My ideal location is one where i can get the chance to meet the different color people...
My ideal company is one which is professional managed and identify the employer's skills and give the recognition..
N Y ... +19 -1
P said: (Sat, Oct 15, 2011 11:04:08 PM)

Sir, The location doesn't matter for me as long as the job I am doing gives me enough room to develop myself and my thoughts for the
benefit of the company.
N Y ... +13 -3
3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job. - HR Ineie Qeion and Ane
A said: (Sat, Sep 10, 2011 11:22:02 PM)

Sir my ideal job is where I like the people, working environment, and my work.
My ideal company is which gives me more and more knowledge and enhance my skills and everyplace is ideal for me.
V C(6) Y ... +101 -2
K said: (Mon, Sep 5, 2011 02:43:20 PM)

There is nothing called as ideal company and ideal location. It purely depends on individual and his boss. The relation between them
decides the company to be good for them.
N Y ... +31 -7
N S said: (Tue, Aug 30, 2011 01:40:51 PM)

Company will be any type. But it will recognise my work and it should give me satisfaction, location also doesn't matter, work will be work
that doesn't depend on any workplace.
V C(2) Y ... +11 -3
V said: (Sat, Aug 27, 2011 02:24:55 AM)

Who will give the importance for employees views&, ideas that is my dream company. It helps growth to both company and employee. I
would like to do job in my core field I can adapt easily to any environment.
N Y ... +6 -2
A said: (Sat, Aug 20, 2011 01:26:58 PM)

The company which offers me an opportunistic environment and growth is ideal for me.
About location, i am not location specific. I just want to be a part of such a company wherever it is.
And ideal job for me is the one which develops my skills and makes me feel energetic by doing it.
V C(8) Y ... +79 -4
M S said: (Fri, Jun 24, 2011 02:34:16 AM)

A job Where I Love The work, Like the people, can contribute and Can not wait to get the Work.
Satisfaction of my team Members & customer.
A Job Where I will Get New Ideas.
A job challenge me to do something new.
A job Helps to me to learn new things and grow my skilss and knowledge.
V C(21) Y ... +143 -5
R said: (Mon, May 9, 2011 01:49:09 PM)

My ideal job is one which enhance my latent skills.
My ideal location is one which suits me inorder to improve the value of the company.
My ideal company is one which gives me an opportunity to explore my thoughts.
V C(1) Y ... +36 -4
V said: (Sun, Mar 20, 2011 10:54:58 AM)

Ideal company-which one i deserved according to my knoweldge
Ideal location-as per my ability
Idael job- as per my skills and knoweldge
3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job. - HR Ineie Qeion and Ane
Idael job- as per my skills and knoweldge
V C(1) Y ... +9 -20
A said: (Sat, Feb 12, 2011 11:22:09 AM)

Ideal job is a work thhat helps to applicable my theortical knowledge in a practical way and gives better results. Ideal company with every
one coperation creats the path to reach vision and mission of my company.
N Y ... +2 -4
U said: (Fri, Feb 11, 2011 01:17:26 AM)

Ideal company means, at my sight, a company which works at warm environment, and uses employee skills, and technologies in a proper
Ideal location means, the company should be comfortable at the place where the employee feel comfortable.
Ideal job means: Which gives the challenges to employee and gives the opportunity to utilize their skills and to update their skills.
V C(1) Y ... +4 -1
P said: (Tue, Feb 8, 2011 02:49:00 PM)

Enjoy my work enjoy my company and at the same time gaining knowledge and learning new responsibilities! and the location does not
interfere me as long as the atmosphere conditions are ideal!.
N Y ... +2 -0
R said: (Sun, Jan 16, 2011 07:26:25 AM)

ideal workplace would be that gives me peace of mind and has a positive environment
V C(1) Y ... +6 -0
D said: (Tue, Jan 4, 2011 07:55:23 PM)

my ideal company is one that i can do my job in a friendly atmosphere which provide importance to each and every person based on their
V C(2) Y ... +2 -1
D K said: (Thu, Dec 16, 2010 01:23:59 AM)

The word ideal means perfect from all perspective. So according to me, a company which gives me room to do something and prove my
worth is the ideal company. And a place where there is healthy environment to do job is an ideal location. And lastly, the job which I was
thinking about will be my ideal job.
V C(1) Y ... +2 -0
J said: (Thu, Dec 2, 2010 11:01:06 AM)

Where I enjoyed my work thats my ideal job and where I learn more things and gain working experience thats my ideal company,
everyplace is ideal for me if it suits on my body.
V C(3) Y ... +7 -2
D said: (Tue, Nov 23, 2010 03:48:39 AM)

I used to love to my job rather than company so the company which gives me encouraging atmosphere to perform my job better is the Ideal
V C(2) Y ... +4 -1
L said: (Tue, Nov 16, 2010 12:58:01 PM)

The company which provide me with a challenging environment, competitive peers and a scope to update my skills... would be my choice!.
N Y ... +2 -1
3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job. - HR Ineie Qeion and Ane
N Y ... +2 -1
V said: (Wed, Oct 27, 2010 07:06:28 AM)

Sir this is a typical question I have never faced. But I can answer this question.
I am not in a restaurant to order a company of such flavours I require. I have to be a good employee and a good human being towards the
company. If one asks me pointedly I can set up my own business.
V C(1) Y ... +4 -9
R K said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 01:23:50 AM)

Where the Healthy competition among staff to reach goals and prove our self the BEST.
V C(1) Y ... +0 -6
A said: (Wed, Sep 8, 2010 02:06:22 AM)

My ideal company and job related to my field of interest. And place of work doesn't matter me.
N Y ... +3 -0
R N said: (Sun, Sep 5, 2010 11:15:43 AM)

Sir, for me the ideal company is one where I can learn and do new things and for this every place in world is ideal for me if it suites my body.
And ideal job will the one where I can achieve before said things.
N Y ... +0 -4
R said: (Fri, Sep 3, 2010 02:29:53 PM)

The company which'll give me job satisfaction and better recognition. The place where I'll get a peaceful and friendly environment.
V C(1) Y ... +6 -0
V said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 06:22:01 AM)

A good company with good environment and all the people working in the company should mingle with others easily and helping freshers in
any aspects (in the sense only the things they can support) and more over work should me done in something like sometimes funny and
sometimes professional way (where it is needed).
N Y ... +2 -0
U C said: (Thu, Aug 19, 2010 03:14:59 PM)

Ideal company - Which deserves me.
Ideal location - Which I deserve.
Ideal Job - Which makes me a deserving person.
V C(38) Y ... +130 -21
M E said: (Fri, Aug 6, 2010 02:32:45 AM)

Which in healthy environment with proper dicipline
V C(1) Y ... +3 -1
S said: (Tue, Jul 6, 2010 12:46:46 PM)

Good company and in that staff are helpful to juniors, good environment...
V C(1) Y ... +1 -1
3/17/12 Decibe o ideal compan, locaion and job. - HR Ineie Qeion and Ane
S T said: (Tue, Jun 15, 2010 09:16:52 AM)

Ideally, I would like to work in a fun, warm environment with individuals working independently towards team goals or individual goals.
I am not concerned about minor elements, such as dress codes, cubicles, and the level of formality.
Most important to me is peaceful atmosphere that fosters attention to quality, honesty, and integrity.
V C(1) Y ... +4 -2
D , .

Please do not use chat terms. Example: avoid using "grt" instead of "great".
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