Brewer Responds To SD Republican Party's Staggering $130,000 Donation To Dumanis

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ICk IMMLDIA1L kLLLASL Contact: Alex 8oLh

May 16, 2014 619-228-3233

8rewer kesponds to SD kepub||can arty's
Stagger|ng 5130,000 Donat|on to Duman|s

ulsLrlcL ALLorney candldaLe 8ob 8rewer released Lhe followlng sLaLemenL ln response Lo Lhe
dlsclosure LhaL Lhe local 8epubllcan arLy has glven a sLaggerlng $130,000 Lo Lhe uumanls

"1he kepub||can arty |s |n[ect|ng part|san po||t|cs |nto the D|str|ct Attorney's Cff|ce by
dump|ng an unheard-of 5130,000 |nto kepub||can 8onn|e Duman|s' campa|gn. And because
a|| of th|s was funne|ed through the party, we'|| never know the true source of these funds.
1h|s |s exact|y why we need a non-po||t|ca| and non-part|san DA comm|tted to pub||c safety,
not po||t|cs. 1he |ncumbent's po||t|ca| act|v|t|es have done ma[or damage to the cred|b|||ty of
her off|ce. ner dec|s|on to accept 5130,000 from a pure|y po||t|ca| source w||| on|y further
erode the pub||c's conf|dence |n her."

1he enormous donaLlon ls posslble because of an appellaLe courL rullng and a recenL change ln
local law. A federal appeals courL rullng ln 2011 forced Lhe CounLy 8oard of Supervlsors Lo
address Lhe lssue of resLrlcLlons on donaLlons by a pollLlcal parLy.

Cn SepLember 10, 2013, Lhe Su CounLy 8oard of Supervlsors approved Crdlnance number
10284. 1haL ordlnance amended Lhe San ulego CounLy Code of 8egulaLory Crdlnances as lL
applled Lo campalgn flnance requlremenLs. 8efore Lhls organlzaLlonal conLrlbuLlons were
llmlLed. lor example, Lhe 8epubllcan arLy of San ulego CounLy was llmlLed Lo conLrlbuLlng
$300 Lo a San ulego CounLy candldaLe. 1hls was SecLlon 32.923. Powever, wlLh Lhls
amendmenL, SecLlon 32.923(3) now sLaLes, "1he Lerms of Lhls secLlon are noL appllcable Lo
conLrlbuLlons made by pollLlcal parLles afLer !anuary 2, 2013." 1hls means LhaL pollLlcal parLles
may conLrlbuLe unLlMl1Lu amounLs Lo San ulego CounLy candldaLes such as uA.


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