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6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC

Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: learning conditions ........................................................................................................ 2
1.1 General information: ........................................................................... 2
1.2 Trainees: ............................................................................................. 2
1.3 Level of Trainees: ................................................................................ 2
1.4 Classroom: .......................................................................................... 3
1.5 College: .............................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2: curriculum analysis........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Course information ............................................................................. 4
2.2 Course Description: ............................................................................. 4
2.3 General Course: .................................................................................. 4
2.4 Specific Objective: ............................................................................... 4
2.5 Content .............................................................................................. 5
2.6 Units: ................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 3: Content Analysis ........................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Speaking without tongue ..................................................................... 5
3.2 Modulation: ........................................................................................ 6
3.3 What is modulation ............................................................................. 6
3.4 Why we use it ..................................................................................... 6
3.5 Types of modulation: ........................................................................... 7
3.6 Analog modulation .............................................................................. 7
3.7 Amplitude modulation ......................................................................... 8
3.8 Video................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 4: Didactic Analysis ......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Didactic Principle of Reduction, Motivation and Methodical Change .... 10
4.2 Didactic Principle of Vividness: ........................................................... 10
4.3 Didactic Principle of Self activity and Vividness: ................................... 11
4.4 Didactic Principle of securing Information: .......................................... 11
Chapter 5: Lesson plan ................................................................................................................. 12
5.1 General Information .......................................................................... 12
5.2 Objectives ......................................................................................... 12
5.3 Overview of the Intended Process ...................................................... 13
5.4 Applied Didactic Principle: .................................................................. 16
5.5 References: ....................................................................................... 16

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

Chapter 1: learning conditions
1.1 General information:
College of Telecommunication and Information (CTI) which I
am going to teach there. This lesson will be on Tuesday at
8:00am. The classroom is 7.2.15 in the telecommunication
building. The specialization of the trainees which I am going to
teach them is TE-6.
1.2 Trainees:
Hometown Age Former
Certification Grade
1 Riyadh 22 CTI/Riyadh Diploma 91%
2 Riyadh 20 COT/Dammam Diploma 90%
3 Riyadh 20 CTI/Jeddah Diploma 84%
4 Medina 20 CTI/Medina Diploma 87%
5 Riyadh 22 COT/Hassa Diploma 83%
6 Riyadh 20 COT/Abha Diploma 95%
7 Riyadh 21 COT/Abha Diploma 87%
8 Riyadh 20 High school 88%
9 Riyadh 21 High school 90%
10 Riyadh 20 High school 85%
11 Riyadh 20 High school 91%
12 Riyadh 22 High school 84%
13 Riyadh 20 High school 94%
14 Riyadh 21 High school 80%
1.3 Level of Trainees:
There are 14 trainees in a class. Each one has different level of
knowledge in every things. For example number 1 - 6 has good
thing for math a little bit, number 7 and 8 can understand
anything for one time, number 9 he is good but he need just to
focus, number 10 - 12 always challenge any one like when I
give the students something to solve it they already solve before
their friend finish. After that, numbers 13 and 14 does not like
save information just like understanding. In additional, all of
them cannot speak English language very well. So, the need to
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

improve their self. Also the most of them come later on a class
except 2or 5 people usually coming on time because there live
near from this college and the mean reason is the accidents on
their road but all the students have responsibilities of their study.
In my opinion, TE-7 is amazing class and I am happy to teach
them and to improve them.
1.4 Classroom:
The classroom is 7.2.15 which I will teach the students there.
The classroom is up to date for the projector and the classroom
has a good equipment. Furthermore, it has just one whiteboards
and it use for the projector so, that mean it's not enough
whiteboard. The classroom has no computer . Also it has a lot
of chairs with tables. In additional, it has two one conditioners,
trash and one door. That means it has not enough space inside it.
1.5 College:
College of Telecommunication and Information (CTI) is in
K.S.A exactly in Riyadh and Jeddah. CTI contracts with a
company which gives them a foreign teachers. However, it's a
big college and it has many buildings. So, each building has
special subject to teach for example, English's building,
telecom's building and so on. After that, CTI has crash course
for teaching English language when anyone graduate from it.
Last but not least, when anyone graduate from CTI he will has
two diploma certificates.

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

Chapter 2: curriculum analysis
2.1 Course information
The department of this course is Communication Techniques.
The major is communication. In this course, we will learn about
Basics of Communication which is the course title. The code of
this course is COM 136. The previous or the Prerequisites
course code is COM 115. This course has five of the credit
hours, four hours of lecture, two hours of workshop and it
does not have an hour of tutorial.
2.2 Course Description:
This course covers an introduction to communication principles
and fundamentals, including different types of modulation and
demodulation techniques. Also, the effect of noise on signal
transmission is described.
2.3 General Course:
At the end of this course , the trainees will be able to understand
block diagrams, describing different modulation methods and
frequency division techniques. Also they will have the ability to
distinguish between different receiver structures.
2.4 Specific Objective:
1. Deal with communication principles and fundamentals.
2. Deal with analogue communication systems.
3. Deal with the factors affecting transmitter and receiver
4. Deal with the different practical modulation circuits
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

2.5 Content
Principle of amplitude modulation
2.6 Units:
Amplitude modulation transmission and detection
Chapter 3: Content Analysis
I will link previous lesson which are parameters amplitude,
frequency and phase with this lesson because they have a related
between them. Then, I will link this lesson which is AM with
the next lesson which is FM.
3.1 Speaking without tongue

How can they speak each other without using tongue at the same
time they cannot understand the body language?
This example related to the modulation because in this example
you cannot talk without your tongue as well as modulation.

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

3.2 Modulation:
-Modulation Is one of the most important processes in
-It enables transmission of the signals in long as well as in short
-It is used in early telecommunication systems
Telephony (FDM)
Radio Broadcasting (AM, FM)
TV Broadcasting
It is used in modern communication systems
- wireless communication systems
Mobile Cellular Network
- Cable modem
- Optical communication Systems
- internet
3.3 What is modulation
Modulation is the process of modifying one of the parameters of
a signal, called carrier according to the message signal.
3.4 Why we use it
1. Ease of radiation
- If we wish to throw a piece of paper (baseband signal),
it cannot go too far by itself.
- By wrapping it around a stone (carrier), it can be
thrown over a longer distance.
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

2. At the same time transmission of several signals
- FDM (Frequency Division Multiplying) uses analog
- TDM (Time Division Multiplying ) uses pulse
3.5 Types of modulation:
Depending on the type of the message signal and on the type of
the carrier signal, modulations are grouped into the following
Analog modulation
Digital modulation
Pulse modulation (modulation) Liner coding
3.6 Analog modulation
Message signal is analog
Carrier signal is a sinusoidal
Types of the analog modulation:
AM (Amplitude Modulation)
FM (Frequency Modulation)
PM (Phase Modulation)
Analog modulation is the process of modifying one of the
parameters of a sinusoidal signal, called carrier, according to
variation in the amplitude of message signal.
The carrier signal has a higher frequency than the message
The spectrum of the message signal is transferred into the
higher- frequency band.
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

Demodulation is the process of extracting the message signal
from the modulated signal.

3.7 Amplitude modulation
Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in
electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting
information via a radio carrier wave. The amplitude of the
carrier signal is varied according to the message signal. The
frequency of the modulated signal remains same as the carrier
Consider a carrier wave (sine wave) of frequency f
amplitude A given by:

Types of AM
AM (Double Side Band with Carrier
DSB-AM (Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier DSBC)
- BW = 2W = 2*BW of the message signal
SSB-AM (Single Side Band AM)
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

- BW = W
VSB-AM (Vestigial Side Band AM)
- BW = W 2W

Advantage and disadvantage
- One of the most advantage of the amplitude
modulation is able to transmit a message on long

One of the most disadvantage of all amplitude modulation
techniques (not only standard AM) is that the receiver
amplifies and detects noise and electromagnetic
interference in equal proportion to the signal. For this
reason AM broadcast is not favored for music and high
fidelity broadcasting, but rather for voice communications
and broadcasts (sports, news, talk radio etc.).

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

3.8 Video
If that possible about Amplitude Modulation

Chapter 4: Didactic Analysis
4.1 Didactic Principle of Reduction,
Motivation and Methodological change
First, I would like to make my lesson sample and this way called
didactic principle of reduction. That means Horizontal which I
will make my lesson easy. Unfortunately, the students cannot
speak English very well so, I am going to teach them by using
Arabic language and a little of English language. Second, I will
skips some information because my lesson is 15 hours and I am
going to make it in 50 minutes and this is called Vertical. Then,
I will start my lesson for giving the students example on power
point for daily life in a problem this is called (Inductive
approach). Next, I will use didactic principle of methodical
change by using the action form like lecture, case study and
classroom conversation by using the social work like individual,
partner and so on.
4.2 Didactic Principle of Vividness:
In the begging of my lesson I show the students a picture with
question on it. Then, I will ask them what do you think about
these picture and the question? After that, I will explain to them
the picture this is the first part. At the next part of my lesson I
will explain the second part by using small whiteboard that you
can anyone carry it with different colors to make it very clear
and easy to understand it. The last part I will show them a short
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

video and I will repeat the video twice time, in the first time the
video will keep going and the second time I will separate the
video with explanation to make it easy for the students.
4.3 Didactic Principle of Self activity and
Next, in the middle of my lesson I will divide the students in 3
groups work. Then, I give each group one big sheet with marker
to write on it but before that, I will make each group searches
about the types of the AM and one of the advantage and one of
the disadvantage. Then, I will make each group explains about
the advantage and disadvantage of the AM. And this way is
motivated the students and also is good to change the methods.
4.4 Didactic Principle of securing
In the last my lesson I will secure the lesson to give the students
homework about what we did in the all our lesson and I will add
a special question to think about it which is about the next
lesson. This way is to ensure the students prepare the next lesson
to make it easy for them.

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

Chapter 5: Lesson plan
5.1 General Information
o Topic: principle Amplitude Modulation
o Name: Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli
o ID:202332116
o Date: 6/5/2014

5.2 Objectives
General Objectives:
The students will be able to
1. Interact with the trainer (Affective)
2. Listen to each other(Affective)
3. Interest in the lesson with students(Affective)
4. Help each other in the class (Affective)

Specific Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to
1. Describe what is modulation and Amplitude
(Cognitive, Reorganization)
2. Explain the analog modulation (Cognitive,
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

3. Discuss the one of the most advantage and
disadvantage about AM(Cognitive,
4. Make summarize for types of the
AM(Cognitive, Reorganization).
5.3 Overview of the Intended Process
Opening /Entrance/Motivation Methodology Media Time
Expected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Minutes
-The trainer will start the lesson by
greeting about himself such as he
will tell the trainees about his rules
which it: 1- be attention. 2-turn of
your mobile or make it silent.3- if
you want to ask me or to answer my
question please rise your hand. By
(English and Arabic language)

-The trainer will discuss about
previous lesson which are
parameters (amplitude, frequency
and phase).by (Arabic language)
- The trainees will discuss with
the trainer about that


-The trainer show the students a
picture How can they speak each
other without using tongue at the
same time they cannot understand
the body language? Then the
trainer will ask them what do you
think about that? By (English and
Arabic language)
-The trainees will analysis the
idea of the picture with the
trainer about the problem. Then,
we will recognize about question
-Case study.


6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

-The trainer will gives the trainees
work sheet to write the important
information for them and also to
follow the trainer.

-The trainees will apply about
what the trainer said.

Body(Information/Elaboration) Methodology Media Time
Expected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Minute
-The trainer explain his picture due
to inter his lesson which is
modulation. Then, the trainer will
explain what is modulation and why
we use it? By (English and Arabic
The trainees will identify about
the relationship between the
example of the picture and the
part of the lesson
-The trainees will compare the
previous lesson and also will
solve the question this lesson

-The trainer will explain the analog
modulation. Then, he will discuss
about the types of the analog
modulation. By (English and
-the trainees will identify of the
Amplitude modulation.
-lecture Projector


-The trainer will show the diagram
of the analog modulation. By
(English and Arabic language).

-the trainees will build the idea of
the analog modulation and
demodulation on their mind.


-The trainer will explain Amplitude
Modulation AM , consider a carrier
wave and amplitude
By (English and Arabic language)
-The trainees will define the AM Lecture

-The trainer will divide the trainees
to 3 groups that mean each group
has 5-4 trainees. Then, the trainer
-The trainees will search and the
will summarize the information
by their phones. Next, each group
Group work
6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

will give them one big sheet with
marker due to search on the internet
about the types of AM and one
advantage and one for disadvantage.
After that, the trainer will make the
trainees explain a little bit about
what did they get.
By (Arabic language)
will explain.
-the trainer will compare the
trainees answer and the trainer's
answer. After that, I will draw about
(message, carrier and AM). By
(English and Arabic language)
The trainees will compare their
answer in who have the correct

Power point
Paper of A4
The trainer will show the trainees a
short vides twice time. In the first
time no stop the video at the second
time the trainer will stop each part
in the video to explain it. By
(English and Arabic language)
The trainees will organize the
idea of the AM
video 5

Close (Reflection, Exercises, Homework, Feedback) Methodology Media time
Expected Trainer-action Expected Trainee-action Minutes
-The trainer will give the trainees a
homework and also the homework
has special question about next
because it's useful idea to make the
trainees prepare the next lesson
about FM. By (English language)
-The trainees will solve the
homework and the will bring it
next week to discuss about it

6/5/2014 VFP-2 TTC
Mohammed Ibrahim Mujalli (ICT-TE-7)

5.4 Applied Didactic Principle:
Didactic Principle of Reduction by using the vertical
and horizontal way.
Didactic Principle of Motivation by using a case
study at the beginning of the lesson.
Didactic Principle of methodological change by
inductive approach.
Didactic principle of vividness by using clear
structure, pictures and colors.
Didactic principle of self-activity by doing group
Didactic principle of securing information by giving
a homework.
5.5 References:
o Analog Modulation book from TTC

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